General :: SendObject Outlook - How To Stop Getting Warning Messages

Sep 5, 2012

I am using SendObject to send Outlook email messages from my application. On my development system, I get two Outlook warning messages each time I send an email. A user tested this on the live system today and said they got no Outlook warning messages.

Is this something that I can set? To not give Outlook warning messages?

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How To Programmatically Disabled The Warning Messages In The Outlook 2003

Jul 19, 2007

when trying to automatically send email through MS Access application, the following message appears:

"a program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook and asking if you want to allow this"
"a program is trying to automatically send e-mail..."

How to disable these warning messages when executing MS Access application to send email?


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General :: Stop Access Warning Message

Feb 14, 2013

I have an Access 2010 db on a shared network drive. All users accessing the db are running Windows 7 OS and have a licensed corporate version of Access 2010. The advanced options "Shared", "Edited record" and "Open dabases by using record-level locking" are turned on. Additionally, the locking time limits are set to their default levels. If a user selects the save icon after making additions or updates, the following waring message appears:

Costar Job Database can't save design changes or save to a new database object because another user has the file open. To save you design changes or to save to a new object, you must have exclusive access to the file.Since I developed the db, I am the only one that makes design or object changes. I know that users don't need to select the save icon to update the db, but I don't want them to "freak out" if they select save and see the message.
Is there any way to prevent the message from being displayed?

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Append Warning Messages Keep Showing

Oct 27, 2005

I have developed a form and used code to disable the append messages Access displays the user such as: 'You are about to append data, do you want to continue'.

The form works great on my machine and I don't see the messages. When i use it on another machine the messages appear?? Please help.

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Stop Warning

Oct 18, 2006

This should be a simple one.... But can't seem to find the answer.... I have put a line of code on the open event of a seconadry form.... First form is "Clients" second form is "Contracts" If no the client has no contracts the code goes.....

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(DateOfSale) Or DateOfSale = " " Then
MsgBox "No Contract Exist"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

After the first message box I get a "Access" message box... "The OpenForm action was canceled" ....... Thats fine.... we know that... But we don't need to know that. How can I stop the second message box from opening? Or can I ?

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How To Stop Append Query Event Messages ?

Apr 25, 2005

Hi everyone, I'm nearly done finishing a database for a legal firm and one of the small issues I'm having with this project is that, I have a button that creates records in other tables once a record is created in a primary table.

I have a table called tbl_login, it has a field called job_number (which is an autonumber), and when all the info is entered in the form associated with tbl_login I want a button to give the user the ability to create a record in tbl_billing with the value of job_number, now this is a easy append query, works great, but the problem is, when the button is pressed there is an event message, "You are about to update an table....." this is the natural warning even message that access gives before a change is made, my questions is.

To please me end users, how do I get that event message to stop popping up. So they just hit the button, it appends, no warning.

I'm open to suggestions,

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Modules & VBA :: Read Outlook Email Messages In Windows 8

Sep 11, 2014

I wrote VBA code to pull email messages from Outlook in order to create an alert if a message with a specific subject line is not received. I have the system coded to send the alert if the message isn't found before the system encounters a message with a SentOn date/time more than two hours old.

The code has worked great for over a year, but now my company is migrating to Win8 and I'm having issues with the code. The machine that normally runs the process uses XP and Access 2007. The code also works on another machine running Windows 7 and Access 2010.

The issue I'm having in Win8, with Access 2010, is that the code isn't pulling the most recent message first. Instead, it is selecting a message from about two weeks ago, and then cycling through the other messages from that point. I know there are ways I can code around this, but I don't want to if I don't have to.

Is there a setting that I'm missing? I've included the basic code to pull the email messages below:

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Dim ol As Outlook.Application
Dim ns As Namespace
Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
Dim Item As Object
Dim strSubject, strSentDate As String

[Code] .....

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General :: Can SendObject Be Used To Send MDB File

Feb 28, 2014

I use SendObject to send automatic emails from my application. Can I attach a table or an MDB file to the email? How do I do that? Or do I attach a table and it sends it as a text file?

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General :: Emailing PDF As Attachment With SendObject?

Jun 16, 2015

I often output reports as a PDF. I also use SendObject to send emails from my application. But is there a way to send a PDF as an attachment with SendObject? Perhaps not, as the PDF would not be within my application?

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General :: How To Use SendObject To Send Emails

Aug 5, 2012

Where can I get a document that explains how to use SendObject to send emails from Access?

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General :: Sending Email With SendObject - How To Determine User Name

Apr 27, 2015

When I send an email from Access with SendObject, how does it determine the user name, the 'from' name. Is it just the user's Outlook name? Do I have any control over that?

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Forms :: Change Access Default Error Messages With Custom Messages?

Apr 29, 2015

how to change Access default error messages with custom messages? Like, if I enter some data in a sub form where the parent form is empty new record, default error message says that 'You must enter a value in the 'column name' field'.

I want to disable this default message and display my own error message. Now I know MessageBox and MsgBox fuctions to display custom messages, but how to disable the default message.

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General :: Error Messages On Unbound Text

Jul 8, 2015

I created a database and released it for my team (frontend/backend setup). however, most of the members on my team are getting #Name? or #Invalid on some dlookup formulas in unbound text boxes. However, on my version, I see the actual data shown.

I tried adding the Microsoft references via the VBA screen, but that only worked for one person.

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General :: MS Access Database Integration With SMS Messages

May 17, 2013

I have an new challenge, in which i would like to setup an application, which has to read the data from SMS. For an example user has to send the sms message which needs to be stored in MS Access database, how can we do this.

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General :: Warning Message When Deleting A Table

Feb 16, 2015

I have a temporary table within my access database. I have a macro button that makes the table (thus deleting the old one in the process) and then appends information from three other queries to it.I want to stop the standard warning message from coming up. The message I get is below. I have already cleared the action queries check box so the warnings for the making table (if no previous table exists) query and appending data query have disappeared. However the below message still pops up when the make table query begins to try and delete the old table. How I can make it go away?

"The query you are about to run is a make-table query. Unlike most queries that displays data in Datasheet view, a make-table query creates a table and copies specific records from one or more tables and queries. If the table already exists, the query will replace the structure and contents of the table.If your intention is to create or replace a table, click Yes. To avoid being prompted when you run such queries, click the File tab, then click Options. In the Access Options dialog box, click Client Settings. Under Editing, clear the Action queries check box.

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General :: Make Warning Pop Up When User Tries To Access Database?

Feb 5, 2013

How can I make a warning pop up when a user tries to access a database that another user is already in??

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General :: Access 2007 - Remove Compatibility Warning

Jul 11, 2012

I have a 2007 db, been working no it in 2007 and occasionally in 2010, careful not to use any 2010 items. Well I goofed and added a Navigation Form (2010 only) and then deleted it. Now My 2007 db opens in 2007 fine, everything works, but the glowering Warning message and lovely yellow yield sign show up constantly. How do you resolve the incompatible items and clear this warning?

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General :: Tab Stop To New Record?

Mar 25, 2013

On my form my Tab stops at a "New Record" button. After the "Enter key" can I make the cursor go to the first field in the form?

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General :: Stop Tab Control With VBA

Jan 17, 2014

I'm trying to stop a couple fields from being able to tab to based on other field value in a form. I have the following code but this didnt work.

Private Sub Step42_GotFocus()
If Me.Step42.Locked = True Then
End If
End Sub

I then tried this. but it still allowed the tab stops. How can I stop it?

Me.Step42.Locked = True
Me.dat18.Locked = True
Me.dat19.Locked = True
Me.dat20.Locked = True
Me.Step42.TabStop = False
Me.dat18.TabStop = False
Me.dat19.TabStop = False
Me.dat20.TabStop = False

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General :: Tab Key Stop And Not To Open New Record

Apr 11, 2013

The charity that I work at has many volunteers.

When they enter data they use the tab key for movement to each field.

Can I have the Tab Key STOP on the current record and not proceed to a new record?

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General :: VBA Access Code EOF Does Not Stop / When Records Are Over

Jul 3, 2013

I have an excel file, and am trying to import it, and once when I have imported it, am checking for a condition with While Not rs.EOF, it works fine for the purpose of looping, but it does not stop when the records are over., it is additionaly printing 19 null statements, where I beleive it, should not be.

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General :: How To Stop Users From Ever Seeing Database Window

Feb 28, 2014

I have included some code to disable the access PassKey (holding shift down as you open the database so that the database window appears). It is password protected and it works pretty well for normal users.

However, I have realised that even in this restricted mode you can go to File-Options-Current database and enable Access Keys. This then lets you open the database window by pressing F12.

My question is, is there a way to absolutely stop anyone from ever viewing the database window at all? All my code is password protected, but I still don't want an ICT person fiddling with my tables and queries!

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General :: Stop User To Go Into Design View

Mar 7, 2015

Is it possible to stop anyone from going into design view ( even right clicking the mouse ) .

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General :: Stop User Renaming ACCDR To ACCDB

Oct 14, 2013

I have a database that is saved as an accdr so it can be compiled for distribution as an exe..I have just found the accdr the exe installed and renamed to accrb and was then able to open it and view all the tables, forms etc.Obviously I cant stop someone renaming but if there was a way to stop the forms, tables etc opening.

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General :: Use Outlook In VBA?

Feb 3, 2013

I am using outlook to send/receive mail. That is OK but I want to know that who send me mail(from: name of sender mail).

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General :: How To Import PST Outlook File

Jan 22, 2013

Is there a way to import a PST outlook file into Access 2010 or 2013. Or is there a Plug-in needed that can do it.

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