General :: Print Record With Yes Against Them

Jan 29, 2015

I am trying to design a form or report where I can print the records marked with Y/N, but not sure how to do it?

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General :: Button On Form To Print Current Record - Open Preview Before Printing?

Sep 11, 2013

I have a button on a FORM to print the current record with the following code:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection

But what I need is that before printing, open the preview to set the margins and page size ... or at least to pre-configure so that when you press the button, and comes preformatted.

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Auto Print Report For Only Latest Record On Add New Record Event??

Jun 21, 2005

Hi All,
I am looking for some help with a project I am working on where I need to automatically print a report from my database every time a new record is added to the table. The table contains 13 fields and the report needs to display 12 of them, the other being the index which is set to Autonumber.

The table is being updated solely by ODBC, this is working OK.

There is the potential for records to be added to the table very quickly via the ODBC link, so I need to safeguard that the report is being populated with correct information from the record that triggered the print event. Also, should multiple records be added in close succession, a report needs to be correctly generated/printed for each of one. The DB is to have no user intervention, and will just run on the PC at startup with all access menus/controls locked out.

Any information on how you think I should structure this, or any examples of helpful code that you might have would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance, :)

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General :: How To Get Value From Combobox And Link It To Print

Sep 6, 2012

What i need to be able to do is write vba to find the value inside the comboxbox and then either:-

1. Run a macro with the same value that is in the combobox
2. Run a set of reports and print them off but are linked to the combobox value.

The combobox name is ODTyper
The combobox control source is ODType which is a field in TblType
The combobox row source is SELECT [TblType].Model FROM TblType;
The value inside the combobox are in the format of TE4700
The name of the macros are in the format of TE4700
The Main form is called FrmOrderDatabase.

Plus somehow i need to get the value of the combobox and link it to print off the correct reports.

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General :: Excluding Info From A Print Out

Oct 18, 2012

I've composed a table in Access 2010 that I want to use as an annex to a printed document. However, each time I try to print out a hard copy it includes the table title and the date of printing. How do I stop this?

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General :: Getting Data From Print Dialog Box?

Aug 22, 2013

Is there a way to get information in the print dialog box (File -> Print)? Like when i click ok or cancel? Or any other way that i will be able to know that the report is sent to printer or being printed.

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Print Current Record From DAP

Jan 18, 2005


Is there anyway i can print the current record using a button or something ,which i am viewing using Data Access Pages , i have searched a lot of forums but have got nowhere , now i just wanna know how the hell can i use it to print a record or print any report for that matter using a DAP!!! can anyone give me a suggestion or just point me to some reference for using these DAP...


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Print Record From Form...

Mar 9, 2005

I've got an unbound form that view records indvidually and I'd like to create a report that when the end-user selects the Print Record Command button it will print all the employees information for his review and if changes my admin's will make the changes. What code would i use to do that with a message prompting them are they sure? I also would like a cmd button to print all records for annual review. Any input will be greatly appreciated...

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Print Several Reports Of Same Record

Jun 7, 2005

How do I print several reports of the same record in a row and only prompting once the printer properties?

Thanks in advance.

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How Do I Print Off Just ONE Record From A Form?

Jul 8, 2004

I have tried lots of examples but getting nowhere. Please help!

I use a form to keep a record of employees training. Form name: "ITD Data Entry"

Individuals are identified by a primary key called "SERVICE NUMBER"

I have a button on my form. When I scroll to the right record I click this button to go and preview a report, called "ITD CERTIFICATE".

My aim is to be able to just print off the record I am viewing, but at present if I select print I end up printing off all the records, which would involve a lot of paper

At present, to get around this, I have to select a print range. OK for me, but not great for a stranger to the database.

Is there a way to control this button to print preview the current record only?

Many thanks for your help in advance.


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General :: Cannot Get Report Header To Print On All Pages

Aug 17, 2012

While I have worked with computer all my life I am new to Access. I managed to create my database and the report I wanted to generate. However; I cannot get the Report Header to print on all pages. It only prints on the first page.

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General :: Print Preview Default Ribbon

Feb 16, 2013

When I have the Home and Create default ribbons showing... then when I choose to Preview a report the Print Preview Ribbon is displayed and the Home and Create Ribbons are hidden or not visible.I have created a CustomRibbon and this CustomRibbon is not hidden when I choose to preview a report. The Print Preview ribbon is shown but the CustomRibbon keeps the focus and is not hidden.I would like for the CustomRibbon to not be visible.

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General :: Finger Print Reader And Access

Dec 24, 2014

I have just finished putting together an access database as a payroll. It is working fine and it will now save the company a lot of man hours in calculations.

When the employee clocks in or out there is a form and the employee has to key in a unique employee number and a password, which of necessity is hidden from view. Of course the password can be divulged from one employee to another.

Consequently, eventually I will need to incorporate a finger print reader and use the information from this instead of the password.

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General :: Can Open Print Preview In Zoom With VBA?

Aug 19, 2014

Can you force print preview to open in zoom 100% mode with VBA?

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General :: Use Database To Print Selected Labels

May 8, 2013

I am using access 2010 and have made a simple database for the company I work for. This consists of the a table of the raw data and a form to make the data printable.

I have been asked by our admin person if I can make it possible to be able to print labels from it. I know it is possible via the wizard but very limited.

What we really need is to be able to select the people from the table that we want labels for.

I have added a true/false check box to the table called 'label?'

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General :: How To Print Number Of Boxes Based On A Value

Sep 5, 2012

I wish to produce a delivery note which needs to print an empty box for manually ticking.

I need a box for each item quantity i.e 5 items on the job print 5 boxes. 20 items print 20 boxes.

I have been able to use very crude code if there is only a few items, using if qty =1 then / 1/ else if qty = 2 then / 1/ / 2 / etc etc ...

That works and prints the / 1 / 2 / which is ok but there must be a simpler way as it the job has more that it would be much better and far more useful for other reports to print a box or item.

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General :: How To Print Complete Code Of A Project

Jul 9, 2013

How do I print the complete code of a project? If I select all the code with CTRL+A in the code window does it print all the objects of the project I'm in or I have to select each object from the drop down list at the top of the code window?

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Print Only Report For Current Record

Aug 20, 2007

I have a report that is tied to a table. On my table form I have a button that prints the report. Is there a way to only print the report for the current record showing on my form?

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Print Current Record To Report

May 20, 2005

I'm having hard trouble doing print preview current record from form with subform to a report.

When using the code below I'm getting an error for:

The specified field [PolicyNum] could refer to more than 1 table listed in the from clause of your sql statement.

Dim strDocName As String
Dim strLinkCriteria As String

strDocName = "rptCurrentInfo"
strLinkCriteria = "[PolicyNum] = Forms![frmAdjusterMod]![PolicyNum]"

DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acViewPreview, , strLinkCriteria

Command button is in the main form frmadjustermod - sbfm is sbfmMoreMod

foreign key is PolicyNum


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Print Preview Without Saving Record

May 15, 2006

I'm posting this question to Forms forum because I'm sure I can't do this with a report--though a report is really what I need to be using.

My database has buttons on the forms to preview a "page printout" report based on the data in the record displayed. The reports - formatted to closely resemble printed questionnaires provided by the client - are based on queries, run with criteria conditions to match the record on the screen. So, to run the report, you have to have queriable data -- i.e. the data shown in the form has to have been saved to table. So the print preview buttons include a Save command.

The client would like to be able to view the printout of a potential new (or changed) record without saving. (There is an audit trail that tracks changes and deletions once a record has been saved.) The only way I can think of that this might be done would be to print directly off of the form--which would produce un-pretty results at best, I'm afraid, and seems like a headache to set up. But would it even work? Using the file menu to preview printout of a form seems to save the record.

So, my questions:
1. Is there something I'm missing such that I could run the reports without saving the data?
2. If I DID print out the form instead of the report, can even THAT be done without saving the record? (They would only need to preview without saving, not actually print.)

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Reports :: How To Get A Form To Print One Record

Jun 5, 2013

I'm trying to get a form to print just one record on a report - and using this code:

Private Sub Command24_Click()

Dim strReportName As String
Dim strCriteria As String

strReportName = "Badge"
strCriteria = "[ID]='" & Me![ID] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , strCriteria

End Sub

It won't work though - says there's a 'data type mis-match in criteria expression'

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Print Current Record To A Report?

Dec 23, 2011

Private Sub Command30_Click()
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
Dim strDocName As String
Dim strWhere As String
strDocName = "Civil Process"
strWhere = "[FormID]=" & Me!FormID
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acPreview, , strWhere
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
End Sub

I can get this code to print only one record but then the button will always print this record. It will not change and print the current record.

FormID is an autonumber to give each record it own id.

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How To Print Object For Current Record

Dec 4, 2013

I put a button on a form for printing the object but it prints every record. How can I print the object with the current record?

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Print Out Single Record Onto A Report

Jan 7, 2015

I have a form NoWorkOrder, i have attached a command button to Print Report. The report is named No Work Order. When I'm viewing that a record in Form View and click the command button i want only that record to print out onto the report.

I'm using Ms Access 2010.

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General :: Date Appears In Preview But Not Visible In Print

Sep 9, 2014

In attached Preview.png I can see the Dates. When I print the report (Print.png) the dates are substituted with "#Name?"

In the report the date fields are bound to

Control Source =CDate([Forms]![frmTransactionPopup]![dtmFrom])

where frmTransactionPopup is a form which is open but not visible.

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General :: Printing Report From Print Preview With Ribbon

Jul 3, 2014

I have report that i have in preview. In that report i have ribbon that has buttons close and print. Close works fine, with print it goes ok but when "printer selection" comes, i try to change printer it informs that not enough memory. All this code that is in ribbon buttons is in VBA.

What could be the reason for memory stuff or how could this be made that this inform wouldn't come.

Code below:
Sub EnnakkoMyButtonCallbackOnAction(control As IRibbonControl)
Select Case control.ID
Case "MyBtn1"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Tuotanto Ennakko", acViewPreview

[Code] ....

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