General :: Report Linked To Subform Sorted In Different Form

May 11, 2015

How do i create a report that is linked to my sub-form that i have just sorted in a different form? let's say i have a form named View Records and on that form i have added a subform that is linked to my Employee Table, and then on that View records form i have added a few combo box in order to sort the data on my subform on that form, now what i want to do is that, i want to link those data that i just sorted on my subform and transfer it to a report.

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General :: Display Sorted Data For Two Columns

Sep 23, 2013

I have written a query where it displays sorted data for two columns, but problem is its sorting on one column but not on another.

When checking the query separately its giving proper output, but in form view its sorting only on one column not on another.

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Tables :: Datasheet View Of Table Inside Subform Not Showing Sorted Data

May 25, 2015

I have a linked table(tblxyz) having property set as ORDER BY ID DESC, ID is autonumber, so my table view gives me latest record on top.

Now I have a subform , where i am calling this Table.....

[Forms]![MainForm]![Sub_DisplayFm].SourceObject = "Table.tblxyz"

This gives me datasheet view of the table inside subform but its not showing sorted data

Interesting thing is it give sorted data view when my table is not linked and is in same access file.

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Forms :: Open New Form With Record Data Sorted From Another Form?

Apr 2, 2014

I have a main form[frmResearchNotes] with combo box controls that filters a query populating [subfrmNotelist] containing several records from the filtered query. From there, I double click on a field within one of the remaining records, [CompanyName] for example, and it opens the new form[frmNoteDetail]. The problem is that second form is not displaying that selected record. The second form's record source has been set to the same query so when it loads, it displays the same info but it's displaying the 1st record out of the entire filtered list, not the record I clicked on in that list.

I figured I could use the strWhere function to copy the record I selected in the event procedure and then open the new form with those details. Not sure how to actually do this with VBA or if it's even the correct approach.

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Modules & VBA :: Refresh Query NOT Linked To Form Or Report

Oct 14, 2013

I am making a booking system where a user enters

StartDate, EndDate (Form Header)
House , Room , UserID (Form Footer)

The Header and footer are not linked. The Footer simply displays all the existing bookings for said ouse/Room/Date combination. (Date being all dates between the StartDate and EndDate) BUT (surprise, surprise)users don't look at this to check if a booking already exists.

Also - It seems pointless to have the users enter the same data (House, Room, UserID) in 6 times (one for each day that they want to book the room.

So I am trying to automate the process.

Therefore, I append each 'new' record (that the users adds in this session) into a temporary table. (House / Room / UserID / StartDate)....note, no end date because I need a separate record for each day.

I have a query that is supposed to check the EXISTING bookings with the temp table.
My code (paraphrased here for simplicty) says

do while StartDate < EndDate
- if Qry_CheckForClash returns 0 records then '(uses a dlookup)
- append from TEMP to BOOKINGS.
- - else
- compile an alert message to the user (appending the Room No and Date each iteration)
- In Qry_CheckForClash, increase the StartDate by +1
- end if

My problem is that after the last step (increase StartDate by +1) the call to Qry_CheckForClash still returns the initial StartDate. But when I check the TEMP table, the StartDate has changed.

So how do I REFRESH or REQUERY a query that is not associated to a form or report?

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General :: How To Make A Report Using Crystal Report Direct From MS Access Form

Jun 3, 2014

I'v looking for since a couple months a go to make a report direct from access form using crystal report but i havent found it yet. I'v tried this code and its giving me errors. " run time error 1004 method range of object _global failed "

how to make a report using crystal report direct from ms access as front end application ? is it possible to use crystal report ?btw i use database sql server 2008 and MS Access 2007 as my frontend's the code that i'v found and gives me an error

Dim CR As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim rep As CRAXDRT.Report
Set rep = CR.OpenReport(Range(" ??? ")) * i getting error in this line, what should i do to fill it ??
rep.ParameterFields(1).AddCurrentValue "Boston"
rep.ParameterFields(2).AddCurrentValue "Cars"
rep.Database.Tables(1).SetLogOnInfo "tool", "db_tsel"
rep.PrintOut promptUser:=False, numberOfCopy:=1 ' promptUser:=True doesn't work

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Creating Report From A Form That Has Subform

Dec 6, 2004

I have a form with a subform in it and I would like to print the contents of that form to a report. I am able to print now, using a "print" command button, but it only prints one record, just the one that is being displayed. I want to be able to print a report with all the records that are in the filtered result.

Also, when the press the "print" button I would like to give them an option "Print this record?" "Print All records?". depending on the input, it would print the report.

Can someone please help me with this? Much appreicated.


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Printing Report From Form Including Subform

Aug 31, 2006

Hi there,

I am trying to save my form that i have created as a report by right clicking on the form and choosing save as report. However, my form includes a subform but the subform does not show up in the report. Any ideas as to why this and how it can be shown????

Thanks in advance


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Duplicates In Report / Query Due To Form And Subform

Jul 10, 2013

I have tbl_Proj, tbl_Notes, and tbl_Proj_City. They are all joined by the tbl_Proj's ID.I have a set list in tbl_City - tbl_Proj_City is 3 columns an ID for itself, tbl_City ID and tbl_Proj ID...In instances where a project covers more than one city, when I generate a report (or query) for that project I get each notes that number of times. If a project is in 3 cities I get each note 3 times.

I have a project entry form with a combobox subform for the city selection.The report is from a qry, by Proj_ID, I need to show the cities - the "key" city is the first alphabetically (also lowest via autonumber in City_ID). I would like to add that I do not know SQL. I have created this database using access commands.

I am thinking that I may be able to query the project ID for the Cities and somehow select the first alphabetically or the lowest in ID and store that somewhere? and then run a query that uses that and the notes to generate the report and then have a sub report for the other cities?

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General :: Add Another Parent Name From A Form To A Subform

Jun 27, 2012

I added a text box on my main form. I have to other parent names in a subform that I would like to add to my main form. I have this working just using one parent name "dtdrec" that is working. How would I add "flduser" and "fldstuff".

=[tblPayEstimates Subform].[Form]![dtdrec]

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General :: Searching Form With A Subform

Aug 27, 2013

I would like to filter a table with 3 fields: Name, Surname, and Chart number.I would like to have the results in a subform designed in the same form.In fact every patient can have several admisions (1, 2 or more).I have arranged the main form named men with 3 text unbound box (name, surname, CCN) and 2 button clear and run the query.I have created a query .The problem is that when i push the button the SQL starts and a different window is opened. I would like that when you type the name for example in real time the subform should select the record with that criteria. Moreover I would like that when in the subform appears the records with the criteria the users could click on the selected record to open a different form.

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Reports :: Create Report Containing Data From Main Form And Subform

Jan 12, 2015

I'm trying to create a report that contains data from a "main" form and a subform. However, I can't get the main form data to populate no matter what I try. I've been through all sorts of queries and just can't get it to work. The main form and subform are both separate tables, and there are no redundant fields.

Basically, the main form is an inventory of assets, and the subform is designed as a way to submit trouble tickets when one of those assets requires maintenance or repair.

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General :: Unable To Close A Form With Subform

May 30, 2015

I am trying to close a form with a subform.

I enter data in the main form and then the subform.

The main form has a save btn with an on click event which includes at the end of code

If Me.Dirty then
Me.Dirty = false
DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName"

However the Form will only close and open the required form if I remove the two "Dirty" Code lines.

I am obviously trying to ensure that the data is saved on both the main and subforms using the If Me.Dirty......code

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General :: Passing Subform As A Form To Procedure

May 3, 2013

if you are in a subform, can you pass the subform as a form to a procedure.


msgbox( 'shows the form name correctly, but then
call somefunc(me) doesn't seem to work.

I get a type mismatch in

function somefunc(frm as form)


function somefunc(frm as object)
msgbox typename(frm) 'returns "Controls"
end function

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General :: Referring To Subform In Navigation Form

Mar 5, 2013

I have an Access 2010 application and I'm having trouble referring to properties in my subform withon a Navigation form. Based on a selection in a Combo Box, I need to change the filter on the subform. The relevant forms are:

Main Navigation Form = frmAdminNav
"Standard" Navigation Subform = NavigationSubForm
My Subform = frmShowInventory

How do I refer to the Filter property on frmShowInventory?

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General :: Save Button On Form With Subform

Oct 11, 2013

I have created a form with subform on it having one to many relation .

I have created a save button on main form and edited the before update property of main form to require the click on save button to update the record.

But when i enter the fields on form and click inside subform to enter child values , all the main form data is removed automatically .

What am I doing wrong i just wanted to save only when user clicks the save button. (see the image attached)

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General :: How To Display A Report Within A Form

Jul 16, 2012

Iv added a 'subform/subreport' to one of my forms.I wanted to use this to display a report. Therefore i assumed that i would simply set the source object to my desired report and hey presto! But no, when i look in the source object drop down list, my report doesnt i can display a report within a form??

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General :: Form With Subform Datasheet - Record Deleting

Aug 17, 2015

Currently i have a form with subform datasheet

Form from Purchase order table
Subform from serial table(Brand,Model,Type,Location,Serial) with serialtrans table(InOut,AQty,Comment)
(SELECT tbl_Serial.*, tbl_SerialTrans.*
FROM tbl_Serial LEFT JOIN tbl_SerialTrans ON tbl_Serial.SerialID = tbl_SerialTrans.SerialID

when i click on the datasheet row and delete the row it only delete the record from tbl_SerialTrans but record on tbl_Serial was not deleted

is there any way to delete it?

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General :: Text Box Calculation - Main Form And Subform

Oct 23, 2012

is it possible to calculate a values in a subform and main form. i thought it would be as simple as form to form but it doesnt seem to work.

ive tried this.


it just comes up with #NAME?

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General :: Split Form And Subform Columns Not Saving

Oct 25, 2013

For some reason when I change the order around of the columns in a split form or subform 90% of the time it wont save (right click save, file save, etc..) and have to constantly redo it until it finally works. Am I missing something obvious as to why this is happening?

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General :: Hiding Subform Layout In Main Form?

Nov 28, 2013

How to hide the layout of subform in Main form?

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General :: How To Filter Subform By Drop Down In Main Form

Mar 19, 2014

I am self thought and fairly new to access (quite fun )

It is a simple setup: I have a main form called "customer_information_display_form" within that form is a sub-form called "customer_information_form" in addition there is one combo box drop down menu

I would like to filter the information presented in the sub-form by company name located in the drop down menu.

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General :: Tabbed Form - Displaying Filtered Subform

Dec 5, 2013

I've attached a link below:

Basically, its a database for an entertainments agency, I've got a form for 'Artists' which shows the performers on the agencies books. I've tabbed the form so one screen shows the artist details and I want the second screen to show the bookings that the specific artist has.

I've linked to the 'bookings' table on the subform successfully, but I can't figure out how to filter it so it just shows the bookings that the specific artist showed has.

i.e.: I want it so that The Deltatones booking tab ONLY shows the deltatones bookings.

Here's the dropbox link : [URL] .....

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General :: Main Form Which Display Results In Subform

Oct 14, 2013

I have a main form which displays the results in the subform.

My requirement :

I have 1 main form and 2 subforms in that form.

I just wanted to have a get focus function on my 1st subform and needs to display the focusing result in the next 2nd subform.

In Detail :

I had a main form of search boxes Author, Published, title

If you search for 1999 in published text box then it will display all the results whose published year is 1999 along with those respective Author and Title in the 1st subform

In the result 1st subform if an ID is selected by the cursor then that entire row needs to be displayed in the next 2nd subform (As of now I wanted only 2 column details of the focussed result).

1st subform needs to display all the searched results (It was done and it works fine)

2nd subform needs to display the selected results (On Focus) of 1st subform.

How to deal with the 2nd subform linking up with the 1st subform.

Attached is the file.

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General :: Open Report Using Date On A Form

Nov 23, 2014

how can open a report using 2 unbound textbox on a form as user input date criteria

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General :: Word Report Controlled By Form

Jun 17, 2013

I have a word 2010 reports that is linked to an access 2010 form. SQL is used to populate the report with some of the fields from the form. Is it possible to create a combo-box with two selections (Mike, Paul) in it. And then have two other fields populate based on the selection in that combo-box? For example, if Mike is selected then an Address: and Phone Number: fields are filled in with his information. And if Paul is selected his information fills in.

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