General Question

Dec 28, 2007

im trying to upload a document with screen shots on the forums. Its 336kb, how do i make that smaller so ican upload since the limit is 100kb, if i take a screenshot and put them into 1 docuemnt per screen shot it still 115kb.

any help

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Help In General

Jul 18, 2006

I am desperate for some help. I have been asked to establish a database for our office use and I have done the best that I can without any 'education' or 'instruction' on access, but now I am just absolutely stuck.

I have made forms, and tables, and a switchboard but I think I am having major 'relationship' issues and thats why my forms are not 'cooperating' with me.

My questions I think are so specific to the database that I just created, or tried to anyway, that I really can't ask a question in 'general'. I could send someone my database and let ya look at it and then perhaps you could assist, if anyone is interested.

Thank you so much, like I said I am very much inexperienced in this and am desperate.

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General Guidance

Sep 25, 2005

I need to be pointed in the right direction if you don't mind. I understand underlying database structures pretty well, but I am not sure how to create a form in Access so the user can enter new data. I am tring to create a form based off of the classes table first and then go from there. I was hoping to be able to allow the end user the ability to enter all information from one form.

I have attached the relationship structure that I have setup but I am not sure where I need to go next. Should I create queries and then insert the queries to my form?

Thanks for help

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General Option?

Oct 24, 2006

I got an MS Access 2003 db which I think has an general option disbabled or so dnno, here's the case:

When I create a query, and choose to close the query (just be clicking the "X" button at the top), Access doesn't ask me to save the query or not.. it directly displays the box to fill in the name of the query

When I execute an action query, Access just executes it when I click "!" button, without asking me if I want to "deleting, updating, adding xx records"

I've been searching ages to find an option to enable but I can't seem to find anything

Can anybody help me?

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Corruption In General

Mar 25, 2008


i'm getting annoyed by Access 2003 (and 97 for that matter!) just corrupting records in a table and then i have to scrabble around, kicking people out the database, compact & repairing, maybe installing the back up copy and in one case, doing a make table query from the data table that excluded the corrupted record


are there any general things i can do to avoid these things, or am i just going to have to roll with them?

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Relationships In General...

Apr 20, 2005

Could Someone point me in the direction of some info on relationships.

I have a basic understanding but I start to get lost on when to use certin types of joins.

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General Query Help

Sep 7, 2007

I'm very new to Access DB developing, but I'm learning loads, thanks to this site.

What I'm trying to do, and it's driving me crazy, is the following:
I have a Table that has to fields (Total Daily Weight) and (Total Yearly Weight) and I have a field that calculates the percentage of yearly weight based on the total daily weight.
Now I know you're not supposed to store calculated values, so my question is..How do report on this calculated value?

A little more backround on the database:
The Database tracks waste for companies. They supply me with a total for the year, I weigh the total for the day, and then calculate to % and report on it for them....The problem comes when I go to print a report...I don't get the calculated % of yearly waste..
I keep reading on here that it should be done in a query? Can someone please guide me what I should do? I can put a copy of the DB up if it helps.
Any help would be appreciated.

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General Access

Oct 6, 2006

Alright I have two tables, one is a user table, the other is one that holds the users roles. A user can have multiple different roles (up to 9). If you do a regular join on the tables you will get one that shows all the user information repeated each time for the number of roles they have. What I would like to do is design a form or something where the user can specify which role (1-9) they are interested in and the system will display all the users with that role. So for example show me the users that only have role 1 and no other role. I did this manually for one role by the following
1) Joining the two tables.
2) Setting a count to see which users have more then 1 role.
3) Eliminate any users the had more then 1 role.
4) Specify which role I want to display.

So is their some type of front end I can create where the user can specify what role they want to filter for with and without the exclusive roles?

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General :: Use Outlook In VBA?

Feb 3, 2013

I am using outlook to send/receive mail. That is OK but I want to know that who send me mail(from: name of sender mail).

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General :: Primary Key Value Not Currently Available?

May 11, 2014

I am under pressure from the client to import data for individuals into the database despite not having their preassigned unique identity number available for every individual. This ID number is the primary key for the table in which individuals' records are stored.

solution that will allow me to import the individuals with a temporarily assigned ID number but that allows that field to be updated with the correct ID number once it becomes available?

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General :: Log Every Action

Jan 19, 2013

i would like to log every action any member does on my database.i will have a log in screen(passworded) and i would like to record every button clicked. the only thing is i would like to include other things in the record aswell. like record changes. is there a neat little trick to do this or is it just going to be very labour intensive.

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General :: Backing Up Db While Db Still In Use

Jun 9, 2015

Will copying the database file while it is still in use, cause corruption in the original file?I've read numerous places that you shouldnt copy the file while it is being opened by another user because you dont know what sort of state the db is in.How to interpret that sentence? Is the consern here that the copy may be corrupt, or that copying the db file corrupts the "active" db file?

I have a script that copies the file each 15 minutes. I also take regular backups manually simply by CTRL+C ->CTRL+V
I then check the "new file", and do a compact and repair. If nothing seems to be wrong, I save it in my backupfolder. Is this actually a problem?

But now, I read that simply copying a db file may cause corruption..Split db, backend about 10mb, 15 concurrent users, all users are writing to the db, all users have their own frontend.All users are on citrix terminal server.

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General :: Zero Value Is Not Correct?

Sep 2, 2014

I have a form that should give me all values below " 0" but I am getting zero

but when I click on that value I see this


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General :: Always On Top Forms

Jan 24, 2013

Is it possible to have a form in access which is always visible - say on the left of the screen - then if a button is pressed alternate forms appear on the left?I realise I could create one tabbed form with a menu on the left and sub-forms on the right but I wondered if there was another way which is "smart" looking?

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General :: Converting MDB To MDE

Apr 4, 2013

I have a program abc.mdb and abc.mde, I made some changes to the codes in abc.mdb and now I have been trying to convert the access file from abc.mdb to abc.mde so that the users are able to use the updated file. However, whenever I make MDE file. It doesnt work but creates another file called db1.mdb instead.

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Some General Information Needed Please

Jul 2, 2007

Hi I am in the process of designing a new database using Access 2003 for my company. I have very little knowledge of access and what knowledge I do have is self taught!

The database is to hold medical records about patients that we see (we run a small medical centre)

The information that we put on it will include the patients personal details (name address etc..) and also details about treatments given to them.

Could anyone give me some advice on what type of database sounds best for this type of information. At the moment the database will only be used in the medical centre but will be accessed by more than one person at a time (not sure if that is relevant !

I really would appriciate some advice as some of you guys have helped me before and i value your opinions.

Many thanks in advance

Paul :)

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General Design Question

Apr 12, 2008

I'm building a simple database for my church but I'm uncertain how to inter-relate/connect the tables in order to pull some data into a report.

In one table I have the primary parish member, his or her spouse, with their birthdays, anniversary date and other information (e.g., address, phone numbers, e-mail, etc.).

In another table I have their children, birthdates and other information.

How do I create one report with the names and birthdays from both tables?

Any help would be appreciated.

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General Understanding Of Relationships

Dec 22, 2006

Please see the attached two files.

I have tried to figure out what the difference in functionality would be between 1 and 2. In the latter I have just created a series of relations between the last two tables (but that structure could be used throughout the whole DB instead of hanging it together with one relation between tables as is the case for the rest of the DB in this picture).

So there can be three different situations with this table structure:
- linking all tables together via multiple relations
- linking all tables together via a single relation
- a combination of both, such as in the images.

Why would someone choose one versus the other? "Which is better in what situation?"

I've been fiddling about for a while now, but in a structure such as this it doesn't seem to make a difference. Or maybe there are differences in use/design, but on a level that I have not explored yet.

Could anyone explain this to me a bit? I have multiple books, all of which handle basic relations but I have not yet seen an explanation for this question. I think understanding the whole relationship topic is critical to be able to see other pieces of the puzzle fall into place later on. And as of yet, this is really fuzzy to me.

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General Query Usage

Jul 9, 2005

hi Guys,

need help in using query, plz let me know that how to use designed query in Reports ?
thanks in advnce.

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How Can You Calcaulate General Date?

Sep 10, 2005

I have two fields: Ordered and Delivered formatted as general date. I want to know the difference in hh:nn. I tried to build an expression, but it is coming up blank. The fields are named Ordered and Delv_Date. I am looking to have the Time_Calc field calculate once the Delv_Date is entered. Can someone please help me??? I have minimal knowledge in VB.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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General :: How To Put St Beside Number 1 In A Date

Feb 14, 2013

I'm putting in a date and I need to have the small "st" beside the number 1.

I'm not sure how to do this or if there is a chr() call for it.

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General :: How To Refresh SubForm

Sep 27, 2013

I have created a form and a subform from a table.Initially I created a table with 11 rows. After completion of my project I added an extra of 480 rows to the main table. But the newly added rows are not coming in my subform.

Main : Main table (It consists of around 491 rows)
MForm : Main Form (It shows of only 11 records which I was 1st created)

How to refresh my subform inorder to display all the rows.

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General :: How To Add IM Gtalk To Database

Aug 14, 2013

How to add the IM Gtalk to my database.I have daily queries running and want to send ta IM to some employees when it is done for them to proceed with normal work. Yes you can do it by email, but normally there are so many emails they will miss it.

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General :: How To Make New Changes To A File

Apr 25, 2014

I have created a copy of an access file to make some changes to tables, forms and etc. Some of them are deleted, new ones created or the codes are changed.

Is there a way that I can apply all the changes to the original file?

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General :: Don't Show 0 Value In A Report

Dec 16, 2013

I have a report that I had set to not show 0 value when it was a number field. I have now changed the field to a text field (don't ask) but I need it still not to show thw value if it is 0. How do you do that?

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General :: First Appointment Of The Day For Each Employee

Feb 12, 2015

its been a while since i was last on here but i have run into some difficulty with a query

i would like to append some data to a tmp tbl.

i want to get the first appointment of the day for each employee. i have attached the relevant tables and a query that shows the information i need but it also shows more information. i have tried the nim function on the time and was successfull when i only had a few columns but when i added the colum [Items].[tblItems] it showed all the appointments for the day.

what i want to show is the first appointment for each employee.

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