General :: Multiple Form Click?

May 13, 2015

How do you enable to click multiple form that are set to pop up , modal and the border style is dialog ... ? the scenario is like this, my main form pops up and when i click a button that shows a different form , i won't be able to click back or do anything on my main form unless i close the new form that was loaded.

1. Main form is loaded
2. i clicked a button on my main form to load a new form
3. The new form is loaded, i can't click back or do anything on my main form unless this new form is closed.

my settins on my form are :
pop up - yes
modal - yes
border style - dialog

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General :: How To Open Another Database On Button Click At Form

Dec 11, 2012

i want to ask is there any way to open another access database using when click button at form.. for example i have tracking.accb then at my switchboard form, i would like to have a button that can go to another access which is borrow.accb. can these possible for me to do it..?

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General :: Click On Image In Form And Leave A Mark

Jan 30, 2013

I have a form with an image embedded in it. I want to be able to click on the image and leave a "dot" or "mark" where i have clicked, allowing me to click in multiple places on the image and leave multiple "dots"

I am assuming i need to crate a new shape each time i click, how is this done?

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General :: Get A Record In Main Form With Double Click In Subform

Sep 15, 2013

I have a mainform named EMA and a subform named Q_EMO. In the mainform there is one event related to a patient.In the subform Q_EMO there are all the events releted to the patient.I would like to get a record in the mainform EMA when I double click in the record of the subform.

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General :: Click On Datasheet To Open Specific Record In A Form

Jul 16, 2012

I have two forms. One is a datasheet. One is a form with a default view of Single Form (which contains combo boxes).I want to have the user select (click) on a record in the datasheet and have the second form open to that record. The datasheet form acts as an advanced search on two title fields.I tried the open form macro but I dont know how to have to second form open to a specific record.

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General :: Click On List Lookup Employee / Select ID And Then Form Will Fill In Rest

Nov 6, 2012

I have a form, "Update Employee Information" that allows me to navigate through records and change data like name, adress, etc. I would like to know how to create list (or autofill) so that it won't take long before finding an employee.For example: I have a Employee ID and would like to search on that so the form can fill in the rest of my information. I have thought of two methods that I like:

(1) Click on a list "Lookup Employee", select ID and then the form will fill in the rest

(2) Without clicking a link, typing in the ID in the form and the rest of the data gets filled in.

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Modules & VBA :: Import Multiple Files To Multiple Tables On Button Click

Sep 20, 2014

I made a database that in one of the forms, I like by clicking on a button the user be able to select 5 excel files with different file names (in the same directory) and then based on the imported file's names, it be stored in 5 different tables.

At the moment by using the bellow code, I can import multiple files (with the same formats) only into one table . My vba code comes as follow:

Function GetAllFiles()
Dim fd As Object
Dim strFilter As String
Dim lngItems As Long

Const msoFileDialogOpen As Long = 3
Const msoFileDialogViewDetails As Long = 2

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Multiple IF Functions With Button Click

Mar 19, 2013

Multiple IF functions in a form. I have a button that on click will print a report if certain fields in the form have data in them. If not, a msgbox pops up to let the user know that data must be filled and then sets focus on whichever field needs data in the form. There are many IF statements, and they all work fine until I get to a certain one then the remaining IF does not continue.

Here is some code:

If IsNull([Alert]) Then
MsgBox "An alert time is required." _
, vbCritical, "Data Required"
Exit Sub
If IsNull([Enroute]) Then

[Code] .....

The next IF argument will bring up the msgbox when there is no data, thats great. However, when the user fills in the field and continues with the button click to print the report, the button does nothing.

Here is the next IF, the one with the problem:

If IsNull([Combo608]) Then
If IsNull([Combo620]) Then
MsgBox "You must select either a planned event or an emergency event." _
, vbCritical, "Information"
Exit Sub

How to get it to work, to continue with the remaining IF arguments after this one (there are several more)?

Or are there a better way to code this and not have the many IF arguments?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Run Multiple SQL Commands On Click Of A Button

Jul 25, 2013

I want to run multiple SQL commands on click of a button. I have these three command,

CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO UserMadeDeviceT(Product, ORESector) " & _
" VALUES ('" & Me.D_NewDeviceTxt & "', '" & Me.D_ORECmb & "')"
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO UserMadeDeviceT (RatedKilowattPower, KilogramWeight)" & _
" SELECT RatedKilowattPower, Weight FROM UserSelectedComponentT " & _
" WHERE [TotalComponent] = '" & D_ComponentNameCmb & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO UserMadeDeviceT (Cost) SELECT SUM (EuroCost) FROM UserSelectedComponentT"

all of these work indevidually and return the correct value but the add three rows to the table. How can I combine these three commands into one so that it will only add one entry?

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Clearinf Multiple Checkboxes In A Table With A Click Of A Button.

Oct 19, 2004

I want to clear all the checkboxes in a certain field by using a command button on a form. I could use some help!!

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General :: Multiple Tables Into One Form

Jun 2, 2014

I have 3 table each with the same columns.

1st table = current documents
2nd table = documents awaiting approval
3rd table = old documents no longer in use

I currently have a subform within my search form that I use to filter the results via a textbox on the form. I would like to have the contents of all three tables present in the subform.

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General :: Printing Multiple Copies Of A Form?

Jun 18, 2015

I have an Access based CRM system that was built for me in 1998. Amazingly it is still pretty effective. However, I would like to make a small adjustment in the programming..

Once we've added the details for an order we press continue and the screen closes and one copy of the acknowledgement of order form. I simply want it to print three copies!

I believe this is the coding part of the command that is effected.

Rem Print Report
DoCmd.OpenReport "Order Acknowledgement"
Rem Close Form
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Booking Entry"

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General :: Doesn't Seem To Wait For Second Click

Aug 28, 2013

I have a listbox in which I am using both the single and double click events to return different data. It seems that when I try to double-click it is interpreted as a single click! It doesn't seem to "wait" for the second click. I have been coding for years but never saw this before.

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Queries :: Update Multiple Table Records With Button Click Event

Oct 29, 2014

I have a table with many records, using a form with an update button click event, I would like to update ALL records where the Item in the table = the Item in the form.

There are 6 checkboxes and 6 text boxes that will need to be updated, but right now I am just trying to test if i can even change one text box to keep it simple. I have tried to start by using this:

Dim mySQL As String
Dim ItemNo As String
Dim SO As String

mySQL = "UPDATE BT200 SET Part = '" & SO & "' WHERE Item = " & ItemNo
DoCmd.RunSQL mySQL

So every time i run this command button, it gives me a prompt "You are about to update 0 row(s)". Nothing gets updated at all, I am clearly missing something vital here.

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General :: Multiple Forms And Making One Form Primary

Jul 15, 2013

I have got 3 forms, and at the time of running, I want to make one primarily one form to be showing up and the other 2 to be hidden or closed, and the primary form will have 2 buttons, and clickning respective buttons should be able to open another 2 respective forms.

At the moment am using, DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", which works fine, but am confused in brining the form 1 only to be shown at the first most time.

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General :: Use VBA To Click A Button That Fires A Macro?

Sep 4, 2012

enable me to run some code before a button is clicked I want to be able to click a button via VBA code.Basically I used the auto button wizard to make an add record button.To ensure a shed loads of if checks and queries on the entered form data run I wanted to make this button invisible, then make a new button running code not embedded macros to run my checking module then click.

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General :: MS Access Exit Button - On Click?

Apr 1, 2014

I'd like to create 'Exit Microsoft Access' Button.

In Command Button Wizard which action I should use to get it right? and finally in the properties should go to 'on click'?

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General :: Add Return Between Entries In Form Field That Allows Multiple Values

Apr 5, 2013

I have a subformClientOffers on my frmAllProperties. On the subformClientOffers is a field called Outside Agents. This field allows for multiple values to be selected.

The subfrmClientOffers is in datasheet view.

While the field Outside Agents DOES allow me to select more than one, they post in the field one after another:

Ken Shaw, John Doe, Jane Doe, Harlan Bestlyn

Therefore, the datasheet view of the subformClientOffers causes the field Outside Agents to get very long, much too long to view without scrolling. My client wishes for everything on the frmAllProperties to be viewable without scrolling.

Is there anyway, to cause the field Outside Agents to place a return between each selected name (sort of a wrap text kind of thing)?

One thing I might mention is that the field is a drop down field from tblOutsideAgents. The table itself has First Name and Last Name, but I concatenated that into Fullname on the form, so that when the user opens the drop down they see the entire name. I don't know if that would have any effect on making the 'return' thing work or not.

I can't use this field as a subdatasheet because I already have one subdatasheet attached to the subform to show multiple notes on each Client Offer.

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General :: Auto Fill Multiple Fields In A Form From 2 Tables

Apr 3, 2015

I have two tables, "Summary" and 'POC Information". In the "POC Information Table I have all my Contacts Information (Name, Title, Phone, Email, etc...) and I am trying to assign 2 POCs to each of my multiple projects located in the "Summary" Table. I am using a Form called "JCIDS Tracker Input Form" as the link. So far I am able to assign one POC by a combo box that lists "Full Name", then it autofills the other information...Phone Number, Email, etc... The problem come into being when I want to assign a second POC to the same Project...I can assign a name, but it won't correctly autofill the rest of the just autofills in the information from the first POC that was selected.

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General :: Dynamically Search Multiple Fields From Combo Box On Form

Mar 21, 2013

[URL] ....I am trying to dynamically search multiple fields from a combo box on a form that includes a subform. I am using code from the above referenced link within this forum.

It works without the "setFocus" for the Listbox except it jumps to a record after the very first character is entered instead of narrowing down as characters are typed. If I leave in the "setFocus" I get run-time error 2110.

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General :: Simulate Execute Ribbon Button Click By VBA

Jun 18, 2012

I know how to use a callback to to action a button click directly.

But I also have a drop down list of my buttons on a form (they are dynamically created, so the details are stored in a table), I want to select a button from my drop down lists and then action the button selected.

EDIT: In short - I want to execute a ribbon button via vba knowing its Control.ID.

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General :: Run Access File Automatically After Double Click

Aug 13, 2013

How can I run an Access 2003 file automatically, after double click the Access 2003 Icon?

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Modules & VBA :: Create Multiple Records Based On Date Range - Button Click Event

Jul 31, 2014

I work for a company that manufactures home appliances & electronics. When those products fail within the warranty period, we are obligated to repair the units for the customers.

We have around 200 factory technicians who make those repairs. Each tech is able to make approximately 8 repairs each day. We have a dispatching system that assigns the repairs to the techs based on their availability each day. But the problem is that we have to manually enter and adjust the schedule for all 200 techs every single day, and this takes a lot of time. And of course technicians get sick, take vacation, etc, so we have to adjust the schedule so no techs will be assigned calls when they're off.

The problem: For example, currently when a technician takes off for 2 weeks, the user has to enter 14 individual records for the tech, which is somewhat time consuming. What I need is to program a button click event to determine the two dates (startDate & endDate) and append multiple records from one single entry in the form for each date in between and including the two date fields.

I know I'll probably need to create a loop that will loop through the two dates on the form and append a record for each day, so I can then cross reference the dates to the master schedule dates to make sure that no availability is opened for the techs taking time off.

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General :: Update Table Based On Form - Create Multiple Rows

Apr 15, 2014

I have a table with the following columns: Task, Visa type, time it takes to perform the task. There are several taks that are performed for all visa types. I want to create a form to enter data to the table in which for the field visa type I have a list box that can allow multiple values, however, I do not to create a single line with the task and on visa type all the types of visas selected. I want to create a line for each type of visa with the information introduced.

I don't know if this is possible, the reason for which I want for the form to create several rows depending on the visas types is because then I have a query that sums all the types of visas. Can this be possible? I don't want the people to introduce manually directly to the table the data and also that for the same taks they have to enter manually 50 rows with values. I want it to be more simple and easier.

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General :: Display Listbox Record When Double Click On Item

Sep 26, 2012

I currently have a listbox. (list32) that is populated with results of a query. I would like to doubleclick on an item and have it open a form that displays the listbox record i clicked on and a "notes" field. Its my understanding that the table fields are limited to 255 chars so i was curious if I could make the notes field reside somewhere else. I will need the notes able to be edited, specific to record entry, and then saved on exit. Is this doable?

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General :: How To Load Data From Listbox Double Click Event

Aug 22, 2014

Is it possible to load the data in input from by double clicking on data from list box ?

I have single form on which both input form and read-only form is present. as i used visible property to display or not accordingly.

User enters the data from input form. (It has been done)

User go onto read only form where combo box and list box. from drop down values load into list-box. (It has been done)

Now double click on any record then it should re-directed on input form with loading the data in editable mode for updation purpose. ???? (How this step will be done) ?

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