General :: Possible For Database To Get Working With Voice?

Dec 27, 2013

I have an asked and i want to give the answer , when we create a database application it is possible the database working with voice ? for example when i tell the databse login form username is Admin and password is 12345 the database was opened ? if it is possible, how to do it because before i see it but i don't no how to do it .

For example like this code

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

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General :: Access 2010 - Database Only Working In PC?

Aug 27, 2014

I am Using Access 2010 Version. I have created a Database which consists of Linked Tables (from remote Server), Queries and a Form.

I am using Form to search the required Data. Every thing is working in My PC. But, when the Database file is trying to open from my colleague PC. It is not working. I mean, The Form is opening but when I click the Button nothing is happening. My Colleague is using 2007 Version of MS Access.

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General :: Dial Button Not Working In Standalone Database

May 23, 2014

I have an Access 2007 database which has a form on which is a button to dial the currently selected phone number. All works fine. My intention is to send out partial databases to people not having access installed and they will use the access runtime module.

When the same database is run using the runtime it does not dial and does not give an error message. It just stays the same as though I didn't press the dial button.

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General :: Access 2010 Split Database Hyperlinks Not Working / When Copy Of Front End Moved

Jul 14, 2014

I have built an Access 2010 split database on my computer and it functions as built. My next step was to copy it to the server at work and test it. I discovered the tables had to be re-linked and so did that. As I have read in the Access World Forums in order to function as a multi-user database a copy of the front end must be placed on the individual workstation with the back end residing on the server, however the hyperlinks in the back end will not function when the copy on the workstation is run. I simply get an unable to open "filename" error pop-up. I can run the server copy and everything functions as built. I know that the hyperlinks require all the files to be in the same folder (relative vs. absolute), but if the back end contains all the hyperlinks why does the location of the front end seem to affect the operation of the back end?

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Voice To Text Software

Dec 19, 2006

Hello everyone
I am thinking of getting voice to text - software has anyone used this , and if so any recommendation - the use i had in mind was for word/outlook


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Database Not Working?

Jun 23, 2005

Our database is 1.6gb in size.
It has stopped working, is there a way to delete old records?
We are told it will crash the computer, because access needs the same space as the data its self.
Any ideas?
Thank you for your time in reading this post

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Seeing Who Is Working On Database

Nov 3, 2004


I have a database in company network which all users can reach. Can I see who is working on the database as administrator?

It is possible in excell, how it happens in access?


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Working Access Database

Apr 26, 2005


I am having a hell of a time trying to make my order and invoice processing database to work properly with useful functions. Is there any online resource from which I can download a working example of such a database in order to use as a case study and examine how everything relates and how complex order forms are created? :confused:


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Very Large Database, Not Working

Jun 25, 2005

Many thanxs for replies, Like the idea of compacting.
We are traveling down the path of setting up a delete query.
This will hopefully delete the records but not the structure.
We are networked and a computer Warp2, writes data at Midnight to the sever, and then we use access on Windows NT to view the data.

We can then compact to maintain the database and not allow it to grow to 1.6 GB again.

Any ideas on the delete query thingy would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks for reading this post from a new starter.

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Database Not Working For Some Users

Aug 7, 2007

I am having a problem that I have never encountered before and thought I start here. Using Access 2003
I have a database that resides on a main computer and my users connect via the network to this database. On my forms I have command buttons that run simple macros to copy and paste data from one field into another. The macro contains a GOTOCONTROL, to copy the contents and then moves to the next field. Then I have SEND KEYS command and wait is set to yes, then PASTE. When they press the command button it seems like the SENDKEYS is not waiting then the macro halts becuse it is saying the COPY command is not available. This happens to all users except for one. That other user is also connected to the database via the network. I checked the OPTION for all the computers that are connected and they all match to the one computer that works. The one computer that does work is the one that was used to write the database but the databse is now on another computer that is always on. The funny thing is that if I were to change any option under Forms/Reports, the macro's will work for a while then stop. I did do a compact and repair several times but this has no effect. Sorry for rambling but I am just frustrated because this databse worked fine at another account of mine and I just can't figure out why this is happening.
Thanks in advance for your reply.

I now haw 2 laptops that work and 2 desktops and 1 laptop that don't.


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Working With Linked Database

Feb 6, 2007

I am slowly but surely learning more everyday about Access. I inherited a database system from a gentleman who set up a lot of great stuff but did not document anything! I am working with a linked database in Access. I am trying to add information to a look up wizard. I am unable to de-select the "Enforce Referential Integrity", so I deleted the one to many relationship in hopes of being able to add the information. However, I am still not able. A message pops up stating it is a linked table and some properties can not be modified. My look up wizard Row Source can not be modified.

Any tips on how to get around this?

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General :: DCount Is Not Working

Sep 7, 2013

i am trying to count records on table based on criteria, then show it in unbound text box. i try this code for it:

Me.myText = DCount("tFName", "tblMembers", "[tOrgNick] = 'Me.lstOrg.Column(0)'")

it does not work. then i try this one:

Dim nShow As Integer
Dim tShow As String
tShow = Me.lstOrg.Column(0)
nShow = DCount("*", "tblMembers", "[tOrgNick] = 'tShow'")
Me.myText = nShow //edit: forgot this line

it also did not work. in watch window, tShow = "Lfarmer", nShow = 0...there are 16 records for "Lfarmer" in the table. i remember there is a "North Wind" (or something) sample database application in previous version of access.

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Troubleshooting Split Database That Was Working Before

Oct 1, 2004

I created a database which had to be split to allow multiple people to access it with three 'front-ends' so that different people had different levels of access. Due to security problems this database had to be moved to another location on the network. Now I have used the linked table manager to update all of the frontends so they can locate the data. Previously users would just copy their own version, appropriate to them, and use this to update; now though only one person can open the database at a time with the backend database being opened and hence locked (if that makes sense).

Any suggestions as to why this has happened, or solutions would be appreciated.


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General :: Do Not Have Necessary Permissions - Just Appeared On A Working DB

Jan 6, 2014

I'm running Access 2010 but using an .mdb to maintain user level security.I've rolled out a new version of the DB for 2014 (don't ask, but it is necessary) linked to the same security file as the 2013 version, which works fine. With the exception of some new fields and a bit of re-wiring the two are very similar. User permissions have stayed the same, all users are connected to the same security file and have access to almost all the functions they should.

The odd thing is that there are only 3 report buttons (so far) that flag the permissions error for all 'Update Data Users'. Everything else seems to be working fine. I should add that the buttons trigger macros but I don't think that's a problem since they work fine on the 2013 version.

I've tried re-linking the security file but that makes no difference - the path was correct. I don't understand why this is specific tho these buttons since other Macro'd button are working fine.

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Request: Database Sample With Working ListView

Jun 27, 2005

Hello all,

I finally got TreeView to work, by downloading the example database from this ( thread. I haven't had as much luck with ListView, though. Does anyone have a database they could post that has a working listview? I'd greatly appreciate it!!


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Multiple DataBase Working On Local Network

Jan 14, 2008

Hi! I work at a company where a same DB is being opened by more than one user, is there any way to allow many users be working on a same DB?

Actually I cannot even open it if its already opened. It appears another file with a "lock", which seems to be protecting the DB. :confused:

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Access Database Quits Working Correctly

Mar 26, 2008

I am working on developing a database that develops requests to send to another department. There are a lot of forms, macros, reports and queries. A user inputs information into a form, and then selects a command button that is attached to a macro that builds the request. Midway through the build, another form comes up to complete missing information. I was going along just fine - at the testing stage for this part of the process - when the database stopped working like it should. Some of the issues I am seeing:

1) If you open a new query and try to close it without saving it, it just keeps asking you if you want to save over and over even though you select No.

2) If you open an existing query and make a change, it closes it and saves the changes without any prompting at all.

3) Macros and forms do not work right. I have a macro that deletes the records from one table. The form for that table now shows #Deleted in all the fields instead of blanks.

If you compact/repair the database is good for one run through but then it doesn't work correctly again. I have had this issue in the past but have no clue how I break my databases! I have a general knowledge of Access, I am not really a VBA coder if I can avoid it at all costs. There must be something in the relationship between all my tables, queries, forms, etc but I have no clue even where to start to troubleshoot. HELP!!

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Forms :: Multiple Users On LAN Working On Same Database

Jan 21, 2015

How multiple users can work on the same database across LAN, without using share point.

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Database Not Working After Adding Attachment Field?

Aug 5, 2013

I created a database a while ago which has been working just fine, until I wanted to make one addition: an attachement field to one of its tables.

If I do so, some queries don't work anymore and as a result of that, some (sub)forms do not work. The only error I get is: The search key was not found in any record.

When I add an other kind of field (like a text field), the problem does not occur..

When I remove the attachment field again, everything works fine again...

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General :: IIF Statement - Calculated Fields Not Working

Apr 8, 2015

Access 2013

I've created a table for a college project and realised that one of my calculated fields isn't working. It doesn't produce an error message, it just doesn't calculate.


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General :: Formatting Text To Date Not Working As Expected

Sep 17, 2014

I am trying to get a text string from a table to convert to the proper date format in access 2003.

The text string is formatted as 140930 for Sep 30th, 2014 for example.

I have tried using the formula following formula: Format([PCCSDTA_DCSDIU]![DTEAVL],"mm/dd/yyyy") but this format returns the date 11/06/2285 instead of the desired 09/30/2014.

I am still relatively new to Access.

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General :: Small Application Not Working Since It Was Moved From Its Old Location?

Nov 27, 2012

I do IT support for different companies.

I have had a client moving to a new server a couple of months ago.

They have a small access application that reads csv files and exports them into Sage format that can then be imported into their accounts program - it also reports the total invoiced (whatever is inside the data CSV file) and has a printer friendly report with all the invoices inside said data CSV file.

The issue I have is that since the little app was moved to the new server - it stopped working.

I think somewhere in the code / options there is place to state the working path for the app. I think the app is trying to read the input data file from the old shared folder and thus not working anymore.

I can post the code and a sample CSV file. Specially because I did find a place with the old path and changed it to the new file share and it still didn't work.

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General :: Wizard Not Working When Adding Filter Buttons

Jun 19, 2012

I seem to be having a problem with access 2007

When I use the filter by form, filter by selection, and toggle filter buttons located on the ribbon, they work normally on my form, in the usual way.

However when I use the button wizard to add the various available filter buttons to my form, it adds the buttons with the correct graphics on - but in form view clicking on the buttons does not actually do anything.

I've tried running compact and repair but still the same.

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General :: Command Button Not Working In ACCDE File

Oct 19, 2014

I have created an accdb file and saved as an accde file. The accde file opens with a form with command buttons. But the commands buttons do not work with the accde file (they do work with the accdb file). How do I get them working.

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General :: Code To Create Several Rows In Table Not Working

Jun 4, 2014

I have an issue with a code that I have in a form which adds rows in a table as many times as categories chosen from a list. However, the code is not working correctly: it adds the information and creates a row with a category in blank, in addition to the rest of the rows with one of the chosen categories. I would like for this not to happen, to add only as many rows as the categories chosen.

My code is the following:

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
Dim valSelect As Variant, MyDB As DAO.Database, MyRS As DAO.Recordset
Set MyDB = CurrentDb()
Set MyRS = MyDB.OpenRecordset("Tasks", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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General :: Don't Have Option To Sync Tables After Working Offline

Dec 1, 2013

I am using SharePoint 2010 lists as my tables in my access file.the users sometimes have no access to the sharepoint and I want them to sync their tables to sharepoint later once they do have access to the web.I have no problem doing it on the regular access file, but when I'm using the access runtime, I don't have the option to sync the tables after working offline.

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