General :: Redirect Role To Specific Form?

Nov 26, 2012

I've created a log in system with a tutorial I've found on YouTube. It simply redirects users to a specific form after a successful log in. Here is the code:

Public Sub Login()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
If IsNull([cboUser]) = True Then 'Hier wordt gechecked voor de UserName


The users are defined in tabel "tblUsers". All users are now redirected to the form "frmMenu" which is good.

However, I would like to know how to add an exception. For example

1) All users should be redirected to frmMenu after a successful log in. (Check)
2) The user called "Management" should be redirected to an other form "frmMgm"

I've searched on the internet on how to do this but without luck. (

So in short:

IF user "Management" logs in THEN redirect to frmMgm (or whatever form)

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Login And Redirect Users To Specific Directory, File, Or URL

Apr 28, 2005

Hi guys,

I need help in setting up a login page which would redirect users to their specific directory, file, or URL.
I'm able to create the login page without any problem but i'm unsure what exactly i need to do afterwards to get this to work.

can someone, anyone please help

your help would be much appreciated.

please mail me with any information you might have

thanks in advance.

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Mar 20, 2007


I created the table1 and one application role (read/update permission) in SQL Server, and then link the table1 to the MS Access.
I created the form1 in MS Access, and attach the recordsource = table1, and I write the codes which execute the application role (make it active) in order to access the table on that form. I put the code on Open, Activate, and Load events action.
However, the program does not allow us to do that.

How can I do for this?

I do not want to create the standard role, and assign user to the group, because the user may import the data from SQL Server directly if the user create their own file, since the group will give read permission. I want to limit the user to access the table only in the file I created.

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General :: Login Access To Specific Form

Sep 4, 2013

I have a table called "tblEmployees" with columns "EmpName, EmpPassword, strAccess" in my table

The login form works but I wanted the user to go to a specific form that would be designated under strAccess

I have this code but it totally wrong to what I want it to do but not sure where to start

'Close logon form and open relevent page
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = Forms!CopyfrmLogon!cboEmployee.Column(3)
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName

[Code] ....

"stDocName = Forms!CopyfrmLogon!cboEmployee.Column(3)" - this is the line that needs to be debugged ... I need something that says open form specified in the the column "strAccess" of the "tblEmployee" tables

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General :: Printing Specific Records Displayed In A Form?

Jul 18, 2015

How do I go about printing specific records displayed in a form? I basically just want to add a print button on my form to do this

I have a main form with a button that displays/opens a form

I then want to print the records displayed in the opened form

(See attached pictures)

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General :: Open Tabbed Form To A Specific Page?

Jan 21, 2014

Can I open a tabed form to a specific page?

If I'm in the form I can move focus by using

Me.[Page 12].SetFocus

but when opening using that code produces and error Page not available?

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General :: Click On Datasheet To Open Specific Record In A Form

Jul 16, 2012

I have two forms. One is a datasheet. One is a form with a default view of Single Form (which contains combo boxes).I want to have the user select (click) on a record in the datasheet and have the second form open to that record. The datasheet form acts as an advanced search on two title fields.I tried the open form macro but I dont know how to have to second form open to a specific record.

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General :: Restricting User To View Specific Record After Logging Into Login Form

Mar 17, 2015

i am currently developing a database what i need to do is to restrict user to view selected record and change them. i have build a login form in which i have two areas as a user name in combobox and a password text box. i have another form in which i have a combo box named area what i need to do is to limit the area combo based on the selection of the user login form previously. for example if a user select LAS VEGAS in user combo and enters its password after clicking the button login the another form appears in which thier respective stores and sales are saved, their is a combo box named area in which i want to limit it by LAS VEGAS i mean it would only show LAS VEGAS in drop down based on the previous selection in login form.

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Forms :: How To Hyperlink From Query To Specific Record In A Specific Form

Jul 23, 2013

I want to hyperlink from a query direct to the relevant record in a specific form. I have a hyperlink field in the form which shows up in the query. When clicked in the query, this hyperlinks to the form but I cannot make it select the correct record in the form.How do I get it to select the correct record?

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General :: How To Reference A Specific Post In URL

Aug 26, 2014

I have tried to reference a specific post within a thread in response to a question. I have not been successful.

For example: What do I need to go directly to post #17 in this thread [URL] ....

I can get to page 2 using &page=2, but haven't sorted the post number.

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General :: Error - You Can't Go To The Specific Record

Jun 16, 2015

I was trying to run the front end on the 6th pc and this error "You cant go to the specific record. you maybe end of a recordset." showed up. But no such problem for the others.

why this is happening?

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General :: Setting Up A Specific Database?

Aug 12, 2015

I have appx 500 customers that have contracts..... The contracts have 15 products that are available. Not all of the customers purchased all of items on the contract. I want to have a database that lists (on one page) the client information, contract information and the product details for that customer. I have no clue how to go about doing this. The Contact database template is what I am starting with. I want to click on a customer and pull up the information all on one page.

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General :: Specific Workers In Several Activities

Oct 23, 2012

I have a project with several activities, each activity has specific people who work in the activity and of course an ID for the activity. Now every person has a unique ID, name, address, birth date, address ,,,, etc

a person can work in several activities ,, now what i want to know is should i put activities in a table , and persons in another table or what !!? how can i connect the two tables? How can assign a new activity for the persons?

let us say that all the activities need 100 workers, but there will be duplicate of the workers, how can i find the actual number of the workers without duplicate?? ( i need to find the numbers of all workers and the number of the actual workers)

Finally i want a restriction that if a person worked in five activities, i want an alarm or warning that this person has worked for four activities and he can't work any more, is that something i can do !??

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General :: Selecting Specific Table From Listbox?

Apr 7, 2014

I have to make a multi-user manage database.All the usernames are sorted in one table and exported to listbox in Form.For each user there is a separate table with 3 columns where i must fill information from listboxes.The listbox (there are 4 listboxes, one for users select and 3 for different parameters) are located in MainForm where you select the information.My question is how can I select a specific username(table) from the listbox and fill the information from the other listboxes to the selected one?

The usernames table is named - Clients

each table for separate user is named client1, client2, client3 etc.

the form where you choose what to select is named Fill form.

The listbox for users is named - List71 And the listboxes for parameters are named - List75, List77, List79 Also there are 3 textboxes with calculated fields that i also need to insert in the specific user table.

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General :: Adding Thumbnails For Specific Records

Jul 21, 2014

I am looking for a way to store thumbnail images for specific records. I want an idiot proof way of selecting a jpeg image and then storing a 200x120px bmp version of the file in the database. Is this achievable with VBA code?

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General :: Access Won't Show Specific Fonts

Aug 27, 2012

I'm using a certain font - Guttman Yad-Brush (Hebrew, comes as a part of windows in Hebrew) in some forms and reports. On the design view of the objects, everything is OK. But when I try to display the form, or a print-preview of the report, Access refuses to show me that font. The text is clearly visible, in Hebrew, but in another font (I think Times-New Roman, but not sure).

The font is well installed, and works fine on other Office applications. Couldn't reproduce this behaviour with other fonts (but obviously haven't tried them all).

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General :: Attach Files To Specific Records

Jul 10, 2014

I have been trying to figure out a best way to attach files to specific records. Up until this point have been using Hyperlink to link files that have been stored in shared folders. This seemed to be a very good option for quiet sometime; but some users wish to play god ! Since I have to give them RWX permission on the folder; they go into the Shared folder and either rename the file or move it around or worse, DELETE the file permanently. Thus messing up the hyperlink.

Now I am planning to use the wretched Attachment data type in Access. I know it will bloat the DB, but this seems to be a safer option. As I can control DELETES/EDITS. So I was thinking to use a stand alone DB, just used for Attachment tables. As these records will not be accessed everytime.

My problem is, I remember vaguely using two linked backend DB files, put a lot of strain on the front end. Thus making the connection very slow. Sometime even upto 10 seconds to simply load the login form.

My idea is to establish a persistent connection to the two DB files on front end opening. Thus the connection is always there so it might not be that slow !

Or is there something I could look into to manage the Files/Attachments more efficiently, other than Hypelinking?

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General :: Open A Specific Windows Folder

Aug 14, 2013

Open a specific Windows Folder.I am using this code to open a specific Windows folder ..... and it works perfect:

As String Dim folder
folder = "c: Documents WORD"
Dim Retval
Retval = Shell ("explorer.exe / e, / root," "" & folder & "" "", 1)

... but also need to open in the specified path, taking the data "UserName" of one field in a table:

TABLE: "Assignments" IDEExp, UserName, Date

So instead of going to the folder = "c:Documents WORD" would go to: c: Documents WORDUserName ". In Windows and subfolders are created with UserName1, 2,3,4, etc.

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General :: How To Import Specific Characters Of Text

Oct 12, 2012

I need to import circa 900 .txt files into a dbase (yet to be built), they are all of a standard format/layout. I need to import the top line into about 9 columns. So not sure how, but it can be mapped to pull the same digits per column every time.

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General :: How To Open A Specific Record From Given Value Of Input Box

Oct 22, 2014

I want to ask what is the code for Macro Builder in a command button if I want to open a report from the given value of inputbox. I made a command button to open a report but it will ask first the required value from inputbox I put. then it will open the report of specific record from the value I input in the inputbox.

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General :: Select Specific Dated Recordset

Feb 25, 2014

Set TRANS1 = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM MASTER WHERE DatePart("yyyy", TRANS1![CDATE]) = " & 2014, dbOpenDynaset)

In the above recordset selection, the ACCESS seems do not allow to have the DATEPART("YYYY") function in the syntax. As CDATE is a table field with date/time data type. Just want to know, how to do this kind of date selection. My purpose is to select all records according to a specific date to the TRANS1 recordset.

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General :: Forms Don't Open To Specific Records

Sep 9, 2013

I have a table in my database whose forms are refusing to open to specific records. They only open to a blank record--either by using other forms to open to specific records or simply by opening the form straight from sidebar. Even the Navigation bar doesn't allow me to move from one record to another; it only shows "1 of 1".

The "initial" form, which creates new records in the table, works perfectly--in creating a new record. I can create a new record, use the Navigation bar to move to a new record, create it, and move back to the first. But then when I close and re-open the form the above issue once again comes up.All my other tables--and the forms that are associated with them--work perfectly and I can open them to specific records without a hitch.

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General :: How To Remove Specific Folder Rule

Oct 16, 2012

I have a specific access database that my customer have sent to me and it only works in a specific folder. I want to make it analyzed and worked in other folders but when I click, it turns out with a warning box that I should work with it in that folder.

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General :: Checking Specific File For Documents With Same Name

Jun 4, 2014

I have a button that when pressed it checks a specific file for documents with the same name (example: Test, Test 1, Test 180, ect...)

Dim StrFile As String
StrFile = Dir("C:UsersJohnDesktopTest*test*")
Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
Debug.Print StrFile
MsgBox StrFile
StrFile = Dir

The problem with this is if there are 2 files with Test (Test, Test - Copy) It gives me 2 separate message boxes. The first with Test. Then a second message box with the second file, Test - Copy. I want to combine both of the message boxes in to one. So the message box would look like:

Test - Copy

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General :: Creating Password Protection On Specific Tables?

Sep 20, 2012

I would like to know if I can create a password protection on specific tables. Within my database, there are certain tables and/or reports to be view by a selective amount of personnel. Can I password protect just that view?

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General :: Delete Specific Range Of Date Record

Jun 26, 2014

I want to make a delete query, which delete record between certain dates, I want access to ask user to specify range of date before executing the query.

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