General :: Property Sheet Locked?

Jan 22, 2014

I am unable to use property sheet in access. Its viewable but no changes are allowed.

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General :: Control Source In Property Sheet

Aug 3, 2012

My question is in Access 2010 I am currently in the property sheet at a combo list i just added to a form to be more precise with the data the user will look for. My question is I know I have to be in Control source in order for the combo box to select the data that I entered from the table. When i click the arrow the drop list is empty and then when I click the elipses (three dots) it takes me into expression builder, so i am confused on what I should do to select the field I want the combo box to focus on.

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General :: Add Existing Fields And Property Sheet - Buttons Not Working

Sep 1, 2014

I have a problem with two buttons, add existing fields and property sheet

When i click them they do nothing at all, so i cannot do what i need to do?

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Property Sheet In Design View

Jul 28, 2015

When opening an access object (Form, report, table or query) in design mode (Access2013), the speed at which the Property Sheet responds depends on how long it has been since a windows update has taken place. To be more specific, immediately after an update and reconfiguration, the Property Sheet responds almost instantaneously; after a few days it can take several minutes to respond.

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Access 2007 Property Sheet Disappear

Oct 2, 2007


My property sheet has disappeared I don't know what I did. How can I make it reappears? I have try by pressing the SHFIT key but it won't work. Also, I have created a new database and open it, the property sheet isn't appeared. The icon are still there but when I press on it, it does not response.



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Design View - Property Sheet Will Not Open

Feb 4, 2014

With a form in design view, I click on the DESIGN tab on the ribbon and then under TOOLS, I click on PROPERTY SHEET, whick opens on the form. Now I do that and nothing happens. It is the same with ADD EXISTING FIELDS. Neither one appears. Everything else seems to work ok.

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Property Sheet Not Coming Up Although Tab Exists On Ribbon Bar

Mar 24, 2015

I have recently split my DB and distributed the front ends to respective users. I dont know why for this particular user, the property sheet does not show up even though the the Property sheet button is clicked on the Ribbon bar. For others it seems all fine. This user runs on 2 monitors , but that should not be a problem I guess?

I am currently running 2010 version , and i have tried doing run>msaccess/safe which does not work.

How the user can customize reports or queries , or I can modify designs if I want to on his front end...

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General :: Db Locked And Not Accessible Afterwards

Sep 4, 2013

I have a problem with a cleint-Server accessdb that I created and works fine. But rarely (may be once in a week), I get a record lock file (normaly 1kb size) which is not the normal record lock taht appears when the system runs. This file does not get closed even if the db is closed. Also, I can delete it and I can access the db again. when this lock file exists, I cannot access the db.

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General :: Locked ACCDB File

Oct 19, 2012

I have a database with extension .accdb. When I open it, everything is locked. I can't access VB Editor, Navigation Pane, Ribbon, nothing. It just opens a form and the only thing that can be edited are the text boxes on the form. I can't use Shift when opening it, that does nothing. It does not prompt for a password when opening.

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General :: Finding Last Used Row In Excel Sheet?

Nov 15, 2013

I have the following code which returns me the number of rows in an excel sheet:-

Lastrows = .Worksheets(1).Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=2, SearchOrder:=1).Row

How do I mod the code to find the last 'used' row in the sheet?

The sheet is automatically generated daily, so I can't change anything in that area. It's always 2000 rows long and usually only has around 1100-1200 rows of data.

It's just that I do a for loop later on in my code for 1 to Lastrows and would like it as exact as I can.

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General :: Creation Of Test Environment Locked

Jun 20, 2013

I have attempted to create a test environment, by creating a blank database in SQL and restoring a backup of the live environment over the blank database (now called test db). I then took a copy of the Access MDB file,and renamed this to testMDB. I then created a new ODBC link to the test db and refreshed the links to the tables by the importing the tables.

Majority of the system works, but I have noticed that after doing this, the forms that access some tables appear to be 'locked', in that no additional data can be added. The page effectively looks greyed out. If data already exists on this tab, then it can be viewed, but cannot be edited. In the live environment, the form shows an additional line is so that more data can be entered if required and any existing data can be amended.

I have attached two screen shots showing the difference.

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General :: Linking A Set Of Dates For A Time Sheet

Jul 17, 2013

The project I am currently working on requires me to build a database for checking off if a certain person has submitted a time sheet for a certain date. I have a table for the dates that has the fields "date" and "Submitted time sheet?". The time sheet field is a checkbox.

I also have a table for employees with fields "employee last name", "employee first name" and "location".What I want to know is how to link each employee with the dates and whether or not they submitted a time sheet.

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General :: Locked Database - Hiding Navigation Pane

Sep 3, 2013

I've got a database that is locked down for all users with forms so they can navigate the system and the navigation pane is hidden. On a couple of the forms there are buttons to print the form and when that button is clicked it unhides the navigation pane...???

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General :: Open MS Access Database Locked By Password?

Mar 22, 2013

I have MS access database. The database is password encrypted. I do not own this database but it is critical for me to see the contens of this database. I do not want to edit the contents.

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General :: Unable To Edit Records - Fields Are Locked

Jun 11, 2013

I have a user that is unable to edit records, He can click in the fields but he could not delete or enter data in the fields. He has the ability to edit records but its fields are locked. I created a split database and created a secure front which I distributed it to multiple uses. The other users front end is working fine, expect for the one.

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General :: Adding Photos To Data Sheet From Within The Form

Oct 17, 2012

I have created a DB to store my students records, eg: Student Number, English Name, Chinese Name, Birthdate, Class Number, Age, and exam scores, I also have a photo frame to display the students photo.

In the data sheet I have an ole object field where I add the photos, the thing is it means I need to manually add this to the data sheet, whereas I can add all the other details directly from the form "Add New Record" and also search, delete or edit all from the form.

I have searched and searched but I cannot find any info that accurately explains how I may add the photos to the c where I have placed a button "Add Photo". I assume I need to create a macro and assign it to the button (on click) then this would need to open a search file location box where I can find the photo and select it to be added to the file.

The point is I wish to be able to do all the adding, deleting and editing from within the form and not have to enter into the data sheet at all.

I am using Office 2010

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General :: Access Open Excel To A Specific Sheet And Row

Apr 3, 2014

How to open MS Excel from a MS Access database (plenty online really) but then select a worksheet and a row in the excel sheet (can't find anything)?

I also need to open MS Access from the Excel worksheet and I was hoping to use

Code : Set oApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")

however it seems Access 2010 does not support this ...

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General :: Multiple Users On Access Sheet Simultaneously

Jun 25, 2013

I recently made a database that we will use to allocate appointments between a team of up to 30 in 2 different sites. I have tested it with 10 people in the same site using it and have had no issues so far.

One of our managers wants to know whether it is likely to cause issues with network usage/congestion. When we introduce it to the other site. I told her it is unlikely, but went to our IT department for their opinion. I got a reply simply stating that Access is not intended for this sort of task, and is only designed to have a couple of people using it at a time.

I'd like a second opinion, because I don't think that answer is even close to correct. I'll describe briefly how it works and what our set up is.

The database has 2 tables, one that stores the details of the clients we call (7 fields), and another that logs each contact attempt (6 field) and ensures no 2 users get the same entry. I have split the database, with the backend saved on one of our networked drives, and the frontend will be distributed in an email. (at present it is just an unsplit database stored on a network drive, but I don't think this will work well when 2 different sites are using it).

I think data throughput will be minimal, but I don't know how I'd go about checking that. Would you expect any issues with this being used by 30 people simultaneously?

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General :: How To Add Combo Box Field To Data Sheet View In Form

Dec 29, 2014

I created a new field as a text box, converted it to Combo box, then the Values are pulled from a query and all that works fine.

I have a form that opens and displays these Fields in a Data Sheet view and the new Combo box doesn't drop down and is flagged as a text box in the property bar but no way to change it??

I need the drop down like the other Category field I have, that works but this one doesn't.

See screen shot.

You can see in the Category field, there is a Drop down, but in Category II there is not, even though this is a drop down field. - BUT in this data sheet view it doesn't show it as a drop down.

[URL] ......

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General :: Filter Data Sheet To Show Records With No Date

Mar 20, 2014

I am having trouble with a datasheet its ran from a macro button using BrowseTo command.

I am having trouble with the where condition; I would like to show records where the [FittingDate] is blank...

I have tried isnull() and [FittingDate]=""

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General :: Can't Change Required Field Property

Jul 16, 2013

I am trying to change a field to be required. I know where it is...

(Navigation Pane > Design View > Select field I want required > Properties Pane > General Tab > set Required property to Yes)

But I don't see that General Tab at the bottom of my page.

The closest thing I have to properties is on the right-hand side. It opens when I right-click, then hit Properties. It displays...

Format | Data | Event | Other | All... but that's it...


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General :: Access Object Property Description

Dec 14, 2012

I'm working on a query that lists all the queries in an Access database, and I would like the query to show the object description which is displayed when you right-click an object and display the object's properties. For queries, this is a text box just below the query name in the properties window.

So far, all I have is:

SELECT ID, Name FROM mSysObjects;

I would like to have something like:

SELECT ID, Name, Description FROM mSysObjects;

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HELP!!! Locked Myself Out Of My Own Db!!

Jul 29, 2005


I know this sounds stupid but on my database with user-level security, i have somehow managed to remove administer rights from all users , and do not know how to change it back, if it is even possible.

I think what might have happened is it was stored on my USB drive and i switched computers and opened the db, would that have affected it? :confused:

Is there an easy way out of this or am i screwed? :eek:

thanks, ian :)

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Help!!! Locked Out

Aug 29, 2007

I have been following a text book to try and secure a database, i set up the Work Group Info File, allocated a password, now even when i want to start a completley new database i have to enter a password.........

AND when i set up the password i must have enetered it wrong now i am completely locked out!!

Is there any way to fix this i cant do anything!! I cant even start on a completely new databse!!

Please help

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Locked Out Of My Databse

Jul 12, 2005


Hi, can anyone help? Like an idiot I veered away from my intention to put a password on an Access database which holds only a table and a few queries and explored other security options. I now cannot get in to the database at all and get a message telling me that I do not have the necessary acces srights and to consult my administrator. When I look at the properties, I am shown as the administrator, which makes sense but despite trying various, desperate things, I cannot get back in to take the security off. Needless to say I did not create a copy first, so have learned a lesson the hard way. Any advice gratefully received.

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Locked Database

Jul 22, 2005

i have this database with tables i can't access, so i had to import the data into a new database , given the size of the new database JoeCruse (form this board) pointed out that it could be that the front end is separated form the back end. and i can't find the front end anywhere

i want to press F11 and see the tables and so forth open up when i launch the original db. how do i go about doing that.

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