General :: Reports Not Formatting After Access Installed On New Laptop?

Mar 24, 2014

My new and previous laptops are both 64 bit and installed MA 2010 on both of the computers running win 8.

When I run reports on my new laptop the reports are not formatting. They are reflecting on 4 pages and not on 1 page like on my previous laptop running the same programs.

On my new laptop I installed Office 2013 and old one office 2010 but I used the same Access 2010 on both laptops which is a separate disk as office was not the professional one.

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General :: Can Users Without Access Installed Update

Nov 22, 2013

We have an access database stored in a shared location. One of the tables in the database is used to record transactions made in an excel spreadsheet-this is done programatically using VBA and SQL.

So here is my silly question; If users don't have access installed locally will the code be able to write to the shared access database?

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General :: ACCDE To Open / Need To Have MS Access Installed

Sep 24, 2013

do I need to have MS Access installed, in order to open an ACCDE file.there is no need, as I see ACCDE as an exe file.

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Access Reports - Conditional Formatting

Aug 7, 2014

I am making a planner in the access 2010 report. I am showing which activity finished when but I also want to highlight/ shade the cell to the corresponding month on the planner to the right. See picture above. I tried conditional formatting with date rage 1/1/2014 and 31/1/2014 but it does not gives me accurate result.

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Formatting Text For Access Reports AND Web Pages

Nov 21, 2007

These days more and more of my databases are wanting to be accessed via the web as well as from MS Acess. I guess this is the norm these days but in most of our (office) dbs it's just 'web for web's sake' and there is no real need to access it outside of Ms Access.

Bu hey that's what they want...

Problem with one such db is that a lot of the fields are memo fields and hold a LOT of text and they want to create MS Access reports/PDFs as well as have nicely formatted html for the text on the web pages.

I seem to be able to cater for one or the other but not both.

1. I can leave the memo fields as raw text and the reports/PDFs look fine with the report formatting, but on the web page there is no formatting and the text ends up in one block paragraph with no formatting.

2. Use a html control for the hmemo fields and store all the html tags within it. The web page looks nicely formatted but the html tags will show up in the PDFs!

I've tried various tag stripping tools but they seem to give unpredictable results.

I also don't want to just dump the PDFs on the web, as they will be static and it's just plain lazy!
(too many unnecessary PDFs on the web IMO)

Is there any way i can cater for both formats?

Many Thanks

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Just Installed Access 2007 - Ick!

Feb 17, 2008

Ok, I know change isn't always easy, I remember going to 2003 and I didn't think I'd stick with it.
I'm now using 2007 and it's quite different in it's layout. I'm having trouble finding many things that I'm used to having "at my fingertips" but I'm muddling through it. The one thing that I'm totally lost on, has to do with form display.

Have a simple DB that a main form opens on start up. It's relatively small, auto centered, no resize and set to dialog. However, in 2007 it opens up occupying all available workspace space and I have to click the "Size to fit form" button. Then it's not centered.

Where the heck is the flag or setting to tell it to stop doing this?

Secondly, what's everyone else's thoughts on 2007?

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Question: Opening Access Form Without Access Installed.

Mar 28, 2007


I have a database (.mdb file) which includes a table, forms and VB code. I intend on putting it onto a CD and then opening the form on another computer which may not have Access. Is this possible? Can I convert the file or can I attach some type of reader to the disk?
I have seen some software for download on the internet which allows you to open the tables however the Form is the most important thing in this case (but I take it whatever I use, it will need to be able to view the VB, subforms and tables as well since the Form depends on them?).

...also can I install an auto-run to the file for when the disk is inserted? (this is not a major issue though).


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Data Access Pages Without Office Installed

Oct 2, 2006

I am building a database for users to input escalations in. The users that are actually keying the information in, do not have MS office. When they try to access the DAP html file, a message appears at the top of the page that states "The page requires the Microsoft Office Web Components.
See the Microsoft Office Web site for more information."
Can data access pages be used without office being installed? I have heard that it could also be the users internet explorer security settings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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General :: Formatting Date In Email From Access

Jul 11, 2012

i have a script that creates an email for a booking when i click on the artist name which works great. i want to be able to subject the email with the week number of the month. ie in subject it would be WEEK 1 JULY WEEKEND CHECKOFF. with the date info coming from gigdate field

Private Sub artist(Cancel As Integer)
Dim msgTxt As Variant
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim objMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim blnCreated As Boolean
Dim act As String


Please confirm your upcoming weekend Booking
Friday 20 July 2012
09:30 pm - 01:00 am
Act Fee: $800.00 Less Commission: $80 Net Pay: $720.00
Payment Details: Invoice venue prior - EFT
Please reply OK to confirm this booking

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Viewing Page That Have *mdb File On PC Without Microsoft Access Installed

Nov 5, 2007

if let say i create a page that have database (*.mdb file) and for my client side, the PC don't have Microsoft Access, can they view the page that have *mdb file?

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More Laptop Advice!!!

Oct 28, 2005

I need an ultra portable laptop by want to get as high a spec as possible:

currently looking at sony vaio tx range ( and the ibm thinkpad X90 (

any ibm or vaio owners, let me know which you recommend


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Laptop Security

Mar 5, 2007

Help MEEEEEE!!!!!!!
hi, how can i set the settings on my laptop to enable the security settings while i am working from my router so noone else has access.
Thank you

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Can Anyone Help With Laptop Settings?

Jun 6, 2007

How to swith sleep mode off? Does anyone know? thanks

.................................................. ............
<offending URL removed>

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General :: Printing Reports To PDF Access Only

Jun 30, 2014

I have limited users to not show the ribbon, but I need them to be able to print of reports or export them as pdf files how do I give them access only to do this ?

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Reports :: Running A Report Outside Of Access For General Users

Mar 28, 2014

My database is slowly coming together. For the final part of this phase i would like to create a shortcut on each users desktop which runs a summary report of information within my database.

I have criteria set so upon opening the report the user is asked for which address they wish to see information from which works great. But I do not want users to have access to the database, I just want them to be able to click a shortcut, be asked what address they are looking for and for the report to ping up in a 'Print Preview' type layout so information can be seen and displayed but not altered. All users have the access program.

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Conditional Formatting In Reports Using Dates

Sep 1, 2005

In my report I have date fields that span over 5 years with different pull dates ex. 3, 6, 9,12,24,36,48 and 60 months. I have successfully formatted these fields using the conditional format by:
Expression Is Date()<[9 Month] and Date()>[6 Month]
for the 9 month field and so forth for each field. This has allowed me to highlight the field that is the next upcomming date. One report I have this works fine for, very simple report. In a more complicated report, I have moved the fields together and have highlighted every other row to segregate them this formatting does not work. It will highlight the field, but it will pull in earlier dates, from 2004. Is there another way to format the fields with conditions other than the condition format? Possible to do it in code similar to highlighting every other line? The example I followed was here:

I will be out and about for a couple of days, but will return any replys to questions when I get back.


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Reports :: Cannot Get Conditional Formatting To Work

Dec 29, 2013

however conditional formatting is simply not working. I have two fields on a report, the report is based on a query, and the two fields are called "ExpectedCost" and "ActualCost". I want "ActualCost" to turn red if and when it is greater than "ExpectedCost". I clicked on "ActualCost" and then clicked on "Conditional Formatting". I selected "Expression" and then put the following expression in the space available: [ActualCost]>[ExpectedCost]

The syntax seems to be correct; however it just isn't working.

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Reports :: Horizontal Formatting Of A Report

Apr 23, 2015

I am having a problem with the formatting of a report. My boss would like for the report to show (grouped by employee name) a horizontal list like below and update itself.

Aircraft AS350 A119 AW139 AW189
Training Hours 300 50 25 160
OJT Completion 85% 100% 25% 45%

Each training class has a category in the table showing which model(s) the training is. For OJT I got it to count up the tasks and tasks completed in each model and calculate the percentage. I can easily get it to show vertical for each employee. I cannot get it to show like above. I tried using IIF statements to pull the hours and OJT by model aircraft. If I try to put it in the detail section it shows vertical and if I put it in the group of employee name it only returns one record (I assume its still trying to show vertical). The only way I could think of to get it to show properly was a crosstab query but its my understanding those are for archival purposes or for a snapshot and do not update. This report will need to update as things are entered.

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Reports :: Report To Rtf- Right To Left Formatting?

Dec 3, 2014

A client wants to convert a report I designed for him, to a word document so he can edit it.

The report's Report.Orientation Property is set to 1 - Right-to-Left

Relevant TextBox.ReadingOrder Properties set to 2 - Right-to-Left,

and relevant TextBox.TextAlign Properties are set to 3 - Right

When exported to RTF, the document is LTR and text alignment is to the left (even though the page actual layout is seems RTL, just like the report).

Is there a way to enforce RTL layout in the exported Word file?

I am using Acc2010.

Edit: Iv'e added a sample word file. You can see it looks RTL, but is actually LTR. Set it as RTL - and it gets all disordered. Now multiply this by 47 pages...

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting On Row Of Fields

Apr 29, 2014

I have a field on a report that I was able to make bold using conditional formatting. I want to make the other fields in the row bold as well if the value of the 1st field equals a set value.

EX: Contractor Bid Amount Sq Footage =[bid amount]/[sq footage] =[bid amount]/[estimate]

I put conditional formatting on the Contractor field

EX: Field Value Is equal to "Estimations"

I was Bid Amount, Sq Footage, =[bid amount]/[sq footage] and =[bid amount]/[estimate] fields to also be bold if the Contractor field is equal to Estimations.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting From Another Cell

Sep 5, 2014

I wish to use the conditional formatting that if the date required has passed the current date - i wish for everything for that record be turned red when searched or printed.

ive managed to make the Date Reqd turn red but i dont know how i will make the other cells follow the conditional formatting from another cell?

My other Cells i wish to change to red from the Date Reqd are - Customer Code, Site, Plot No, Product

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General :: Access 2010 / Adding Reports To Records As Attachments?

Apr 12, 2013

I have an Access 2010 database connected to several SharePoint lists. I'd like to be able to print a report (based on a query) and add that report as a .pdf attachment to the record I was looking at when I generated the report.

At the moment I can save the report as a .pdf to a local file store, then upload it as an attachment, but is there any way to skip that step and add it to the correct record automatically?

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting Skips First Record?

Jul 24, 2013

I have a report where I read the value of a field in my query (a boolean) field, and if the value is true, I display two lines on my report, hide the lines if the value is false. Here's the code:

Private Sub Report_Page()
If Me.Flagged.Value = True Then
Me.Line102.Visible = True
Me.Line95.Visible = True
Me.Line102.Visible = False
Me.Line95.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

This code works great.... except on the first page of the report! If I run the report in break mode, I can see that it evaluates my condition as "False" on the first record, regardless of the actual value in the field.

My report is based on a query that has some conditions in it, but, everything works correctly - except page 1.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting Display On Load?

Mar 7, 2014

I'm using Access 2010. I set up conditional formatting in some areas of my report. They're very simple like if a cell is between 0 and .4, then the background color of the field is red. They work just fine...when I click on the field. I don't remember ever running into this issue in the past. I've been reading potential solutions on the web, but haven't found a way to make the conditional formatting rules kick in when the report is loaded.

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting Two Fields In Report

Mar 26, 2015

In my Access 2010 report, I am attempting to perform conditional formatting of one field based on the difference between two fields. In particular, one field is "Time Scheduled" and the other field is "Time In". If the "Time In" is equal to or greater than 60 minutes of "Time Scheduled", I would like to format it to be red font. If it is less, I would like to format it to be green I can conditionally format to do this?

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Reports :: Formatting Date To Show Day Of The Week

Feb 10, 2015

I'm setting up a query which will eventually run as a report to show sales within a specific date period and so on.

In my table "tblJobs" I have a field named "JobInputDate" - this will act as my date source, everything else included within the query works fine, i.e. costs etc, etc.

The format of the date field is Short Date and the default value is the date the entry was made to the table, this obviously uses the =Date() expressing to generate the date.

Now, when I come to building my query I want the dates to be shown as a day of the week, so that when I eventually build my report, I can group them by day.

I've looked through the various threads on here which all point to using the Format([YourDateField],"dddd") format. However when I run the query I get the "Data mismatch" error.

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