General :: Making Unlinked Copy Of A Back End

Nov 18, 2014

I have a back-end db in access 2010, linked to a set of sharepoint tables on office365.

I want to make a completely unlinked copy of the db to store a "snapshot" of the data on a fixed date.

I have tried "save as" using the "Save as Local Database" option, but for some reason, it still saves as linked tables.

How to go about it?

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General :: Making Copy Of A Table?

Sep 5, 2014

Sometimes extensive updates have to be made to a table using an update query or loop through a record set.

In order to be able to undo changes in case of a mistake I am thinking about the following procedure:

In code:

1 - Make a copy of the table

2 - Make the changes in the original

3 - Check if updates are correct and if so: delete the copy and if not:

delete the default table and rename the copy so it will be the original.

Is that common practice or not?

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Making Specific Fields In A Current Record Copy Themselves When Making New Record

Mar 28, 2005

;) Hey everybody,

I am working on a database used in recording device characteristics/test information. The main table of information has dozens of columns for test/part detailed information. When inputing the data for each specific test, many of the info. details are repeated when testing say 20 devices of the same part all at once. Rather than retype every piece of detailed information in every field, everytime, is there an easier way? Does anyone know of a way to make specific fields copy/paste the previous record's information in the fields automatically when a new record is created? Please, if anyone could help or has ANY ideas, let me know...



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Making A Front And Back End To My Database...

Jun 5, 2006

I need help making a front and back end to my database. How should I do it!?!? All I know is what I should put in the front end and what goes in the back end. The rest needs to be explained to me somehow...

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Making Cursor Go Back To The Record I Came From?

Dec 27, 2006

I have a subform (continuous) which shows a summary of all clients basic data in a list. Clicking a client requerys and refreshes some other subforms so the accompanying data for that client is shown. Whenever I double click a record, the "main" window for that "object" opens. So say I double click on client A1 in the summary list, a form opens where I can view all the clients data and change it if necessary. That same form is also used to add clients to the database.

Whenever I change or add a clients data and close the form, the following code is executed:

Private Sub Form_Close()
On Error GoTo ClientsAdd_Err


Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume ClientsAdd_Exit
End Sub

Which makes the new client appear in the summary list or makes the changed data of an existing client appear in the summary list. That's what I want it to do of course.

But whenever that is done, the cursor jumps back to the first record (client 1) in the summary list. What I would like to have happen is:

- when a new client has been added, keep the cursor on that client in the summary list after the form closes and the list is updated.

- when a record of an already existing client is changed and the form closes, keep the cursor on that client in the list also.

DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, "ClientsViewSummarySubForm", acLastgives "The object ClientsViewSummarySubForm isn't open. As does the same line of code but then using the name "ClientsViewSummary". The form itself is called that way. The subform object itself goes by: "ClientsViewSummarySubForm".

I've tried some variations but all without succes.
Which line of code is the correct one to use for a subform on a parentform instead of "just" a normal, open form?

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Copy Table From One Back-end To Another

Sep 22, 2005

I have a database that acts as a front end for two different back-end databases. What I want to do is be able to copy a table from back-end #1 into back-end #2.

My first stab was to try to do a TransferDatabase on the linked table from b-e #1, but that just put a link in b-e #2, and not the actual data.

Can this be done?


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Modules & VBA :: Copy Linked Table To Another Back End

Jan 12, 2015

I have the usual setup with a front and back end.

I want to copy three of my tables from the back end to another database (backup) at regular intervals. When using docmd.CopyObject and docmd.TransferDatabase it is the link that get copied (naturally) and not the table itself.

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General :: Make A Copy Of BE File Rather Than To Make A Copy Via Code

Nov 26, 2012

Would it be ok just to make a copy of the BE file (every so often) rather than to make a copy via code?The user can then just paste over the original if it becomes corrupt.

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Query From Unlinked Tables

Dec 28, 2006

I have four tables....that do no require relationships.

The four tables have different fields, but have one field in common, the Name.

I want to create a query with all the Names from the tables.


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Unlinked Table In Split DB ??

Oct 20, 2005

I am using a Table to store Parameter Values for a Split Multiuser DB. Question I have...Can I have this Table on the Front End while all the others are on th back end? The use for the table is to store parameter values for multiple queries without the user having to reenter the parameters.
I've tested this and it seems to work...but would like to know if there may be complications.
FYI. I am a Novice VBA user.


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Unlinked Subform In A Form?

Aug 22, 2005

Hi, How don't know how stupid my question is but i was wondering if it was possible to insert a form inside an other form without linking them???
The reason for this is that the 'inserted' form would work as a 'search' form and could display usefull information for the main form to be filled even though there is not really any fields that can be linked together. Is anybody got suggestion for this matter? :confused:

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Forms :: Unlinked Table Look Up?

Jun 4, 2013

I have an unlinked subform on a form. This unlinked subform contains the contents of table: employee. What I want to do is have a textbox that, when typed in, will auto filter out records that don't match what was typed so that once you have correctly typed the employee name all you are left with is records of employees with that name.

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General :: Making Database Executable For Others

Mar 15, 2015

If you make your database into a executable file to package it, does the other person you are sending it to have to have or own Access to use it. I was under the impression that I could create a database, package it as its own program and give it to someone that does not have access and it would still work? If not, how would I do such a thing.

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General :: Convert MDE Back To MDB?

Jul 22, 2013

How can i convert a .mde back to a .mdb? I need to change some material on our program and have lost the .mdbs!

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Worth Linked To Unlinked Table

Oct 9, 2007

Dear friend,
I have a question if anyone can help me out. I have as assignment to do for a small firm. Dataentry application primarily with few search and edit functions. This will be used by multi-user.
I am yet to decide whether to make the form and the database linked or unlinked. What I mean is:
1) I want to keep form and db in seperate mdb.
2) I have to decide if the form (in seperate PCs) should be linked to the db over network or should it be programmatically connected.
3) I have a feeling that if the tables are linked with the form (the tables that i see in the database window), then when I open the form the underlying records/table will gush into the client PC jamming the network.
4) If i programmatically connect the form with the tables in the network db based on query then probably only the required record will come through the network and fill my form not jamming the network.

Any idea, pls help.

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Retrieving Data From Unlinked Tables

Dec 13, 2007

I have a table (Working_Year) that is storing a single field which is the year (current_year) that is selected by the user in my initial form when the database is loaded. Am I able to use that data in other forms and reports with out linking the table? I would like to simply display the current_year the user is working in a textbox somewhere on the forms (example form named: "Main Entry") and use the current_year as a filter on reports (example report called "Gifts - by Type").

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General :: Making Use Of Import Error Tables

Mar 27, 2013

I am attempting to set up a saved import procedure in an Access database that will be run programmatically using docmd.RunSavedImportExport. The source document is an Excel file.My goal is to trap any import errors caused by inconsistencies in the source data. I'd also like to provide the user with some small amount of feedback on what is causing these errors.

My initial thought was to make use of the "File_ImportErrors" table that is generated following an unsuccessful import. *Not once* has this import procedure consistently generated an error table - sometimes the table is created, sometimes it isn't.

I have tried changing the file format of the import file to comma- and tab-delimited files, respectively. Both of these formats do consistently generate an error table, however none of the error values in the table are accurate - it reports a slew of type conversion errors for fields that are completely consistent and unproblematic, whilst completely overlooking conspicuous errors from text strings in date fields.

I have tried the same import, both procedurally and manually, using all available Excel and text-delimited formats, with the same respective results.I notice that nearly every thread on AWF pertaining to error tables discusses how to delete them, rather than make effective use of them. I suspect this is perhaps why?

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General :: Making Access Database Accessible Via Net?

Dec 6, 2012

there is a need to make access database (access 2007) accessible over net. I know Access Database is not web based application. So I want to know if there is any way of making it accessible via net.

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General :: Merge Cells Or Making Subgroups

Apr 1, 2013

I'm trying to enter data in an access datasheet view in sharepoint. I need to merge cells in the same Column but have the cells to the right in the other columns retain linked to that merged column. Any way to do this?

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General :: Making Paths / Shapes In Access?

Jul 4, 2012

Is it possible to make a path or a shape in access? I'd like to do some graphical representation of some data and change colors of the shapes based on given values that would correlate to the shapes.

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General :: Duplicate Back End On Different Server

Feb 22, 2013

We have offices in other states that need to be able to open our data base. Due to the line speed it is extremely slow linking to our backend. Is it possible to have duplicate backends that can be merged, lets say over night or at the push of a button.

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General :: Design Jumps To The Back?

Mar 1, 2013

My forms and reports jump to the back, behind anything that is open when ever I open them into design.

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General :: How To Set Up Access Database As Back-end Only

Aug 8, 2015

I plan on using Excel as the front-end and Access as the back-end only. (all queries and forms are in Excel). A single Access database will be queried from multiple Excel files that will be located on the share drive (Linux server). Access tables contain memo, text and number fields. Data will be sent to Access tables and records will be appended/deleted; all via Excel.

There will be multiple users interacting with a single Access database via multiple Excel files located on the shared drive. Users will be interacting from different workstations with Windows 7, all have Access 2010 and Excel 2010 installed.

This process works for me from my workstation but I am not sure what will happen when other 4 people will be sending/appending/deleting records to the same Database? How do I make this work? What settings do I need to check in Access to make this possible?

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General :: Can Put Back End Of Database On Web Space?

Jul 31, 2013

I have a database which is split so that several people can have a 'front end' to the database to access one common back end. This works fine on a network but I thought I could load the backend up to my webspace and then with the links manager point to it, but it doesn't work. I get an error report of 'not a valid file name.'

The website is [URL] .... and the backend database name is Probus_data_A.accdb and so I entered [URL] .... as the address in link manager.

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General :: Compact On Close - Back End?

Apr 3, 2015

I currently manually run a compact and repair on the backend of a database at work, but was wondering if it might be sensible to set it to compact on close so that (in theory) it is done at least daily and therefore shouldn't take much time?

The back end resides on a network server, which is backed up continuously, so in theory it should be easy enough to roll back to a backup copy should anything untoward happen.

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General :: Protecting Back End Of Database

Sep 12, 2013

So i want to protect the back end of a database but im limited to what I can do....I am unable to restrict members from accessing the file by username...I am unable to place it in a local area which is pass protected...I am also unable to encrypt the back end as the front end needs to be able to access it (and I dont know how to allow it to do that...)

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