General :: How To Use Stock Tickers

Jul 24, 2015

How do I use Stock Tickers in access?

for example:



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General - EPOS/Stock Database Questions

Nov 30, 2007

Dear Reader

I am a realtivly new user and I do not know alot of things about Access

I have set up a database, and within this database, i have a table with my product details (the products are books, details include: ISBN, Title, Stock Level, and Price), I also have a table with customer's information (Name, Contact details, etc). I have created an order form, from which a user selects the customers name from a drop down list, and then he selects his name, and finally the date. Following this the user then works within a subform.

This subform has the following details, Order ID, Book ID, and Quantity Ordered. After this I want there to be a subtotal. I have no idea as to how to set this up, but I am assuming that I would need a query or something, to look up the price of the books, and then to multiply it by the quantity that the customer wants. Following this ideally I would like a small box on the main form saying the total value of the order.

Would their be anyway, to add the book ISBN number into the subform, where the user could either type in the ISBN number or select from a combo box the book title, but either way, both fields are updated, what ever method is used.

From this subform, I would like to be able to print out an order summary/invoice. This would contain all the books ordered by the customer in the current transaction, as well as the customer’s information, and the total of the order.

And my final question is probably the hardest one. Is their anyway (possibly by pressing a button) to automatically minimize the stock value on the products table, by the quantity chosen by the user in the order form? And if the quantity wanted is greater than the amount in stock, for a message to appear on the Order Summary/Invoice stating "On Order"

Using the above method, would it then be possible through the creation of a query to show what customers have ordered in the past, in a tab on the customer's details form.

I have attached a copy of the relationships, as well as various images, the order form, customers’ details and product details forms.

Thanking you in advanced

*If more images are needed feel free to ask

Order Form

Product Form

Customer's Details Form


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General :: Add Result From Different Sections Into One Combined Stock?

Feb 3, 2013

i have a production database application in which there are many sections. every section's product stock is generated by running a complex query.

now when i want to add the result from different sections into a one combined stock , i could not design the query as it become too large and on running it produces the error "cannot open anymore database".

i think reason might be too many queries executing at same time .

so do i need to create a table from the stock queries of each section? and then add the tables to generate the combined stock query ?

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General :: Assign Stock To Customers In Access 2010

Jul 28, 2014

In MS Access i want to be able log jobs and be able to assign my stock to the jobs i have logged is this possible ? how to create a database to log jobs but how can i make it so when i add stock to the job it will remove it from my stock pool and assign it to the customer thus taking it out of stock.

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General :: Changing Stock Levels For Inventory Database?

Feb 7, 2015

Im building an inventory database for my company and have the tables, relationships, forms and query's built but im struggling to figure out a way to make all the quantities move around when I have a purchase order or sales order that either adds to removes from inventory.

My database is fairly simple as all I need to do is track what is coming and going and what is the current levels of inventory. I have for instance a product table that has all the information on what products I have and what their part numbers, item number (primary key), description and so forth, separate customer tables and supplier tables, as well as an inventory table setup similar to the northwinds database. I used queries to combine my purchase order and purchase order detail tables and to combine the sales order and sales order detail tables to make sales orders and purchase orders through their respected forms and all is good in that sense but it doesn't move the inventory numbers just lists what is in each purchase Order/Sales order.

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General :: Control System To Put Stock That Come Into Specific Location

Jun 18, 2015

I have created a stock control system where i put stock that come in into a specific location i can put the same item over several locations depending of the size of the location or i can can put more than one product in a location .

The problem im having is when i do a order that say remove half of all the stock in it is split over more than one location i cant seem to get it to remove the stock from the location to show space available.

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General :: Calculating Stock Level For Spare Parts From Transactions

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to calculate the stock level for my spareparts. I am aware of that I am not to update the stock level in my table but calculate the total from the transactions.

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General :: Maintain Stock From Daily Input-output Table

Feb 17, 2013

i have a production database in which i have different sections processing on the same product. i have a daily production entry form on which datewise entry is done for each section.

i want to maintain the total stock of each section (sectionB) with productName, input from sectionA , production from sectionB, balance (input-production) . presently i used query for this .. but i need a stock table in which entries should be inserted by an automatic query .. how should i achieve this :

1. by an append query who runs every time to append the quantity when a daily entry is made .??
2. by an update query to replace the quantity with a qty from totals query ?

i.e. what is the best method to maintain inventory from input & output tables ?

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General :: Database Design - Stock Tracking / Set Up Table For Each Location

Sep 10, 2012

I am planning my new DB and am contemplating the best design. It will be used for warehouse stock rotation and control of pallets. I want to track each pallet (product/time in/time out etc) to each pallet space within the warehouse. There are a total of 400 pallet spaces or 'locations' as i will refer to them as.

Now, would it be possible for me to have a table set up for each location? Will access object to having 400 tables in my data base?? Is there a limit?

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General :: Create New Table By Item ID To Show Balance Of Stock

Feb 17, 2014

I have created 3 tables for simple inventory.

a) Item details
b) stock in
c) stock out

All I simply want to do is create a new table by item id to show balance of stock.

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General :: Date Picker - Deduct 1 From Total Number Of Item On Stock

Jul 30, 2012

I'm creating s simple database to track my printer toner supplies, what i want is that..every time I select a date (using date picker) it will automatically deduct 1 from the total number of toners on stock. Right now, i have to input 1 in a field and it will update the remaining toners.

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Pls Hlp,how To Cut Stock?

Mar 21, 2006

hello, i am a newbie

pls hlp me:

how to do this, with access :


can you help me?


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Stock Update

Apr 11, 2006

I have a customer table with all the usual customer details (customer ID, name, address etc...), a transaction table (Transaction ID, Order Number, Customer ID, Title ID, Date, Status (order received, payment taken, ready for dispatch etc...)), and i have a Title table (Title ID, Artist ID, Name, Record Label, Quantity, etc...)

what would be the easiest way to update the title table everytime a new transaction was added to tblTransaction so that the quantity field in tblTitle would go down by one for the right title?

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How Would I Do This? - Stock Control

Apr 18, 2006

Have a fairly simple scenario I hope someone can help me carry out.

I am focussing on two tables: Sales and Stock

Stock contains information on each product
and includes a 'currentStock' field which is decremented with each sale.

Sales records each sale with date and stock id.

I want one action to update both tables, what would be the best method?


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Stock Calculation

Apr 19, 2007

Hi All

I am seeking the solution to a problem with calculating stock adjustments

We use a job code which comprises several stock items and labour which = a $ value

I have a form "work in progress" where I enter all the job details including the job code, the aim is to reduce the individual stock items from a table "Stock" when the job code is entered.

JobCode 25WE = 1 x power point, 25metre cable , 9 x clips

I have tried several methods but to no avail, is there a way of doing this

Thanks in advance

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Stock Levels

Oct 16, 2007

Hi hope someone can help. Thankyou in advance.

I have a small database for my warehouse that sells washing machines, fridges etc.

I am trying to get a grip on the stock control.
What I am looking for when a order is filled out on our order form is the stock number will reduce by the amount sold. Not sure how to make this happen.
I have the number of units in stock under the products table

ProductsID PK

Sounds simple but for some reason I cannot figure it out.


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Stock Levels

Feb 7, 2007

hello, i am new to this forum. i have been struggling on a project i am doing where i am tring to calculate the stock levles and keep track of them along with the re order level
i have calculated the current stock levlel, in a query called "stock level 3"
Here the total amount prodcuts sold are taken from the field called stock level.

Here is a break down of my original tables


And all their personal details such as contact details

This is where the order takes place and contains the following information

Delivery costs
Overall discount
Final Costs

Here is the specific details of one order.



Prod_ Unit_Details

SUPPLIER TABLE – with detaisl e.g Supp Id and account number


Money_Owed Delivery
Supp_Credit_ Limit
Overall discount





•In the query “All customer order details”, I have worked out the line total for each prodcut with in one order. I have timed the Qty_on_Order (customer order details table) by price (in the produt table) and by the discount(customer order details) this then gives the line total

Now to update the stock level I made a new query called “stock level Query”, where I added up the total number of each products sold, by adding the “Qty_on_Order” from the query “All customer order details”

I then made a new query called “stock level 2” where I calculated the amount left on the shelves by taking “SumOfQty_on_Order” of each product from “Qty_in_Stock” (form prodcuts table) to produce the field called “Qty_in_Stock”

I then made a new query called “stock level 3” where I inserted the same fields but an extra field called “Re_Order_level” for some reason could not add this to the query "stock level 2"

So far the system can add up the total number of products sold, for all the orders, and then automatically calculate the Qty_ in_ stock by taking away the “SumOfQty_on_Order” once a new order is made.

I then made forms where I go in my form to “customer”" and then to “making new order”.
Below is a sub form called “all customer order details sub form” . Here orders are made with defining "Qty_on_Order

I want to make a system which calculates for me i have ordered more stock then there is.
Howcan i now when i make sure when i place a new order in the query"All customer order details" , that if i order above the number of "Qty_in_Stock" (from query srock level 3), from the query “stock level 3”, that when I order more products then ““Qty_in_Stock”, in the query “stock level 3”, does not allow me to enter this and if it is possible please can you insert error messages on it.

I do not know if this helps .- I can not make the “Qty_in_Stock”, to appear in the actual table “Products”.
At the moment I can only update this in the query “stock level 3”. I am not sure if I need this so I can then set re order level which then comes up with an error message telling me when the re order level has been reached. -

As later on I will need to add on any products brought in from the suppliers to the Qty_in_Stock”, in the products table to be automatically updated.

"stock level 3".
here are the fields

Prod_ID (Products)
Prod_Name (Products)
SumOfQty_on_Order (from "stock level Query")
Qty_in_Stock: Products.Qty_in_Stock-[SumOFQTY_on_Order]
Re_Order_level (Products)

here are both sql from both queries

All customer order details

SELECT [Customer Order Details].Prod_ID,
[Customer Order Details].Qty_on_Order,
[Customer Order Details].Discount,
(1-[Discount])/100)*100 AS Line_Total,
[Customer Order Details].Order_ID,
[Customer Order].Cu_ID
FROM [Customer Order] INNER JOIN
(Products INNER JOIN [Customer Order Details]
ON Products.Prod_ID=[Customer Order Details].Prod_ID)
ON [Customer Order].Order_ID=[Customer Order Details].Order_ID
ORDER BY [Customer Order Details].Order_ID;

stock level 3

SELECT [All customer order details].Prod_ID,
Products.Prod_Name, [stock level Query].
Products.Qty_in_Stock-[SumOFQTY_on_Order] AS Qty_in_Stock,
[stock level Query].
FROM (Products INNER JOIN [All customer order details]
ON Products.Prod_ID = [All customer order details].Prod_ID)
INNER JOIN [stock level Query]
ON Products.Prod_ID = [stock level Query].Prod_ID
GROUP BY [All customer order details].Prod_ID,

please may help me and gice m,e soem tips it will be much appreciated or website/downloads.
Thankyou for your help, and if you find easier ways to do this can you help me.
Thank you so muh.

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Stock Reduction

Apr 30, 2007

Can anyone help.

I have a table with units in stock eg. beans 27 tins. An order is placed for 6 tins of beans. How can I reduce the amount of stock in my stock table.

Hope someone can help.


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Stock Update

Jun 19, 2007

I have a client who needs to build kits out items in his stock. So far I have a form where he can link the kit id to part id's. On the same form I have a text box which he can type in the kit id, then there is a list box which shows the parts linked to this kit, the list box shows the partid, part no and how many are in stock. I then have a text box which he can type in how many kits he wants to build. What I'm having trouble with is how to create an update query which will loop through the list box and adjust the stock to match whatever amount of kits he wants to build. So if he chooses to build one kit then one item will be added to the kit id and one will be taken away from all the parts in the list box linked to the kit id. I've searched this forum and can't quite find anything that will do this.

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Help With Stock Database!

Sep 6, 2007


I am creating a database which keeps control of stock. Each item is scanned in with a barcode scanner and given a unique stock number. The Manufacturer, System, Subsystem, Location and Classification is then added.

When a customer phones, and orders a product i.e. a camera, a customer order number can be added to the item in stock. The problem with this is that if the customer is ordering a number of items, and other items are not in stock yet, this item needs to be seen as unavailable. Due to large amounts of stock, i do not want to allocate the customer a specific item with stock number, but just allocate one of the many items of that sort. I do not want to allocate a specific item as when you go to collect the item from the stock room, every item of this type would have to be checked to find the specific stock number, which would be timely and difficult.

I tried using a make table query, which copies the information from the stock table, except the stock number, and so with this list, i will have a list of every item. I can then produce a table which shows me how many of each type of item is available. The problem is, this needs to update every time more stock is added, but i also need to be able to allocate a number of the items, and this becomes unavailable stock. At the moment, each time the query is run, the information is overwritten.

Please can someone help me if they can think of a better idea of how to do this! Im not that hot on programming, and so a in depth description of what to do would be great!


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Stock Query

Sep 11, 2007

Query does not return all stock. In basic form the database has 3 tables. One is “stock” another is “stock in” and the third is “stock out”.
I want to run a query using all three tables so that I can take stock out away from stock in. The problem is the column stock in (in the query result) only shows stock that has a value in stock out. If any stock items have not had stock go out the stock does not appear in the query result. I want stock in to show all items regardless if stock for that item has gone out. I think this can be done but I cannot figure it out.
Sorry if I have not made myself clear.
Please Help. Thank you Keith Hawes.

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The Trouble With Stock

Oct 26, 2006

Looking to see if anyone has any smart ideas?

I have a stock database and it is consisting of three parts. The first part is the parent. This is the complete item that people can buy. E.g a car.

The next level is a sub-parent. The pieces that go into making the car like the engine and wheels.

The lowest level is the parts that go into making these. Like the rubber, nuts and bolts.

I need it so that orders can be taken for the top level and for spares, the second level. When this occurs I need it so that the data base will take out the stock from the bottom level to build the pices for the higher levels.

E.g 1 car ordered is equal to 1 engine, 4 wheels and 1 car body.

1 engine is equal to 30 bolts and 50 kg of metal from stck and so on.

Then the same again but, with people only buying the engine.

How is it best that I relate through the tables to change the quantity of stock from the top to the bottom?

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The Trouble With Stock

Oct 26, 2006

Looking to see if anyone has any smart ideas?

I have a stock database and it is consisting of three parts. The first part is the parent. This is the complete item that people can buy. E.g a car.

The next level is a sub-parent. The pieces that go into making the car like the engine and wheels.

The lowest level is the parts that go into making these. Like the rubber, nuts and bolts.

I need it so that orders can be taken for the top level and for spares, the second level. When this occurs I need it so that the data base will take out the stock from the bottom level to build the pices for the higher levels.

E.g 1 car ordered is equal to 1 engine, 4 wheels and 1 car body.

1 engine is equal to 30 bolts and 50 kg of metal from stck and so on.

Then the same again but, with people only buying the engine.

How is it best that I relate through the tables to change the quantity of stock from the top to the bottom?

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Calculate Stock

Dec 20, 2004

Hey Guys.

I have a sub form based on an order table. I had another table which lists products which customers can buy. In the products table I have a field named "units on order" which I'd like to update when an order is made in the form and a field named "units in stock" which upon the user opening the order form again and clicking a button to say that particular order has been delievered, the "units in stock field in the products table will had added the quantity chosen in the order form.

Any suggestions?



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Need To Know Stock On Hand

Aug 12, 2004

I have a database of equipment that is hired out. When the equipment is hired out the date is recorded and when it is returned the date is also recorded. That same piece of equipment may then be hired out again. What I want to be able to know is what equipment I still have in stock at the base. I have tried many different attempts of trying to get this to work but I don't seem to be having much success. Could someone please tell me how I can do this.

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Stock Query

Sep 11, 2007

Query does not return all stock.

In basic form the database has 3 tables. One is “stock” another is “stock in” and the third is “stock out”.

I want to run a query using all three tables so that I can take stock out away from stock in. The problem is the column stock in (in the query result) only shows stock that has a value in stock out. If any stock items have not had stock go out the stock does not appear in the query result. I want stock in to show all items regardless if stock for that item has gone out.

I think this can be done but I cannot figure it out.
Sorry if I have not made myself clear.
Please Help. Thank you Keith Hawes.

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