General :: Saving Invoice With Multiple Lines In The Item Section

Jun 17, 2014

I want to make an invoice with products and services and totals, the thing that has me wondering is how do I save an invoice with multiple lines in the item section of the invoice. I want to be able to choose a customer and then see the list of invoices connected to that customer, and when I click the invoice to open it as it was. What would be the best way to do this?

The invoice contains:Customer info, adress, name...etc

List - multiple lines of products sold / services completed
Totals, date & time...etc
Relationship goes like this: Customer -> Invoice <- Inventory / Services

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Modules & VBA :: Invoice And Subform - Add Multiple Record (Item) At Once

Mar 23, 2014

I almost complete my mini project - Stock Inventory:

To track Items enter and exit from Videoshop or simply known as Stock Transaction (IN/OUT). This also include a Inventory Catalog which basically show all the Items in the Videoshop, each Items details including category, transaction type description and most importantly quantity on hand.

As mentioned above, I almost complete the database except the most important Form - New Stock Transaction where User enter all the necessary details to issue an IN or OUT Transaction. To make things easy to understand, it share many similarity with Invoice and New Order.

Main Form (Table: StockTrans)

SubForm (Table: StockTrans_Items)
Trans_ID fk
ItemID fk

When I finished records entry and enter Invoice completed button then it will auto update the Item Quantity on Hand.

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Forms :: Save Record For Invoice Before Saving Invoice Items From Subform

Jul 30, 2013

I have a main form and subform. The main form is bound to a table of invoices and the subform to a table of invoice items. I'm picking up the invoice number from the form to save it to the invoice items table, so I need to save the record for the invoice before saving the invoice items from the subform.

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General :: Create Invoice Per Month Of Multiple Orders Per Customer?

Mar 19, 2013

My current database creates an invoice per order. Until now that worked wonderful. Now i want to create an invoice per month per customer with multiple orders on the same database. So i will have to create a new table/query on the existing order table.

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Reports :: Page Break After 15 Lines Item

Mar 27, 2015

Is it possible to force a page break after 15 line items ....

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Section Header At Bottom Of Page And Detail Lines On Next Page

Nov 22, 2004

I have a report that lists states and cities within the states. When a state name happens to be at the end of the page the individual cities appear on the next page with no State heading. I solved the second page problem by setting the "repeatSection = Yes" in the Section Header (though I haven't shown that in the example below).

But the previous page (which just shows the State Name and no cities looks dumb. Is there some sort of solution.??
(Actually I would also like any State that continues to a next page to not just have the state name but something like
" Colorado (Continued)" Is there anything I can do in VB to make a page break if the section is going to print but therer isn't enough room for one detail line?

This is what I currently see

Prudo Bay


------------------------Page Break ---------------------------------
Colorado Springs



Thanks !

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General :: Saving Multiple Checkboxes To Table

Oct 16, 2013

I created a Microsoft Access database and access to the system must be controlled by User Access Level Control. The level of the user determines whether the user can add, edit, delete or view a certain form.

I created three tables which are linked via foreign keys: tblUsers, tblUserRoles and tblPermissions. (See the Tables attachment)

I designed the Permissions form to be user friendly by adding checkboxes on the form so that the Administrator can select whether a new user has Add, Edit, Delete or View rights. (See the User Level attachment)

To test my code I added a user as an Administrator. The problem is that when I select the Add, Edit, Delete and View checkboxes, it only saves the last checkbox to the Permissions table. The Administrator must have Add, Edit, Delete or View privileges on the Employees form, but now he only has View privileges. My code does not generate an error. (See the Incorrect attachment)

The Permissions table is suppose to save four entries(See the Correct attachment)

Here is my code.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim rstPermissions As Object
Dim dbFSManagement As Object
Set dbFSManagement = CurrentDb
Set rstPermissions = New ADODB.recordSet

[Code] .....

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Tables :: Adding Multiple Fields With Blank Section

Mar 27, 2014

I am creating a table in access 2010 for my consumable and bench stock report. I made a 12 fields which I name it the month of the year and another 1 field to add the total disburse materials in one whole year. I did this formula to add the 12 fields


But the problem is its just adding the complete consecutive months that I disburse and the row with blank section the total disburse doesn't show on the total disburse for the whole year. I try to use the code =Nz([Total Disburse],0) but it shows on the screen i cannot be used in calculated column.

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Multiple Lines In Text Box

Dec 14, 2004

i'm no noob, but i'm also not the expert, what i'm trying to do is this,
i'm taking multiple string out of an recordset and putting them in one big text box
but the problem is that after every record there has to be an enter in the text box
So for example:

record 1 =
-bla bla bla
-tja tja tja

record 2 =
-waa waa

my result in the text box must be:
-bla bla bla
-tja tja tja
-waa waa

and not (like it is now):
-bla bla bla
-tja tja tja -waa waa

who has a clue? chr(11) & chr(13) do not work, i activated "on enter go to next line"

thx in advance for helping out

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Adding Required Field To General Section In Tables

Jun 20, 2012

My database is almost complete. I am just having trouble with adding a a Required Field to the General Section (down below) in my tables. Two of my tables already have the Required Field there with the drop down Yes/No. My other 2 tables to not have one at all? How to sort/group things in Reports?

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Importing Multiple Lines Of Text

Aug 27, 2007

Good morning. I am new to coding VBA and need some help if possible. I need to import a Comma Delimited Text file into a MS Access table. The records vary in length and may take up multiple lines of text before the next record. The first field contains the type of record and are all prefixed 1###, with the ### being variable. (1001 - 1100). If the record goes over one line the 2nd line with start with 1000. Here is an example: The records with 1001 continue to the next line with 1000 so you know it continues. The other records are all single lines starting with 1100, 1003, 1004, 1006...1017.

1000,00100,"CAJUN MEAT ","CHUB "-0020380
1000,00108,"RED BEANS ","CHUB ",-0221510
1004,1," "
1004,2," "
1004,3," "
1004,4," "
1007,"$ OFF ",0000000000,0000000000,0000000000
1007,"FREE ",0000000000,0000000000,0000000000
1007,"SENIOR 10% ",0000000000,0000000000,0000000000
1007,"50% Police ",0000000000,0000000100,0000000001
1007,"CREW 50% ",0000000000,0000000310,0000000003
1007,"CREW 100% ",0000000000,0000001976,0000000009
1007,"MANAGER ",0000000000,0000000260,0000000003
1007,"BONUS ITEMS ",0000000000,0000000000,0000000000
1009,01,"BREAKFAST SALES ",0000114476,02940,000091
1009,02," SALAD SALES ",0000009093,00233,000007
1009,03,"DRIVE-THRU SALES ",0000142716,03666,000106
1015,"NET SALES ","+",0000389258
1015,"TAX ","+",0000023434
1015,"GROSS SALES ","=",0000412692
1015,"RESTAURANT BANK ","+",0000000000
1015,"ADJUSTED GROSS CASH ","=",0000412692
1015,"SEPLINE----------------------"," ",0000000000
1015,"AMOUNT DEPOSITED ","+",0000365609
1015,"GIFT REDEEMED ","+",0000000000
1015,"CREDIT CARD ","+",0000044844
1015,"MISC. INCOME ","-",0000000000
1015,"PETTY CASH ","+",0000000000
1015,"NET SALES ","-",0000389258
1015,"TAX ","-",0000023434
1015,"CASH OVER/SHORT ","=",-000002239
1015,"CASHIER OVER/SHORT ","-",-000001839
1015,"OVER/SHORT RECONCILIATION ","=",-000000400
1015,"SEPLINE----------------------"," ",0000000000
1015,"NET SALES ","+",0000389258
1015,"GIFT CERT. SOLD ","-",0000000000
1015,"OTHER NON-FOOD ","-",0000000000
1015,"NET FOOD SALES ","=",0000389258

I will need to do this weekly for many different files. I appreciate all the help that anyone can provide.

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Queries :: Multiple Lines In A Field?

Jan 8, 2014

I've exported some data which has 3-4 address line within the same field which is very odd.

The row has all the usual data, but when I look at the data in datasheet view the adresss line 1 shows only but when I click into the field and press down, more address info comes up. Is there any way to have this on one row within the field rather than multiple.

A bit like in Excel when you Alt+Tab in a cell it drops down but is the same cell, well this exactly like that in Access 2003.

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Split One Record Into Multiple Lines

Mar 10, 2013

I have an access form that is used for cash-ups. The cash-ups are not done on a regular basis and the owner requested that the database look at the last cash-up date, current cash-up date and calculate the difference in days and then calculate the average take per day by dividing the total take for the period by the number of days from the last cash-up date to the current cash-up date. This was simple and is done however, what he now wants is to export this data to another table and have it split the total amount per record by the average number of days and reflect the average amount per day over as many lines.

Eg: R5,000.00 / 20 days = R250.00 per day.

This data needs to be displayed in TWENTY lines each with a value of R250.00.

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General :: How To Generate Invoice

Oct 22, 2013

I am working on project for my office and get stuck at invoice option in database.I hve created 5 tbls :-

tbl assignment
assignID pk
tbl client
clientID pk
other feilds


I have created Query so that i can make a report.Report is working fine. it will give me data for required month.I need to generate invoice and save it to a new table so that i can cross check that in future if required.

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Write/update Multiple Lines Belongs To A PO?

Apr 18, 2008

Hello all,

How are you? Hope everything is well!

I have a question. If I have a form, which has underlying source is the table LineItem. The table has these fields PO#, Line Item, Cancel check box, and Cancel Reason list box. Each PO can have 1 to multiple line items. Once in a while, the users need to cancel certain line items and type a reason in the Cancel Reason box. When the users click the Cancel check box, it force the user to enter a reason.

However, in cases, some POs have 10-100 line items, and the reason are the same for all line items, and it is time-consuming and tedious to do one by one. I would like to find a way to enter reason in line 1, for example, and copy/update the rest of line items in that same PO with that.

Please advise HOW and WHAT COMMAND should I use to update the text in one field of one record (line item) to ALL other records (line items) in the same PO.

Please help! Thanks so much.

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Queries :: Possible To Split One Table Into Multiple Lines?

Oct 27, 2014

My boss made a satisfaction database that tracks satisfaction in 2 ways, so we have:



I'd like to make a query that would split these into two lines, one for A, one for B and then export it to excel.

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Forms :: How To Prevent Multiple Lines In Field

Apr 13, 2015

Ive had a recurring problem with one of my databases

ive got a form with a subtable on it, the subtable is very important as much of the DB's data is entered in there.

every once and a while one of the users will be doing data entry and on a certain field (a short text field if that makes any difference) theyll push enter instead of tab, to move on to the next field, enter creates a new line instead of moving to the next field, when a new line is created the user will either assume the field is blank and retype the data or ignore it entirely and move on

the trouble is one of my queries completely fails to work when there are multiple lines in this field (comes with a data type mismatch error)

is there a way to prevent the field from being able to contain multiple lines (like a property setting or some VB code?)

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Invoice Form (invoice Master + Invouice Detail) Using Dao

Jan 19, 2006

I have to add an invoice how can I do it.
Desgn of the ms access form is

Date (suggest me)
ShipMode (option button)
Buyer (combo)
Supplier (combo)
Indentor (combo)

Product UnitPrice UnitOfMeasurement Quantity
(combo) (textbox) (combo) (textbox) (btnaddrow) (btndeleterow)

(btnAddInvoice) (btnCancel)

Please suggest me how to do it.Any code or sample like this.
I don't know how to add new row of product e.t.c.
Please help me as I have never done any programming in ms access before
(Done most of web development,,jsp,coldfusion)

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General :: How To Generate Barcodes For Invoice

Aug 3, 2015

I am newbie to barcode but I need to generate barcode for my invoice with the invoice something likes W12675679. Just want to know how to generate barcodes based on that type of invoice number, and how to store barcodes in ACCESS 2003!

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Help With Select Query To Get Single Line Instead Of Multiple Lines

Dec 21, 2007


I have a query that selects values from a table and I'm further creating a letter based on this query. The problem i'm having is that if the query pulls 3 rows as result then it creates 3 separate letters. Basically this is how the output of query looks:

(refer attachment)

Is there any way to write this query so that I can get output as below:

Col1 Col2 Col3
10 20 10

Please advise.

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Multiple Lines In Order Form From Single Database

Feb 28, 2005

I have 2 databases Product, with 3 entries ProdID, ProdName and UnitCost.
2nd database Order has Order ID, ProdName, UnitCost, Quantity, SaleDate and Total.
I want to create a form to input data into the Order databse that allows me to enter several rows using the data from the product table by selecting ProdName(Product) from list and UnitCost(Product) being inserted into each row automatically as a new ProdName is selected.
Can anyone hsuggest how best to do this.

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Forms :: How To Break Update Statement Into Multiple Lines

Mar 7, 2014

I am unable to break the UPDATE statement into multiple lines and now I am getting "Syntax Error in UPDATE statement"

Following is the multiple line Update Statement

Dim strsql As String
strsql = "Update tblcurr" & _
"SET tblCurr.Currencyname =" & _
"[forms]![updatecurrency]![txtcurname]" & _
"WHERE (((tblCurr.Currencycode)=" & _
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql

Following is the one liner Update statement which, works perfectly

strsql = "UPDATE tblCurr SET tblCurr.Currencyname = [forms]![updatecurrency]![txtcurname] WHERE (((tblCurr.Currencycode)=[forms]![updatecurrency]![txtcurcode]));

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Forms :: Duplicate Lines In Multiple Form And Query

Jul 8, 2015

The purpose of my database is to keep a record of training activities undertaken by staff. There is therefore a multiple form which displays, for a specified worker, the list of all the required activities. Each line has a button which opens another form to allow an activity to be started (together with start date and other info). The main tables are Worker, Activities, and a junction table Worker2Activities. On closing the second form and refreshing the first one, the started activity is correctly recorded, but on as many lines as there are staff on the course. To make matters worse, these also appear when i then select another worker (and if i create another worker, the number of lines goes up by one for all of them). The Worker2Activities table correctly show one new record created

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How To Keep Multiple Lines When Importing Data From Excel To Access

Sep 7, 2011

I face a multiple line problem when i try to import data from Excel to Access db. Is it possible to keep multiple lines of a cell after transferring to Access. Since Access see any ceel of Excel as a Field, it takes all the lines as a line in the same row.

In enclosed, you can see a sample Access document. I put a point(.) between every lines in the same field manually. Is it possible to split up those data from these points and make a new line in the same field by VBA? For example,


1) 232N1635-2.2) 412N1168-7


1) 232N1635-2.
2) 412N1168-7

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General :: Enter Data Into Invoice Template

Jan 22, 2014

i have to write a result of the query to the excel, which is a invoice template where i need to enter the data.

Depend on the result the template can grow in size also, here if the size grows there needs to be informatin coming on first page for eg: address in first page should not repeat in second page, second page have purly order details and footer at the end which have signatue and attestation.

Problem is data can be in 1 page, 2 pages, 3 pages ..or more

How can i achieve this task as all pages have water mark as page 1, page 2...sand so on...?

(A Sample i have attached)

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How To Combine Products Of Invoice Into Single Invoice

Oct 10, 2012

I am practising making relational databases as I haven't used them before.

The mock database I am creating is based around a cleaning company.

I am trying to make a form which will display all of the bookings a certain cleaner has in the future. I want it to be able to display a booking along with the services (Windows cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) the customer wants.

At the moment, it is displaying each service (Window cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) as separate result on the form and it is not combined. They both have the same booking_ID from the booking table. How can I combine them?

It is far easier to understand what I mean by looking at the database (Attached). Take a look at the form I have created and then click the > arrow at the bottom to see what I mean.


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