General :: Modify Displayed Fields Of Combo Box On A Form
Mar 1, 2013
Where in Access 2010 I can modify the displayed fields of a Combo Box on a form. I need to format the display window and add criteria to one of the fields. Can't remember where I set this up and recently upgrading from Access 2007 isn't working.
Hello, exactly how Access 2002 and SQL operate is still a bit fuzzy to me.
In brief: tableAccounts has fields for Signatory1ID and Signatory2ID, and other stuff tableSignatories has ID for a primary key and has SignatoryTypeID as a field tableSignatoryTypes has ID for a primary key and SignatoryType as a field
For each account, on a Form I want to show the Signatory and SignatoryType info for both signatory1 and signatory2. I have tried creating various queries and INNER JOINing the tables and/or queries together, but whenever I manage to get all the information displayed, none of it is editable. Access seems to lock the various text boxes and combo boxes.
Some of my collegues have been experiencing this problem with a very simple database i knocked up for them. First off some background. I have a main form (frmproperty) with 3 subforms linked to it(frmroomdata, frmlocation and frmsample). by a property code. Two of these subforms are linked (frmlocation and frmsample) these are linked by location code which is an autonumber.
These are laid out so that you fill in room data first, then location data then finally sample data. However after the location data has been filled out and a user attempts to move to the first combobox on the sample subform a message pops up saying that another user has altered the database and would you like to save changes (Impossible as they are using the database on a local drive). After this happens they reopen the form and in all the frmsample fields is "#deleted"
This doesn't happen every time...infact over the last 2 days i have been entering data myself to try and get this error with no luck. Has anyone else come across this and know how to fix it?
[URL] ....I am trying to dynamically search multiple fields from a combo box on a form that includes a subform. I am using code from the above referenced link within this forum.
It works without the "setFocus" for the Listbox except it jumps to a record after the very first character is entered instead of narrowing down as characters are typed. If I leave in the "setFocus" I get run-time error 2110.
I have a simple Query which very satisfactorily exports data to a Tab Delimited Text File to upload to a website.
The field titles are dictated by the Table Field Names but I would like to modify these for the export. Is there a simple criteria code by which this can be achieved.
automatically adding modified date/time to a record as it changes..I have a work log database for a team of people to keep track of workflow (documents in/out, stage in the workflow, owner of the record, etc.). I have a number of records that I want to automatically update a corresponding date/time field when it is changed. For example, one part of the workflow tracks a document through the approval of 5 different people. So I have a five records that are yes/no flags for approval and five records that are date/time for when it was approved. Right now my team is manually entering the five date/time stamps, but I'd like to have it automatically update when the check the "yes" box and update that field in the record.
Hi, I am trying to choose an entry from a COmbo Box which ahas a Lookuop underlying in it. I then want to display the additonal four entries in the form it self. The data is already created and displayed in a query. The primary key gets displayed but thte other data cannot be displayed. Is there any way I can display the other details eg: Firstname, Surname Age in the same form but under different fieldnames. I am not sure how to do this. I could retype it all in but that is uneconomical. Any ideas? Please help. Thanks.
When I start my database normally, I'm not able to add fields, change chart type, etc, by right clicking in a pivot chart or table. It works when I open the database while holding down the shift key though, so I suppose there is an option in my database somewhere that I have changed, but which one.
im working on a report at the moment that will generate a standard NIP (nutritional information panel, similar to whats on the back of pretty much all packaged food products, see link below for an example)
this in itself is pretty easy, however depending on which market we're selling to, different countries have different requirements for which data is to be shown, ie some markets might require we show how much sodium but not how much fiber, others might require us to show how much carbs and sugars but not how much vitamin C and so on (all up there are 16 different variables for nutritional info, due to size requirements on our packaging we cant simply display all 16 all the time)
at the moment im designing a form which has a drop down box (for the user to select a product) and checkboxes for each of the 16 variables (kilojules, carbs, iron, trans fats, sat fats, etc) following this ive got a report that has all 16 variables on it
i can make the variables that arent ticked on the form invisible (by adding a bunch of IF or Case statements, on print of the report, that determine whether the corresponding checkbox for each variable has been ticked and setting the "visible" attribute to true or false accordingly), however when they are invisible there is still a blank space where the field is meant to be ive got all the fields grouped together, is there any way of making fields invisible and then pushing all the visible fields together so there are no blank spaces?
I have a working combo box on a form that displays issue numbers for part number typed into a text box.This all works fine when the list of issue numbers is below the displayed list (16), but when the list is longer than 16 you cannot seem to select anything after item 16.
When the combo box has, say 25 items a scroll bar appears allowing the user to scroll down to item 25, but when you click the mouse the list just reverts back to the first 16 items? The only way to select an item after 16 is to select item 16 which then closes the combo box, then when you reopen it the list now shows items 17 to 25 which you can then select item 25.
This is the same in reverse, when you have item 25 selected, you cannot select item 1. When you click the mouse the list reverts back to items 17 - 25.The combo box is populated in code using the lost focus event on the text box for the part number.
I am trying to return the MIN in a numeric field (single result) from my database and I have no issues doing this BUT the problem is that I also need to display additional fields in order to make the result useful. The additional field can't be grouped by b/c that changes the result of the MIN function.
So a while back I created a database which I use to keep track of my companies large list of products. It is very simple only 3 tables, 1 query and 1 form. After running into a problem with copying and pasting updates on each computer in the office I decided to split the database on a network drive. This worked for a bit, however I had to add new fields and modify the form, which corrupted the file. Luckily I had a backup before the split.
As far as I could tell all I had to do was modify the backend file and make a new front end. However it seems like it is not as easy as I thought it would be. How do you modify a split database without corrupting the files or using a non-split copy?
I have a Form to Display Projects that has a SubForm displaying Sub-Projects related to them. The main Project Form has a Combo Box which allows a user to select a ProjectID to display. The SubForm has a ProjectID Field as well. When the Project ID is selected in the Main Form, only the appropriate Sub-Projects are displayed in the Sub-Form.
On the SubForm, there is a Field named ActionID, which uses the following VB Code to limit the availability of the Fields in the SubForm that apply to Dates. If the selected Action is Install, only Install related Dates should be available. Likewise, if the selected Action is Remove only Remove related Dates should be available.
If Me.ActionID.Column(1) = "Install" Then Me.AssetInstallMonth.Enabled = True Me.AssetInstallYear.Enabled = True Me.AssetRemovalYear.Enabled = False Me.AssetInstallMonth.Locked = False
[Code] ....
Everything seems to work as expected until there is more than one Sub-Project is the SubForm and they do not contain the same Action. In these cases, it appears as if the Sub-Projects in the SubForm are not being treated as individual records. If Sub-Project is Added or Modified to have an action of "Install", all records are treated as Install Records (only Install related Dates are available), regardless of their content.
Is there a way to update the properties for only the row that has been selected?
I have a report with 4 subreports. The report contains calculated fields that use the totals field in the different sub reports.
My issue is when one or more of the subreports does not have data in it. The sub report dissapears while in print preview, removing the totals row and ruining the calculated fields in the main report.
How can I keep the sub report visible even if no data is displayed? Or have it invisible but have the calculated fields still reference.
I'm an Access newbie and I'm having trouble restricting a combo box on a subform based on the selection of the combo box on the form.The combo box (Combo1) on the main form (FrmOrganisation) gives a list of companies, I want the combo box (Combo2) in the subform (SbFrmEmployees) to list people only from that company. I then have a subform within that subform that displays information about the employee.
I have a "Currency" field in a table and it holds large numbers (on which I will need to do basic arithmetic operations at some point, so I must store them as a numbers). I have set the "Standard" format on the TextBox used to display it on a form because I want to have thousand separators; I've also set "0" for decimals as I don't need to display them.
So everything displays as I want it even with the largest number that can be stored all the decimals are showing in the text field, but when I click on the field to edit the value instead of having the complete value it is displayed as scientific notation. I would like to display the complete value when editing it instead of the scientific notation, how can I achieve this, if it is possible?
A numeric example: If a user enters 1234567891012, the value displayed is indeed 1234567891012 but if they click on the field again the displayed value while editing is 1.23456789012E+11 (and it switches back to normal notation when the focus changes to another field). I would like to show 123456789012 all the time. I know that Access is capable of it most likely because if I set the Format to "Fixed" the values are always displayed completely (no scientific notation), but unfortunately I would like the thousands separators to show and it is not possible with the "Fixed" format.
Two last details, the scientific notation while editing does not kick in unless there is more than 11 digits in the number and the field width (and/or TextBox width) are sufficient to display up to 20 digits.
Hi I am getting fed up of repeatedly modifying the basic new form in Access 2003 since I hate Tahoma and I never want dividing lines and I always want the VBA to be Option Explicit and I have my own ideas on colour schemes etc. etc. Every new form I enter I have to make all the changes manually and simply wondered if I am being an ass. I can modify templates in Word and Excel so if I could do the same thing in Access I could save myself cumulative hours of work. I cannot seem to find anything so does everyone else bow to what Microsoft think a form should look like or do you all do what I do and endlessly recreate the same starting point for each form??? Any pointers would be 110% wonderful!! Best wishes
i am very rookie with access.. infact i am doing my first project in access for a friend.. here is my doubt...
this frnd has toy making business.. he wants to keep track of this inventory... i have made one table (ItemId(PK), Item descripstion, noOff, parentItem(FK), stock).. noOff is the no of child items required for a particular parent item..
now i have to run a query to get all the items which have same parentItem.. for this i designed a form... have put 3 text boxes and a subform.. one to accept the parentItem.. 2nd to display its description.. 3rd one to accept no of parent items which i wud be the multiplying factor for the child item noOff.. (default is one..)
now i can retrive the parentItem id.. from the form and use it in the WHERE clause...
SELECT ItemData.ItemID, ItemData.ItemDescription, ItemData.noOff FROM ItemData WHERE (((ItemData.ParentItem)=[Forms]![Display Product Data]![txtProdId]));
but i want to retive the value in the No off: box and multiply it to all the child item's no off...
i have tried to multiply ItemData.noOff with [Forms]![Display Product Data]![txtNoOff] but did not got the desired results....
i need help with this... or if u know ne other way to do it... plese post a reply... thanks...
I have a form where a user will enter a 11 digit number (12345043456). Using ASP (VB) this string of numbers queries an access database and returns the entry for that specific number to the user.
Unfortunately, the numbers in the access table are an 11 digit number with hyphens seperating the string like this 12345-04-3456 (the ndc # of a pharmaceutical).
So What i need is some code that monitors and modifies the form input so that the hyphens are added in to the string when the user is inputting the data.
If i cannot do this, then is there some VB that I can add which modifies the field in the text file when it is imported into access on a daily basis.
Pls. help!!!, the attached document is the application I want to programmatically control the data entry:
1.) Parent Form is unbounded fields, and set a record source in my table "BidTabTransaction". If I want to retrieve record, I just populate the table by querydef and sql into recordset and put all the table fields into form fields. The same thing if I want to save the record, and edit the record in the form.
2.) My problem is the child form. I set a record source in my table "BidTab Details". I set the child form to allowaddition=Yes; data entry=No;Allowdeletion=No;AllowEdits=No then it just simply display the records which is equal to Bid Tab No. because it is bounded the form fields into record source fields of "BidTabDetails" Table.
How could I retrieve a record from parent form and display the details in the child form in both unbounded form fields? (FrmBidTabTransaction & FrmBidTabDetails)
I would be grateful if someone out there attends immediately with my problem because I am in deadlock deadline to submit at least a partial running application. Thank you for your kindness...
Will be waiting. You can email me at God Bless!!!
I am trying to create a customizable report that would allow the users to choose fields. I have a pretty common code that I found online and adapted it, but it fails on the first SetReportControl function.
The error reads: Run-time error 2465: Application-defined or object-defined error
Could it be something as simple as an incorrect reference? I have checked multiple times, but I am stumped.
Code: Option Compare Database Option Explicit Sub MakeReport()
This is a trial run, in the end I need to be able to open a report, then adjust the Report controls within 1 or more subreports inside the main report. That is a battle for another day.
I have a series of forms that become current in a certain order. For example a menu form comes up. This is followed by a search form where the user gives search parameters. Then appears the results list. If the user wants a detail form comes after that, etc. Now when the user closes the last form I want the form before that one to show up and when he closes that one the one before that and so on. That is I am going to use the close button to go back to the previous step. How can I do this.
I have the fields City, State and Postcode in my Member's table. My Member's form has the same 3 fields.
I have the CityLookup table which contains the City name and relevant State and Postcode.
I want my users to be able to either select from the combo dropdown list to select a City or start typing the name and the name will be autofilled from the list - then the correct City name, State and Poscode will automatically fill the fields on my form.
i have looked at a number of combo box methods and can not get one to work for me.