General :: Popup On Change Of Data

May 5, 2015

Is it possible to show an alert/reminder any time data in a particular field is entered or changed? It would have to show up if the data was changed in table view or query view.

Until I can write something that will store historical data for these fields, I want to make sure anyone entering information will record the old information in a separate table. Yes, I know this is not the ideal way to store the type of data; but this database has been running for 10+years and is tied in to so many aspects of the company re-writing it is just not an option ...

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Forms :: Change A Subform To A Popup Form

Sep 24, 2013

I had a subform to enter payments. It worked well. The master and child fields linked well and all the necessary data appended to a new record in the payments table.

Now to make it more user friendly, I changed the subform to a popup form (The 2 forms took up too much real estate on the screen).I deleted the payments subform and created a command button to open the payments form as a popup.

I need 3 fields on the payments form to be populated from the edit sponsor form (sponsorID, MemberID, SponsorTypeID) and then payment details to be entered and posted to a new record in the payments table.Since I've changed the payment form from a subform to a popup form, the master/child relationships are gone and the 3 fields I need for the payment record no longer appear.

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General :: Can't Add Or Change Data

Oct 16, 2013

I finally found and eliminated all duplicate entries in my tblStoreProducts table, so that I could create a 2-field Index called UniqueProduct that would prevent duplicate entries. Without it, uploading information from Excel (not the preferred method) would result in duplicated entries in this table which would ultimately reflect in the Hazardous Materials reports that must be submitted to the fire marshal.

Today I was going through data entries in the Product table and noticed some that are STILL coming up with the UPC (a text field) in Scientific Notation.

I know that I have to change the information in the linked table tblStoreProducts first. The most simple way would be to just change the UPC of the product in that table to the correct UPC. It shouldn't be causing a problem, because it doesn't create a duplicate record. I'm getting the error "The text you entered isn't an item in the list" now that I've created that index.

I changed the index to Unique = No and still get the same error.

I removed the index all together...still get the same error.

I'm making the changes directly in the BE database right now. If I can't enter information directly, the forms aren't going to work either.

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General :: Change Data From Specified Date

Jul 25, 2014

I have a database with two tables: taskTable and volumeTable. On the task table I have the list of task performed in my team and the time it takes to perform the task related to a category, and on the volume tasks I have the volumes of workload based on the category moth after month. Then I have a query that multiplies the time it takes to perform a task with the volume in the category and returns me results for each month.

Now, if a task changes on march and the time to perform it its reduced or increase I change it on the table, howerver, ALL results for all months. I would like to know if there is a way for the change to be applied from the month it is changed and not retroactively.

Example Task Table:
Task Time to Perform Task Category
Buy ticket 5 min Business Visitor
Create profile 10 min Business Visitor

Example Volumes Table:
Month Year Category Volume
March 2014 Business Visitor 39

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General :: Cannot Change Field Data Type In Database

Mar 18, 2014

In my database i have a field for Tonnage (quantity) ...

I need for example to input 38.60 or 37.89 so my values must have 2 decimal places, ive searched and found changing my field type to double or decimal should solve the 'numbers rounding up/down' but access will not let me change the data type?

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General :: Cannot Change Data Type Of Calculated Field

Aug 23, 2012

I got Gross Income Query. But I have employees that have overtime rate as well

So I have to calculate using overtime Payment And Gross Income Separately

So I make query and in query . I write this equation

Ovetime Pay: IIf([Total Hours Worked]>[Normal Hours/week],([Total Hours Worked]-[Normal Hours/week])*[Overtime Payrate],"0")

I successfully calculate it ...

BUT IT JUST GIVE ME THE VALUE LIKE A NUMBER SUCH AS e.g. 50 ,150 but instead of that i want currency data type of that calculate field for e.g. 50 become "$ 50".

Okay so in able to do that i go to properties Sheet of the field of the query and change Format to Currency ..BUT IT DOESN'T CHANGE !!!


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General :: Automatically Change Data Paste To Include First Eight Characters

Dec 8, 2012

I have a form with one control field that I paste a 17 digit alpha numeric value into. I have a command button that then runs a query based on the pasted value.

Is there a way to automatically change the data I paste to include the first eight characters, replace the 10th and 12th position with wild cards, and delete the remaining 6 characters ?


Copy: 1GTEM14M0WZ526688

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General :: Can't Change Listbox Column Header Name When Data Source Is A Share-point List

Jul 30, 2013

The following code works to change the column header name for a listbox in form view when the data source is a local table, but not when the data comes from a sharepoint list.

sqlstatement = "SELECT ID, PONum as [PO Number], ActDate as [Date], VendorName as [Vendor Name], Service, BuildingNumber as [Building Number], ReservationDescription as [Description], POAmount as [Amount], QuoteType as [Type of Quote], Comments" & _
" FROM ActivityLog" & _
" WHERE (Activity = 'AcceptReservation') AND (PSCName = '" & Me.PSCCombo4.Column(0) & "')" & _
" ORDER BY ActDate;"
'MsgBox sqlstatement
Me.EditPOListBox.RowSource = sqlstatement
sqlstatement = ""

Also it appears that there is no such thing as a caption property for a sharepoint list column.

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General :: Popup Form Disappears On Multi Monitor

Mar 18, 2015

For example if I open up the Access database on my left monitor, then move it to my right - whenever I switch from design to form mode the form disappears. Moving Access back over to the left monitor will not show the form. Minimizing all windows except Access won't show it either. If I switch to layout view, then form view it will show on the monitor I have Access up on - but if I go back to Design and then form it will disappear again.

If I move Access to the left monitor (in this example). open the form in design and then form view it pops up visible. Seems clear that it ties the opening position of the popup to the monitor Access was opened on.

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General :: Input Data In Lower Case And Automatically Change First Letter Of Word To Upper Case

Mar 16, 2013

Is there any way of making data that is inputted in lower case to automatically change to the first letter of each word being a capital ...

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General :: Payment Database - Monthly / Annual Renewal Popup Message

Mar 20, 2013

I am creating payment database for a community gym, the data will be created on a data sheet.

There are 2 payment types monthly and annual (these are on a dropdown box with their own id number).

I have a joining date and a paid date, but reflected against the payment type ie 31 days or 365 days.

I have been trying to do something along the lines of:

if [monthly] (is selected) (so this would call up a 31days) date() is > [joining date] then give message to renew and same kinda thing for annual.

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Forms :: Change Button Color After Data Change

Apr 5, 2014

I am trying to change the button color on a subform if a related form data changes.Main form is products with a continuous subform with serial numbers of products i.e, serial number, location, price and a button to add addtional issues if there are any for this particular serial number (this will open up another form related to the serial number so I can add an issues if there are any).The reason I would like the button to be a different color is so I can quickly see if there are any additional notes been added to the serial number. Just in case you may ask why not add the field to the continuos form is that the issues and be quite lengthy and there may be lots of serial numbers on the form

2346 location warehouse price 29.99 (button - green)
2347 location shop price 29.99 (button - red)

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Update / Refresh A Form Upon Entering Data In A Popup Box / Form

May 24, 2005

I apologize if this has probably been asked countless times; however, in my search of this forum I could not find something that seemed to work for something so simple.


I have 2 forms. The first form is my main form and the second form is my "popup" form. Both of these forms access the same table. In my main form I have it so people can not enter in a ID so it reduces accidental data entry. Therefore, I created a "popup" box that allows ID entry.

Everything works great except when I close out of the popup form, the newly entered data is not available unless I close the main form and reopen.

Million Dollar Question:

How do I refresh or requery (dunno the correct term usage here) the main form to reflect the addition I made in my popup form. I would like the refresh event to happen when I click the close button on my popup form.


Again, I know this is probably simple, but I cannot find it anywhere or most likely I am blind :cool:

Thank You

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General :: Change Database Name

Mar 12, 2014

I'm trying to change database name, and not the one in database properties and changing the title. I've done that already.

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General :: Change A Name In Tables?

Sep 5, 2014

is it possible to change a name in tables, forms, queries etc in one input

for example I have a spelling mistake in my table , forms etc , can I do a change it in one go throughout the database

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General :: Change Values In Combo Box

Aug 24, 2012

I have a form with a sub, and that sub has a sub. I'm on the first sub trying to change the rowsource of a combo box on the second sub, and none of the following want to work.


'Me!frmRentalsSubDetails.Form!cmbEquipmentID.RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
'Forms![frmrentalcontainer]![frmRentals].Form![frmRentalsSubDetails].Form![cmbEquipmentID].RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
'Me.frmRentalsSubDetails!Form.cmbEquipmentID.RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
Me![frmRentalsSubDetails].Form![cmbEquipmentID].RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"

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General :: Change Field Properties Using VBA

Apr 2, 2014

VBA syntax for changing various "Field Properties" on an EXISTING table. Specifically, the field properties I'm trying to change are:

Field Size (I want to make this 'Double')
Format (I want this to be 'Standard') and
Decimal (I want this to be '2')
The Data Type is already set as 'Number'.

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General :: How To Change Path For Switchboard

Apr 3, 2013

I have copied our company access database onto my lap top and linked the front end to the back end. My problem now is that when I open the switchboard it is looking for the data and tables on the G drive, this was where it was on our server. How do you change the path for the switchboard.?

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General :: How To Change FieldName Globally

Oct 16, 2012

I have a database where I would like to change a fieldname to something different.

I know I can use edit replace in the code and that works ok, but is there a way to change the fieldname in the code, the Table, the queries, and sql all in 1 foul swoop or do I have to do them all seperately by hand.

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General :: Change Auto Number

Jan 27, 2015

before ACCESS Excel was used to create orders etc,we are up to order number 16223 now I have access and the auto number will start at can I get the auto number to start at 16223.

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General :: How To Change Properties In SQL View

Jun 23, 2015

In this query I have setup I need to get my Dates field into short date format and another field needs to be with 0 decimal points. I take it there is code I have to enter but I cannot find it anywhere.

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General :: Change Link From One External Database To Another?

Feb 26, 2013

I've got an Access 2010 application that currently links to a SQL Server 2000 database. I need to change the link to a SQL Server 2008 database on a different server. Where do I go to change the link? When I click on External Data, ODBC Database, I only get an option to import source data. I don't want to import any data. I just want the application to link to a different external database. If I go ahead and click OK, I choose my ODBC connection and log in to the 2008 database. Now I've got a list of "import objects" to choose from. I choose one table (just for testing; I actually want to link with all tables), it says it imported successfully, but when I view the data in that table from Access, it's the same old 2000 database data.

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General :: Can't Change Required Field Property

Jul 16, 2013

I am trying to change a field to be required. I know where it is...

(Navigation Pane > Design View > Select field I want required > Properties Pane > General Tab > set Required property to Yes)

But I don't see that General Tab at the bottom of my page.

The closest thing I have to properties is on the right-hand side. It opens when I right-click, then hit Properties. It displays...

Format | Data | Event | Other | All... but that's it...


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General :: Change TXT Box To A Memo Field On A Form?

Dec 2, 2014

How do I change a txt box to a memo field on a form? (I need to allow for more than 255 chars...) I've already set the backend DB (sql server) to accept the many chars, and the linked table access see's the datatype as memo. But I can't figure out how to get a memo field on the form, or how to change the current txt box to a memo control to support the extra characters.

I've been looking for 20 minutes... I guess I never used a memo field before, since I can't find/see how to set this.

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General :: Change Access Background Color

Aug 18, 2014

I'm using the sample that I found here at Lebans site. URL....I'm trying to find a way to keep the color that I picked after the database closes. I tried to follow the example here URL....but couldn't get it to to get the color to stay on the color that was picked from the dialog box?

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General :: Change Photo Depending On Combo Box Value?

May 29, 2013

I have a log in form and user combo box.

I want to add photo of each user in this log-in form.

Just want to ask if possible to change photo depends on combo box value?

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