General :: Loop Through Resordset - Download Each Of Records One At A Time

Apr 14, 2014

I'm trying to 'Loop' through a recordset (i.e. "newRS") that has 46 records in it. I get the recordset as follows:


set newRS = currentdb.openrecordset ("PO Table")

I want to download each of the records, one at a time, into Excel. To do this, I'm use the following:

Do until newRS.EOF = True

Several intermediate steps within the loop that aren't relevant to my problem

Set mySheet = myWB.Worksheets("db POLabel")
mySheet.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset newRS

Right after the 'Copyrecordset' command executes, the recordset cursor seems to be jumping to the end of the recordset and I get the following error message (when the code tries to execute the 'Movenext'):

'Run-time error: 3021: No current record'

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Modules & VBA :: Loop In Batches / X Number Of Records At A Time

Jul 4, 2015

I have a form which uses a loop command to output reports as a PDF. The reports take a bit of time to produce and the record set could contain 100-150 records. Any way that you can split the recordset down into batches. Maybe have a button which creates 1-20 and another 21-40 and so on.

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General :: Loop Through Listbox Records

Feb 15, 2014

I am looking to loop through all of the rows in a listbox. For each row in the listbox, I want to check if the last name in the Labor column is contained in any records in the Labor column of a recordset. If it is contained, add the column value to a variable to eventually be shown in another listbox. It seems that the loop is not working correctly and the EstHours is always 0 and the instr function doesn't seem to be working.

Sub ScheduledHours()
'on error goto errorhandler
Dim LastName As String
Dim FullName As Variant
Dim EstHours As Long

[Code] ......

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Can't Download More Than 65000 Records

May 10, 2007

I am extracting data from my web site.

This[data extraction] stops after 65000 records.

There are in excess of 250000 records in my database.

I am using MS ACCESS on my web server.

Thanks in advance

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General :: Querying Between Records With Date Ranges Within A Certain Time

Nov 5, 2012

I have not found the solution to this looking elsewhere, but basically what I am trying to do is the following:

person date
1 1/1/2012
1 12/15/2012
2 6/12/2012
1 6/13/2012
2 6/14/2012
3 6/16/2012

I want a query which shows the count or records for which a person has a date within 30 days of each other. This is being queried from a large table in which records would may not be sequential by person. Thus in my example above, the third record for person 1 would be omitted as well as the record for person 3.

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General :: Loop Function With Variable

Jun 4, 2015

I want to make a loop like this:

Dim var1 As Variant, var2 As Variant, var3 As Variant, var4 As Variant
DIm var5 As Variant, var6 As Variant, var7 As Variant, var8 As Variant
Dim var9 As Variant, var10 As Variant
Dim i1 As Long
i1 = 1
Do Until i1 > 10
var & i1 ??? = "0" & i1 & "." & txt1 & "." & txt2
i1 = i1 + 1

How to make concatenate var + i1 to make loop function?

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General :: Loop Through Query For Information

Jun 18, 2014

I am using Access 2010. I have a database that on a form uses a multiselect listbox. That part works just fine. The list box is for selecting additional people to email. Now I have had no luck with returning just the email address that are in a hidden column (the persons actual name is seen and "selected"). The names come from a separate table and is used as a forgien key. On that same table are the indivuals email addresses. What I did was loop through to get all of the ID numbers I am getting from the list box (the ID numbers are stored in the table that the form is based on).

Once I have all of the ID Numbers I thought that maybe there was a way to retrieve all of the email address associated with the ID Numbers. This is what I have so far. I know that AllQuery returns the first email address from the list box. I just have no idea if the query is returning more than one record, or if it is how to then go to the next record. I have tried a few things with little to no success.

Dim ListItem As Variant
Dim AllItems As String
Dim AllQuery As String
For Each ListItem In Me.EmailAdditionEgineers.ItemsSelected
AllItems = AllItems & Me.EmailAdditionEgineers.ItemData(ListItem) & " or "
Next ListItem
AllItems = Left(AllItems, Len(AllItems) - 3)
AllQuery = DLookup("EmailAddress", "AdditionalEmailRequestQuery", "[ID] = " & AllItems) & ";"

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General :: Loop - From One Continuous Subform To Another

May 21, 2014

I have attached an image of what i am trying to achieve so here goes:

I need to add data from one subform to another - problem is they are both continuous forms and both subforms.

The part in green is where it needs to go, and the white is where the data is held. The links have already been created, i just need to get the info from subform 1 to subform 2.

I have attached code but it only moves line selected / first line.

Dim dst As DAO.Recordset
Set dst = Me.frmAS9102_Material_LINK.Form.RecordsetClone
With dst
Do While Not .EOF

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through A Recordset While Adding New Records To Another?

Jun 9, 2014

Is there a way of looping through a form record set, while adding new records to a different form record set? using some data from the 1st record set in the new records?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Loop Update Query On All Records Of A Table

Sep 2, 2014

I've set a database which has a table in which there are 2 fields "Account" and "Total Accounts". I want to have the amount of total summation of accounts in "Total Accounts" field of each record, which is the result of summation of "Account" values in all previous records till the current one. In order to do this purpose, I copied the value of "Amount" field of each record into "Total Accounts" field of the same record, at first. Then, I tried to add the amount of "Total Accounts" field of every record with just the amount of "Total Accounts" of previous one to earn the actual total amount of that record. I found that I need a VBA loop to do this query for all records (except first record) and so I code it as below, but it has the Run-time error '424' : Object required and it seems that I am in a mistake in definition of strSQL variable:

Private Sub doDataSegm_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("Table1", dbOpenTable)

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Loop Through Records And Copy One Of Fields For Each Row Into Another Subform

Apr 12, 2013

I have a subform for which I want to loop through all the records and then copy one of the fields for each row into another sub form.

I came up with the bellow code but i get an error when I run it.

The error is an "error 438".

Code is at follows and I am copying the field called price:

Do Until Forms![Roll Out - Site Form]![Roll Out - Sign items pick list].EOF
[Roll Out - Sign items added].Form![Price] = [Roll Out - Sign items pick list].Form![Price]
Forms![Roll Out - Site Form]![Roll Out - Sign items pick list].MoveNext

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Records And Update Listbox In Each Record

Sep 11, 2013

I have a table with a multi-select listbox as one of the fields. I want to loop through the recordset (table) and changes the listbox selections for each record.

To go into a little more detail, the table (tblEmail) has a field (Label) that is a multi-select listbox. The listbox pulls from another table (tblLabel). I want to loop through records in tblEmail and edit/change the Label(s) for each email though VBA.

I've tried doing something like this:

With rst
Do Until rst.EOF
!Label.Selected(0) = True
End With

However I get an error that says "Run-Time Error '438' Object doesn't support this property or method" ...

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Modules & VBA :: How To Loop Through Recordset And Only Attach Records That Are True

Jul 8, 2015

I have some code that loops the clone recordset of my subform and generates a email with attachments. I have mainform and continuous subform within the subform I have field called address this holds paths to files and another field called send and this is a yes/no field

Now what I'm trying to do is loop through the subform if send field is true then attach file from the address path but if send field is false then do not attach file

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olAttach As Outlook.Attachment
Dim rstAttach As DAO.Recordset

Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Loop To Add New Records And Decrease Amount By One?

Apr 13, 2015

I have the following code that works fine:

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, i As Integer, ii As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("PatientPrescriptions1")
ii = [RefillAmount]
For i = 2 To ii

[Code] .....

However I am trying to make it decrease the value in [RefillAMount] each time it loops through the addnew function and I can't figure out how to do the rows keep saying the same number:

If I put Refill 3 it creates 2 extra rows and all these rows now say Refills = 2. What I want it to say is

Refills 3
Refills 2
refills 1

And end there. how to do this?

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Help For Download

Jan 23, 2007

Ut ultrices volutpat diam. Sed vulputate cursus libero. Cras ante diam, pharetra id, ultrices et, adipiscing id, nisl. Phasellus pulvinar placerat leo. Duis sem. Sed lorem felis, malesuada eu, posuere ac, dictum ac, arcu. Morbi bibendum. Duis rutrum dignissim leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Ut id odio sit amet ipsum aliquet tempor. Maecenas pulvinar eros. Aliquam ut turpis at mauris dictum ornare. Sed semper arcu non arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis vehicula molestie orci.

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Hyperlink Download

Oct 4, 2007

Hi, I think this is only my second post (found i have made a few, lol) in over a year because I can usually find what im after on this site or I just hack stuff together till it works, lol.Anyway my question:How can I download a hyperlink (its an excel spreadsheet, CSV file to be exact i believe) to a certain place and name?I wish to do this roughly once a day for about 10-14 files. then these will be imported to the database. but first thing will be a fairly automated downloader if possible.any third party software will be fine but id rather have access do it with a code behind a button etc. Thankyou for any/all suggestions.

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Download JPEGs From URL

Dec 2, 2007

Hi.I have an interesting task to carry out with an excel spreadsheet. In certain columns of the spreadsheet I have urls which point to JPEG images on the net. I need to download these images and name the files appropriately.Not sure exactly how I am going to achieve this. I have found third party software, but none of which will allow me to pass the urls either through import/export or command line options in order to automate the task.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.Thanks.Stuart.

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General :: Formatting Time Conversion - Calculated Elapsed Time

Dec 3, 2013

Formatting issue regarding elapsed time calculated using DateDiff().

I understand that you can specify the output value for DateDiff(). In my case I have chosen "n" for minutes. Each result in my query shows the correct calculation in terms of minutes.

[PunchIn] = 11/23/2013 8:11:28 AM
[PunchOut] = 11/23/2013 5:43:30 PM

[ShiftLength] =DateDiff("n", [PunchIn],[PunchOut]) = 572 minutes.

Now when I try to format the result in terms of H:MM (be it in a form or a report) I get varied results. I'll illustrate an example below:

=Format(([ShiftLength]/60),"0") & "." & Format(([ShiftLength] Mod 60),"00") Returns 10.32 Not correct

=Format(([ShiftLength]60),"0") & "." & Format(([ShiftLength] Mod 60),"00") Returns 9.32 This is correct but I need my result to be in the form of a decimal such as my next example

=([ShiftLength]/60) Returns 9.53333333. Getting there but how do I have this result only show two decimal points 9.53?

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Download Access Data To Excel

Jan 24, 2006

I am thinking of using Excel to download data from Access allowing the user to insert date range ( starting date and ending date) to retrieve data within that date range. This will download to worksheet1, worksheet2 will have the calculation done from worksheet1 automatically. Do anyone know what are the steps of doing that and codes if required?

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Download All Files From Attachment Field

Jan 16, 2014

I had the bright idea of creating an Attachment field for each record in my database so that the source material for the record (usually a PDF) could be opened and reviewed easily. A few people have asked me not only for the data but copies of the source files as well - is there a way to export attachments from every field into a directory instead of going one-by-one?

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Importing Data From Download Excel File

Feb 10, 2005


My question is: how do I set up the table to minimize redundant data. I have several fields that match the column headings in Excel, so the data can be imported, but fields like user name, pick slot, batch # all get redundant every time I import. My file is getting unnecessarily large. I know splitting the one table into many is the right thing to do, but don't have a clue how to import the data than. any help


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Modules & VBA :: Download File From Url And Import To Table

Sep 2, 2013

i am trying to download an excel document from a url and the import it into a table i can successfully download the file to my desktop but when i try to import it i get the below error the Microsoft office access database engine cannot open or write to file 'C:documents and settingsJHalliweDesktop' it is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data..i have checked and the excel book is not open ( i think its trying to open while its still downloading is there away around this

Dim strUserName As String
strUserName = Environ("UserName")
Dim FolderLoc As String
FolderLoc = "C:Documents and Settings" & strUserName & "Desktop"
Dim StFile As String
Dim MySelect
MySelect = Forms!FrmIndex!Text134


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Download Contact Sheets From Excel Into Access?

Aug 19, 2011

I am new to the 2010 version and I am working on downloading contact sheets from excel into access. The download is complete and I see all the sheets and can filter, but my contacts page is still empty. How do I get the contacts from the different sheets into my contact list?

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Add More Records At The Same Time

Feb 18, 2008


on a form i have a begindate and enddate and e field for selecting a name

now: i want to have the following

begindate = 15/02/2008
enddate = 17/02/2008
name= test

when i press on a button i want in my table (tbltest) 3 records

Free name
15/02/2008 test
16/02/2008 test
17/02/2008 test

can someone help me with this code



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General :: How To Calculate Time

Feb 22, 2013

i have 3x time fields in a table i.e time received, time started, time completed i need to accurately caculate the time between time received and time completed. whenever the time goes past 00:00 it seems to add 24 hrs to my calculated time is there a macro or code that i can use to rectify this problem?

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General :: Add 2 Time Fields Together?

Jul 15, 2014

I have an Access 2010 database that tracks Classroom Training. I have a "Start Time" field for each class and a "Duration" field for the length of each class. The Start Time field is a date/time data type and the Duration field is a number data type set to Double with 1 decimal place.

Start Time = 8:00
Duration = 1.5

So the class should have an End Time at 9:30. I have been able to convert the "Duration" field to a time field for example 1.5 now displays 1:30.

My question is how do I add the 2 fields together to get an End Time of 9:30 ?

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