General :: Remove Background Colour When Outputting To PDF

Mar 20, 2014

I have a form with subform that uses colour as background colour for all fields on the form, and also a very light background for the whole form. This outputs very well to PDF, retaining all of the layout etc.

However, consisting of over 100 pages I do not want any colour at all in the printed report, no do I want the colour converted to black or grey. Inkjet cartridges are just too expensive!

Is there an easy way to remove all colour before printing or do I have to design another report?

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Tab Background Colour

Apr 26, 2006

This should be an easy one for somebody. I'm a newbie to access and I'm experimenting with a tabbed form. My problem is if I create a new form with (say) two tabs, the area to the right of the tabs(where more tabs would be inserted) is white and I don't know how to change it to blend in with the rest of the page. Hope I'm making myself clear.:(

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Background Colour

Oct 18, 2006

We have created some forms using (in some cases) the form wizard.
As you may know you have to select a "Background Style" when using the wizard.
Now we want to change the background from one of these styles to a colour - but when we select it in Properties and try to apply it, it seems to flicker but does not seem to have any effect.
Can anybody help us out please ?
many thanks

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Change Background Colour !

Jan 24, 2007


I'm currently using MS Access 2002.

I use forms to display client info and i would like to know if the following is possible, and if so, how ?

When a clients installation date is older than 6months old (date is in a text box) i would like the form's background to change colour for that paticular client.

eg/ if the clients installation date was 7 months ago, the form's background would change red - but only to that client.

Kinds Regards

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Tab Control Background Colour

Apr 17, 2007

Hi all,

I have been searching for a setting that enables me to change the background colour of a tab control on a form. It may be something obvious that I have missed.

Changing the type to 'transparent' and setting the form background colour does not seem to work.

Any ideas?



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Changing Field Background Colour

Mar 31, 2006

I'm opening a form in snapshot view and would like the background colour of all the fields in the form to be a dark colour to show that it is in snapshot. the user then clicks Amend and the background colour would change to something lighter to show they can amend the record. Is there any way of on the OnClick event of the Amend button change all the fields (and there's lots) at once without having to name them all individually, ie:

Me.text1.background = whatever
me.text2.background = whatever


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Unbound Subform Background Colour

Jun 27, 2006

Hi guys,

Something that's been bothering me. I have a unbound subform which acts as a placeholder for other subforms rotating on it (by changing the SourceObject), that way all the relevant subforms appear in the right place when required. It works great except, it's this great big white box and there's no option to change the background colour anywhere. I would like it to be either transparent or have an option to change it to the same colour as my main form it sits on.

Any way to do this?

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If NULL Then Change Background Colour

Aug 26, 2004

Im trying to change the background colour of some fields if the value is null or missing, but I'm not quite sure how to handle the coding. The fields in question are title, given name and surname, and if they are empty I want to change the background colour to highlight to users that they need to collect this information.
Any help that you can provide would be great!

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Forms :: Changing Background Colour Automatically

Jun 16, 2014

Here, what I am trying to learn, that background of the form change its colour automatically after sometime let say 1 min or after 2 min

I find the link on the web where more than 500 colour code are available, but not sure, how I can use [URL] ....

I can put this command on form_load()
Me.Detail.BackColor = ?????????
but question is how i can bring other colour into loop

Plus, if the user want to do any work on the same form, will this loop also allow the user to do any work, I mean form should not be stuck up in the loop of changing a colour...

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Forms :: Change Textbox Background Colour Pending Value Of Two Textboxes On Form?

Jul 9, 2013

I have a form with two textboxes that get their values from two different queries that counts records from table. If textbox1.value equals texbox2.value the textbox2.value back ground colour is green. If they are not equal textbox2.value goes red. Itried with using conditional formatting, but it doesn't work all the time as the form is not updating when it is opened.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Remove Runtime Background

Jul 22, 2013

I have changed numerous features in "Current Database" under "Options", but I am unable to achieve what I need. I just need a popped form to show up when the program is initiated (no other background), meaning, I want to hide all the Runtime menu. I am able to get to the point of just the form showing up, but the form is maximized, which is not what I desire.

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General :: Colour Date Column In Table

Jun 7, 2012

I have a table with a number of columns, one is "Date Due".

Any date in "Date Due" that is less than the current month, I want to colour Blue.

IF this was Excel I can do it a number of ways, and are proficient in VBA, but when it comes to Access !@#$%*

Tried to use Conditional Formatting, shows up on tool bar -Grayed out.

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General :: Access Import Changes Colour From Blue To Red?

Dec 7, 2012

I tried splitting my main database in Access 2010 but came up with a 'subscript out of range' error, so in order to solve this, I've imported all my database objects into a new database. The splitting process (and other problems like web incompatibility) issue is now solved and works fine, but for some weird reason, all the objects that are one particular shade of blue in the forms and reports (shape fill, outlines, text colour) have changed to red.

Blue: Accent 1, Darker 25% (the colour i want)
Red: Accent 2, Darker 25% (the colour it changes to)

There is no code anywhere that specifies these colours in any sense, and even importing single forms at a time as a test yields the same result. I could change them all back manually to the right blue, but seeing as there are around 900 forms and reports, each with multiple labels/shapes etc...well you get the point.

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General :: How To Access 2007 / 2010 Colour Picker

May 1, 2013

I've been updating the look of some of my db's and am trying to access the new style colour picker per Office 2007/10.

Up to now I have been using

Private Declare Function ChooseColorAPI Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "ChooseColorA" (pCHOOSECOLOR As ChooseColor) As Long

which displays the pre 2007 style.

I've looked all over the web but cannot find anything relating to the current style (other than using it from the ribbon or control properties), so not sure if I should be looking for a different function or a change to the ChooseColor type values.

All db's are running 32bit access and at the moment 32bit OS but will no doubt have OS upgrades to 64bit soon.

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General :: Using A Toggle Button To Change A Label Colour?

Feb 27, 2014

Is it possible to use a toggle button to change the colour of a label?

I assume the code should be something like this:

If Me.ToggleButton = 1 Then
Label.BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
ElseIf Me.ToggleButton = 0 Then
Label.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If

But I've tried it in the "On Click" sections and it doesn't work.

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General :: Background Sync Of Data

Dec 11, 2014

I am creating an application that is using Access as the front-end for data entry, some manipulation, etc. In the example, my guys will get a ticket and then stamp that ticket with times of when things are done. The way I'm doing it now is that I have a second Access application that is working as the synchronizer. It just sits in the background and syncs the data.

The issue I'm having is that the guys are on mobile devices so if/when they lose connection to the database (they are constantly moving in trucks), Access doesn't do a great job of reconnecting to the tables, even if you drop the tables and re-add them. I've attempted to close the sync app from the main app and then re-open it but this just results in the sync app being in the foreground and I need something that sits in the background and is hidden.

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General :: How To Execute A Task In Background

Feb 2, 2014

Is there a way to run a query, macro, and/or report in the "background". By this I mean in a way that frees up the current operator to do other things in the database while the query, macro, report keep on running?

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Calendar Control Outputting Date AND Day

Aug 25, 2005


I'm recently added the CalendarControl 9.0 into some combo boxes in order to quickly input dates - however only the dates are then added, not the day of the week. The day of the week would be really useful if it was visible as the form is outputted to a HTML page for our intranet for other staff to see.

My (relevant) code at the moment is as follows:


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim cboOriginator As ComboBox

Private Sub cboStartDate_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

Set cboOriginator = cboStartDate

ocxCalendar.Visible = True

If Not IsNull(cboOriginator) Then
ocxCalendar.Value = cboOriginator.Value
ocxCalendar.Value = Date
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cboEndDate_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

Set cboOriginator = cboEndDate

ocxCalendar.Visible = True

If Not IsNull(cboOriginator) Then
ocxCalendar.Value = cboOriginator.Value
ocxCalendar.Value = Date
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
ocxCalendar.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub ocxCalendar_Click()
cboOriginator.Value = ocxCalendar.Value
ocxCalendar.Visible = False
Set cboOriginator = Nothing
End Sub


Any help and ideas much appreciated!

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Modules & VBA :: Outputting Data To A Csv File?

Mar 5, 2014

The main complications are that the output file requires fields from several tables, and there are some rather long and complicated calculated fields to be included as well. My choices seem to be :

1) Create a complex query, including the calculated fields, and use DoCmd.TransferText

2) Create a report and then use TransferText

3) Use DoCmd.OutputTo (I haven't looked into this to see if it has any benefit)

4) Create an intermediate, temporary, Table and then run a simple query to output it using TransferText.

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General :: Changing Font Colour Of One Record In Access Database

Jan 12, 2015

I would like to get a third party to edit a database and record those edits by changing the colour of the font. I know this can be done in layout mode, but it changes the font in all records, I only wish to change the font colour in one record, how I can do this, without changing all the records in the database.

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General :: Change Access Background Color

Aug 18, 2014

I'm using the sample that I found here at Lebans site. URL....I'm trying to find a way to keep the color that I picked after the database closes. I tried to follow the example here URL....but couldn't get it to to get the color to stay on the color that was picked from the dialog box?

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General :: Changing Column Colour In List Box - Alignment For Cells Data

Jan 7, 2014

How can change column color in list box and also how to make alignment left or right for cells data.

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General :: Customize Background Of Message Box That Is Brought Up Via Macro?

Jan 8, 2015

Is there anyway to customize the background of a message box that is brought up via a macro or VBA event? It would be kind of fun to have a stop sign image in the background of a "save and close form" prompt.

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General :: Remove Data Fields

Aug 6, 2014

I have a large application that was built 8 years ago and the user now wants to remove some of the data fields. Is there an efficient way to figure out what objects would be affected if we delete these columns?

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General :: How To Remove Date Separator

Jul 16, 2012

I have a lot of dates in one column (dd/mm/yy), and i somehow need to duplicate them into another column where they are shown without the date separator (ddmmyy), so that i can use that figure in a future calculation where a variety of fields are combined to show one unique product number.

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General :: How To Remove A Item (double Var) Of Listbox

Mar 21, 2013

I have to do a app in access2003. My problem is when i try remove a item of a listbox not do it right. Example.

values of the listbox:


If i remove 1 or 3 not problem but if i try remove value 2,5 my list box show:



my sentences if like this:


To introduce values i do a query and put them with listbox.addItem(value)

Perhaps any property of the listbox or something i am making wrong.

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