General :: Invoice Number To Begin At 256 And Then Increase Incrementally

Jan 7, 2015

I just came across a problem that I didn't recognize before. I had an invoice table and corresponding form that had an autonumber for the invoice number. The problem now is that I would like the invoice number to begin at 256 and then increase incrementally, because I had some previous invoices from my books. How to go about doing this.

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General :: Return Max Number In A Field Then Increase By 1 For New Record

Oct 23, 2013

I'm using Dmax() to return a max number in a field which I then want to inc by 1 for a new record. Dmax is returning 999. I believe Dmax therefore thinks it's a text field. So where do I change this to a number field?

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General :: Getting Invoice Number Field To Auto Generate Next Number

Jun 2, 2014

I'm trying to get an invoice number field to auto generate the next number, keeping the format as "00000"...this is what I have, which gets the next number but drops the leading 0


Private Sub Customer_AfterUpdate()
If Len(Me.[InvoiceNumber] & vbNullString) = 0 Then
Me.[InvoiceNumber] = (DMax("[InvoiceNumber]", "[tblInvoiceNumber]") + 1)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If
End Sub

invoice numbers are 04024, 04025 I keep the formatiing?

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Tables :: Why Auto-number Is Not Incrementally Increasing

Jul 20, 2014

Using Access 2007..I have a table where the RecordID is an autonumber, and PK.To set this table up I have a load routine, (becuase I have done this multiple times for testing and further deveopment and I compact and repair the DB prior to loading) - the 690 records are correct numerically and autonumbered.This table has transactional data where existing records are updated and new records are appended.

I found the autonumber was not incrementally increasing - so no reseed the auto number (using ALTER TABLE 3IWSPLans ALTER COLUMN RecordID COUNTER (1000,1)) prior to starting the transactions.

New transactions will append correctly, up untill I amend a existing record (using a delete and append query via a staging table) - then the autonumber tries to reuse a number already in the table and because its not unique it errors.why the auto-number is not incrementally increasing correctly

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Modules & VBA :: Automate Generation Of Reference Number Incrementally By 1

Jul 29, 2013

I am trying to automate the generation of a reference number incrementally by 1.

In my main table (tblBooking) I have my primary key field autBookingID which is an autonumber.

In another table (tblBookingStops) I have the primary key as autBookingStopsID as the autonumber and then numBookingID linked to the above table (tblBooking). I have another field called txtGPSID so this is the number I would like to automate.

So for example:

autBookingID: 1234


I want to put the code that would populate the txtGPSID on a form in datasheet view and would like to put the code on the load event.

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Add New Day Number Record And Increase Value By One

Apr 19, 2014

I have a table, tblEvents, which I use to store information about a meeting, training session or field trip, including the [StartDate]. I also have a table, tblEventDays, which I use to store the [DayNumber] 1, 2, 3... At the moment I have to enter the day numbers in the subform frmEventDays manually, but I would like to add button controls to increase/decrease the number of days for each event (i.e. add a new record where [DayNumber] is incremented by 1, and delete the last record if I have added too many day records).

I have added button controls to my EventDays subform and managed to use the macro builder to select and duplicate the last [DayNumber] record, but cannot figure out how to increase each successive [DayNumber] by 1.

1. Add a day...

Option Compare Database
Private Sub AddDay_Click()
End Sub

2. Remove a day...

Option Compare Database
Private Sub RemoveLastDay_Click()
End Sub

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Possible To Increase Number Of Columns In Access 10?

Nov 13, 2013

Is it possible to increase the number of columns in Access 10?I upgraded MS Office because I knew Excel no longer restricted you to 256 columns. I often pull data from a data base that uses as many as 800 columns.When I try to open these files I get a "too many cross tabs" error prompt.

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Forms :: Generate Random Number To Use As Invoice Number

Mar 17, 2014

I am working on a form and need it to be able to generate a random number to use as an invoice number. The only parameters i need it to meet is that it is at least 5 digits in length. I was hoping i could use a button to make the number generate in a separate box.

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Tables :: Add ID Number That Always Increase By 1each Time Add New Record To Table

Jan 23, 2013

How can I add an ID-number that always increases (by 1) each time I add a new record to a table (using a form)? I want to always use some info from the record that was added last to fill in a different form. The reason for my question is that I heard that the autonumber does not necessarily increase each time a new record is added...

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Calculate Final Date Based On Begin Date And Number Of Days

Jun 30, 2015

I need to calculate the final date based on the begin date and the number of days.

The name of the fields are: sdatainicio; diasatribuidos; sdatafim.

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Generating Invoice Number

Jan 15, 2007

I have a small .mdb for invoicing. Till now I had to put invoice number, which had two parts, manually for the first part, for example 001 or 002 and automatically for the second part as Date part. So I had, for example 2006 or 2007. The complete number was, for example 001/2006 etc.

The problem was New Year. Now, all previous invoices from 2006 have 2007 extension and the first parts are not starting form 001 but they continue.

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Help With Basic Invoice Number On Form

Sep 20, 2005

I am trying to incorporate a field in my customer order form for "Invoice Number". Not every customer order form will have an invoice number.

The Invoice Number field will default as null, or blank. I want to make it so the Invoice Number gets automatically populated ONLY IF another field on the same form is populated with "X".

Also, I would like the Invoice Number to equal the Previous Record that has an invoice number + 1. For example, if the previous 5 client records did not have an invoice number (blank because the client's form did not have a certain field populated with "X"), but the previous 6th record had an invoice number of 1001, then the current invoice number would be 1002.

So far, I just have the Form for the underlying table created. I don't have the invoice field in the table created yet. Not too sure where to start.

Thanks much appreciated in advance.

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Queries :: Pull Invoice Number From Another Table?

Oct 22, 2013

I have 3 tables invoice, customer and items. I need to create a query that will get the next invoice number from the invoice table and mark that invoice number in the items table for a set customer where the invoice field in the items table is blank.

The invoice table is now set up as a autonumber, therefore I need to append to get the last new number.

The items in the item table are unique and this is why I want to mark the invoice number in the item table field invoice.

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Reports :: How To Make Unique Invoice Number

Dec 24, 2014

I am selling some products, namely A to M. I record the orders of costumers in a table, named "orders". For example, if costumer "Jack" has ordered as the following:

ID costumer product quantity unitprice orderdate

12 jack A 4 10 25/11/2014
13 jack B 5 5 25/11/2014
14 jack C 1 4 25/11/2014
15 jack F 3 2 25/11/2014
16 Jack G 4 8 25/11/2014
17 Jack H 1 7 25/11/2014

Then I make a report based on the above table and issue that as the invoice to the costumer, who is jack here.

How can I make a unique invoice number, which automatically increases sequentially for each invoice? Do I need to add a new column to the table? I also need to be able to look for a specific invoice based on the number, or date.

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Modules & VBA :: Incremental Invoice Number Using DLookup

Jun 8, 2015

Part of my access application does invoicing. I have an invoice number table that wholes one field "InvoiceNum". On my invoice report i have the following code:

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'// lookup invoice number when invoice opens
intInvoiceNum = Nz(DLookup("InvoiceNum", "tblInvoiceNum"), 0)
End Sub

[Code] .....

Problem: My report open with groupby ClientID and ProjectNum. Multiple invoices print on the same report. If any invoice spills over to second page the Format Code runs again inserting an incremental invoice number to the second page. How can i prevent this from happening?

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Reports :: Auto Generate Invoice Number On Report

Jul 1, 2013

I have created invoices as reports but now I'm looking for a way to add an invoice number to it. It needs to be an auto increment number for every invoice for every client.

I have 10 different clients and I want them to have their own incremented invoice number. Every client has it own unique number. So for example in week 1 I want to have the following invoice numbers; 01-0001, 02-0001, 03-0001 etc. In week 2 I want them to be; 01-0002, 02-0002, 03-0002. It is important that every client has the invoice numbers without gaps.

What is the best way to realize this?

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Show Invoice Number Only If All Detail Records Are Selected?

Jun 20, 2014

I am trying construct a form that will only show an invoice if all the invoice records have been approved. I have created a form that will allow the user to look at each line of an invoice and has a checkbox to approve it. If the user has selected all the boxes it will disappear from the Approval view, which is a query that shows unique values.

The problem is that if all of the lines but one are checked it will also show up in the view for the unapproved invoices AND the approved invoices. I would like to know how to structure a query that shows unique values but ONLY if ALL of the invoice line items have been approved.

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Forms :: Save Record For Invoice Before Saving Invoice Items From Subform

Jul 30, 2013

I have a main form and subform. The main form is bound to a table of invoices and the subform to a table of invoice items. I'm picking up the invoice number from the form to save it to the invoice items table, so I need to save the record for the invoice before saving the invoice items from the subform.

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General :: How To Generate Invoice

Oct 22, 2013

I am working on project for my office and get stuck at invoice option in database.I hve created 5 tbls :-

tbl assignment
assignID pk
tbl client
clientID pk
other feilds


I have created Query so that i can make a report.Report is working fine. it will give me data for required month.I need to generate invoice and save it to a new table so that i can cross check that in future if required.

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Invoice Form (invoice Master + Invouice Detail) Using Dao

Jan 19, 2006

I have to add an invoice how can I do it.
Desgn of the ms access form is

Date (suggest me)
ShipMode (option button)
Buyer (combo)
Supplier (combo)
Indentor (combo)

Product UnitPrice UnitOfMeasurement Quantity
(combo) (textbox) (combo) (textbox) (btnaddrow) (btndeleterow)

(btnAddInvoice) (btnCancel)

Please suggest me how to do it.Any code or sample like this.
I don't know how to add new row of product e.t.c.
Please help me as I have never done any programming in ms access before
(Done most of web development,,jsp,coldfusion)

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General :: How To Generate Barcodes For Invoice

Aug 3, 2015

I am newbie to barcode but I need to generate barcode for my invoice with the invoice something likes W12675679. Just want to know how to generate barcodes based on that type of invoice number, and how to store barcodes in ACCESS 2003!

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General :: Enter Data Into Invoice Template

Jan 22, 2014

i have to write a result of the query to the excel, which is a invoice template where i need to enter the data.

Depend on the result the template can grow in size also, here if the size grows there needs to be informatin coming on first page for eg: address in first page should not repeat in second page, second page have purly order details and footer at the end which have signatue and attestation.

Problem is data can be in 1 page, 2 pages, 3 pages ..or more

How can i achieve this task as all pages have water mark as page 1, page 2...sand so on...?

(A Sample i have attached)

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How To Combine Products Of Invoice Into Single Invoice

Oct 10, 2012

I am practising making relational databases as I haven't used them before.

The mock database I am creating is based around a cleaning company.

I am trying to make a form which will display all of the bookings a certain cleaner has in the future. I want it to be able to display a booking along with the services (Windows cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) the customer wants.

At the moment, it is displaying each service (Window cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) as separate result on the form and it is not combined. They both have the same booking_ID from the booking table. How can I combine them?

It is far easier to understand what I mean by looking at the database (Attached). Take a look at the form I have created and then click the > arrow at the bottom to see what I mean.


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General :: Button To Create Invoice Per Record On A Form

Apr 18, 2013

I am creating a database for a local mechanical garage, most of it is setup but i have an issue creating invoices, I need to create a button on a form which will create an invoice per record. Trouble I am having is if i have 1 record it will show just 1, but when i add multiple records they all show on 1 invoice sheet. It doesn't separate records, i but instead it adds the extra records before the page footer :/ causing 1 footer for many records. How to finish the functionality of this DB, i can certainly finish the design side. Everything in this DB is set accordingly, just the invoice system to do i believe, could some1 have a look and let me know? i have tried to upload it here but cant so its on this link [URL] ....

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General :: Opening Specific Invoice From Command Button

Jul 20, 2014

How to modify an existing database template to meet my needs.

I am trying to create a command button that sits on the order details page and that will open up a report i have created called 'picklist' which is basically the same as an invoice but with some different product information listed on it.

I want the command button to open up the picklist that corresponds to the order that i am on e.g picklist #2 for invoice#2

I have 2 issues/questions:

1) I have seen this code on the internet -

DoCmd.OpenForm "SecondFormName", , , "FieldName = #" & Me.ControlName & "#"

Would this work for me if i was to modidy it to:

DoCmd.OpenForm "PickList", , , "InvoiceID = #" & Me.[txtID] & "#"

2) Where do i input this code? If i click on the 'onclick' in the properties form I am presented with this page (attachment):

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General :: Create Invoice Per Month Of Multiple Orders Per Customer?

Mar 19, 2013

My current database creates an invoice per order. Until now that worked wonderful. Now i want to create an invoice per month per customer with multiple orders on the same database. So i will have to create a new table/query on the existing order table.

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