General :: Print Barcode To Be Used For Data Input Into Another System

Aug 7, 2014

I'm trying to print a barcode to be used for data input into another system.

The data contains alpha number and some special characters like space, underscore, / and &

I want the form to print the bar code

128 and 3of9 don't handle this data.

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Implement Barcode System With Access

Feb 1, 2006

Sorry for the flashy post. Job:
I have an access 2003 db. I want to implement barcode system to the DB in which I can print barcodes in any kind of barcode printer and also when imputing an order read data from barcode scanner etc.

2nd Job:
I want to put access db to a server so I can view reports, forms, imput data and retrive data from internet explorer window (with a password).

I will give my DB to you so you can work on it. Please do the pricing seperate for each job.

Please PM or Reply if you have more than 500 posts. PLEASE RESPOND IF YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO DO IT.

Thanks in advance.

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General :: How To Scan Product Barcode Then Interpret It Into Data

Jul 25, 2013

I'm trying to make a database for some product that have barcode, but i don't understand how to scan product barcode then interpret it into data in access,,, and how later I can look for these data by using barcode.

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Barcode Scanner Input Question

Jun 17, 2006

OK... Did some searching and posted one question on forms... But still have one important question that has not been answered. First let me say I want to use a scanner connected via USB. ( I need to be able to use this app on a laptop, so keyboard wedge is not possible) Found a quote on a site "TalTech"... Something like that...... This one..
"1) Keyboard Wedge output or USB output

If your bar code scanner has Keyboard Wedge output or USB output you will not need special data collection software. Both these outputs will dump the data right into the foreground application on your PC wherever the cursor is flashing, as if it were being typed in. You do not usually get much control except for the addition of a trailing keystroke, such as an ENTER key, to your data. But these methods are very simple and work fine for many people."

Question is...... Is this true??? Will the USB input directly to the field I want it to?? I just need someone with some experience in this to let me know for sure.


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Im New Here! - Barcode Input/ And Workstation Identifier

Jun 7, 2006

hi guys, i am slowly learning access by browsing these forums and using microsoft help and downloading example databases. problem is - i have no formal training in it and am just sort of poking around. how did you guys learn? is there a good book out there to read, or did you take a course in it?

right now i am trying to develop a database of tracking product through a factory. technicians would scan the barcode for a pump before and after every process. i made it a simple table coupled with a form where they input the barcode # and a timestamp was coupled with it. later, youd be able to graph the time stamps so you can see process times, how many are in work in process, etc.

my specific questions are:

when i use the timestamp feature, it updates the time when a new record is brought up, but i want the timestamp to register when they click the add entry button. so far i have the default value =Time() for one, and =Date() for the other ...

next is, i want each workstation with this open to have its own unique identifier. for example, one program in assembly station should automatically input "assembly" for where the record was added in, how is this done?

lastly, i have a barcode scanner that operates like text input, i have an area on the form for the barcode, so when it scans it enters the number. is there a way that once the field gets 8 digits entered into it, it automatically goes to the next field on the form? i would like for users to pull the trigger and not have to hit enter again ...

a big THANK YOU for all you access gurus, i have been browsing these forums learning a lot. i hope i can achieve your level so i can help others as well. Thanks again

- Dave

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Search For Barcode With Scanner As Input

Oct 26, 2004

I have created a form that I would like to search for a barcode by using a scanner as an input device. Does anyone know how to go about doing this?
The form basically holds a subform of textboxes that have barcodes. I want the user to be able to scan a barcode which will then find that barcode in the subform and assign it with a DateOut = Date() ...

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Date / Time Stamp On Barcode Input Form

Apr 29, 2014

I have a barcode input form. When a barcode is scanned, the value of the barcode, along with a date/time stamp using the now() function (hh:mm:ss) is entered into a table in the database as 2 separate columns. I need to make sure that I don't have any 2 barcodes with exactly the same date/time. They must be at least 1 second apart. How can I easily make this happen? I can't control how many times the barcode actually gets scanned.

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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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System Not Recognizing Date Input

Sep 15, 2004

I have a form where the user inputs a date into a combo box and then selects a command button.

There are two options:
1. The user can select an exiting entry (by date from the combo box) to edit a existing entry.
2. to create a new entry they enter a new date (not in the combo box).
Then the user selects a command button.

The command button has an onClick macro where the value in the combo box is checked (IsNull([Combo40]))

If the "IsNull([Combo40])" is true a message box is presented saying the date field is blank.

The problem is (finally) if you enter a new date "3/3/04" and forget to hit the enter key the system doesn't recognize the entry, in other words the "IsNull([Combo40])" evaluates to TRUE.

We currently have the msgBox remind the user to hit the enter key but that seems a little low tech. Is there anyway to look at the field and see the data even though the user forgot to hit the enter key??


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General :: Getting Data From Print Dialog Box?

Aug 22, 2013

Is there a way to get information in the print dialog box (File -> Print)? Like when i click ok or cancel? Or any other way that i will be able to know that the report is sent to printer or being printed.

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Forms :: Put Barcode In Field When Reader Scans Barcode / It Records Current Time

Nov 11, 2013

I want to be able to put a barcode in a field that when a reader scans the barcode it records the current time. Need it for access control to record who is in and out of the office. Reading other threads I understand it may be possible in Dlookup.

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Reports :: Barcode Font - Generate Number As Barcode On Report Records

Jun 8, 2013

I am using a barcode font in order to generate a number as a barcode on my report records. In order for my barcode scanner to read the barcode it needs an asterisk at the beginning and at the end.

So, if my record ID is 62 - in order for the barcode to be displayed correctly, it needs to be on the report as *62* .

Without digressing into a discussion on barcode methods in Access, how can I precede and succeed each ID number field with an asterisks?

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General :: How To Check Numeric Input Data

Jul 17, 2015

I have an input box and wanted user just to input 7 digital data. However, I am afraid user may enter string data. Is there any way to check and ensure user can only input 7 digital data to that input box?

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General :: Dynamic Search To Input Data

Jul 2, 2014

I'm new to Access. I started building a database for work (I work at a nursery) and I used John's Dynamic Search code for an Inventory Input Database but I was wondering is it possible to use this code to input data into a table.

So basically I'm creating a database where I can input Item ID, Description(Plant name), Date, Location, Yard, and notes. For the Item ID and Description that is where I used the dynamic search code (as a combo box) so I can easily enter the Item ID and it will search for the Description. I got all this to work except that when I choose my selection it does not save on to the records. The other fields does save just not the dynamic search.

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General :: Data Input Mask And Expiry Message?

Jul 12, 2013

I want to have an input mask on an 'Expiry Data' Field so that the input method is 'MON-YY" and I need access to realise it as a data. And then I also need when a user opens a record an anything that is 2 weeks from expiring I need an error message to pop up.

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General :: Allow Colleagues To Input Data To Access Database?

Aug 6, 2013

How do I allow colleagues to input data to the Access database, but at the same time prevent meddling with the database design? Is it possible to password protect some functions but allow others (students/ nurses!) to input data?

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General :: Input Data Into Website Based On Selected Record

May 19, 2014

Is it possible, to input information from my continuous form into a web control form. at my job we a required to tract our jobs by equipmentid and job control number(jcn). When a job is done we have to upload the id and jcn into a website to tell it is cleared. I am looking for a way for that info to automatically be filled in when i load the website based on the job i have selected in my form?

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General :: Triggering And Reading Multiple Barcode Readers

Nov 25, 2014

I will have a PC and a number of scanners in a production line. I will need at least 15-20 scanners and would like to plan for more if needed. When an operator clicks on a button I would like to have each of the scanners triggered and return the value. They can be done in turn or all at once (preferred for speed). I need to know which value came from each scanner. I would then compare the barcode read at each station versus what is supposed to be at that station and either pass or fail.

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General :: Parse Substring From Barcode With Variable Digit Count

Aug 23, 2012

I need to identify and parse (substring) a number of digits from a barcode. The barcode digit count will vary, based on the number of details included in the barcode.

For example: the barcode for GS1 DataBar begins with a 4 digit code of 8110 identifying the code as GS1. The 5th digit then identifies the number of digits directly following which constitute the manufacturers code, which can range anywhere from 6 digits to 12 digits. I need to pull the number of digits out of the barcode based on the value of the 5th digit placeholder and pull only that many digits from the string and replace them into another field. There are potentially 70 total digits in the barcode. I have only provided the first section, which I am asking the question on.

Simply put: I need to tell the substring to identify the number to parse from digit 5, (which will have a min of 6 digits and a max of 12)

How do I pull the information out of a string to create a substring in another field by first defining the number of digits to pull out (Digits 6 to 17 min of 6 digits and a max of 12 digits) based on a value within the string (digit 5= value)

So if Digit 5 is 6 the returned value would be: Digits: 6 7 8 9 10 11 (6 6 6 6 6 6 )

If Digit 6 is 9 the returned value would be: Digits: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9)

The first portion of the barcode is below: There are other pieces necessary to be pulled the same way, but from other sections, and based on yet another X desinator field (the next with a min of 1 and max of 5) I assume the pull would be similarly completed.

I don't know how to write code, I have used formulas but not this detailed or specific.

Ex: I know = Min (barcode, 5, 6) would pull the 6 digits after the 5 spot, but how do I vary the 6 (count) number in the formula?

Example below: No additional spaces, dashes, letters etc. (A's = 1-4, X = 5, M's = 6-17)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

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General :: Text Box Event Coding - Jump To Next Field After Using Barcode Scanner

May 20, 2015

I am creating a inventory database for work. I am trying to get the cursor to jump to the next text box for data entry using a barcode scanner. I have a limit on how many characters there can be in this field but yet even after it is all filled the cursor stays in that same field. I am fairly new to access, especially in code building. Do I use "After Update" under "Event" in the "Property Sheet"?


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MS Access 2010 - Barcode Data Capturing

Oct 6, 2013

I'm currently developing an MS Access (2010) application and connected a barcode scanner to it for reading barcode information.

Everything seems to work well for what concerns capturing the data into a field, but what I would like to do is to populate a complete form once the barcode has been captured and filled-in in the specific "barcode" field. The data that should be populated in the form comes from different tables.

How to send an enter after the barcode data has been captured? Objective is to read data from a barcode, which after an enter or update automatically populates the data in the form afterwards.

The barcode data is already in the DB.

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Reports :: Print Report Based On Input Parameter

Jul 2, 2015

I have to print a label quickly every time that the product hit the warehouse. The label has been created as a report linked to the query that will provide the info to the report. In order to make this report printing as quick as possible the idea is to scan the sample id from the product and once the label is printed scan the next sample and an on.

I'm not an expert on VBA but I have created the following scrip but the reports doesn't pop up.

Here is the code:

Dim SampleID As String
SampleID = InputBox("Enter Sample ID")
If SampleID > 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptGRM_QuickPrintLabelDymo", acViewPreview, , "[Sample]=" & SampleID
End If
End Sub

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General :: Input Data In Lower Case And Automatically Change First Letter Of Word To Upper Case

Mar 16, 2013

Is there any way of making data that is inputted in lower case to automatically change to the first letter of each word being a capital ...

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General :: How To View System Tables

Jan 31, 2013

Access 2010 Where exactly do I find Import Specifications that I have created? How do you View System tables?

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General :: Extract PID From System Security Tables

Apr 7, 2013

I have inherited a 2003 db with unknown PIDs for the Group & User security.When trying to alter User details, I'm asked for a PID, so I'm trying to find the PID for the existing users.

I've gone to unhide the systems tables to get a dump of the data & hopefully find the PIDs but no luck so far.There is a Parent ID & if I run a query from the Users DB file, it appears as if it something like japanese writing ???

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General :: Control System To Put Stock That Come Into Specific Location

Jun 18, 2015

I have created a stock control system where i put stock that come in into a specific location i can put the same item over several locations depending of the size of the location or i can can put more than one product in a location .

The problem im having is when i do a order that say remove half of all the stock in it is split over more than one location i cant seem to get it to remove the stock from the location to show space available.

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