General :: Names In Multiple Horizontal Columns

Dec 18, 2013

I have a database with employee folders containing various bits of information. My intent is to have a main page with a sub report or from containing employee names. Instead of the names being displayed in a single vertical column with a scroll bar, I would like to display multiple columns of say twelve names each with a horizontal scroll bar no information with be edited from the "main" page..

The information would be "last name, first name" from a query, you would select (highlight) the name and hit a button to bring up a different form with that employees information or double click for the same results.

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General :: Multiple Excel Columns To One Field

Apr 14, 2014

I have an excel sheet, sent to me by someone else. It contains a column of unique information (site IDs), followed by three columns which each contain either a unique value or a blank, something like this:

021| |2345B|3456C
041| | |7890E

The ID represents a particular business with which we interact, whilst the codes represent particular types of contract that we have with them.

This is then followed by a lot of columns containing information about each entry, name, address, post code, contract data etc.

I need to relate this to the employees at those businesses, whose data I have recorded in a separate spreadsheet, so that addresses and such are also related to people, not just the business unit.

This spreadsheet records each person by employee ID (a unique value for each entry) and Code, without taking account of whether it is a code of type 1, 2 or 3. Like this:


I figure the best way to create a relationship between these tables once imported into access is via a third table containing a column with all the Codes in a single field and a second field with the sID related to each code.


My question is, how do I get all the Codes from the three different fields into a single field and relate it to the relevant sID for each?

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General :: How To Sum Multiple Columns In Access 2013

Nov 28, 2014

I made a new column in a table in access. The table is not linked and linking unfortunately is not an option. In the new column, I want to create a sum for 5 years of funding. There are multiple columns for a different fiscal year.

In excel, it is simply =sum(range), but I am drawing completely blank how to fill in the column with the sum data.

The end result is the data from 4 tables will be displayed in Forms and Reports.

Essentially what I need is an ability to bulk update a column in access table without a need to reupload the entire datasheet (over 100k rows with about 30 columns).

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Linked Field Names/Columns

Aug 16, 2007


I am trying to make a new form with the same info as another but in a different view for easily updatable forms/reports. The current table i have looks like this:

Company Product Market Available?

etc... with the numbers linked to tables with the actual name.

what i want to do is make a table with field names that correspond the different products so that it looks like this:

Company Market Product 1 Product 2 Product 3
1.............2............yes..........yes....... ........yes ........yes

Ive played around with crosstab queries but I'm not getting the results i want. Is there any way to have this new table linked to my first table so that if theres a new product # entered it will automatically make a new column on the new table and fill it in? Let me know if this is too confusing, Thanks for your help.

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Editing 4,000 Plant Names In A Query With 3 Identical Columns

Jul 3, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with 4,000 plant names, for example one plant name reads "Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple Tree)".

I transposed this spreadsheet into a database.

And then I created a query with 3 columns - "Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple Tree)" - "Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple Tree)" - "Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple Tree)".

And now I want to convert the database into 3 columns - "FirstName" - "RemainingName" - "OtherName" - so I can manually change this plant name for example to "Acer", "palmatum", "(Japanese Maple Tree)".

But when I edit any one of the names - all of fields in that row change whereas I only want the name in one column to change at a time.

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Queries :: Fixed Heading Names In Crosstab With Dynamic Columns

Jul 3, 2014

I'm trying to run a query which fetches only the last 2 years of data for a given region from a table with several years worth of data (there are year, region, sector and rank columns among others). The region is passed into the query from a combobox from Form1.

The first problem was that some regions have up-to-date data and some not so much e.g. for Europe the "last 2 years" mean 2012,2013 for Asia its 2011,2012. In order to deal with this I've created a crosstab query which works well except for one thing - because the columns are dynamic (dependant on the region) the column headings change as well.

And here comes my question, how can i fix the column names to be e.g."Current Year" and "Prior Year" independent of the query fetching 2012,2013 or 2009,2010? I've tied different things with PIVOT... IN ... but with no luck.

Here's the sql for the query:


PARAMETERS [Forms]![Form1]![cmbRegion] Text ( 255 );
TRANSFORM min(DataTable.Rank)
SELECT DataTable.Region, DataTable.RegionalSector,
FROM DataTable
WHERE (((DataTable.Region)=Forms!Form1!cmbRegion))

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Consolidate Multiple Columns Into Two Columns

May 14, 2014

I have a MS ACCESS 2010 database with a data table which i am trying to create a query from. I have 6 columns of data( one with an ID Field and 5 Name Fields). Below i have made examples of how it first appears as a simple query and the second will show you what i would like it to look like.

What the simple query looks like: [URL] ...

Second what I want the query to look like: [URL] ....

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Consolidate Multiple Names

Jun 11, 2013

Each month I get the previous months data. In that data, I have a list of names that have duplicates in them. Some of the names have last, first middle. Some have just last, first. I want to combine the like names and leave the unlike names not combined.I want to combine in this situation

ex. Smith, Peter
Smith, Peter W

I do not want to combine in this situation
ex. Smith, Peter M
Smith, Peter W

My goal is to get the original name in a table with the combined name next to it.

Original Name
New Name

Smith, Peter
Smith, Peter

Smith, Peter W
Smith, Peter

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Queries :: Put Multiple Records In Multiple Columns

Jul 31, 2013

I have three tables. Risk, Names and RiskAndNamesJunction table. I have the junction table because I have many to many relation (meaning many people can be connected to one risk and many risks can be connected to one people).

The problem is that If I make a query to show the people related to the risks, if there are many people for one risk then it will put the people in different rows. Meaning that for risk 2 I will have three rows, because there are three people connected to this rows. See the attached file!

What I would like to do is to have a query which (in case there are more than one risk owners) puts the second name in another column, the third name in another column and so on. So I will have only one row per risks.

The attached file is a dummy file, so there are only maximum three names per risk. In the real file the maximum is five names per risk. So I am talking about no more then five extra columns. (So I am talking about a query which would put the first finding in the first extra column, then the second item in the second and so on till five. It there is no third or fourth or fifht item then the columns remain blank).

Unfortunately I have to do this because our mother company works with excel and they are sticking to this format in excel.

See the attached file ....

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Can Add Multiple Names To One ID (Auto-number)

Mar 25, 2014

I work in University accommodation housing 3000 students and we conduct meetings with the residents when they are to be disciplined.. for various things such as smoking in their room, poor conduct, or cause they've broken a window decided playing football in the kitchen using a window as a goal.

They can then be given a fine or community service or a warning.

I've created a database that logs a these meetings and it works fine when one person is called in, it logs the individual (Name, ID Number, Accommodation, Flat & Room No) and I can transfer the details to a new community service record or fine record and it all links to the auto generate ID number (known as the Case Number).

Though in cases where there is more than one person involved and each are given their own "discipline" I haven't got the knowledge to know how to keep it linked to the same 'Case Number'.

Can I create a case, add more than one person to the meeting record who will be present?

Then following that meeting for example Alan gets 10 hours community service, John gets a £40 fine, and Dave gets a £40 fine and 5 hours community service? Though all 3 are still linked to the same case number from the initial meeting?

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Tables :: Multiple Name IDs Link To Same Names Table

Jul 30, 2013

I have a risk table containing risks and risk owners (many owners for one risk), meaning that I have two risk owners columns. What I would like to do is to connect both risk owner columns (containing the name IDs) to the Names table. But Access does not allow to connect more than 1 column to another.

See the attached file...

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Forms :: Search Combo Box With Multiple Last Names

Jan 19, 2014

I have a combo box that brings up records for an individual. I have people with the same last names and have their first names showing on the combo box list, but when i choose one of them, it will always go to the name of the person who was entered first, so matter who i pick(that has the same last name).

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Assign Multiple Names To Single Record

Jul 18, 2013

I have a Project Database where I keep track of projects throughout my plant. A project can have one owner or several owners working on it. Is there a way to assign multiple owners to a project?

I tried doing a subform but I don't like how it looks on the form and when I try to do a query that filters based on a person's name, the form has to be a single form rather than a continuous form which is not what I want.

Is there another way that I can accomplish this?

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Queries :: Duplicates In Data - Consolidate Multiple Names

Jun 11, 2013

Each month I get the previous months data. In that data, I have a list of names that have duplicates in them. Some of the names have last, first middle. Some have just last, first. I want to combine the like names and leave the unlike names not combined.

I want to combine in this situation
ex. Smith, Peter
Smith, Peter W

I do not want to combine in this situation
ex. Smith, Peter M
Smith, Peter W

My goal is to get the original name in a table with the combined name next to it.

Original NameNew Name
Smith, PeterSmith, Peter
Smith, Peter WSmith, Peter

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Combine Multiple Tables (all Are With Unique ID Names) Into One Table?

Nov 22, 2013

I have create 6 tables for library books (which are differentiated by categories). Each table has different category and unique ID name e.g. F1, F2, F3..(for table 1), G1, G2, G3..(for table 2) and so on. How do I combine all those tables into 1 table for easy search for a book rather than open up each table? Tried append query but its ID run as 1, 2, 3... , not F1, F2, F3 and it only append 1 table, not the rest.

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Can Place Multiple Field Names To A Single Index?

Aug 5, 2012

Add and Index named Location to the tblGuest table that consists of the StateProv and City fields and uses the default property settings, Delete the PostalCode Index, save then close the table.

I have looked up all info in the text reffering to Indexing and cant seem to come to a conclusion of the way to complete the underlined area area. For the class they provide you with the files and in this particular file the primekey is Guest ID with a field value of GuestID. There are two other Indexes PostalCode with field value PostalCode and GuestID with field value of GuestID.

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Query Searching Multiple Tables' Field Names (not Values)

Jan 22, 2007

Hi. Please do not lecture me on database normalization, as this truly is not in my control.

I have 2 dozen tables, each with 13 fields. All of the field names exist in at least 12 of the tables. And all tables share a ssn field where values are common.(Confused yet? Sorry, if you are...)

If I design a query showing all 2 dozen tables and their fields...
Can I set up a query criteria where I enter the requested ssn and then the required field name and have the result show the values of all the fields with that name, among the ones of the 2 dozen tables where that field name exists? (for that specified ssn)

If I am only as clear as mud, please let me know, and I will try again.
Or, by asking if I can search for field values querying by field name, am I any clearer?


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Forms :: Multiple Instances Where Inactive Names Should Not Show On List

Mar 22, 2013

We have a form that will have one combo box for Associates (like Employee in the OPs DB) which I've got set to show only active Associates for new entry per the tips in the above thread, but we'll also have a combo box for Developer which I need to function the same way. I don't know how to add that part to the On Current event?

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim strComboRowSource As String
If Me.NewRecord Then
strComboRowSource = "SELECT T_Associates.AssociateID, T_Associates.Associate, T_Associates.Active " & _
"FROM T_Associates " & _
"WHERE (((T_Associates.Active)=True));"

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Add Multiple Checkbox Names Into Single Table Field

Aug 15, 2013

Im constructing a form with check boxes next to names. Id like to have the checked names input serially into a single table field like:

Name1, Name2, Name3

There are 8 possible Names. Is there way to do this without a long complicated If-Else-Then function?

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Tables :: Modifying Table Structure - How To Provide Multiple Names At One Address

Jan 8, 2013

I need to modify my customer table to cater for multiple names at one address.

Should I move all the addresses into their own separate table or leave them as is (name-Address-postcode- email etc in one table) and put the additional addressees into a separate table or is there a better way I have not thought of.

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General :: Copy Of Field Names In Tables

Jul 8, 2013

I have a db with about 30 tables. What is the easiest (if possible) to copy field names to paste it into Exel or Word? I need to distribute it to other people.

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General :: Append Table Vba Need Field Names

Nov 27, 2012

I should change the Fields(1) and Fields(2) to the actual fields names.

field 1 should be EmployeeListID
field 2 should be ItemsID

PHP Code:

Dim rs As dao.RecordsetDim db As dao.DatabaseSet db = CurrentDbSet rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblEmployeeItems", 
dbOpenDynaset)rs.AddNewrs.Fields(1) = Me.[lstAvailableEmployees]rs.Fields(2) = Me.
[lstAvailableItems]rs.Updaters.Closedb.CloseSet rs = NothingSet db = Nothing 

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General :: Advance Sum IIF - Matching Names In Two Tables

Sep 10, 2014

I have 2 table

Table1 only one column

Table2 two column
name number
AA 1
AC 3
AW 8
AA 6
AA 5
DF 4
EE 8
CA 9
CC 7

I want to sum the table2 number when the table2 name match any name in table1

So the answer should be 1+6+5+7

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General :: Code To Remove Spaces From Table Names

Jan 27, 2015

We use a Database which has been constantly developed over 10 years using earlier versions of Access2003.We have Upgraded to Access 2013 and we are experiencing many conversion issues which I need to resolve.One key problem is that many of the earlier tables were developed with spaces in their names (Hindsight is a wonderful thing?). There are over 200 Tables that need changing. I would like to update the Table names replacing every "space" with an underscore"_". AT the same time I would also need to Update all of the QUERIES that use these particular Tables to be updated to reflect these changes made and still work as normal. I can do this manually but it will be very time consuming and perhaps someone has already had to do this when recently upgrading to Access 2013?

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General :: Pulling Certain Names From A Query To Populate A List Box?

Jun 19, 2015

I have a form set up (in a list box) to show our salespeople what parts they have yet to get out of inventory but have a sales order for. The list box shows a list of all the salespeoples names. My manager wants me to show ONLY the salespeople that have populated fields in this list box. The list box currently shows all the salespeople, but I want to see only the ones that have inventory that has yet to shipped. How do I go about this?

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General :: Table Names Change When Exporting To Excel

Mar 14, 2013

When exporting my tables from access to excel my table names change if they have a space in the name. Example table name "New Record" turns into "New_Record".

What I am trying to do is export the table data to excel than update my access program than imort the table data back. This way I can take a vertion of my access program and update/modify it as time permits than reinsert all current data with min down time.

The code I am using is as follows:

Dim td As DAO.TableDef, db As DAO.Database
Dim out_file As String
out_file = CurrentProject.Path & "excel_out"
Set db = CurrentDb()
For Each td In db.TableDefs

[Code] .....

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