General :: On Key Press Event

Nov 19, 2013

I have a code on my list

Private Sub Lista0_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
If KeyAscii = 50 Then
strSQL = "UPDATE tblZlecenia SET Priorytet = " & "7" & " WHERE ID_Zlecenia='" & Me.Lista0 & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
End If
End Sub

When I press button "2" on my keyboard, my code is working (it's ok) but except this, changing selection on my list, to position where bound column starting from "2" character. What I should do, to not change possition on my list?

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Event Procedure On Key Press

Jun 7, 2006

Does this happen on any key or can I specify the return key. If so how?


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Capturing F11 Press, Possible?

Sep 18, 2007

I've read a few posts regarding removing the facility of the F11, open Db window, but is there a way to capture if someone presses F11?
I have a few people (users) who think they know a thing or two about Access and I'd like to know if/ when they're accessing the Db window.

I was hoping for the ASCI code or similar for the F11 key!?

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Button Press

Aug 27, 2006

How do I make a botton on a form open a report when pressed?


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Sort Listbox Via A To Z Button Press

May 29, 2005

I need help with listbox problem:
I made a listbox contains peoples name from A to Z.
I want to sort it via A to Z button press.
It's similar with customer phone list form in Northwind.mdb sample,
due to my limited knowledge, I can't replicate it using listbox.

Any sample to do this?



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Automated Press Adverts - Via The Use Of A Database?

Jan 31, 2006

Hi I really hope some one can help me out here.

Here the outline of the situation. Every Friday evening I get sent a load of press adverts, which I have to put on the Intranet. This will involve detaching the ads, renaming them, adding them to the site with the Name of the paper, the date, and the organisation they belong to. What I want to know is if there is a more automated way of doing this. I was thinking weather I could detach and drop the ads into a folder and get a Access database connection to the press ads page. Which in-turn would allow me to insert the ads for the last seven days, yet keep a account of all ads which can be a called upon, via perhaps the use of a search function. This is just one idea I have had, are there any other ways I could make this mundane job easier?..

All your suggestions and feedback will be much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance


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Keyascii 13 Not Triggering On The Return Key Press

Jul 14, 2005

As above, I've noticed that it will only trigger if there are no textboxes on the form with a higher tab index than the control the keyascii is set for. Any ideas why, or what I'm doing wrong?

I've found this a lot and never bothered trying to find a solution till now. :p


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General :: Refresh A Form On Closing Event

Oct 24, 2012

I would like to know how to refresh a form on closing event. The forms name is frmDeparturesPaymentScreen. I want to do this in a macro...

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General :: Trying To Get Event To Update Subform / Query With Vba

Mar 28, 2014

I have a query in a subform on the main form. I have a search box that updates the subform/query as you type something (using the On Change event). You then click on the record you want which transfers the information to the appropriate text boxes (one of these txt boxes is the clientID I talk about below) located next to the search box.

I have a Contacts subform/query much like the serarch box I created and I am using a txt box (on the main frm) clientID (which I get from the above process) to filter the contacts.Now when I pass the ID to the txt box on the main form I am having trouble getting a event to trigger and update the subform/query correctly.

I am using VBA to create a simulated Click action which seems to work but is not updating the Contact subform/query, it is just resetting the subform/query. If I manually click on the txtbox with a ID in there all works wonderfully. I have attached the database. I made the clientID and btn next to it visible(this would not be visible normally).I just realised I left a button on the main form next to the clientID txt box just ignore that and click on a client then the clientID txt box to see how it updates the contacts subform..

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General :: How To Trigger Form Insert Event

Mar 7, 2014

I have a main Part form and a Spec subform linked via Part key.

I need to add 6 Spec records automatically when a new Part is added so user can select desired Specs (default value is "n/a" for al 6 entries).

Right now I have the Spec entries added in AfterInsert for Part form, but I have to navigate out and back into record to trigger Part insert. I cannot add the Spec entries until the Part entry is added.

Is a command button my only option? Or is there another way?

AfterInsert is too late, and BeforeInsert is too early; that gets triggered as soon as the first character is typed in Part name.

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General :: 4 Check Boxes Trigger Another Event

Jan 23, 2013

Basically, I have progress table with learners and each learner must undertake 4 tests. Once they have completed each test, in the original learner table, I want it to show that they have completed the task if all 4 boxes are checked by it triggering one final check box.

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Queries :: Don't Include Certain Records At Press Of A Button

May 7, 2015

if its possible to have a button that after clicking it, it doesn't show certain records. Reason being I have a "shows" for each month on our personal site and amazon, and we've been selling on those for about 2 years, and I have a "show" for each month. But, that quickly clutters up the list box. Any way to create a button the (after typing in the name) it doesnt show only those record(s)?

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General :: Outlook Event Based On Query Dates

Dec 2, 2014

I have a query that has some reminder dates. 10 days before an event and 5 days after. I was wondering if it would be feasible to create an outlook reminder based on the query and if so how would I go about it?

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General :: OnClick Event - Checking For Null Data

Jan 10, 2014

So on a command button I have this code in the OnClick event. When I click the button it will ask me to enter the name if blank but if I enter something in that field and then delete the data is bypasses this. Does the same reason field, Why?

If IsNull(Me.CE) Then
MsgBox "Please enter your name"
Exit Sub

[Code] ....

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General :: Can Result Of Combobox Be Used In Text In AfterUpdate Event

Sep 4, 2013

Can the result of a combo-box be used in text in an AfterUpdate event?

Example, the combo-box (Result) can be negative or positive. If it is negative a textbox is populated with the test is (combo-box here)?

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Button Press Enters A (calculated) Figure On Form?

Jul 5, 2005

I'm sure this is really simple... apologies, but a search hasn't thrown up any clues.

I have a table with Invoice Value, and Commission Value in it. On the associated form I enter the Invoice Value, and also the Commisison value [which 99% of the time is set at 20%.

I am trying to make a button which, when pressed, enters the calculated commission in the form field (and underlying table) - I realise this could be in the 'On Click' property on the form, but in VBA I am after something like.

Private Sub btnCommCalc_Click()
tblSales.Commission = tblSales.Invoice * 0.2
End Sub

Could someone help me with the syntax? (I can then move on to using a variable, rather than hard-wiring the 20% ;-)

Many thanks

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Modules & VBA :: When Press Space Key On Keyboard It Will Exit From Form

Jan 13, 2015

i want that when i press the space key on my keyboard oi will exit from the form. i searched on the interne t but i couldn't find the proper one. I don't know exactly what i have to write in vba.

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General :: How To Load Data From Listbox Double Click Event

Aug 22, 2014

Is it possible to load the data in input from by double clicking on data from list box ?

I have single form on which both input form and read-only form is present. as i used visible property to display or not accordingly.

User enters the data from input form. (It has been done)

User go onto read only form where combo box and list box. from drop down values load into list-box. (It has been done)

Now double click on any record then it should re-directed on input form with loading the data in editable mode for updation purpose. ???? (How this step will be done) ?

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General :: How To Define Variable In Form As String Which Can Work With Any Event

Jul 16, 2013

I have a form (Datasheet). I need to define some variable in form as string, which can work with any event. E.G in column "A"on event after update, in column "B" on event after update...

I will try to explain with a simple example : form (datasheet) columns: "A", "B"

on event after update in coulmn "A", I could have some like this:
(variable what I need to define) = 3

on event after update in coulmn "B", I could have some like this:
If (variable what I need to define) = 3 then
msgbox "ok"
end if

Now I try to work around the problem and use another column "c" to keep the value from after update A - but I know that, it's bad solution -Right?

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General :: Populate Unbound Textbox With Combo Box After Update Event

Nov 13, 2012

I am populating a table using combo boxes in a continuous form. The box box alone works fine without any issue of repeated data. But as you know obviously the combo box only populates data in a single column of the table, in which case mine is the LASTNAME; so now I am attempting to populate a unbound textbox with the FIRSTNAME side-by-side with the combo box for the same record.

In the After Update event of the cboLASTNAME:

Me.txtFIRSTNAME = Me.cboLASTNAME.Column(3)

However, after updating the the combo the textbox data is repeated.

Is there a possible solution to this?

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General :: Cannot Save After Editing Event Procedure With Cut / Copy And Paste

Sep 2, 2013

I have encountered several times, and now, that after using any "cut and paste" or "copy and paste" on VBA code in the event sub, even for a few words, Access does not allow me to exit when I answer 'Yes' to save the changes. It forces me to respond "No" to exit and re-enter any changes again without using copy or cut and paste.

This is very troublesome and error-prone in program development that the program statements cannot be moved or copies to another location of the program module.

I have over 30 TextBoxes and ComboBoxes on the form and about 20 pages of program code, using Access 2010 (same situation for Access 2013) on Windows7 PC with 4GB of RAM.

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General :: Trigger Event To Update All Records On Application Open

Jul 29, 2013

There are around 100 customers.And on application open, need to check if customer has paid invoice. If the customer has paid/not paid need to change the status accordingly. Form on open event changes status of only the first customer.Form on current changes status only if we move to the specific record. Is there an event to trigger to check the entire table records on application open?

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General :: Check Box Event - Lock Textboxes Depending On Each Record

Aug 30, 2013

I have a checkbox which when checked then turns textboxes to locked as below. However when I navigate to the next record which may not be checked the text boxes remain locked. I obviously want to lock the boxes depending on each record. I am navigating via the windows next/back record buttons. How do i do it?

Private Sub Check44_Click()
If Check44.Value = -1 Then
serial.Locked = True
gain.Locked = True
swst.Locked = True
serial.Locked = True
gain.Locked = True
swst.Locked = True
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Press Enter After Password Entry To Gain Access

Aug 16, 2014

what I have is a password entry popup, it's very simple and there is only one password, so it's coded into the form.There is an unbound text box for the password, set with the password input mask.An OK button and an Exit button.The OK button has this code on the 'On Click'

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
If IsNull(passwordentry) Then
passwordentry = "*"
End If


Now what I want it to do is automatically move to the OK button when the correct password is entered, so that you can just hit Enter.Currently you either have to press the OK button with your mouse, or hit Enter to move to the OK button and then press Enter again to activate it.

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General :: Text Box Event Coding - Jump To Next Field After Using Barcode Scanner

May 20, 2015

I am creating a inventory database for work. I am trying to get the cursor to jump to the next text box for data entry using a barcode scanner. I have a limit on how many characters there can be in this field but yet even after it is all filled the cursor stays in that same field. I am fairly new to access, especially in code building. Do I use "After Update" under "Event" in the "Property Sheet"?


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General :: Populate List Box With Event After Update In Combo Box - Run Time Error 13

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to populate a list box with an event after update in a combo box. I can get the formula to work using 2 criteria, the problem is i nee to add a third criteria. When I try to add it I get the run-time 13 error.

Here is the code I am trying to use:

Private Sub cboStatusRFQ_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboSupplier.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Contact] " & _
"FROM Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool " & _
"WHERE consolidated_master_req_pool.Complete = FALSE AND [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Supplier] = '" & Nz(cboStatusRFQ.Value) & "'" And "[cosolidated_master_req_pool.Status] = '" & "[SUPPLIER_RFQ FOLLOW-UP]" & "'" & _
"ORDER BY [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Contact];"
Me.cboSupplier = Null
End Sub

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