General :: How To Undo Delete Command In Datasheet View

Jul 9, 2013

When I had a subform (continous form) I had a code which check, that record was used in other form, if yes, then code not allowed to delete this record, if not, record was deleted. But now I have a datasheet form, and the question is, What should I do, to have the same results what I had in continous form.

Now it doesn't matter that I past this code in "Before Del Confirm", "On delete", "After Del Confirm", this code doesn't work in this view of form. Always if I click (right button) on record, then i choose "delete record" MS Access delete my record without checking that was used in other form or not.

If Not IsNull(DLookup("Id_Gora_Zlecenia.Value", "TblDolZlecenia", "Id_Gora_Zlecenia.Value=" & ID_gora_zlecenia)) Then
MsgBox "You can't delete this record because it is used in another form"
Exit Sub
End If
DeleteRecord Me
End Sub


Public Function DeleteRecord(ByRef f As Form) As Boolean
DeleteRecord = False
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If Not f.NewRecord Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

[Code] .....

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Undo Changes In Subform(in Datasheet View) From A Cick Event Of A Button In Main Form

Aug 5, 2005

Hi everyone!!
This is my first thread in this forum..Hope to get best from this site ..well i m facing a problem..i have a main form and a subform (which is in datasheet view) . Now i have a button called "close_form" in main form on whose click event i have writen this code :

Private Sub close_form_Click()
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70
Me.Controls.Item("fees sub").SetFocus
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70
End Sub

1. If i run this form directly from Access and there are no changes i do in the form and click this button then it gets hang after showing error "run time error 2046 ; the command or action undo is not available now " "press End or Debug or help"

2. As i have created a Custom menu, if i run this form from that menu then it does not show any error. But it runs fine for the first time but nothing happens on clicking this button the second time i open the same form ( in same session).
What to do ?? Please help ..

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General :: Datasheet View - Clearing Filters In Subform

Jan 4, 2013

I have a subform in datasheet view and a button on the main form which is used to clear all filters in the subform.

The button's OnClick event calls a procedure on the subform. The procedure in the subform has the following code :

Me.filter = ""
Me.filterOn = false
Docmd.Save acform, subformName
Debug.Print "Filter : " & Me.filter

I also have debug print outs which shows the current filter on the forms OnLoad and OnClose events.

Everything works fine but somehow when I reopen the main form (with subform) the filter gets reset to the previous one.

I can change filters and that saves ok but if I clear filter it always returns to the previous ones when I reopen the form containing the subform...

For reference the filter string in subform looks like "(qrySubformQuerySource.Fieldname)="xx""

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General :: Slow Datasheet View / Split Form

Nov 14, 2012

I have a database i have been working on (access 2007). In the past I have been using a list box to select records. Now I would like to use the datasheet view or split form view. Everything seemed fine until I moved to linked tables.

My problem is, with the same query, the listbox is lightning fast at changing the recordsource.

When I change the recordsource on a datasheet view or split form, it takes... ages and shows "Calculating.." On larger recordsets it freezes access.

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General :: Datasheet View - Date Picker Not Working In Subform?

Sep 11, 2012

I have a subform that is in Datasheet view. If I open this subform on it's own, the Date Picker works for the Date field. However, if I open the main form with the subform on it, the date picker doesn't work? Nothing happens when I select a date on the calender.

I am using MS Access 2010.

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General :: Restrict Users To Hide And Rearrange Columns In Datasheet View?

Mar 22, 2014

I am displaying table records in access form Datasheet view. While business users accessing that form, they are hiding and rearranging some columns for their use. So it will be hard for other users to access. I just want to know any settings are avaible in MS Access or can we accomplish this using any events or macro or modules??

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General :: MS Access Database - Show Long List Of Records When Browse In Datasheet View

Apr 12, 2014

I wonder how MS Access manage to show long list of records when we want to browse them in Datasheet view.

1 - Does it load limited amount of records on start-up and then load the remainder upon user interaction (scrolling for example)?

2 - Does it care about such things automatically or natively?

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Undo Command

Aug 30, 2006


I use a listbox and a command button on a form as criteria to open another form.

The click event of my cmdbutton has the following code that runs after selecting a record in the listbox:

If IsNull(Me![NAME]) Then
MsgBox "Sorry! No record selected"
Exit Sub
End If

DoCmd.OpenForm ("myform")

I have now created a menu bar and would now like to remove the command button and place it somewhere that can run when I select the menu to open a specific form.

Basically I need that when I select a menu from my menu bar, the code should verify is a record in the listbox has been selected.
If yes, then it will open that form, if not it should run the undo command and not open the form but bring me back to the form on which is placed my listbox (frmEforms).

Any help? Thanks.

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Undo Delete Records

May 2, 2006


I have a question.

How can I make undo delete records?

When the user select all the records, and then click "delete" key. Then it will delete all records.

I want to setup that there must be at least 1 record left.

If they select all the records and delete all, then it will undo delete all records. We have to keep at least 1 record.

What command to undo delete all records?

Please let me know, thanks.

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How Do I Show The Subform As Form View Instead Of Datasheet View :confused:

Jul 19, 2007

See title :)

I have seen that in some sample db's rightclicking the mouse showed the menu with an option to check or uncheck the dataview option, unchecked the formview was applied, but when i 'just' import the subform, i cannot find somewhere the possibility to change from dataview to formview.

Maybe someone can help me with this, probably very simple(?), question?

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Forms :: From Pivot View To Filtered Datasheet View

Nov 14, 2013

I want to "zoom" to the underliyng data from pivot view. When in excel someone doubleclicks a field in a pivot table, it automatically creates a table containing all the lines that field were made up from. I want to achieve the same behaviour in Access.I started to think towards a VBA coda, that could be initiated from the form's double click event. It should go to datasheet view with the prpoer filter criterias.

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I Want Datasheet View... Why Does It Keep Showing Form View?

Apr 6, 2006

I have a form which is opened with a filter from another form. For some reason it views the form in form view, although it was set up as datasheet view. I even went to the form properties and the default was datasheet and i made it not to allow other views. This still didnt solve it. I want it to be in datasheet view because i want to show multiple records at the same time.

If u kno how i could resolve this please offer ur help


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Access 2010 - Delete Form Command Button With A Password To Confirm Delete

May 6, 2014

All I am trying to do is insert to have a form with a "Delete Record" button on it. The problem is I don't want anyone to be able to delete a record, I would like someone to have to insert a password to confirm the delete.

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Datasheet View

Nov 3, 2006

when you select the Data sheet View you display error messages in the Accounts Sub reports fields.

The database has been included as a reference:
Forms- Double click Accounts Form By Discipline -data sheet view

Under Current balance,Spent, and Encumbered Columns you get error message instead of the actuall totals.

Please tell me how to correct this prolsdms

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Datasheet View

Aug 20, 2004

Is it possible to switch the view of a subform to datasheet when a command button on the mainform is selected?

I know it is something involving acFormDS...but I cant figure out the rest of the code! I appreciate your help in advance!

(P.S. I know you can right click the form and select datasheet. Unfortunately there are not many people here that are familiar with MS Access and I dont trust that they will know this)

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Datasheet View

Jun 18, 2007

I am reviewing a program that in datasheet view has '+' signs in the left-hand column -- it displays rows of companies. When I select a '+' another 'sub-datasheet view' of employees of that company appears, partially covering the original datasheet view of companies.
Is this the way sub-forms look in datasheet view or is something else involved?

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General :: Undo Changes Made To A Form?

Jul 23, 2012

It has really been awhile I posted in this forum
I have a form purchase order details, that I used to enter quantity of items purchased. I found out that I can't delete quantities entered on the form. It appears to delete, but on checking the quantity in the inventory, it was not deleted. The vba code in my quantity section of the page is this

Dim IT As InventoryTransaction
If Me![Quantity] = 0 Then
End If
AddPurchase Me![Purchase Order ID], Me![Item ID], Me![Quantity], NewInventoryID
End Sub

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Datasheet View In Subform

Jul 17, 2006

Hi. I am trying to create subform in datasheet view with one column (total 3)as drop down list. Is this doable? Thanks.

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Querying A Datasheet View

Apr 25, 2007

Is it possible to do a query of the datasheet view of a subform? If so, how does one go about it.


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OnLoad View As Datasheet

Mar 9, 2005


i have created subforms and set the Default View to Datasheet
Now i have a form where i am adding command buttons on it to load those subforms but They are not Loading it as DATASHEET VIEW.
Any Clue?


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Subform Datasheet View

Jan 5, 2006

I have a subform that is in databsheet view. When the user logs in to the db it sets the global variable with the group level they have.

I would like a column to be hidden for a certain group of users and have tried the following.

On the subform opening event i have

if vlevel = "engineer" then

me.Hours.columnhidden = True


me.Hours.columnhidden = False

End If

And i have done the same on the Main Form open event identifying the subform by Form!Subform![Hours].columnhidden = True

But neither worked.

Can any suggest something.

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Datasheet View In A Subform

Jul 25, 2006

Can anyone tell me how to manipulate a single cell in a datasheet view, or if it is even possible?

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Mimick Datasheet View

Mar 10, 2006

I have two Access files. One is just forms which I use as a front end app. The other is the database that I store all my tables/data/etc...

I want to run a query to display data from these tables and display it in like a datasheet view. I know how to do this if it was all the same Access file, but not how to do it with two separate files.



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Getting Rid Of The Row Header In Datasheet View?

Nov 17, 2013

I am trying to get rid of the row header (the little square next to a record) when in datasheet view.

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Change The Datasheet-view Properties

Oct 24, 2005

I created some forms in datasheet view. Now I want to change the datasheet properties (background color, text color...): the problem is that the forms I create with the new properties are displayed as I want, but the old forms are displayed with the old properties.
Does it exist a command to open the old forms/subforms with the new properties or do I have to re-create all the old forms?

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Datasheet View Not Displaying Properly

Apr 21, 2006

I'm using access 2003 sp2 with all the current updates. I've got several tables linked to a sql server 2000 DB. We use it for an app called Altiris. Most of the queries i've written from these various tables work fine. However, a couple of them for no apparent reason, do not display the correct data in the data sheet view when the query is ran.

for example, I have a simple query with two tables linked. The first field is asking for the "name" column of one of the tables. In the criteria of that column, I put something in to limit the names of the programs i'm looking for. Lets say I use LIKE '%adobe acrobat 7.0%' When I run the query, it returns a certain number of records, but in the name column, it has all wrong info. I just ran it and it came up with 4 records: "webcast....", "abacast client", "Ibm websphere", and something else. Nothing even close to "adobe...."

So then I export the query to an excel spreadsheet and then open. Guess what? It has the correct info. Four records of adobe acrobat. The other column I have is from the other table and is just listing pc names. They displayed properly in both datasheet and excel file.

does anyone have any ideas what could cause this? I've deleted the table and linked to it several times. I've used this table for many other queries and it works most of the time. I just have no idea what is causing it to do this for only a few queries.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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