General :: Making Database Executable For Others

Mar 15, 2015

If you make your database into a executable file to package it, does the other person you are sending it to have to have or own Access to use it. I was under the impression that I could create a database, package it as its own program and give it to someone that does not have access and it would still work? If not, how would I do such a thing.

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General :: Making Access Database Accessible Via Net?

Dec 6, 2012

there is a need to make access database (access 2007) accessible over net. I know Access Database is not web based application. So I want to know if there is any way of making it accessible via net.

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As Executable As Possible

Apr 5, 2006

I am trying to make my database as secure as possible so I can sell the application I have written. Certian things are stored in a table to make the application unique to the buyer to hopefully stop free distribution.So I need to make sure that the user cannot acces the tables and make changes to them other than via the front end.I have a password protected backend but the users can still edit the contents of the table via the front end.Not sure if this is the easiest way but I am considering the following:I want to open the main form when the database is opened, and then close the whole access application when the main form is closed.Also, is there a way to change the text in the Top Bar that says Microsoft Access to something else plus change the Tab Name on the Windows Program selection bar at the bottom of the screen.Would using the Access Developer Extensions be the best answer to my problem?? anyone used these?

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Making Stock Database HELP!

Nov 2, 2005

I am looking to design a simple stock database for work. This is just an idea at the moment, unless I can get my head round this problem.

I have throught that I can have 3 tables

NEW STOCK(this is where you enter all new and existing stock is)

USED STOCK(this is where all the stock that has been sold used for whatever reason is entered)

ACTUAL STOCK(this is where the items in NEW STOCK have the items sold in USED STOCK deducted from them to give you the ACTUAL STOCK)

PLEASE HELP ME, am I completely on the wrong line or can I do this?
Would be good if I didnt have to use SQL, VBA etc...

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So Im Making A Simple Database....

Nov 14, 2006

Ive just started creating the table..and Ive put fields like name/address etc as text but there are a few fields that need you to select an i want to use the "lookup wizard" to create a listbox or combo box dont know which is best.. BUT the problem is when I select lookup wizard it says "unable to start lookup wizard. The lookup wizard doesnt apply to fields of this data type".

Why does it say that?

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Become An Executable File ?

Sep 16, 2005

1.What is Access Runtime?

2.Is there any way (or is it possible) that can change mdb/ mde to executable file (.exe), and can be ran in Access Runtime? :confused:


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Stand-alone Executable

Sep 16, 2005

I've made a few databases in the past for an engineering test facility with some (limited) success. Recently we purchased a time sheet program that works as a stand alone program, but uses Microsoft Access to operate. Everything is table driven and there are filters and all the good stuff from Access, but it's a seperate program - I don't have to open Access to run this program. This would be great if I could make database programs that could run on their own, so to speak. Any chance one of you could point me in the right direction on how to learn to do that kind of thing? Do you need stand-alone Visual Basic or can I make the program within the limitations of Access? I have both so it doesn't really matter, but outisde of VBA within Office products, I'm a programming noob. Thanks in advance.

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Making A Front And Back End To My Database...

Jun 5, 2006

I need help making a front and back end to my database. How should I do it!?!? All I know is what I should put in the front end and what goes in the back end. The rest needs to be explained to me somehow...

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Making A Enduser Version Of The Database?

Mar 23, 2008

How do I make my database so only the creator (myself) can edit the tables, forms etc and other users see an interface starting with the switchboard, which they can't use any database tools except what the forms allow them to do?

Basically some kind of user permissions.


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My Audit Trail Is Making My Database Too Big

Aug 9, 2007


I have discovered a problem with my database and wonder if anyone here can point me to the best solution...

The problem is this... when I took our company database over about 3 years ago it was around 45MB... now it is almost 350MB and growing steadily.

I have today discovered the main cause of this... the audit trails on a couple of the tables. If I remove these 2 fields only from the database it cuts it down to under 100MB. The Audit trail is quite important for us and so I'd like to keep it if I can. It is stored in a memo data type (the data is well over the 255 char limit of a text box). Is there any other better way to store this data or is there anything I can do to reduce the size of the memo data type?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Making A Template Out Of Existing Database?

Apr 28, 2012

We have a shared personnel access database for our department. Another department is wanting to use the same database. Is there a way to go about deleting all the info and making a template to give the other dept to use?

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Making Daily Backup Of Database?

Oct 29, 2013

As my database is growing and hold more and more data i want to make a daily backup to the local hard disk (it works on a network now) automatically.The way i want it to work is as follows :

When a user quits the application i want to check if there is a copy already existing with the date of today.

If it does it skips the copy process and just quits.

If it doesn't, i want it to make a backup in a directory. if the directory doesn't exist it must be made.

The backup file name must hold the date of today off course.

I realize that i have to have a procedure to delete obsolete (outdated) backups as well, but ill worry about that later.

Off course Ive tried this a few times, otherwise i wouldnt ask it here. But i seem to fail every time..

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How To Create A Executable Application

Apr 25, 2007

I am using MS Access to develop a DB application for one of my clients. Now I want to give it my client in a form of .exe file in which he can only use the menubar I have designed. I dont want him to see the MS Access toolbars

Kindly Guide

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How To Create A Form As An Executable

Nov 1, 2006

hi everyone i'm super new at access. i think it's neat for now.
i just made a form that people can use to insert information. we have a network drive here and it would be super cool to be able to convert the form into an Executeable file that way people can just click on the exe Icon and open up the form without having to go into access and then open the form.
please let me know

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General :: Making Copy Of A Table?

Sep 5, 2014

Sometimes extensive updates have to be made to a table using an update query or loop through a record set.

In order to be able to undo changes in case of a mistake I am thinking about the following procedure:

In code:

1 - Make a copy of the table

2 - Make the changes in the original

3 - Check if updates are correct and if so: delete the copy and if not:

delete the default table and rename the copy so it will be the original.

Is that common practice or not?

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Beta-testing A Database While Making Improvements?

Jul 23, 2015

I need to start using the database I've created (desktop database). However, I don't want my current version to be the final version.

Should I create another file to work in and use the old version for data entry? When I am ready to start using my new version, is it easy enough to transfer all the data from the old?

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Making Daily List Of People From Database?

Feb 14, 2013

I have created a database of club members in Access 2010. Each day I need to generate a report of who comes to the club. Up to this point I have been using an Excel spread sheet of members that I copy and paste to new daily spreadsheets each day. how to do this.

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View Access Files/executable?

Jul 23, 2007

I was asked to create an Access db with search functionality in a form and have done so, now I have come across a problem………..

The team I have created this for do not have Access installed on their pc’s and this is and archive search db that I have created so will only be using it very rarely!! As a result I wondered if there is a free viewer or anything I can do to get them to use this db that I have created without having to purchase 12 licenses for an application that will rarely be used!

Any suggestions ?

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How To Convert From ACCCDB To Executable Files

Aug 29, 2012

Is there anything way how to convert the file.

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How To Turn DB Into Executable File Or Stand Alone

Nov 4, 2010

How can I turn my DB into an Executable file, or "stand alone"...Id like to have the end users when opening the DB see only the forms and reports without the Access Background.

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General :: Making Use Of Import Error Tables

Mar 27, 2013

I am attempting to set up a saved import procedure in an Access database that will be run programmatically using docmd.RunSavedImportExport. The source document is an Excel file.My goal is to trap any import errors caused by inconsistencies in the source data. I'd also like to provide the user with some small amount of feedback on what is causing these errors.

My initial thought was to make use of the "File_ImportErrors" table that is generated following an unsuccessful import. *Not once* has this import procedure consistently generated an error table - sometimes the table is created, sometimes it isn't.

I have tried changing the file format of the import file to comma- and tab-delimited files, respectively. Both of these formats do consistently generate an error table, however none of the error values in the table are accurate - it reports a slew of type conversion errors for fields that are completely consistent and unproblematic, whilst completely overlooking conspicuous errors from text strings in date fields.

I have tried the same import, both procedurally and manually, using all available Excel and text-delimited formats, with the same respective results.I notice that nearly every thread on AWF pertaining to error tables discusses how to delete them, rather than make effective use of them. I suspect this is perhaps why?

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General :: Making Unlinked Copy Of A Back End

Nov 18, 2014

I have a back-end db in access 2010, linked to a set of sharepoint tables on office365.

I want to make a completely unlinked copy of the db to store a "snapshot" of the data on a fixed date.

I have tried "save as" using the "Save as Local Database" option, but for some reason, it still saves as linked tables.

How to go about it?

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General :: Merge Cells Or Making Subgroups

Apr 1, 2013

I'm trying to enter data in an access datasheet view in sharepoint. I need to merge cells in the same Column but have the cells to the right in the other columns retain linked to that merged column. Any way to do this?

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General :: Making Paths / Shapes In Access?

Jul 4, 2012

Is it possible to make a path or a shape in access? I'd like to do some graphical representation of some data and change colors of the shapes based on given values that would correlate to the shapes.

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General :: Making A Query To Calculate The Percentage Of Change?

Mar 27, 2013

I have this table

Year AvgOfValue
2005 109.061690295772
2009 106.801581389669

I have to calculate the percentage of change of the values. I have very basic knowledge. How can I make a query to calculate the percentage of change?

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General :: Making File And Home Menus Inaccessible

Feb 10, 2014

I am in Microsoft 2013 and using an .accde file. The problem is that the File menu and Home ribbon are still accessible, and the File menu can be used to change settings that will let the user get into the linked tables (on SQL Server).

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