General :: Hyperlink Based On Field Value

May 21, 2013

I have excel file with two fields:


Model |Website
Toyota |Press..
Honda |Press..

Website column is a function:


When importing to Access , the link is disappeared.

How to keep the 'Website' field value, based on 'Model' (as in Excel)?

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Use Hyperlink To Open Form Based On Value In The Field?

Jun 12, 2014

I have a continuous form that lists all unapproved invoices. I would like to have a hyperlink at the end of each row that says Review and will open another form that queries the details of the unapproved invoice based on the invoice number in the current row.

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Reports :: Hyperlink One Report To Another Based On Field Selection

Nov 29, 2013

I have a report that shows me an employee number that pulls data from the database, once that information is pulled, it shows me the results, I need to look another level down. Is there a way to put in a hyperlink to another report from the original report? example: Employee number 22 jobs worked on: 2214, 2218, 3222 From within this report, I would like to open job 2214 Is this possible?

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Tables :: Auto Generate Hyperlink In Table Based On Field Name

Aug 29, 2014

I Have a table with 15000 entries. This table lists components we use. This table is used to generate queries/forms. I have been asked to add a hyperlink to this table to link to a drawing of the component. All the drawings are in PDF and in the same folder. I am looking for a way to automatically update the hyperlink fields all at once. The Hyperlink will be in the format of servershareddrawings12345.pdfwhere 12345 is the component name from the table.

But there are a few small problems with the component names.
1. If the component begins with a B- . The drawing name will be all the characters except when there is a second dash in the component. So if the component is B-12345-678 the drawing name will only be B-12345.
2. If The component begins with AB, The drawing will be the first 5 characters regardless of what follows, e.g. AB123.
3. Finally for all other components the full component name will be the drawing name.

Putting the naming to one side, how to go about auto generating the hyperlink. I have posted this in the table section, but maybe this should be in another section like queries or VBA.

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General :: Hyperlink Friendly Field In Access

Oct 10, 2012

I'm trying to create a pdf report displaying records in a columns, with each record having its own hyperlink. Rather than displaying the actual hyperlink, which is quite long, I'd like to portray a friendly_field like in Excel (Hyperlink("Link"). Hyperlinkpart doesn't seem to do this.Is there a formula I can create in a query where I can reference each individual hyperlink but show it as a "friendly_field" such as "Link"?

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General :: Autopopulation Of Field In Table Based On Entry In Second Field

Jul 22, 2014

Please see attachments. (384.0 KB) (58.8 KB)

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General :: Datestamp Based On Field

Jan 8, 2013

I have a table with a field called "Close Reason" that starts out blank. I have a second field called "Date Closed" which also starts out blank

This field is used on a form called "Opportunity Details" via combo box. (The form is based of a querry that calls the table up)

When someone changes "close reason" with a selection from a drop down box, I want to insert the date into "Date Closed"

I suspect I need something on "After update", and have tried

"=[Opportunities]![Date Closed]=Now()"

This generates an error

It says the object dosen't contain the automation object "Opportunities"

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General :: Text Box Based On Field Value

Jun 26, 2013

Is there a way to have a text box filled out based on the value of a field. There will be only 2 possible phrases for the text box.

=IF( <Expr> Forms![Workorder]![Disposition])=("Return As Is","DISAPPROVE","APPROVE")

This is what I have tried but I get syntax error.The form is Workorder and the field is Dispostion. When the Disposition is "Return As Is" then I want to have the text box yield "DISAPPROVE" otherwise it should be "APPROVE".

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General :: Update Total Based On Another Field

Oct 30, 2012

After testing it, the database got corrupted. I had backed it up just prior to using this.

It was something like = Sum(Abs[AmountPaid], [Paid] = "X")

I have a continuous subform with an "AmountPaid" column. The total is displayed in the subform footer. I need it to display the total for only the fields with an X in them denoting that they were paid. This total should match the statement we receive.

After clicking the button to put the X in the Paid field, then I used the formula to update the AmountPaid field.

Joe..........10..... X
Flo.......... 25

.....Total = 15

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General :: Update Field Based On Date Range

Sep 7, 2012

I have 2 tables like this



Is their a way to update the TotalBatches in TableA with the sum of NumBatches from tableB that have the same BatchType and falls between the FromDate and ToDate of TableA?

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General :: Populate Report Field Based On Combo Box

Sep 6, 2014

On paper I have designed a faculty contact database and have now come to the point where I am designing the form. In the contact information table are Cell, Home, Office fields as well as Personal, Work, Alternate email fields which will contain the corresponding information. On the form after the information is entered the person needs to select an option from each of four combo boxes to indicate which is the preferred number, number for student, preferred email and email for students. The question is how to populate the text fields in a report based on the selection of the combo boxes with the information stored in the corresponding field (cell, home, office phone numbers and personal, work and alternate email). I am assuming it is done in the query but I don't know how or can it be done in vba?

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General :: Populating Field Based On Combobox Selection?

Oct 29, 2013

I have a table of raw materials that have two fields, their stock code and longer description.

I have another table that is tracking the usage of these materials. I want both the stock code and longer description to be recorded in the usage table.

I want the "Description" field in the usage table form to auto populate when the user selects the corresponding stockcode from a combobox.

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General :: Having Field Automatically Populate Based On Selection?

Aug 5, 2013

I have a training log that has 4 tables, the employee table, the training course table, and the department table.

These tables all contain the names of employees, training courses, and department in one field and their respective ID codes in the other.

The 4th table is the actual log where the manager logs in who took the training courses. When the manager goes to select the employee name, course name, and department name is there a way not using VBA for the respective ID number to appear in the 4th table (they use the same field names and are related)

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General :: UPDATE Field In Table Based On DISTINCT Values

Mar 12, 2013

Below is a sample of the table with the data. I manually added the 1 and 0 to the hc_Year field. However, I would like to create an Update query that will add a 1 to the hc_Year if its the first instance of PIDM & regsYear and add a 0 to the records that are not the first instance.

PIDM | regsYear | hc_Year
52 | 2009 | 1
52 | 2010 | 1
201 | 2007 | 1
201 | 2007 | 0
201 | 2007 | 0
201 | 2008 | 1

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General :: Determine Value Of Any Field Based On True And False Statement

Aug 5, 2013

In a form, the value of any field may determine if the other field will be true or false. For example in my form, inventory, if value in code is equal to 2 then the Field Table will be automatically false.

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General :: Automatically Update Field Based On Entry In Another Table

Jan 14, 2013

I have two tables, one called 'Company' and one called 'Person'. Both tables have several fields, but they both have the same primary key, i.e. 'Naam'.

When I type in a name in the 'Person' table, I'd like the 'Company' table to automatically display the name too. So for example if I type in 'John Doe' in the person table, I want to be able to switch to the 'Company' table and have the same name displayed there, automatically.

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General :: Make A Field Based On Data From Multiple Other Fields

Feb 19, 2013

Let's say I have a table called "Courses" which among other things has "Completed"(Yes/No) and "Category"(Text).

Now, there also another table "Progress" which has similar columns.

I want Progress.Completed to reflect if all courses of the specified category have been completed.

How would I do that? I'm new to access ...

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General :: Database That Has A Hyperlink On Table

Jan 8, 2014

i have a database that has a hyperlink on the table, my concern with this is that if the folder with the linked items(pdfs) is moved to a different location then does that mean that all the links will not work? if this is so is there a way to get the links to point to correct items other than manualy doing it ( there are thousands of links ) the reason i have used links is to keep the database small in size.

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General :: Copying Hyperlink As Text

Mar 15, 2013

I need to get an email address from a field and place it onto another form.. HOWEVER I dont want it as a hyperlink, nor do I want the mailto blah blah coming over.. I just want the email address as TEXT.In the application the user opens the email form by clicking an icon on an invoice screen, this will allow them to automatically email to the client.. Once they open the email screen they naturally see an arrangement of other boxes where they can enter subject, email description etc..

At the same time there are two boxes, the "To" box and the"From" box... I want these boxes to be auto updated with the email address (to save time). When the user clicks the icon on the invoice screen it automatically copies and displays the email address of the client in the "To" box on the invoice.. The problem I am having is that it is displaying as useless information which is associated with the hyperlink.The email address comes from a field that has already previously been associated as a hyperlink, and it HAS to come from this field, I have no way around it.... All of this information is coming from an address book section from a field that is a hyperlink field.. If it was a txt field then I would not be having this problem.

As I already have various forms open displaying information I am able to used simple code to fill in various bits of info to save time... Because of this I am using simply code to copy the email address from one form to another:

Forms![Email]![To] = Forms![AddressBook]![Email]

Obviously the above code is simple and works for 90% of this type of approach, however there must be some other code that I need to use to first translate the email address to text...

In the end I don't care what I have to do as long as it works.. Remember though that the original field is a hyperlink field and must remain so, I cannot simply convert that to txt..

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General :: Setup A Hyperlink To A Webpage?

Feb 26, 2013

How would I setup a hyperlink to a web page, from Access?

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General :: Use Hyperlink Command In Switchboard Database

Apr 17, 2015

I have a number of databases in my system and I created a database that only has a switchboard form in it. This switchboard form has links to all of the various databases I have created and opens their default input form. This works fine but now I wish to place a button on the switchboard to run a report that is located in one of the databases.

I tried to use the hyperlink command in the switchboard database but that will not show me the information in the other databases only the switchboard database. I assume I have to link the databases and create a connection to the other database and its report.

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General :: Restrict Access To Database While Still Being Able To Add New Hyperlink?

May 15, 2013

How do I restrict access to the database while still being able to add a new hyperlink? I tried deselecting the "display navigation pane" option. But when I do this I am unable to add/edit a hyperlink in a form - when I right-click the only option I get is "add to favorites" rather than "edit", etc.

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General :: Using Hyperlink Data Type And Textbox To Get Path

Jul 24, 2014

Im trying create a new form to add our current database that will password protect excel, word and if possible pdf documents when they are dragged onto it.

For now I only have 2 boxes 1 containing the password to be applied and the other to drag the file onto.

I have it all working so once its dragged on it works out if its a word doc, opens a hidden instance of word which then resaves it with a coded password.

The problem comes when change it so the user enters the password to protect it, when they enter a password or click on the drag box it doesn't allow the drag. it seems once they have entered the record the drag option is not available anymore.

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General :: Hyperlink In A Form - Run Time Error When Clicked

Sep 20, 2013

I am having a problem with Hyperlink in a form when I click it tells me Run time error Microsoft access cannot follow hyperlink. Each records has its own link for specific file. If I click the link in the table it opens with no problem but in the form I get the error message to debug or end if I hit End it open the link.

Looked at the form - on click event procedures my command is

followhyperlink me.privileges

Am I missing something.

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Modules & VBA :: Bulk Update Of Hyperlink Text To Display Not Hyperlink

May 29, 2014

i have thousands of data records with hyperlinks that are correct. Each data record shows the actual link (,,, etc.). However, i want to change all of the records to just say "link" instead of saying, etc. How can i do this automatically without having to manually right click, edit, and changing the text to display?

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Hyperlink Field

Dec 5, 2007

Is there any way to have a hyperlink field in a table that has a very long path to the file show something different?

Example C:Documents and settingsMy FileOther FileThis Fileme.pdf

Woud like it to simply show "Open File"


Fen How

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