General :: Querying A Table With Wildcard Characters

Jan 18, 2013

I have a data base,one of the field contain Data like "ZZZ-DEFS#UUH1234567".

There should always be 19 characters in this field including #.I want to design a query which can sort out entries less than and more than 19 characters, so that wrong entries can be corrected .

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Using Wildcard Characters

Oct 6, 2005

I have several queries looking up products from a table. I use a simple form to access the query and in the criteria of the field I use [Forms]![EnterCroft]![ProductName] to filter by name. (EnterCroft is the name of the form).

It works fine but doesn't like the asterisk (*) for all products.

I also want to use wildcard before and after key words in the product names, eg *cup* for anything with CUP in it's name.

How can I do this?

Thank you very much.

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Wildcard Characters

Feb 24, 2006

Hey everyone, I've been busy creating a switchboard based on database, and I came across this issue. When I put a search through records command button, it seems that I can't use the wildcard characters, such as *,%,_ in order to find multiple records matching my criteria.

Am I supposed to "enable" them from somewhere or am I doing something wrong.

Any help?

Thanx in advance

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Querying 1st 3 Characters

Aug 3, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a DB that has over 180,000 records with zip code as one of the fields.

I would like to know how do you query the 1st 3 characters? For example, if zip is 95127, I want to query and retrieve records for the first 951.

I seen this on another thread, but can't find it. THanks in advance guys.

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Queries :: Replacing Wildcard Characters In A Query

Jun 5, 2013

I am trying to replace a # character and all characters after in a text field.

U set up a Select query and used the following expression:
Expr1: Replace([Part Number],"[#]*","")

It doesn't change any of the records. Is this possible to do in Access 2007?

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General :: Special Characters In Table Values

May 1, 2013

My database has several tables (and queries) that have fields that contain people's names. Some names, like O'Neil, contain apostrophes. Other fields contain couple names, like Tom & Laura Jones. Both the ' and the & prevent queries, forms, and reports from working correctly.

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General :: Querying Between Records With Date Ranges Within A Certain Time

Nov 5, 2012

I have not found the solution to this looking elsewhere, but basically what I am trying to do is the following:

person date
1 1/1/2012
1 12/15/2012
2 6/12/2012
1 6/13/2012
2 6/14/2012
3 6/16/2012

I want a query which shows the count or records for which a person has a date within 30 days of each other. This is being queried from a large table in which records would may not be sequential by person. Thus in my example above, the third record for person 1 would be omitted as well as the record for person 3.

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Numerical Wildcard In Access Table

Mar 6, 2015

I have a table which tracks material quotes. I have two fields for the quantity range called PriceBreakBegin and PriceBreakEnd. If I have a part that has contract pricing (no limit on the PriceBreakEnd), can I use a wildcard or something in the PriceBreakEnd field to represent any number, and not just the highest integer I can put in there like 99999?

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Querying A Related Table.

Dec 9, 2007

I have a very simple database with two tables. One stores Schools that I work for and the other holds people that work at that school.

I have a form that displays information from the schools table and I have a button that I want have open a form that displays the people that are related to that school.

THe problem is I can't figure out how to limit the recordset to just the people from the school record I was just viewing.

For example. I am looking at a record with School ID 1. I want to run a query on the People table that will return just the people that work for school id 1. I just can't figure out the criteria part.

Any help is appreciated.


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Continuous Forms And Querying Another Table

Jan 23, 2006

I have a continouus form that queries a table and displays various fields on the form. For each record in the master table displayed on the continous form I also need to show the result of a calculation in an unbound field.

The calculation needs to be based on the Count of the rows of a particular type in another table. This other table will have many different types of record - and I have a query that returns the count. This query is based on a SQL WHERE clause that is fed in a value from a field in the master table. To be concret a field in the master table has the name ID_component. This field has to be then used in the query to determine how many rows in this other table has a type of ID_component. From what I can tell right right now is that the query which is triggered from a combo box in the form is not getting the ID_component value on a record by record basis.

My question therefore is whether using continous forms one can get an unbound field to do a query on another tabel when the query has to be fed in a parmeter from a field in the original tabel?

If this is not possible - any ideas on how I can achieve something similar to I can obtain a count of rows and feed it into a continous form

thanks in advance


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ComboBox Querying Table, Returning Null ?

Aug 8, 2005

Is anyone else experiencing similar problem ?

Basically here's what happen:

1. User need to look up item name, while in a subform. He pressed F5
2. A form showed up, with a ComboBox (which got its values from a query)
3. User chose an item name in the ComboBox, and then pressed the Close button
4. The item name got copied into the subform.

Problem is, for some items/records, step 4 doesn't happen :eek:
When I investigated, turned out that for some records, the ComboBox returned null (instead of the selected record)

This is on a 5800+ records table, on Access 2000.

Here's the code :

[Forms]![005_cashier].[subform_0051_enter_sold_items]!selling_price = Me!item_name.Column(2)
[Forms]![005_cashier].[subform_0051_enter_sold_items]!quantity = 1

The second line always works (always got copied to the subform properly), while the first one only works with certain items/records.

I've examined the offending records, but couldn't imagine how they'd be able to make Access to behave like that.

Any ideas ?


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Querying Two Inter-related Field In A Table

Jun 16, 2005


Need some help. Here's the problem:-

I've two fields in a table (A & B)

1 Null
2 Null
3 1
4 2
5 3
6 5
7 Null
8 4
9 6

The fields are somehow related where values of B (unique) is taken from A(unique).
I trying to do an SQL such that if I input a single value A=9 or 6 or 5 or 3 or 1, the following should be the output:

9 6
6 5
5 3
3 1
1 Null

Or in another case where I input a single value A=8 or 4 or 2
the following should be the output:

8 4
4 2
2 Null

How can I do that? Many thanks in advance!! :D

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Modules & VBA :: Wildcard Search Of Combobox - Lookup Values In Table Column

Nov 19, 2014

I have a form which has a combobox called Task_Ref which looks up values in a table column.

I would like to be able to set the tickbox value of tickbox called P1 to True if the combobox contains the word "test", each entry on the combobox selection may vary such as:-

Test number 1
Yesterdays Test

As long as the word "Test" appears I would like the above to happen?

I was thinking of something along the lines of:-

If InStr(Task_Ref.Value, "Test") > 0 Then
P1.Value = True
P1.Value = False
End If
End Sub

But this hasn't worked

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Querying A Table Multiple Times Based On Output

Feb 12, 2006


I need to run a parameter query in which you enter a product number and the query (a) returns the list of components and (b) then automatically reruns the query for these components. In other words, I enter an input (a product number) the query gives me outputs (component numbers) and then reruns the query with each of these outputs as the input (i.e. I want to know what are the sub-components of these components). This process stops when all the components are raw materials -- this will be easily identifiable.

Does anyone know how to set-up this type of query?



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Queries :: Querying Time Range On Linked Table Does Not Work?

May 8, 2013

I have a linked table in my access accdb file to a view on a SQL Server DB.

One of the columns is a date column, where only the time value is important, so it's stored in the default format, like 12-30-1899 12:00 AM.

In SQL Server, I can query records that fall between a certain time frame. It works in Access when written as an ADO query (that's another story), and it also works when I convert the view to a local access table.

But when I query it as a linked server, it will return everything is greater than 12-29-1899 11:59 pm, but when I try to search any date/time ranges on 12-30-1899 nothing is returned. This seems to be a bug in Access.

The reason I no longer use ADO, is that the results would not print. For some reason, when I go to print preview, Access would evaluate the query I'm passing through to SQL Server and throw a syntax error. I miss ADP.

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General :: Not Enough Space For Comments (Limited To 255 Characters)

Sep 18, 2013

We have created a database where data entry happens on the first form. So far all is working well on this form except users complain there is not enough space for comments. I set up a column for comments, but it is limited to 255 characters. What/How else can I set this up to provide a lot more room?

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General :: How To Import Specific Characters Of Text

Oct 12, 2012

I need to import circa 900 .txt files into a dbase (yet to be built), they are all of a standard format/layout. I need to import the top line into about 9 columns. So not sure how, but it can be mapped to pull the same digits per column every time.

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General :: Date Conversion From Text Value (5 Characters)

Mar 1, 2013

I have a date value in text format that is 5 character and want to convert it to a proper date format. Here is a sample of the data:

07301 actually represents 7/30/2011. How to actually convert that value to the date format of mm/dd/yyyy?

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General :: Memo Field In Database Will Only Send About 255 Characters

Sep 17, 2013

I have been trying to figure out this issue concerning the memo field in the database will only send about 255 characters. I am using the cmdEmail AssignedTo : On Click macro and the Message text and have two memo fields and only one will display and the one that does only displays about 255 characters

The message text ="Issue" & ":" & Chr(13) & [COMMENT] & Chr(10) & "Resolution" & ":" & [RESOLUTION] & Chr(10).

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General :: How To Force Paste Action To Strip Out Any Hidden Characters

Mar 31, 2015

My users do a fair bit of copy/paste from any number of sources.

How do I force the paste action to strip out any hidden characters? Now I realize that a return and a space are hidden characters, so how do I strip out everything but the ones that I want?

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General :: Automatically Change Data Paste To Include First Eight Characters

Dec 8, 2012

I have a form with one control field that I paste a 17 digit alpha numeric value into. I have a command button that then runs a query based on the pasted value.

Is there a way to automatically change the data I paste to include the first eight characters, replace the 10th and 12th position with wild cards, and delete the remaining 6 characters ?


Copy: 1GTEM14M0WZ526688

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General :: Return Based On Criteria - Records With Less Than 5 Characters Or Blank

Aug 28, 2013

I have a table with Zip CODE field. I uploaded my information to this table form an excel file. There were over 120K rows of data so no way i could do this in excel.

So I found that some of the ZIP codes are either blank or have less than 5 digits.

Can I build a a query with the ZIP code field that will return all zip code records with less than 5 characters or blank. I'd like to repair these zip codes and a update query will be my next step.

I repeat excel is not an option because when I try to sort by the Zip Code column my computer explodes (okay not literally) ....

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Select Only First Two Characters From Table

Dec 5, 2005

I have a table which contains a nine digit number. How do I write a query to limit the restults to just the first two digits of that nine digit number?


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Can A Field In A Table Be Wrapped At 50 Characters?

Oct 22, 2004

I have to import a field from Excell that contains more than 50 characters in the field.

I need the line to stop at the last complete word prior to 50 characters and start the next record in that field automaticly and continue to fill and wrap at the last complete word prior to 50 characters.

Would it be better to do this in another Office 2K program?

I have several thousand lines to type if this can't be automated. What a drag.


M :confused:

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Field In Table Not Allowing Certain Characters

Jan 18, 2008

Hi Folks,

I have a table called tblSchemeCodes with the following field names:

Field Name Data Type Field Size Required Indexed

strCompany Text 1 Yes No
strSchemeCode Text 3 Yes Yes(No Duplicates)
strSchemeName Text 100 Yes No
strOrigNo Text 9 Yes No
strCategory Text 9 Yes No
dtmDateAdded Date/Time No No

Here is an example of some of the scheme codes I have:

HGP etc etc

however when I try to add HGE, it won't allow it, even though it doesn't exist within the table, it keeps changing it from HGE to HE, and HE already exists, so a can't add messgage pops up, which is should, because duplicates are not permiited.

I've tried turning off all of the required aspects and changed the "Yes (no Duplicates)" to "No", and the problem persists!!

Has anyone any idea why access would behave in this way and how I might resolve it.

Any assistance would be appreciated


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Trim First 4 Characters And Link To Another Table

Jan 2, 2008

I have the following code:

#: Mid([Emergency-Approver],InStr([Emergency-Approver],"EBF-"),5)

Here is my problem. I need the number that is at the end of EBF, sometimes there will be a dash some times a space, i know that I can use RIGHT to remove the first 4 characters, however I do not know where to place that in the above code.

My second issue is once I have the number only showing in the field I want to link that answer to a table that has a description of what that number represents.

The table name is Approval_Code. I want to have it do a VLookup type of function however that is not available in access. So I need to know how to get that result in a new field.

Any help would so be appreciated


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