General :: Optimization Of Resources Dependent On Sequence

Feb 9, 2015

Right now, I have an entire job with multiple piece parts. All of these different parts go through different processes (They are shown in the table "Piece Parts New"). I've created a query that the user puts in the EC (estimated completion) days per process of a given piece part, it automatically outputs a ESD (Estimated Start Date) and ECD (Estimated Completion Date) on all processes based on date the part was started.

So, now I want it to output a report that each piece part will:

1. Follow Sequence by Step #
2. Do longest part first (make number one priority at a given machine).
3. Only 1 part per machine at a time (The part that takes the longest to do will always be first, followed by the next longest, etc.)

Right now, the report labeled "Step Groupings" somewhat does this, however another part will have ESD a day later even though the part before still hasn't finished according to ECD.

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General :: Dependent Combo Box In Web Database?

Mar 26, 2014

See the Main form of attached file, I would like to see contacts list box is made from drop-down list Customers. dependent

In the main form needs to select one customer (for example: Klant1), only the contacts 'de Vries' and 'Van der Linden' can be selected in the combo box of contact (in the main form) .. I do not succeed despite several attempts with macros to achieve this.

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General :: How To Create Fields Dependent On Each Other

Jun 19, 2012

I am very new to Access and I am not familiar with SQL. How I can create fields that are similar to each other?

Let's say I have 3 fields in my table: Name, State, Area Code.

I want it so that each time I select "Name" the appropriate State and Area Code populate. Anyway I can do this?

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Query Optimization

Jul 26, 2005


I have read in Access Help that using IIF statements in queries does not allow the query to be optimized and can be a cause for slow performance.

Simple question: If I create a public function to do my IIF statment operation will this allow the query to be optimized and run at maximum speed?

Just curious,


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Query Optimization

Jan 26, 2006

I have following tables:
Employee Master : Employee_ID, Employee_Name
Employee Specialization: Employee_ID, Employee_Specialization
User selects Employee_Name from Employee Master.
User then has to select Employee_Specialization from a combo Box (This should contain all Distinct Employee_Specialization for the Selected Employee)
I have 65000 Records in the table.
When The user clicks on combo of Employee_specialization, the query takes a long long time to load the distinct list of Employee_Specialization.
can anyone suggest, how I can optimize this?

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General :: Autofill Sequence In A Table?

Oct 13, 2014

I'm creating a table with times of the day from 08:00 to 17:00 in 15 minute increments.

I'm going to use the table as a lookup to make it easier to enter an appointment time.

I don't really want to type them all by hand - does access have an equivalent to excel's drag and autofill a sequence? is it just as easy todo it in excel then cut and paste it?

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General :: DLookup - Resetting Sequence Number In A Table?

Oct 8, 2013

Occasionally a user of mine needs to reset a sequence number in a table.

A few months ago I made him a simple app that has two text entry boxes and a button. The first text entry box uses a dlookup:


...the other textbox ties to an update query, which updates the sequence number with the new value supplied by the user. Simple.

Then about a week ago it stopped running the dlookup part - nothing shows in the text box that is to show the current sequence num.

Oddly, if I enter a value in the update text box and press the button to update the sequence number (which still works) -- the previously dormant dlookup textbox now shows the new value - so it works just doesn't want to work on this one workstation unless the update query is run first.

What can this be? The update button merely calls a DoCmd.RunSQL with both an insert (storing old value locally in ms access table) and an update (updating the sql server table's seq number using an ODBC DSN and sql server driver).

It's almost like the dlookup falls asleep now and won't wake up until the update is run...

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Maxing System Resources ....

Jun 22, 2006

I just found something interesting.

I have a small db open. One form, viewing info.

I notice in Windows Task Manager that MSACCESS.EXE is taking up between 70 to 97% sometimes 100% of systems resources.

How could this be?

QTNM = )

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Human Resources Database

Mar 22, 2008

Dear All,

I am on a way to develop a database for human resource division for a company. May I expect some guidelines and advices from experienced members of this forum?

Does anybody can provide me any example of template?
Thanks in advance.

Arif Masum :confused:

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Err: System Resources Exceeded

Mar 10, 2005

I have a database of 45 MB.
I am running a report from a form.
the report is based on a query, which is too long(about 14 unions with join also)

when i am running this on a P4 PC having 256MB RAM it is working.

but when I am running it on P3 PC having 256 MB RAM, is displays an err like System Resource exceeded.
nothing is running behind. only the database is opened.

why it is so?

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Query Taking Too Much Time/resources

Sep 26, 2005


I have two queries which are slightly different.
One of the queries takes way too much time and resources and I'm wondering if anyone could explain me why, and if possible, how to fix it.

This query is slow.

Unseen Movies
SELECT "General Info"."Title", "Additional Info"."Subtitles"
FROM "General Info" INNER JOIN "Additional Info" ON "General Info".id="Additional Info".id
WHERE ("General Info"."Seen" = 0)
ORDER BY "General Info"."Title";

This query is fast.

Unseen Movies With SubTitles
SELECT "General Info"."Title", "Additional Info"."Subtitles"
FROM "General Info" INNER JOIN "Additional Info" ON "General Info".id="Additional Info".id
WHERE (("Additional Info"."Subtitles" IS NOT NULL) AND ("Additional Info"."Subtitles"<>'') AND
(("General Info"."Seen" = 0)))
ORDER BY "General Info"."Title";

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Queries :: Query Too Complex / Exceeded Resources

May 20, 2015

All using access 2010. I've have a query in a database that is given an error: query too complex or system exceeded resources. I've been running this query once a week and all of a sudden; errors. I have changed one unrelated table. I've gone back to an old database and its giving the same errors. database on the server is giving off this error and it's only when I run this particular query.

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General :: Dropdown List Dependent On Another Dropdown List

Jun 11, 2012

I must create a database for the company that I work for that covers the maintenance history of our stone crusher plant. In this database I have two dropdown lists. The first one is for the equipment and the second one is for the different types of parts that has to be replaced or fixed.

Not all of the equipment uses all of the listed parts, but some parts are used on more than one type of equipment.

I have already created a database that lists all the equipment and another one that lists all the parts.

What I want to do now is create a Yes/No box for each type of equipment so I can mark which parts is used by which equipment.

Then you must be able to select the type of equipment from a dropdown list and then select from a dropdown list that only has the parts that is used by the piece of equipment.

I am using Access 2007

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Dependent Combobox

Jan 11, 2005

i have to comboboxes in my form. one lists section names, and one lists all staffnames.
how do make the second combo displays only names of staff from a particular section depending on the first combo?
thanks in advance

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May 25, 2006

I have duplicate loan numbers in a table. I want to create a query that will assign a number so the the duplicates will have a new field called sequence.

999999 5
999999 4
999999 3
999999 2
999999 1
888888 3
888888 2
888888 1
777777 2
777777 1

Any suggestions?

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Form Field Dependent On Cbo

Nov 23, 2005

Is there a way to make a field on a form dependent on what the user selects from 2 other cbo? By that I mean I would want the user if they selected in cbo1 Easter and they select cbo2 Regional President in the form field I would want it to auto return the name John Smith because in my table he is the Eastern Regional President. I am not sure if I can do this by query or is there an easy way to do this?

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Dependent Forms? Subforms?

Oct 4, 2006

I have 3 tables:
FAID, FAName, Active(y/n)
SubFAID, SubFAname, Active(y/n)

What I need is all possible Functional Areas listed on a form where you can click on active checkbox to activate that Functional Area.
Then on the next form I need Sub-functional Areas listed, but only those that tie back to Functional Areas that have been activated.
Is this at all possible to achieve? I really don’t know how to go about doing this. Do I need a form, or may be I need a subform? I'm at a loss.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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Tables :: Dependent Fields - If One Is Other Will Be No

Dec 6, 2014

I have a table with 3 yes/no fields. I need them to be dependent on each other meaning if one is yes the others can not be yes. How can I set this up?

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Dependent Listboxes With Criteria

Jan 11, 2015

I have a form that has two listboxes. The first list box is named "lstType", which pulls in information from a table tblType. The second or dependent listbox, named lstSName, is then filtered and only shows the SName that match the type. This is pulled in from a table "tblSName." Using the form filtering on the query "[Forms]![frmqryTask]![lstType]"

This portion actually works perfectly and filter my form as I wanted it too (at least originally). However, I realized a few days ago that the when clients or the SName does not have any active projects my company will be working on for them, we don't want don't need to see their name on the forms listbox called "lstSNameand", so we want change a status from "Active" to "Inactive". I've already added this status in as well.

What I'd like to have happen is that when using the dependent listbox, the lstSName will only show those with the "Active" status. I've tried adding the status = active onto the query, however I get a error message saying the query is too complex to run, which I'm guessing has something to do with the "[Forms]![frmqryTask]![lstType]" on the query.

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Year Dependent On Combo Box

Aug 12, 2011

I have a form in which you can select a year from a combo box in a subform. I want to create a query to be a subform which uses that combo box to select the year between 1/1/Year and 1/31/Year OR between 12/1/Year and 12/31/Year. The year combo box is in the sub form called YearSubForm and is called Yearcmb. I used Between #01-01-2010# And #01-31-2010# Or Between #12-01-2010# And #12-31-2010# in the query view as a criteria when I wanted 2010, but I want the year from the combo box.

Also, in the form I have a subform that is located on top of a text box. I was wondering how I can have the text box show over the subform. I tried 'send to front' but that did not work.

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Dependent Combo Box In Web Database

Mar 26, 2014

See the Main form of attached file, I would like to see contacts list box is made from drop-down list Customers. dependent

In the main form needs to select one customer, only the contacts 'de Vries' and 'Van der Linden' can be selected in the combo box of contact (in the main form) ..

I do not succeed despite several attempts with macros to achieve this.

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Dates Not In Sequence

Mar 20, 2007

Hi all,

I have encountered some issues with the dates.
For e.g, Jan-06, Feb-06, April-06, May-06
Is there any way to determine that Mar-06 is missing from the list. The listing will be growing.

Cause I need to have a culmulative counter so Jan-06 to Feb-06 will be counted as 2. But if there is a break in between, in this case, Mar-06, the counter will be set to 0, so for Apr-06, the counter will be 1.

Have been troubled by this issue for a long time, I appreciate all help given, thanks!

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Record Sequence....

Apr 4, 2007

Hi... i have a excel file..... from which i have imported records.... after importing.... the records sequence in my table has changed..... can anyone tell me how to preserve the sequence that i had in excel..........

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Sorting Sequence

Jan 21, 2008

Hi there,

Not sure whether I am in the right forum. It is Table, Form and Query.

Have a table which index to sort on 4 fields - Proj, SubProj, Team, SubTeam.

1. I used this Table on a form, the data seems to be in random sequence instead of above.

2. Then I tried to sort it in a query which showed up fine ( as required) in the actual running of the query. However when I used this query in a form, the data doesn't sort as expected.

3. With above 1 and 2, I have also tried the Order Of in the Form properties which still do not do the trick.

can anyone shed somelight on this please.

BTW, After I first created the form, I just rename the record source in form property. Don't know whether this make any differences in the above result.

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Dependent Drop-down Menus Not Working

Jul 17, 2007

Hi all,

This is my first time posting at Access World Forums and I hope you can help me out.

I think this is a fairly simple problem but due to my lack of experience (this is actually my first time using Access) I am unable to figure out what is wrong.

I have a entry form for a series of problems that needs to be documented on the plant floor.

The issue is in the 'Manual_Entry_Rewinder_Detail' form where I have two drop-downs -one for the category of which the problem lies and another drop-down for the actual problem itself. I have made (or tried to at least) make the problem drop-down dependent to the category drop-down. The purpose is to list only the relevant problems after the category is selected.
I have made a category ID of which I labelled for each problem. This of course corresponds correctly to the actual (an existing) category ID. Please take a look at the two tables: "Problem" and "Category" for details.

I followed this tutorial .
I even downloaded and inspected their sample database with no idea on what is wrong with my own.

Please help!

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Validating A Field (dependent Fields)

May 28, 2005

I am trying to put in a validation rule so that data in one field cannot be less than that in another.
e.g. i want to make a validation rule so that a phone call end time cannot be before the phone call start time.
Can anyone help???

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