General :: Number Of Blocks Of Shared Files Are Exceeded

Jun 20, 2014

I have an Application with several users that share tables located in a Design Master file at a server. The tables are shared in several computers with a Replica of the Design Master in each computer. When we try to synchronize any Replica with the Master Design, it gives back an error message stating that the "Number of blocks of shared files are exceeded" And the message ends stating that I must increase the MaxLocksPerFile in the Register.

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General :: Rewriting Repeated Blocks Of Code For Combo Boxes

May 10, 2013

I just recently started programming in MS Access. I have some forms with lots of combo boxes. I do not want users to type anything in the boxes, but to only select stuff that is contained in the drop down menus.I found this useful code and I am using it in my combo boxes on the key down event to do what I want.

Private Sub cmb_a_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode <> vbKeyTab And KeyCode <> vbKeyReturn Then KeyCode = 0
End Sub

Private Sub cmb_b_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode <> vbKeyTab And KeyCode <> vbKeyReturn Then KeyCode = 0
End Sub

Private Sub cmb_c_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode <> vbKeyTab And KeyCode <> vbKeyReturn Then KeyCode = 0
End Sub

The issue is because I have so many combo boxes, is there a better way to rewrite the code so I don't have to repeat the same code in 20 places?

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General :: Accessing Shared Folder In Different Machine

Aug 11, 2015

I am facing a issue in accessing my db file in server. I just splitted my database into front end and back end , placed in a local folder which is shared in network . I opened the files in network from my colleague machine and everything was working fine yesterday .. but right now i am getting error like "the network path is not found " 0X80070035 which tells that check whether the source machines is able to accept file sharing ..I googled and tried 2 solutions Like turning off windows firewall and enabling NetBIOS Over TCP/IP..

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General :: Security For Database On Shared Drive

Oct 3, 2013

I need securing an Access database. I am about to put the database on a shared drive. I want myself to be able to do anything (of course), my co-worker Paul to be able to ONLY enter information (along with being able to view everything like forms and reports), and my boss to ONLY be able to view everything (form/report wise).

I found this post [URL] .... about how to secure a database. I spent all day doing it, but it didn't work at all! I just got a bunch of errors whenever I tried to do anything, so I deleted the database and re-used an earlier version.

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General :: Database Opens As Read Only When Opened From Shared Location

Jul 15, 2012

We have a database on a PC located on our network. The database is located in this computer's shared folder. Another database grabs data from this database occasionally. We're running into a problem where we cannot open the DB located in the shared folder (permissions granted) without it being a read only instance even with no users accessing the DB.

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General :: Pull Images From Shared Folder On Network With Links - Email Attachment

Jul 9, 2014

I have a database that pulls images from a shared folder on our network with links. Is it possible to create a button to email the current record on a form and attach the file it references in the link?

The attachment is a pdf signature. I didn't want to include the files in the database for space issues.

I am using Access 2007. We out outlook as our email client.

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Reports :: Can't Average Blocks Of Weighted Grades In Report

Aug 7, 2013

I'm having a problem getting a report textbox to display the average value that I want.

Background:I have a DB that tracks student grades. The course is organized into blocks, with several tests in each block. Students can take the same test multiple times, in cases of failure, or if they get rolled back in class. The DB tracks whether or not each test is a retest or audit.

The tests are also weighted. For example, the Geo Quiz could be worth 10% of the grade for a block, and the final exam 90%.

Goal:My report needs to display the class number, student name, block, test, and associated scores; it needs to show the total grade for each block; and it needs to display the student's average grade across all blocks. I need to be able to generate the report at any point in the course, not just after all blocks and tests have been completed.

Setup:Since I want to display the assigned grade, but calculate the weighted grade into the block grade, I set up a query (qryWeightedGrades) to calculate the weighted grade for each test (e.g. Score of 98%, weighted at 10% of block, results in a 9.8 for the weighted grade). When it comes to calculating the block grade, I just sum the weighted scores.

In the report (based on qryWeightedGrades) I have the grouping levels set up for Class#, Student name, then Block; the test name, score, weight, retake info, audit info, etc. appears together on a row.

How to do, get the average of all the block grades. I can't get the textbox in the Student Name group level footer to average the Block grades in the Block group level footer, without getting an error. I've thought of creating another query that averages the block grades for each student, but how to incorporate that into the footer of the Student Name group level.

Here's an example of what I want the report to look like:

Class#: 13010
Student Name: Smith, Peter
Block: WF101 (4 tests in block)
....Test: Quiz1, Score: 95, Weight: 10
....Test: Quiz2, Score: 90, Weight: 10
....Test: Essay, Score: 80, Weight: 40
....Test: Final Exam, Score: 85, Weight: 40
Block Grade: 85


Student's average grade: 91.93 <--Getting this # is giving me problems

Class average grade: ##.##

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Tables :: Form That List Available Static IPs In Network Range Blocks

May 29, 2013

I've been tasked with coming up with a table structure that will allow me to make a form that lists the available static ip's in my various network range blocks (we have multiple off-site locations and use different ip ranges at each site).

I have the vision in my head of the form, you would select the block range from a drop down list, then see all the available addresses in that range. From there you could assign mark one as used and it is no longer listed on the form (I'm thinking a simple yes/no checkbox). What my co-workers would love to see is if there were entering a new PC assignment and put one of those available IP addresses into that forms record (different table too) then the ip would get deleted from the available pool as well.

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Err: System Resources Exceeded

Mar 10, 2005

I have a database of 45 MB.
I am running a report from a form.
the report is based on a query, which is too long(about 14 unions with join also)

when i am running this on a P4 PC having 256MB RAM it is working.

but when I am running it on P3 PC having 256 MB RAM, is displays an err like System Resource exceeded.
nothing is running behind. only the database is opened.

why it is so?

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Tables :: Import Txt Files -> Text Converted To Number

Jan 18, 2013

I'm having a number of tables in Access which I want to populate with data from excel/txt. In my import files I have some columns which contain alphanumeric data, like 0001 or XYZ0.

I've defined these columns as text in the definition of my table, however whenever I'm importing the text file, it converts those rows that can be read as a number to a number prior to storing it in my table. Hence values like 0001 becomes 1. Which is absolutely not what I need.

How I can prevent Access from doing this conversion? Why does it do the conversion anyway? I wouldn't expect any conversion since I defined the column as text...

When I import the same txt file into a new table (created during import, where I also define those columns as text) everything goes fine, 0001 stays 0001, but I don't want to remove my table and redefine it during the import everytime I need to import new data.

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Modules & VBA :: Count Number Of Text Files In Directory Sub Folders

Mar 14, 2014

create/find code that will count the number of text files in a directory with one level of folders please see below:

Directory path is : B:

First and only level of sub folders:

there are 100 of these and they all end in ".fof"These .fof folders will always contain .txt files.I've tried using the following code, but it always returns No files found.


Dim lngFileCount As Long
Dim StrFileName As String
StrFileName = Dir$("B:*.txt")
Do While Len(StrFileName) <> 0


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File Sharing Lock Count Exceeded

Jul 27, 2005


I have some code which updates an invoice table with transaction numbers. It worked ok until this month when we had to run three months worth of invoices in one go. I recieved a runtime error 3052 "File Sharing Lock Count Exceeded" and Access told me to increase the MaxLocksPerFile registry entry. I thought i'd better check it out a bit first though and found the following on

In Microsoft Access 2000, you can take advantage of a feature that allows you to increase the MaxLocksPerFile setting for Microsoft Jet database engine 4.0 by editing the Windows Registry. The default value of this setting is 9500. However, changing this value is not recommended if one of the replicas is located on a Novell Netware server, because the server's maximum record locks per connection is 10000.

The invoice table had about 20k lines but as I am on a netware server i'm not gonna be able to squeeze more than 10k lines out of my recordset so I was wondering if there is any way I can open it without record locking? The table that is being modified is never edited apart from in this one process so there is no risk of complications there.

Here is how I opened the recordset

Set rstInvs = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT [InvNumber], [InvNumExt], [TransactionType], [LineNum] FROM [tblInvoices]" _
& "WHERE [LineNum] Is Null ORDER BY [InvNumber], [InvNumExt], [TransactionType]")

Any help would be much appreciated.

thanks, Tom

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Queries :: Query Too Complex / Exceeded Resources

May 20, 2015

All using access 2010. I've have a query in a database that is given an error: query too complex or system exceeded resources. I've been running this query once a week and all of a sudden; errors. I have changed one unrelated table. I've gone back to an old database and its giving the same errors. database on the server is giving off this error and it's only when I run this particular query.

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Modules & VBA :: Import Multiple Excel Files With Different Number Of Sheets Into Table

Jul 12, 2015

some code I've come up to in order to import multiple excel files each of them with a different number of worksheets into an access table. The procedure is called from an Access database. The problem I have with the code is that when it encounters a workbook with only one worksheets (e.g. Sheet 1) it gives the error that "Sheet 2$" is not a valid name. When geting to a workbook with 2 sheets it says that "Sheet 3$" is not a valid name and so on and so forth. Is there a way to "check" the number of sheets in the workbooks and when it has only one sheet to transfer it and go to the next file?

Below is the code:

Sub ImportExcelFiles()
Dim strFile As String 'Filename's
Dim strFileList() As String ' File Array
Dim intFile As Integer 'Number of files
Dim filename As String
Dim path As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
path = "D:Tranzactii"


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Reports :: Listbox Page Break When Contents Exceeded

Jul 28, 2014

I created a report that would generate, among others, a listbox on monthly payments. How do I make it spill-over to the next page when its contents have already exceeded that of a single paper?

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Forms :: Timer Event Causing System Resource Exceeded

Dec 9, 2013

I have Access 2010 and have made a small system that creates a table as a result of an query based on linked tables. The result is approximately 40 records that are grouped in 4 different priorities where each record has a status of green, yellow or red.

By using the timer event I want to loop through 6 different forms starting with the overall view and herafter priority 1 form, priority 2 form and so on. When the last form has been displayed start over again. Loop for ever until stop button has been pushed on the first form.

The timer is set to 15000 on each form, when I open a form the first thing that happens is that I close the previous open form.

After the system has looped 4 times it gets "SYSTEM RESOURCE EXCEEDED".

I have used 3 days on the internet to try to get a solution on my problem with no luck. I have got so far that it must be something with the timer function. Since if I run it manually (open form, close previously, open next form etc) then no issues.

I have the latest service pack for access 2010.

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General :: Getting Invoice Number Field To Auto Generate Next Number

Jun 2, 2014

I'm trying to get an invoice number field to auto generate the next number, keeping the format as "00000"...this is what I have, which gets the next number but drops the leading 0


Private Sub Customer_AfterUpdate()
If Len(Me.[InvoiceNumber] & vbNullString) = 0 Then
Me.[InvoiceNumber] = (DMax("[InvoiceNumber]", "[tblInvoiceNumber]") + 1)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If
End Sub

invoice numbers are 04024, 04025 I keep the formatiing?

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General :: Auto Number PK Change Starting Number?

Dec 18, 2013

I have a table with an auto number PK. This table will contain orders. I'd like to use the PK from this table as the Invoice number on the invoice. I'd like to have it start at a number other than "1" just because it looks better on an invoice. I don't know how to do this. I looked at the table design to see if there were options available to me there but couldn't find anything. Is it possible? (I do not know how to use code.)

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General :: Embedded Excel Files

Feb 14, 2013

pretty Excel sheet full of conditional formatting that is used as a vehicle assignment board where I work. I know I can embed the file into an Access form using an unbound object, and therefore "integrate" it into Access, however this creates a copy of the file, and therefore when people change the sheet, the original Excel file is not updated. Is there any way to embed the excel file in such a way that the Excel document itself is also updated? Basically some sort of an active, two-way link rather than what amounts to just importing a copy of it? I need to be able to pull data from various cells in that Excel file so it needs to be kept up-to-date.

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General :: Database To Inventory PDF Files?

Jul 19, 2013

Create a database to inventory pdf files (and content ) .

I work for a building department and we are working on scanning old building permits from the 40's and 50's

Also i would like to inventory blueprints .

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General :: CSV Files - Importing Filename That Changes

Jul 2, 2015

I need to import a number of .csv files every day and overwrite the old tables with the data from the new .csv files. However, each day, the filenames will change.

For example,

Day 1: Import fileA 1.csv, fileB 1.csv, fileC 1.csv
Day 2: Import fileA 2.csv, fileB 2.csv, fileC 2.csv
Day 3: Import fileA 5.csv, fileB 5.csv, fileB 6.csv

The files will be named fileA [#].csv, fileB [#].csv, fileC [#].csv, and so on, with a different number each day (with no pattern to the numbers).

Is there a way to write an import specification or VBA script that will import these? Perhaps something that allows a regular expression in the file path so I can import "C:fileA*", "C:fileB*", etc.?

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General :: Import Csv Files With Same Named Structure?

Apr 9, 2014

I need to daily import files that start with same name, but the remaining part will be Bill of lading ID (e.g. TEST_BOL 1234.csv). The next day will be TEST_BOL 1235.csv) and so on. I need for Access to import the file based on the "TEST_BOL" into my database and then delete the file from the folder. I don't know how to initialize Access to look for the prefix and import in.

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General :: Link Excel Files To Access DB

Sep 11, 2012

So I've just started with a company where my job is to manage a ton of data. I am new to Access (2010) and am completely impressed by all the awesome things it can do. However, I am running into some issues with knowing the best way to get my current data (which is all in Excel spreadsheets) into Access.

We are working with about 68 customers in 6 different focus areas (or areas of improvement). To make it easier for them, my company has not required them to enter all their data for each area into a centralized database. Instead, we are pulling reports (into Excel) from 3 different databases. The customers who are not currently submitting data to these databases are sending us Excel spreadsheets with their data (they send a seperate spreadsheet for each focus area). So you can see where my problem lies ... NOTHING is the in the same format. Even then the Excel spreadsheets look different from month to month (and customers submit a new, updated form every month with the current month and previous months) because the people managing the data before I came along changed the format a few different times and the customer has the ability to change them too.

Basically, I would really really really like to be able to just link the Excel files to my database, but I am struggling knowing how to do that with my data in so many different places and forms.

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General :: Adding Image (BMP) Files Automation

Jun 5, 2014

I have a form for adding new records. They are for people and I add in a bmp image of them. I want to create an automation. Where you press a button to add a photo. Find a jpeg you want. Then it is resized, converted to bmp and saved in the database. Is this easy enough to achieve? (size 256x188px)

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General :: How To Copy ODBC Files To Local

Nov 19, 2014

I am trying to make a stand-alone version of a database whose files are mysql files connected by odbc. When I copy the linked files and save them as local files, they come in with the auto-numbered id field still marked as the primary key, but as just "number" and not auto-number. It does come in marked required. I can't change the type to auto-number, so it errors when the user tries to add a record using the input form. Also, I have the fields used to keep true/false data set up in the mysql files as integers with default values of 0. When they are saved as local tables, they come in marked required but without a default value. Hence, when a user enters a new record in a form that doesn't use that particular check box, it errors. What am I missing? Is there an easy way around this?

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General :: Attach Files To Specific Records

Jul 10, 2014

I have been trying to figure out a best way to attach files to specific records. Up until this point have been using Hyperlink to link files that have been stored in shared folders. This seemed to be a very good option for quiet sometime; but some users wish to play god ! Since I have to give them RWX permission on the folder; they go into the Shared folder and either rename the file or move it around or worse, DELETE the file permanently. Thus messing up the hyperlink.

Now I am planning to use the wretched Attachment data type in Access. I know it will bloat the DB, but this seems to be a safer option. As I can control DELETES/EDITS. So I was thinking to use a stand alone DB, just used for Attachment tables. As these records will not be accessed everytime.

My problem is, I remember vaguely using two linked backend DB files, put a lot of strain on the front end. Thus making the connection very slow. Sometime even upto 10 seconds to simply load the login form.

My idea is to establish a persistent connection to the two DB files on front end opening. Thus the connection is always there so it might not be that slow !

Or is there something I could look into to manage the Files/Attachments more efficiently, other than Hypelinking?

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