General :: Only Last Word In Uppercase (Surname)

Sep 11, 2013

I have a textbox called "name", what i am trying to do is have lowercase on first/second names in the textbox except the last word (surname)this i want in uppercase.

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General :: Changing Text So That First Letter Is Uppercase

Nov 24, 2012

I want to change text in txt boxes. when a new customer is being created we are too lazy to put uppercase in. so i want to change the text so the first letter is uppercase. i have used this on every event and it doesn't change a thing.

PHP Code:

Private Sub txtTown_AfterUpdate()LResult = StrConv("TECH ON THE NET", 3)End Sub
Private Sub txtPostcode_AfterUpdate()LResult = StrConv([txtPostcode], 1)End Sub
Private Sub txtStreet_AfterUpdate()LResult = StrConv([txtStreet], 3)End Sub
Private Sub txtFirstName_BeforeUpdate()LResult = StrConv([txtFirstName], 3)End Sub 

I have this at the top

PHP Code : Option Compare DatabaseOption ExplicitDim LResult As StringDim LResponse As Integer 

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General :: Concentrate First Name And Surname Fields In Form?

Aug 8, 2013

I am currently using Access 2007, where I used to be able to concentrate First Name and Surname Fields by simply using:

= [First Name] &" "& [Surname]

However I have downloaded Access Run Time 2010 on the other employees computers so they will be able to access the Database, however since i have done this the First Name and Surname do not appear, it simply shows:


I am guessing this is because it is a newer version, however even when I open the Database with Access 2007 it still does not work, even if I delete it and add it again.

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Mar 10, 2006

Stupid I know...but I forget how to update a Field to itself in Uppercase..


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Automatically Increment To Uppercase, How?

Mar 31, 2006

in an initials field... i want it so that it could automatically increment the 3 letters to uppercase... how? if it can't be done in a table where can it be made (i.e. in a form, query etc)

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Finding Uppercase Values

Oct 12, 2005

Hi All,

How can I report on records which have uppercase values in a record. The data I have in the table is a mixture of Titlecase and UPPERCASE. I need to report on the uppercase values.



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Uppercase In Lookup Combo Box

Aug 5, 2005

I would like all of the text in my database to appear in upper case. I used the > symbol in the format of all controls and in my tables also. However, on my form's lookup combos it doesn't work. When I click the dropdown it shows all selections in upper case, but after I select it turns into lower case again.

I then tried using Ucase and strConv but those don't seem to work with my combos either.

I have searched and these are all the suggestions I could find on how to do this, does anyone know another or possibly what I am doing wrong?

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Validation Rules - Uppercase

Mar 11, 2008

I am as new to MS Access as you can possibly get so please forgive such a simple question. I created a table in Design View. On one of the fields in the table I want to restrict the values that the user is allowed to enter to either a capital Y or a capital N so I created the following validation rule in design view:

=UCase("Y") Or UCase("N")

No matter what I do, the data sheet view allows me to enter a lower case Y or a lower case n. How can I make sure that this field only accepts a capital y or a capital N.


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Forms :: First Letter In Uppercase

Feb 12, 2015

In a form I have fields name, first name in which I would if necessary want to put the first letter of the name and/or the first name in uppercase. I created for it a buttonUPLOW How to synchronize this action.

Function MiseEnMajuscule(Chaine As String) As StringDim
nCar As Integer

'Compteur (position dans la chaine traiter)
Chaine = Trim$(Chaine)

[Code] ....

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General :: How To Attach Pdf To Word

Oct 30, 2014

I want to attach a pdf file at the end of my word document by clicking a button from form.

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Surname Name

Aug 22, 2006

I have a query with the following sql:
WHERE (((QY_ALL.DEPT_WARD)=[Enter Dept/Ward]) AND ((QY_ALL.STATUS)="CURRENT") AND ((QY_ALL.COURSES_DONE_ID)=[SELECT COURSE ID]) AND ((QY_ALL.START_DATE) Between [Enter start date] And [Enter end date]))
ORDER BY QY_ALL.LNAME, QY_ALL.FNAME;When I run a report off it it returns correct data except it treats same surnames as one. E.g. if I have Jon, Jo and Fred Smith I get Jon listed but Jo and Fred's records attributed to him.

Is the sql wrong or do I fix it in the report?


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Uppercase Column Names With VBA Or Macro?

Aug 31, 2005

Hi Everyone:

I have a project of migrating our Access data to Oracle. One of the pre-reqs the boss wants is to uppercase all of the column names (Field name) for all of the tables. I want to avoid manually going in all the tables and changing the case of the columns because there is like 300 tables where dealing with. I was wondering if in there an efficient way of converting my column names to upper case via script? VBA or Macro?

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Queries :: Need To Set StrConv With First Character Uppercase

Apr 20, 2014

Im linking to sql across ms access and I have all records uppercase.I need to set StrConv with first character uppercase and every other lowercase which is not problem.

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General :: Merge With Word Docs

Apr 4, 2013

I have a access database with 125 names and addresses and need to merge and send out the a doc for each one. Does anyone have experience with the multiple factor of this process. I can merge one but then have to repeat several times.

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General :: Link Access To Word

Apr 8, 2013

If I have a link setup from an access 2010 table to a word 2010 document, is there a way to export the hyperlink address in the table to word as an executable link. Rather than having to insert the link manually as a hyperlink.

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General :: Possible To Integrate Word Into Access?

Mar 2, 2013

Is it possible to do this in a form/query/report.Basically the situation is:

- I'm creating a Database for a Gym
- I need to find members who's membership has expired
- I need the system to Send out reminder letters to all members to renew their membership

Soo basically I want to know if I can use a microsoft word template, say I type up a sample letter in microsoft word excluding the personal information. And I want to import this letter into my Acces document and by pressing a button say "Send letter to this person". And that button should use the memebers personal details in the sample letter and so I can now press print.

I want all this to happen in the Access document (unless there is a better way of donig this without using Word?)Also I need to do the exact same but with an e-mail function aswell.

Another situation is I want to have tick box feature which is calle Medical Condition? If it is ticked then another box appears allowing you to enter the medical details and if it's not ticked then no box appears. Is this possible?

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General :: Run Macro On Word Doc Closing

Sep 25, 2012

is it possible to run a macro in access 2010 on close event of a word doc. i want to run an update query when i have sent some email. i want to first make sure i send the emails and the when i have finished close the word doc and then open query [QueryName].

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General :: Creating Emails Through Word?

Jul 23, 2012

is there a way to create an email through word and say your current balance is £1000.

i thought that as this is an office app then it must be possible. could it be something like

=DLookUp("c:UsersChrysalisDesktopDatabase.accd b[LoyaltyPoints]","tblClientDetails","EmailAddress= " & Mail Recipient)

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General :: Access Data To WORD

May 21, 2013

I'm strugling with transferring data from access to word template.

1. transferring single data fields works okay, with bookmarks etc.

2. transferring multiple records (e.g. orderlines) to a WORD template fails. The # of multiple records are variable. So could not be defined upfront how may records i have to transfer.

I tried to transfer the data in a word table both with bookmarks and with merge fields. The result was that all data was placed in de first cell of the table in WORD.Setting up de WORD template combining with the VBA code.

See VBA code:

Private Sub Knop17_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_knop17_Click
Dim sreportname As String
Dim scurrentdir As String
Dim stemplatedir As String
Dim stemplatename As String
Dim ObjWord As Word.Application
Dim ObjDoc As Word.Document
Dim bm As Object


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Validating A Surname

Apr 2, 2008

I need to validate a surname field which obviously can only consist of letters and occasionally spaces and/or hyphens. (i.e. van Driel or Johnson-Crooks)I managed to create a validation rule which would allow me to have space in the surname field:Is Null Or Not Like "*[!((a-z) or ( ))]*"but when I tried to allow hyphens into the field - I used these codes - but none of them worked:Is Null Or Not Like "*[!((a-z) or ( ) or (-))]*"Is Null Or Not Like "*[!(a-z)]*" Or Not Like (" ") Or Not Like ("-")Is Null Or Not Like "*[!(a-z)]*" Or Not Like "*[!( )]*" Or Not Like "*[!(-)]*"Is Null Or Not Like "*[!(a-z)]*" Or Like "*[!( )]*" Or Like "*[!(-)]*"Is Null Or Not Like "*[!(a-z)]*" Or Not Like "*[( )]*" Or Not Like "*[(-)]*"Is Null or Not Like "*[!(a-z)]*" or (in ("-"," "))Is Null Or Not Like "*[!(a-z)]*" And (Not In ("*[0-9]*"))Is Null Or Not Like "*[!(a-z)]*" And (Not In ("*[0-9]*")) And (In ("-"," "))Is Null Or Not Like "*[!(a-z)]*" Or Like ( ) Or (-)Please can smeone help me.James

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Extracting First Name And Surname

Jan 12, 2006


I have been sent a file of customer contacts. They are held in a single field and have the format firstname + surname. So that I can load this data into a enterprise database system, I need to be able to extract surname and first name into to separate fields.

Any ideas on how I achieve this through an Access query?

Many thanks


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Forms :: Convert Certain Text From Textbox To Uppercase?

Jul 24, 2014

I've got an address box on my form. When someone enters 'London' inside the box, I want only 'london' to be changed to all-caps.

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Reports :: Force Uppercase In Report Label

May 23, 2013

I have the following code of my holiday calendar however I would like to convert the month into uppercase. I know about the 'Ucase' function but I am fairly new to this and have tried to place this within the code but with no success:-

With theReport
.Controls("labelMONTH").Caption = Format(StartDate, "mmmm")

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General :: Word Report Controlled By Form

Jun 17, 2013

I have a word 2010 reports that is linked to an access 2010 form. SQL is used to populate the report with some of the fields from the form. Is it possible to create a combo-box with two selections (Mike, Paul) in it. And then have two other fields populate based on the selection in that combo-box? For example, if Mike is selected then an Address: and Phone Number: fields are filled in with his information. And if Paul is selected his information fills in.

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General :: Possible To Insert Word Document On Form Tab

Jul 9, 2013

I want to have information on a form tab. Is it possible to insert a Word document in the tab? This will consist of a set of instructions for the user.

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General :: Logo On Report With 2 Colours One Word

Apr 20, 2014

I have a company logo that has 2 colours to its name

I want to put that logo onto me report. I have tried but I am unable to do this

company name APICAPACITORS, API IN RED CAPACITORS BLUE ,is it possible without making 2 words

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