General :: Payment Database - Monthly / Annual Renewal Popup Message

Mar 20, 2013

I am creating payment database for a community gym, the data will be created on a data sheet.

There are 2 payment types monthly and annual (these are on a dropdown box with their own id number).

I have a joining date and a paid date, but reflected against the payment type ie 31 days or 365 days.

I have been trying to do something along the lines of:

if [monthly] (is selected) (so this would call up a 31days) date() is > [joining date] then give message to renew and same kinda thing for annual.

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Quarterly, Monthly, Annual Advice

Jan 26, 2008

Need a little professional advice.

I have a product table. Those products expire over time. Their shelf life is monthly, quarterly, or annual.

What should I use for monthly, quarterly, and annual in my table.

My first thought was 30, 90, and 365. Then in my query I would use the datediff function. If the datediff was >= to ...then ...

However there are months with 28,29, and 31 days. With this quarterly can change as well. The annual as well by 1.

What is the rule, if there is one?

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Earning Out Annual Premium Data Into Monthly Buckets

Nov 29, 2005

Hi there, thanks in advance for any help or input with this. I am working with tables that have annual data on insurance policies that are effective for 1 year. I have Policy number (PolicyNum), current premium (CurrentPrem), the date the policy went into effect (PolicyEffDate), and cancellation (CXDate, which is 1/1/2001 if the policy was not cancelled). I am trying to earn out the CurrentPrem into monthly buckets. The tables are by the effective year going back to 2004, so basically 2004, 2005, 2006.

I'm not sure how to go about tackling this and have tried a number of different ways. I sense that I will need a query that will have 24 fields for all the months over a two year period that any given 1 year policy can be effective over. For instance, a policy created on 5/1/2004 (May 2004) is effective until 4/31/2005 (April 2005), and a policy created on 12/31/2004 is effective until 12/30/2005.

So for every month between January 2004 and December 2005, there needs to be a value generated (either zero or a monthly premium value).

Attached is a sample table with data. Really all I've been able to do is calculate how long a given policy is in effect for (how many months) and then how much the monthly premium is. I cannot figure out how to appropriate the monthly premiums to the corresponding months a policy is effective for.

Note that the current premium value takes into account cancellation which implies that the monthly premium for a cancelled policy is not 1/12 * [CurrentPrem] but 1/[MonthsInEffect] * [CurrentPrem].

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Help With Recurring Monthly Payment Please

Jun 2, 2007

I have a database that is like storage unit business. It gives you a fee once you select which unit you take for rent. When the balance is paid off, and new Month comes around i want the database to create a new balance on the table, how would i be able to do this?

I know that i can do it in two ways as i was told but i dont know how and where to start. I create some of it but i dont know what to include in the appended query etc.

i was told that In Access Help, look for COMMAND LINE OPTIONS and you will find -X macro, which is a way you can run a given macro from a command line.

"Create an append query that adds a $40 charge to every open account. Put this query to run in a macro. Create a separate icon that is private to you so that only you know where it is. Edit the icon properties to launch access on that database file with the -x macroname appended. Now use Windows Task Scheduler to launch the icon at a specific time of day on the 10th of each month. Don't forget that the macro has to end with a QUIT action."

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Modules & VBA :: Monthly Payment - Create A Worksheet Which Calculate Balance

Mar 3, 2014

I'm currently stuck on trying to create a worksheet which calculate the balance remaining at the end of each Monthly Payment Period.

Monthly Payment Period: 1 to 300

Initial Balance: balance outstanding at the beginning of the Monthly Payment Period.

Interest: calculated by multiplying the Initial Balance by the APR (5%) divided by 12

Balance Remaining: calculated by adding the Interest and subtracting Total Monthly Payment.

The final Balance Remaining should be exactly £0.00.

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Forms :: Worksheet That Calculate Balance Remaining At The End Of Each Monthly Payment Period

Mar 3, 2014

I'm currently stuck on trying to create a worksheet which calculate the balance remaining at the end of each Monthly Payment Period.

Monthly Payment Period: 1 to 300

Initial Balance: balance outstanding at the beginning of the Monthly Payment Period.

Interest: calculated by multiplying the Initial Balance by the APR (5%) divided by 12

Balance Remaining: calculated by adding the Interest and subtracting Total Monthly Payment.

The final Balance Remaining should be exactly £0.00.

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General :: Order Payment Database - Balance Due

Nov 22, 2012

I am new to Access. I am creating a simple order/payment database.

I have tables for the orders and payments and have a relationship setup.

I created an order form with a subform for the payments.

[URL] .....

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General :: Student Database - Transfer Of Payment To New Semester And Session

Nov 18, 2012

I am creating a student database in ms access2007 but finding difficult to go further. In my database, I have created the following


Then a query from the payment that shows student I'd,arrears,amount due,paid. And balance

My question is

1.How do I transfer the students and their balance to a new semester and session
2.Do I have to new student and payment tables every semester bcos payment are made every semester
3. I want to keep each students payment for as long as they remain in the school
4. A session is made up three semesters how do I transfer students to a new session

May be my tables layout are faulty...

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General :: Database That Track Monthly Metrics Of Employees

Jun 15, 2014

I'm developing a database that tracks monthly metrics of employees. These employee are at several different locations.

Here's what I would like:

A table of the employees and their location.

A table of the metrics.

A form that you can select an employee and it would autofill the location and then you could fill out the metrics.
the ability to change an employee's location without it effecting past records.

A report, by month and location of the employee's metrics. (pretty sure I can do this on my own, just can't get to this point.)

I've tried to use a auto lookup query but that then changes the employees location on past records.

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General :: Changing Existing Database From Overall To Monthly Records

Nov 8, 2013

I'm altering a database to have certain fields be recorded monthly.For example: instead of a client's file having "Total X Purchased" it would now be "Total X Purchased - Jan", "Total X Purchaed - Feb".

I want to spin the monthlies out of the master clients table & in to ex. tbl_clientsJan, tbl_clientsFeb, etc. but still have them linked; & have a "Totals" table that aggregates data from all of the tables (adds them up).

I have an existing form, & I was thinking of just creating tabs for the months & subforms in each with their sources as the month tables, & removing the fields that don't change month-to-month (e.g. client name), with relationships between them. I would start by copying all of the master table data in to the month tables & allowing edits from there.

the company doesn't track when the transactions occurred; I'm unable to group them along those lines.I'm new to Access & don't want to make a mistake.

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Forms :: Message Popup 30 Minutes After Checkbox Event?

Jul 18, 2014

I would like to have a message box popup 30 minutes after a user checks a checkbox (check5). I am thinking I would have to have VBA code to run on the After Update property of the checkbox but not sure what the correct code would be.

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How To Make Alert Or Popup Message Using Access 2007

Sep 18, 2012

I want to make alert message that will be pop up when the return date for borrowing book is one day before the date. and the alert message will also can show the information about the borrower.

the alert message will be something like this. Tomorrow one borrower need to return the book. click ok to view the data.

Can access 2007 do this kind of alert message..?

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General :: Show Loading Message While Database Is Opening?

Oct 23, 2012

I have a split database with multiple users. Since I split the database, it runs slower than the unsplit version. I understand this happens. I would like to have a message pop up when the database is loading. It takes approx 2 mins to load. Users get impatient and start clicking. So, I wanted to have a message pop up to let them know it is opening.

I have the same problem with forms loading, I have 5 forms and each takes about 4 secs to load, so thought about a loading message there too.

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Modules & VBA :: Popup Message Box Asking For Password / When Changing File Extension?

Jan 5, 2014

Is there and possiblity to have a pop up message box asking for password when changing file extension from accdr to accdb ?

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General :: Exporting Queries - Database Is Read Only Error Message?

Apr 16, 2013

I routinely export queries etc from my development database to the 'live' master database used by users. Every so often I get the error message 'The database Mydatabase.accdb is read only'. Then I can't export anything to it. I don't know why it should suddenly become read only. How do I make the database changeable, and not read only?

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Forms :: Option Group To Select Subforms To Be Displayed - Popup Message

Aug 23, 2014

I have a form with an option group to select subforms to be displayed .To save space on the main form I have added a subform (frmSubService) to the option group to display some of the data that was originally on the main form. The subforms data source is the same as that of the main form but only displays five fields.

After editing data in the subform frmSubService, if I then click on a field on the main form no problem, however if I click on an option button to view another subform I get a messagebox pop up with the following message;

The data has been changed. Another user edited this record and saved the changes before you attempted to save your changes. Re-Edit the record.

If I click OK,and without re-editing the record, I can open another subform.

I have checked and the data changes made on frmSubService, in both cases, has been saved.

How do I prevent the pop-up message?

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Reports :: Database Engine Does Not Recognize Payment As Valid Field Name Or Expression

Feb 27, 2015

I have a small database for producing various financial reports, by date period (from/to). It works perfectly except when there are either no payment records or no receipt records for the chosen period. Naturally enough, MS Access comes up with the message "Database engine does not recognize 'payment' as a valid field name or expression" --- !!!

Is there some way I can tell MS Access that I don't mind if eg the payment column result is zero?

The structure of the table on which the report is based (via a crosstab query) is :

transaction date
auto number ID
transaction type (either payment or receipt, chosen by form's drop down box) - TEXT
amount - CURRENCY
receipt type - TEXT
payment type - TEXT
fundno - TEXT

The crosstab query design is as per the attached jpeg file

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Membership Renewal Letter.

Mar 6, 2006

Ok the database that i have contain all the details about customers including thier joining date. I want to make a query that will produce relevant information for use on a membership renewal letter, It should show only members due for renewal on 1st of may
(there are 3 renewal dates per year. 1st jan , 1st may and 1st sept. I need to assume that the next renewal month of membership for those joining between those months will be the next renewal date. Example if you join in June your renewal date would be 1st september)

Could you please explain how i could do this in easy to understand language as i am no expert with access.


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Modules & VBA :: Calculation - Subtract Monthly Installment From Loan Amount On Monthly Basis

Apr 22, 2015

I have a query for loan calculation, fields are;


what i want is that query to start subtracting lmonthlyinstalment from loanamount on monthly basis

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Creating Database For Monthly Expenditure

Apr 4, 2013

i want to create a database for a monthly expenditure. i want every month to have its own table or form.

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General :: Setting Monthly Reminder Using Outlook

Jun 22, 2015

I'm working on an access database and I need to connect that database to the reminder function of Outlook.

At first, I set the reminder precisely six months before the due date, everything was okay and the reminder worked. But after some revision required by my supervisor, I need to set the reminder based on month (not exactly on the due date), so the tasks which have due dates in the same month will be wrapped into a single reminder. The reminder also should be appear in every two weeks. Here's the code I've been worked on :

Private Sub Expired_AfterUpdate()
Dim outLookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim outLookTask As Outlook.TaskItem
Set outLookApp = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set outLookTask = outLookApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem)


I put this code on the AfterUpdate event in the column containing the due date. How should I rearrange the code so it would be able for the reminder to appear based on the month? (just consider that the reminder will be active six months before due date).

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General :: How To Set Monthly Depreciation - Calculate Current Value

Jan 19, 2015

Is it possible to set an access database to take a depreciation value of lets say 10.00, and subtract this from the current value every month?

So far my database has a form where you can input the depreciable life, purchase price, current value and total depreciation. However the date and amount of depreciation has to be added manually into a data table for the text boxs to calculate how much it has depreciated and the current value.

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General :: Crosstab Average Monthly Demand

Jul 29, 2014

My database has a crosstab query that counts the number of hits by month. I have two columns that are named "Count of Material"(Frequency) and "Sum of ordered Qty"(Total ordered). I need add a colum to find the Average Monthly Demand by dividing the Total ordered/Frequency/number of months in the query. I have tried everything to make it work but can't.

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General :: Production Schedule Output To Monthly Calendar

Apr 13, 2013

I need to make a report that shows a work schedule for 10 employees. I need it to print in a monthyly calendar format with horizontal lines to show start and end date and time. I need it to show that there is or is not any overlap for that machine."

It has been a while since I have created a DB and I get some of this okay. So far I think I need three tables. One is the machines. Two is the product schedule (how long it takes to produce X number of products). The last would be work orders and that pretty much covers the data.

I think most of the data can be maniputated by queries and that is even done on the report. The report as we all know is the reason for a database. If it was just about the data it would be simpler to do a spreadsheet. It could get fancy and make a pivot table. That output can be a calendar of sorts.

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General :: Monthly Cleaning Program - Crosstab Query To Generate A Report

Jun 12, 2012

I want to create a report for the Monthly cleaning plan of a hotel. For each day, how many rooms need new sheets, how many need new towels etc.

At this point I can generate a report for any given day.

This could be an example of what I want to achieve

------------ Date | Date+1 | Date+2 | Date+3
New Sheets 2 1 0 2
New Towels 1 3 0 1
Full Clean 0 1 2 0

"Date" is a date tat you can set, after which you'll get the following 30 days("Date+1","Date+2" etc)

I thought that a CrossTab query would give me what I want,but using the wizzard I can't get the result that I want.
Haven't worked with crosstab queries before so maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe this isn't even possible with a crosstab query.

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General :: Popup On Change Of Data

May 5, 2015

Is it possible to show an alert/reminder any time data in a particular field is entered or changed? It would have to show up if the data was changed in table view or query view.

Until I can write something that will store historical data for these fields, I want to make sure anyone entering information will record the old information in a separate table. Yes, I know this is not the ideal way to store the type of data; but this database has been running for 10+years and is tied in to so many aspects of the company re-writing it is just not an option ...

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