General :: How To Share DB Using Security Wizard

Oct 10, 2014

I created *.mdb database and I used (user-level security wizard) to give each user a username and a password. The dB file is saved in D: drive. The security wizard created a shortcut on the desktop to open the dB through it. After using that wizard I cannot open the database directly from drive D:.If I try to open it , it says"You don't have necessary permissions to use the database".Now, there are many users should use this db through the network.

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Need Help With Security Wizard

Apr 11, 2007

HI, I am using Access 2003

I tried using the security wizard and I think I, I know I should have read up rather that trying to set it up. I printed the security report so I can get back in to the db but now all db's on this pc require me to log in now. How do I remove this security? Can I just delete the security db that was created by the wizard?

Thanks for your help.

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Trouble With Security Wizard

Apr 24, 2007

Hello all, its been a very long time since I've been here. I'm having to brush off the dust and get back to using Access a bit here and I'm tasked with trying to set permissions on a database which our department uses. The actual database I will eventually set permissions on is an Access 2000 DB.

I've tried setting up security years ago and had all sorts of problems and then abandoned the project. So now I am re-trying and I used a test db to do this so I didn't screw things up. The test db is Access2003. I've read tuturials on how to use the Wizard, but I continue to "lock myself" out of the db.

Here's a step by step process of what I've done.

1) Create a new workgroup information.
2) Name my WID (left it as the random alphanumeric code) and selected the "I want to create a shortcut to open my security-enhanced database."
3) Have all database objects selected for security.
4) Selected "Full Permissions" and "Read-Only Permissions" groups for the workgroup information file.
5) Entered Users.
6) Set User permissions.
7) Saved the copy of the unsecured database.

When its all done then when I try to open the database and I receive the following popup.

"You do not have the necessary permissions to use the <database> object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you."

What steps or concepts am I missing here? What I don't understand is shouldn't there be a login popup that comes up when opening the database? This is one area of access I understand very little about. Do the mdw files need to be in a specific location? I appreciate anyone's help on this. Thanks.

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Questions About Prep For Security Wizard

May 11, 2005

Hi All, Forgive me for being a bit anal but I always prefer prevention over cure any day.

First I do have a back up of the db. (Access2K)
It is run on a Public drive with controlled folder access and is used by Multiple Users internationally via Citrix software. Assuming Access uses Windows API's to verify the user logged in, no passwords should be necessary.

Upon using the security wizard it will create a new mdw file. Should this be located in the root of the server or would the same folder (a different drive in server) that the db occupies be sufficient?

Currently this is a standard mdb. I tested a FE/BE configuration and for some reason this ran incredibly slow on our network. Not wanting IT to elaborate on lack of funding, I opted to remain with original configuration.

The shift option on open is password protected.
Is there anything that I've overlooked?
Any and all constructive critique will be appreciated.


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Security Wizard And Split Databases

Feb 10, 2006

Should the Security Wizard be run to create the user rights before or after splitting the database? If it's run before splitting, does that mean that the .mdw will control both the front end and back end, versus running it after splitting it will only control the front end? I'm planning on having the back end on a server with no user rights to traverse the directory.

When should I convert the front end to an .mde - before or after running the Security Wizard, before or after splitting?

Any and all replies would be greatly appreciated by this Access rookie.

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User Level Security Wizard

Aug 23, 2006

I need to give different users different levels of access to my database.

I ran the user level security wizard and have correctly created user accounts. I chose to make my account a member of the Admins group, and that appears to have worked in that I can go into User and Group Accounts and create accounts, remove passwords, change group membership etc.

However, I am no longe able to access the User Level Security wizard. Access gives me a message when I try, saying that I need to be a member of the Admins group to control security settings.

Can anyone confirm if this is correct or if I have done something wrong? I don't want to let my users start using the database and then find out I've actually locked myself out of some vital settings at a later date!

Thanks in advance,


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General :: Share Access File

May 2, 2013

I'm using access 2010. how should I share the access file I created that will be the best way?there are 20 users that need to add/edit/view the data.I read in some places that I need to do share on options and some said that I need to split the file to data and front file.

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General :: Relinking Tables To BE On Network Share?

Aug 8, 2012

I am having trouble relinking tables in my Front End database to my Back End database. My BE DB is on a network share and when I try using the link table manager to navigate to the correct folder I get an error message upon entering the network share folder that says:

The Microsoft Access database engine cannot open or write to the file "etworkfolder" It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data.

I have permission to the folder and have ensured that this folder is a trusted location path.

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General :: How To Share Access Database On Company Intranet

Jan 14, 2015

I want to consider ways of sharing an Access database within our company. This could be web-based via our intranet or done some other way.

I understand that Microsoft's preferred way of sharing via an Intranet is to use SharePoint. However, as we don't use SharePoint (we use Atlassian Confluence) the cost of that route would be prohibitive.

Any methods of sharing an Access database across, say, 20 people? Simultaneous read/write access would be required but in reality the usage will be low, so performance is not really an issue. I would like to consider web-based or other methods.

I have chosen Access 2013 simply because we use Office Professional 2013 and Access will be familiar to some developers. We could use a different product. But I would certainly prefer a tool that supports RAD design of forms.

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General :: Cannot Share Back End Database Under Multi User Environment

Apr 2, 2015

I have a Access data base (2007) which i splitted and store the back end database in a file server where all users have full control and the individual copies of front end put in the users computers. Unfortunately when one user is using the programme, others can not use. Following error msg appears. Both back end and front end are running under shared mode ( not exclusive ).

"Could not use xxxxxx_Be.accdb; file already in use."

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General :: Can't Change Listbox Column Header Name When Data Source Is A Share-point List

Jul 30, 2013

The following code works to change the column header name for a listbox in form view when the data source is a local table, but not when the data comes from a sharepoint list.

sqlstatement = "SELECT ID, PONum as [PO Number], ActDate as [Date], VendorName as [Vendor Name], Service, BuildingNumber as [Building Number], ReservationDescription as [Description], POAmount as [Amount], QuoteType as [Type of Quote], Comments" & _
" FROM ActivityLog" & _
" WHERE (Activity = 'AcceptReservation') AND (PSCName = '" & Me.PSCCombo4.Column(0) & "')" & _
" ORDER BY ActDate;"
'MsgBox sqlstatement
Me.EditPOListBox.RowSource = sqlstatement
sqlstatement = ""

Also it appears that there is no such thing as a caption property for a sharepoint list column.

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General :: Look Up Wizard Displays Numerical Value Instead Of Text

Mar 19, 2015

I am having some problem regarding the way the options in a lookup field is displayed. Currently the options are displayed numerically instead of displaying the actual text.

I have three tables which are ContactPersonnelT, OrganizationT and TrainingDonorT.

One of the fields in the ContactPersonnelT table is, Affiliation. This field is a lookup value (look up wizard) which comes from the OrganizationT table field, OrganizationName.

In the TrainingDonorT table I have a field called, ContactPersonnel. This field is a lookup value which comes from the ContactPersonnelT table field, ContactPersonName. In the drop down list of the ContactPersonnel, besides the ContactPersonName. I also want to display the Affiliation field. However, instead of displaying the text in the OrganizationName field, a numerical value is showing.

How to change the display to text instead of the numerical value.

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General :: Adding Registry Key With Packaging Wizard

Nov 15, 2012

When using the runtime version, there is an issue with trusted locations. The only way around this, it seems is to edit (add) the registry key,My research tells me the key to be added is:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0A ccessSecurityTrusted Locations]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0A ccessSecurityTrusted LocationsLocation(n)]
"Description"="The description"
"Date"="01.01.2007 12:00"

If I use the Packing Wizard with Access 2007 to prepare an installation disk, there is the option for Additional Registry Keys, which looks promising, however, I am unsure how to proceed. You are asked: Root, Key, Name and Value. There are 4 options for Root: Default root, Current user, All users, Classes root.

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General :: Lookup Wizard - Two Fields In Drop Down List?

Oct 14, 2014

I've managed to use the lookup wizard to show me two fields in the drop down list, first name and last name, but when i select a record I can only see the first name in the cell, not both.

Is there a way to display them both together?

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General :: Wizard Not Working When Adding Filter Buttons

Jun 19, 2012

I seem to be having a problem with access 2007

When I use the filter by form, filter by selection, and toggle filter buttons located on the ribbon, they work normally on my form, in the usual way.

However when I use the button wizard to add the various available filter buttons to my form, it adds the buttons with the correct graphics on - but in form view clicking on the buttons does not actually do anything.

I've tried running compact and repair but still the same.

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General :: How To Hide Parent Table In DLOOKUP Wizard In 2010

Dec 1, 2012

here I have capture what is error actually when i make a DLOOKUP wizard.the box of wizard. there i want to make a relationship with table2. but we could see that table1 still show. yes right, it's reality making error and show message ""you can't modify the structure of table, because it is already in use by another person or process"and warning message ""Microsoft access couldn't launch the lookup wizard, or this wizard has been disabled...blabla...blaa"

on my laptop, ms access 2010 nothing happen the mattter and when i make DLOOKUP, parent table have been not seen.and make DLOOKUP Wizard is successfull.

why in my PC, when i make DLOOKUP wizard, parent table still show?what is this bug for MS access 2010?

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General Workgroup Security Question

Dec 26, 2006


I cant seem to get a certain setting right. I am trying to setup a user for the database that I have been working on. It keeps saying the following:

"It says I do not have necessary permissions to open. Have the system admin. Or person who created the object establish appropriate permissions for you."

I have that person assigned to the following:

Full Permissions
Full Data Users
Updated Data Users

And they still are unable to open the database.

Now from what I have read on this forum, I shouldn't give any personal permissions. So I have assigned users to groups and given the groups permissions.

In regards to the security question, what are bare minimums for a user to open the database, use the switchboard, choose a form, enter/change data via the form, and view reports.

I dont know the difference between:

Read Design
Modify Design

And I am afraid to give more than what I need, and I feel like I am just guessing and hoping to set it right. Thanks for any direction in this area.

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General :: Always Have To Enable Security On Database

Jun 13, 2013

I have a user that has to enable the security everytime he opens a database I have. What would cause this? No one else has any issues and this user has all the permissions he needs.

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General :: Disable Security Warnings

Sep 21, 2012

I will be sending out copies of a program to several locations. Once I send the program I have absolutely no control over it. The FE file will always be in the same folder. The setup process creates C:MyFolder with the FE file in there. Is there a way to to programmatically disable the warnings throughout setup or to make C:MyFolder a trusted location?

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General :: User-based Security Disabled

Sep 24, 2012

I have an Access 2003 db being used through Access 2007 in order to use user-based security.It is a spit db with the be being on a shared server.For some reason, the security login has been deactivated after working fine for over a year. The user goes right to the autoexec macro file without having to log in.

They are also getting a "Read-Only" message at the top about only being able change table in linked tables.The DB is configured to utilize the logon as a parameter in some queries.

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General :: Extract PID From System Security Tables

Apr 7, 2013

I have inherited a 2003 db with unknown PIDs for the Group & User security.When trying to alter User details, I'm asked for a PID, so I'm trying to find the PID for the existing users.

I've gone to unhide the systems tables to get a dump of the data & hopefully find the PIDs but no luck so far.There is a Parent ID & if I run a query from the Users DB file, it appears as if it something like japanese writing ???

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General :: How To Avoid Visualization Of Security Alert

May 18, 2015

I created the .accde to distribute only the compiled file. But I have a problem. When you open the file .accde there is this problem of security: You can not determine whether the content is from a trusted source. Leave off the contents, unless they provide essential capabilities and the source is considered reliable. Open the file or cancel the operation? How Can I avoid the visualization of this security alert?

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General :: Database Security / User Permissions?

Nov 6, 2014

I have some Databases that were created back in Access 97 and have managed to upgrade these databases to work in Access 2013, fixing any modules and forms which broke when upgrading the databases.User access and permissions within the database were controlled by User Level Security (the Workgroup.mdw file) which is not secure anyway I guess, as someone could easily copy the entire database.

The database as it stands now works perfectly in Access 2013, however anyone can do anything with the database which is my main issue. Im wanting to limit access for certain forms / tables / reports to certain users, then out right deny other users from accessing the database.

Ive seen the SQL Server 2014 Migration Assistant for Access, which looks to store the tables on SQL server then map these to the Access database, so i guess i could deny certain users from accessing tables that way, or only allow them to read the tables. However I'm not sure how that would lock them out of certain forms / reports and queries in the databases?

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General :: Security For Database On Shared Drive

Oct 3, 2013

I need securing an Access database. I am about to put the database on a shared drive. I want myself to be able to do anything (of course), my co-worker Paul to be able to ONLY enter information (along with being able to view everything like forms and reports), and my boss to ONLY be able to view everything (form/report wise).

I found this post [URL] .... about how to secure a database. I spent all day doing it, but it didn't work at all! I just got a bunch of errors whenever I tried to do anything, so I deleted the database and re-used an earlier version.

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General :: User Level Security / Access Control

Jun 27, 2012

I have a question about user level security / access control.For my database I have a back-end containing the tables and a front-end with forms, queries and everything. I have set up the access user level security.Dependent from the access level of my users, some front-end options will be hidden and some queries retrieve only part of the data. For example: I have a form to calculate clients' end prices. A vendor can only see prices for his own clients, not for other vendor's clients.

BUT: to make the query work, all users need access to the tables and the back-end must be stored in a public place, right? Now all vendors can just open the back-end and see all information.Maybe protect the BE with a password and store this in the queries?

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General :: Database User Level Security Setup

Jul 2, 2015

I have a database whereby users already have to sign in with a username and password, using a form which them allows them to view a front page. The front page allows them to access data and add/amend it.

I now have to adjust this setup as we have directors who want to view the system, but we don't want them to amend it.

Is there anyway to change the current setup that I already have or do I have to scrap it and start again?

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