General :: Link Parent / Child Node To A Control On Main Form In Treeview

Oct 7, 2012

I downloaded a sample treeview application I have modified most of its to suit my need, except one thing. I want link parent/child node the main form to the main form through a subform on the CategoryID.

The following is the original code where when a child not is clicked only pops up a "linked" msgbox. I need to modify the part of the code on the Select Case "C" in red:

Sub DisplayForm(i As Integer)
' for this Treeview I do not want a double-click on a parent node
' to open the applicable Category form, but pressing the shift key
' should open the marriage form applicable to the parent node. Shift
' or double-click on a child node should open the applicable
' offence form.

Dim strKey As String
Dim strTag As String
Dim strFilter As String

[Code] ....

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Link Parent To Child In Master And Subform

Aug 28, 2013

When trying to link parent to child in master and subform, I am getting a pop-up:

Subform Field Linker
"Object variable or With block variable not set"

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Queries :: Parent Child Query - Sum Images In Main Record

Oct 15, 2014

I'm trying to create a capacity report for my database. Originally, I only had the one table, which summed the number of Packs and number of Images, worked out percentage capacity used and then put it in a report, showing for each week of the year. However since then, I've added a child table to this, allowing me to create subrecords. The reason we did this was so we could easily group together multiple mailings under one single master record, so to speak.

Going back to the capacity, I've managed to work it so the Pack capacity is worked out from the mailing quantity in the subrecord. However, the number of Images is only entered onto the Parent record. Now my capacity query is summing the same number of images as there are subrecords, where in reality I only want it to sum the Images in the main record. I know I could add an Images field to the child table and work it out the same way, but I'd rather not do that (because that's not how our business works).

So essentially the question is, how can I sum the Images from the parent table without repeating the sum and massively overexagerating the sum?

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Treeview SubChild Node.

Jun 24, 2005

Hi there,

I'm venturing into the abyss of treeviews and have read many threads on this subject. I have two questions to ask regarding the attached sample db, if anyone can help me please.

1) How can I adapt the existing code and create subnodes (or sub child nodes). For example, how can I create a sub-node of OPEN FORM2?
2) What is the syntax for an ONCLICK event, i.e. by clicking on OPEN FORM2 I want it to open FORM2?

Thanks in advance,

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Modules & VBA :: How To Open Treeview Node To A Specific Folder / Subfolder

Dec 18, 2014

I have a tree-view object that is filled with a specific folder list, when a command button is pressed I would like too expand to a specific node based on a variable/foldername.

How to achieve this? My knowledge of tree-view is limited and I am still learning VBA.

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General :: Passing Values From Child To Parent?

Nov 13, 2013

I have a variable tempnum on a subform which I want to pass into a textbox on the main parent form. I cant seem to get it right. Here's my code

Me.Parent.Parent![List num].Value = tempnum

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Modules & VBA :: Expanding Treeview Automatically When Node Matches A String Variable From A Table

Jul 14, 2014

I'd like to expand me tree view automatically when a node matches a string variable from a table. In other words, when a node in a tree matches the given name (variable), the tree will expand all the way down to that name. I guess I need to use "For each node" and when the node and variable match, the tree structure will show up.

I have come up with something like this:

For Each nd In Me.tree.Nodes
If nd = level1 Then
Exit For
End If
Next nd

But this only shows the first level of my tree ( btw. I have a 3 level tree). I get lost inside the FOR when I want to make use of another two variables - level2 and level 3

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Forms :: Subform Control Event - Identify Parent And Child Forms

Jun 20, 2013

I have a listbox on a subform (or a subform within a subform).

When it is clicked I want all other listboxes to unselect.

There may be listboxes on the mainform, on other subforms, on other subforms of subforms.

I imagine I'm looking at a recursive function of some sort, but I'm not entirely sure of syntax to identify parent and children forms...

pseudocode so far:
loop all controls
if control = listbox, unselect all
if control = subform - recurse: loop all subform controls
if control = parent... err... Fail.

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Child Form Loads Before Parent?

Jan 26, 2006


I've got a parent/sub-form set up, both of which derive their data from linked tables connecting to a central database. As a result I've had to add coding to the NewRecord events to fetch the next primary keys from the database.

Unfortunately I'm finding that one loading the new record, the child form seems to be loading before the parent, ie the child form_Current event occurs before the parent form_Current event. Is this how it should be? It seems intuitive that the parent should load first.

I'm sure I can develop some cunning logic to get around this problem but I'm sure there must be a better way. Has anyone any experience of this parent/child set-up with linked, central database tables?



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How To Add New Record From A Form To All Parent And Child Tables

Jul 27, 2015

I have one parent table with 6 child tables (all child tables are linked to the parent table in the relationship through the BoardID autonumber field, and they are all one-to-one relationships). All of the tables feed into one form. I have added the "add new record" button to the form, but when I click on it, it only adds a record to the parent table. The only way I have found to solve this is to go into each individual table and add a new record. Is it possible to have a new record added to every table when I click the "add new record" button on the form?

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Forms :: Creating Parent / Child Relationship Within Form

Apr 3, 2013

I have a relationship between two tables; the parent table is "Client Information" with a primary key of "Client_ID", the child table is "Event Information" and the foreign key is "Client_ID".

I know that within the Event Information table I can select which Client_ID to use as the link. I want to have that done within a form, however. I have a form for Client Information with a subform for Event Information. If I go into the table and manually set the Client_ID then everything displays fine.

How can I set the Client_ID in the subform to automatically match the Client_ID in the main form? I can only assume that these solutions require the parent/child relationship to already have been established.

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Modules & VBA :: Can Filter Child Subform From Parent Form?

Jun 11, 2013

I am updating an existing database and I have a parent/child form and I want to filter the subform for the current parent form record? The two forms are linked together by woWorkOrderID/deWorkOrderID.

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Trouble Updating Parent Tables With Child Table/form

Jul 6, 2006

Sorry this is so long but I am trying to make it as detailed as possible...

The Setup

My database is similar to the sample "Service Call" db. I have a main table called "tblTT" which has an autonumber primary key. The table also contains several foreign keys such as UserID (not an autonumber) from "tblUser", TechID (also not an autonumber) from "tblTech", etc. I have the relationships setup with "Enforced Referential Integrity" for both updating and deleting records. Each relationship has a RIGHT OUTER JOIN ("Join 3" in access) so that all records from child (tblTT) and only equal from parent (tblUser, tblTech, etc.) will be included. I have a form for nearly every table which serves different purposes but the main function of the DB is to create new Trouble Tickets (TT's), a.k.a. service calls. Therefore the main form used is my "frmTT" form in add mode. The form contains all the fields from my "tblTT" table and contains (directly) no fields from any other table (I guess indirectly it contains fields from all the parent tables...).

The Problem

When I pull up "frmTT" and try to create a new Trouble Ticket for a user that does not yet exist in the table "tblUser" I get the error "You cannot add or change a record bcause a related record is required in table 'tblUser'".

What I want is for my users (the "Techs") to be able to create a new Trouble Ticket without having to worry about populating the "tblUser" table (and other parent tables) first.

My Solution

I was going to (and unless someone can find an answer for me still will) fix this using VB script by setting up a query to check all the parent tables for the values in their corresponding fields in the form. If the query returns no results an "INSERT INTO" statement will run to populate the parents tables so that the form will save itself into the Trouble Ticket table ("tblTT").

I feel that this is a huge work around and not the proper fix. I would prefer to do this the right way both to have a correctly setup DB and for future reference. Can anyone help me with this?


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Parent Form Vanishes When I Tab To Option Group In The Child Form?!

Apr 7, 2006

I have a rather annoying and frustrating problem which I cannot find a solution for through searching the forum.

The situation is that I have a parent form with 1 unbound subform, the source of which is determined by the part number selected in the parent form (diffetrent parts have different fields of the source table displayed)

This all functions perfectly well in all but one case which is when the source of the subform is a form with an option group.

There is only 1 form like this, and the problem I have is that when tabbing through the fields, as soon as I tab into the option group the parent form disappears, and I am left with just the subform on screen! Clicking into the group is fine, just tabbing to it causes the problem, and if I remove the option group then tabbing through all the rest of the fields is fine...

I could powssibly change the option group for a set of option buttons and code them to function a bit like an option group, but this would mean changing the code for numerous reports etc. and I don't really want to do that if I can help it.

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Reference A Field On Parent Form From The Child Form

Dec 4, 2005


how do i reference a field on the parent form from the child form e.g.

i have a button on the child form which needs to read a value on the parent form and use it i na calculation etc


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Control Treeview Is Missing Form ActiveX List?

Jun 21, 2014

I use Access 2010 on Windows 7 64b to create a form with a Treeview control. However, this control is missing from the list of controls activix. How can I add?

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General :: VBA Error Referring Control Field In Subform Using Main Form

Feb 22, 2013

I believe I did this before awhile ago but for some reason I keep getting an error.

I have a Mainform (frmMain) that has a Subform (frmSub). On frmSub I have 2 comboxes (strCom1 & strCom2) one is set to invisible (strCom2.Visible = No).

So using the "On Open Event" of frmMain I want make strCom2 visible if strCom1 = "Read Only". Ofcourse I will also need to place the vba on the On After Update event. Below is what I have so far but doesnt work.

I get Run-time Error 2427 "You enetered an experssion that has no value"


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me!frmSub.Form!strCom1.Value = "Read Only" Then
Me!frmSub.Form!strCom2.Visible = True
Me!frmSub.Form!strCom2.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

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Parent/child Relationships

Oct 12, 2006

Hi all

I seem to be having a problem with acess 2003 in that when ever I set the parent/child relationships and go back to the front end the simple disappear?

any thoughts would be grate



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Parent-Child Cascading Deletes

Nov 4, 2007

I have a simple Family table:


where, in the case of a child, its ParentID contains the PersonID of its parent.
In the Relataionships window I put two such tables, Family and Family_1 and I joined Family.ParentID to Family_1.PersonID. I set referential integrity, cascading updates and cascade deletes.
I made a Parents form (by setting the ParentID criteria to Is Null), and added a Children subform (linking the ParentID of the subform to the PersonID of the main form).

The cascading updates works when I add a new child but when I try to delete a parent I get the error: Could not update; currently locked.
Why doesn't the cascade delete work?

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Update Subforms - No Parent/Child

Dec 24, 2005

I have a main form with 2 subforms. Subform 1 shows the results of query 1, subform 2 shows the results of query 2.

Query 2 uses query 1 as a starting point. Query 1 is updated with an option group on the main form. In other words, when I select an option on the main form, qdef for query 1 is updated and query 2 will also be affected.

If I select an option the subforms don’t update. If I close and reopen the main form, the subforms show the correct information so the queries are being updated but the subforms are not showing the updated information.

I’ve been trying to requery the subforms using the following code in the OptionGroup_Click() event:


By the way, I don’t have any parent/child relationships.

Am I missing something simple.

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Limiting Number Of Child Fields Per Parent

Sep 23, 2005

I have a field in the parent table which indicates how many child tables there should be at the most. I'm uncertain about how to enforce this. I"m using access as the database to a app. Should I do it in access or or both.

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Query On Parent-Child Based Table

Oct 16, 2007

I have a parent-child base table (accounts) with the following fields:
- id
- parentid
- name
every record's parentid is either 0 ( which means it is in the most upper level) or another record's id (which means it is the other record's child)
different levels of records are being used. I mean some accounts are used in the most 1st level with no childs, some in the second level, ....

I need a query to list the accounts which are not parent to any othe records, regardless of what level they are defined.

Thanks again for the help.

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Duplicating Parent And Related Child Records

Dec 18, 2006

I am creating a purchase request form for my company. The main form contains the PO Request # (autonumber) and general vendor and shipping information. The subform contains the item numbers on the order, the quantity and costs. What I am trying to do is make it so that users can click a "duplicate" button on the main form of an existing PO Request and have all the data replicated into a new PO Request. A lot of what we order is repetitious and it would time saving if users could just duplicate an order and modify as necessary. Can anyone help me with this one...

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Subform In A Form Doesn Show Controls When Link Child And Master Fields Derfined

Jun 13, 2005


I have a form and a subform in MS Access 2003. I have made some changes to database structure, so I decided to change the subform also. When I changed the Link child and link master fields, the controls of the subdatasheet dissapear- they show only in design view. If I clear the contents of Link child and link master fields they appear again, but the records are not binded.
Is there a setting on the parent form that also has to be changed, to make the new binding?


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Forms :: SQL For Combo Using Text Control From Parent Form

Jun 22, 2014

Private Sub cboConsulta_GotFocus()
Dim strsql As String
strsql = "SELECT ID_Verificacao,Verificacao FROM tblVerificacao WHERE ID_Peca = '" & Parent!TxTId_Peca & "' ORDER BY Verificacao;"
Me!CboConsulta.RowSource = strsql
End Sub

Message Box: Data type mismatch in criteria with data

field ID_Peca = number

TxtID_Peca = receives from field = number

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TreeView Control

Oct 18, 2005

I just discovered TreeView Controls after browsing through this site a word, awesome!

I've done alot of searching, and it seems that most of the discussion on TreeView is at a data level.

What I am wondering is if a TreeView can be used as a database navigational switchboard, where the nodes are comprised of individual forms and/or reports, that when clicked, opens the associated form/report?

Does anybody have a sample db where this is being done or can somebody give me some tips on doing this?

I have a sample treeview.mdb in 2000, and I can freely create the parent and child nodes. That is the extent of my knowledge. I don't know how to make the nodes "actionable".

I appreciate all the advice!

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