General :: Including Custom Notes On Orders

Feb 24, 2015

I'm looking to simplify some aspects of our company's order database, including standard notes that appear on the sales orders that we send to customers. We have different lines of business and the notes vary. We currently have several reports, depending on the type of order, with the notes hard coded in labels. It's not an elegant, nor scalable, solution.

Our ideal solution: One order report only, with an option for the user to select one or more notes from a list when they enter the order. I'm thinking a popup form with a checkbox next to each note, where each checked note will print on the order report.

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Modules & VBA :: Entering Orders Into The Orders Table?

Mar 5, 2014

I have a database where I have 3 tables. first is client data, second orders data and third the products data.
What I would like, is to have a button on my form that after selecting from a combobox a product, it wil enter it in the tabel orders in the next available free record (row). I created a button and the combobox in the client form. The Products table has also the price per unit in it. It should take the whole row of data and put it in the Orders table.

Is there a way to do this? I guess it needs to be done with vba, but not sure.

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General :: Auto Create Orders And Products Every Week

Apr 14, 2013

I have an Access database that contains Orders and its delivery status with the sub table Products that have relative records of the order, I want to Auto Create the New Order with the Same Products (sub tables that have foreign key of Order Id) on the order due date, how to do that so whenever the order is due, it will be auto created with the same specs which i will change manually!

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General :: Keeping History Of Notes / Comments

Mar 26, 2014

How to extract the comment system from the Contacts Web Database template found in Access 2010? I can upload it if you like.

I would like to use it in a standard desktop database to track notes and comments in my records.

I am able to convert it from web to standard, but it still appears to use data macros or something, and my knowledge on macros is limited.

I just want to keep a history of my notes for each record, with the most recent always listed, and the comment system in the Contacts Web Database template seems perfect for that. I just don't know how to implement it into my desktop database.

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General :: Create Invoice Per Month Of Multiple Orders Per Customer?

Mar 19, 2013

My current database creates an invoice per order. Until now that worked wonderful. Now i want to create an invoice per month per customer with multiple orders on the same database. So i will have to create a new table/query on the existing order table.

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General :: Calendar Template - Track And Update Orders Daily

Mar 24, 2013

Does access have any calendar templates to track and update orders from day to day?

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General :: Create Email With PDF Attachment Using Lotus Notes

Jan 23, 2013

I need to create an email with an Access report attached as a PDF. I am using Access 2007 and Lotus Notes.If I use SendObject with acSendReport and acFormatPDF, it opens an email just fine but the attachment is created with some random letters and numbers and .tmp as the file name.

If I use Adobe Reader to open the attachment it displays correctly as a PDF, but I need the attachment name to be .pdf so it will automatically open with Adobe for the users.Is there a way to accomplish this with Lotus Notes? I have searched this forum and found some options for Outlook users, but not for Lotus Notes.

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General :: Put A Custom Button On QAT

Mar 19, 2015

I would like to create a command button that saves a report as a PDF. Currently I am using the built in "PDF or XPS" button but it always opens Adobe reader at the end and also a dialog with the option to save export steps. I want nothing other than a simple save dialog like I can do with a VBA command, but is it even possible to add a custom command to the quick access toolbar?

I know you can add custom commands to the ribbon but the user of this database keeps the ribbon minimized due to it eating up too much of his screen space. The QAT is always visible.

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Query From (and Including) Date - Thru (and Including) Date

Jun 16, 2006

Access 2000
Hi All.

I am running a select query on a date field.

I populate the table "date" field from a Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0(SP6).
I havent been able to figure out how to ONLY populate the date portion of the control so my field value containes Date & Time.

When I run the query, I have to select the day after my request to include the records I need. I think this is because of the time in the field
Example, If I want all records thru 6/17/2006 I must select "thru" 6/18/2006. This mucks things up if I have records dated 6/18/2006

Both of these statements give the same bad results:

Between [forms]![freports]![from] And [forms]![freports]![thru]

>=[forms]![freports]![from] And <=[forms]![freports]![thru]

Any ideas?

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General :: Custom Database Icon

Oct 17, 2014

Creating and installing a custom icon for my database but I'm still seeing the access icon. I've done these things:

-I made a 32x32 bitmap in photoshop.
-I saved it in the same folder as my database.
-I opened access 2007 with my database
-I went to access options/current database/application options/application icon and browsed for my bitmap.
-Clicked on use as form and report icon.
-Closed everything and reopened my database.

I couldn't see my icon anywhere in explorer, access or my desktop shortcut for my database.I repeated all this except I put the bitmap into an online icon creator and downloaded an .icon for win vista and win 7 which I selected as above.

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General :: One Form With Two Custom Ribbons

Aug 13, 2013

I have converted a 2003 database to the 2010 file format. In the 2010 database, I have created the USysRibbons table with 2 separate ribbons. One of the ribbons need to load depending on what the user chooses upon opening the database. I have a form that opens with the database and the user can either choose "Premium" or "Subsidy." I'm uncertain as to why the conversion will not replicate how the database works in 2003 but if I had to assume it would be because of the ribbons. I found a small piece of VBA that I think needs to be changed but I'm not sure to what or how. As of right now, I don't have a ribbon loading, just the form to load when the database is opened. Except I noticed that the "add-ins" opens the correct menu depending on which the user chose.

I actually went into Options--->Current Database--->Ribbon and Toolbar and selected a generic ribbon (File, which just has exit because it's the same whether the user selects Premium or Subsidy).

To clarify if needed, the user doesn't actually log in. The form that pops when the database opens has the drop down of either Premium or Subsidy. So really it goes like this:

Open database
Select Premium
Click Enter
Premium ribbon loads


Open database
Select Subsidy
Click Enter
Subsidy ribbon loads

Technically, if I could have just the form pop I'd be cool with that because on the form there is an Exit Application button where the user could click and exit the database. When either the Premium or Subsidy ribbon is loaded, I already have an exit in the coding.

Public Sub openRegion(authority As String, region As String)
If (cboRegion.value = region) Or (region = "ALL") Then
'open region selected
If cboRegion.value = "PREMIUM" Then
loadPremium authority

[Code] .....

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General :: Creating Custom Menu Bar For Form?

Jul 2, 2012

i would like to create custom menu bars for my forms report

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General :: Ribbon Load Custom Image

Oct 21, 2014

I have the following xml script in my table and I want to make the 3rd button be a image that is saved in my c drive.

<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="onRibbonLoad1">
<ribbon startFromScratch="true" >


I found the following getimage script but am not sure how to apply it to my button, I have seem various examples on sites but just can't get it to work.
Can I somehow set the icon path like C:Image1.png

Public Sub getImages(control As IRibbonControl, _
ByRef image)
Set Image = LoadPicture(getAppPath & control.Tag)

' Maybe something like
' Set Image = LoadPicture(c:image1.png)
End Sub

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General :: Custom Ribbon Always Jumps Back To First Tab

Jul 23, 2012

I've created a custom ribbon for my end users (Access 2010) and everything looks and works great except for one issue that is becoming a deal breaker for me and my end users:

I've got a number of tabs on my custom ribbon and on each tab there are a number of buttons that open various forms and reports. Anytime one of those forms or reports is opened and then closed, the ribbon jumps back to the first tab in my custom ribbon. So if you were on tab 3, opened a form and then closed it, you would be jumped back to tab 1.

Any workaround for what seems to be "by design" behavior for custom ribbons? The built-in ribbon does not do this.....

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General :: Custom Message For When Record Locking Is Set?

Oct 20, 2014

My database has been set with the 'All records' locking option set to prevent two or more people editing files at once. This is working fine but I wondered if there is a way to make a more personal message appear instead of the default Access one, just to maintain a uniform look.

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General :: How To Get Current User From Custom Login Form

May 2, 2014

how i can get a current user from a custom login form CurrentUser() this function always return a system user name admin as default. In my login schema i have a Hidden splash form that have a unbound field that holds user name from custom login form after login a dashboard execute and also display user name on dashboard according to user login ,this working fine for mine. Actually i want to make a currentuser stamp in every entry when a record is entered in database.

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General :: Remove Or Hide File Tab On Custom Ribbon

Apr 23, 2013

In Access 2010 I made a custom ribbon.The File Tab still gives users access to features that should not be available to them such as: Compact & Repair, Encrypt etc.I spent a few hours looking for a solution but found none that works.It does not seem to be possible to hide the File Tab, but is there a way to hide the options it reveals?

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General :: Custom Security Permissions For Employee Database

Nov 28, 2012

I was wondering if it is possible to create custom security permissions in access. For example I have created an employee database, with security. I would like to have it when a manager logs on, it will only display his employee's information and no other departments. Is this possible?? In one of the tables is a field for the department the employee works on, can it based off of a table field?

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General :: Possible To Create Custom Security Permissions In Access

Nov 27, 2012

I was wondering if it is possible to create custom security permissions in access. For example I have created an employee database, with security. I would like to have it when a manager logs on, it will only display his employee's information and no other departments. Is this possible?? In one of the tables is a field for the department the employee works on, can it based off of a table field?

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General :: Rearrange / Move Custom Categories In Navigation Pane

Oct 15, 2014

I use custom categories in the navigation pane to make finding the right objects easier (duh) but now I have quite a lot of custom categories and they are stuck in the order they were created in.

I would like to rearrange them into some logical order (maybe alphabetical, maybe custom) so i can find the categories quicker.

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General :: Custom Table Based On Users Choice Of Fields

May 15, 2013

I want to create a form where by the user can select the fields he requires and the table is created.

Example: I have a table of subjects like maths, english, french, chemistry etc,

The user can choose what subjects are available in that particular school and therefore a table is created based on the chosen subjects.

Is there any way it can be done even with vba?

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General :: Hidden Access Shell / Runtime And Print Preview Custom Ribbon

Dec 17, 2013

I have created an application. It has a split front end and back end. I plan to distribute the runtime version. I have used code throughout that "hides" the microsoft access shell for popup (modal) windows. In every form & report I have a function to show or hide the access window. Everything works great until I get to my reports. I open reports in print preview. I created a custom table (USysRibbons) and added a Reports print preview ribbon & xml. I assigned that ribbon to my report(s), and I assigned it in options as the default ribbon. If I test the ribbon (by working in the database using "shift" open) I see my ribbon. But, in when I open app without shift or or if I emulate runtime, I can't get the ribbon.

I have multiple popups forms, several non popup forms and a couple of reports.I just want to keep all the access background stuff hidden - except for needing the ability to print.

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Counting Including 0

Feb 24, 2006

I need to run a query counting how many policies a client cancelled. But I need the query to include zeros. Is this possible?

Here's my SQL Statement currently.

SELECT DISTINCTROW Pqry_CancelledPolicy01.Number, Pqry_CancelledPolicy01.Name, Pqry_CancelledPolicy01.POLICY_STATUS, Count(Pqry_CancelledPolicy01.Number) AS CountOfNumber
FROM Pqry_CancelledPolicy01
GROUP BY Pqry_CancelledPolicy01.Number, Pqry_CancelledPolicy01.Name, Pqry_CancelledPolicy01.POLICY_STATUS
ORDER BY Pqry_CancelledPolicy01.Number;

Thank you in advance for the help.

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Including Photos In Database

Mar 4, 2008

I've got a database that tracks name/address/phone, etc for a large group of people. I've recently added the ability to include a person's photo on the forms and reports. I've done that by saving the photos with the naming convention of [firstname]_[lastname].jpg and then using VBA, the database checks to see if there is a file with the corresponding name of the record and displays the picture if so.

It works very well, but I can see where I would have some problems in the future. For example, if someone gets married and changes their name, the corresponding photo must also be renamed to display properly. And if there are any misspellings, that becomes a problem. Also, if James decides he wants to go by Jim, the photo would not be displayed, either.

I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas on how I might accomplish my goal. I know I could name the photo based on the record ID, but that's not a good option, since I'll be handling the photos, while someone else will be inputting the contact details. So I won't know the recordID easily.

Is there some way to have another field in each record that points to the corresponding photo? Then if James goes by Jim, his first name can be changed, but the corresponding picture name could remain the same.

Is there some great idea that I'm missing that would make this process much simpler and scalable? Or do I just have to deal with the maintenance issues?


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SQL Not Including Records W/ Empty Fld

Jan 9, 2006

Can anyone tell me why this sql is not returning all fldProjectID's for selected fldProvinceID regardless of whether a date exist for that fldProjectID in fldReportRec_D??

SELECT tblProject.fldProjectNo, tblProject.fldTitle, tblProvince.fldProvince, tblReport.fldReportRec_D AS [Monthly Status Report]
FROM (tblProvince INNER JOIN tblProject ON tblProvince.fldProvinceID = tblProject.fldProvinceID) LEFT JOIN tblReport ON tblProject.fldProjectID = tblReport.fldProjectID
WHERE (((tblReport.fldReportTypeID)=1) AND ((tblProvince.fldProvinceID)=[Forms]![Form1]![cboProvince]) AND ((Month([fldReportRec_D]))=[Forms]![Form1]![cboMonths] Or (Month([fldReportRec_D])) Is Null));

thanks in advance

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Query Not Including All Data

Jul 31, 2006

I currently have a query set up to pull information from 4 linked tables: Event, Readers, Class and School. The Event table contains a ClassID and a ReaderID. If everything has been assigned properly, there's no problem. If there's no reader assigned to ReaderID I still want the event details to be included in the output. Right now it's not. I'm pretty new to Access so if anyone can help, that'd be great. If you need to be try to explain further, let me know.

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