General :: Setting Up New (portion) Of DB?

Mar 12, 2013

I am adding another portion to my database and since this is a little different than the other parts I created, I wanted to get some input from the experts.

I am adding Certifications to my database. I am currently tracking skills, OSHA, & Licenses for all employees. My current count for the Certification is around 45. I'm wondering if I should set this up like I did my Skills (look up table for skills that is connected by a one to many relationship to another table) or have all the info on one table?

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General :: Identify Icon On Navigation Portion Of Access

Jul 9, 2013

what is this icon for Excel Icon.png found on the Navigation portion of Ms Access?

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General :: Setting Filter With VBA?

Aug 19, 2014

I'm trying to set a filter with a command button. I've tried to do it like the examples I've read on numerous sites, but I can't seem to get the filter set. The code that seems most like the examples to me is:

Me.Filter = "[chkPaid] = 0"
Me.FilterOn = True

When I run this I get a box telling me to enter a parameter value for chkPaid. chkPaid is definitely the correct name for the checkbox control on the form. I've tried many variations with and without the square brackets, but as long as I have [chkPaid] inside of quotes I get the Enter Parameter box. If I leave the quotes off I get no parameter value request, but it doesn't set the filter either.

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General :: Setting Shift Key On Open?

Jan 17, 2014

Where in the options of Access 2010 do you set the option that requires holding down the shift key when open Access to see the files?

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General :: Setting Up A Specific Database?

Aug 12, 2015

I have appx 500 customers that have contracts..... The contracts have 15 products that are available. Not all of the customers purchased all of items on the contract. I want to have a database that lists (on one page) the client information, contract information and the product details for that customer. I have no clue how to go about doing this. The Contact database template is what I am starting with. I want to click on a customer and pull up the information all on one page.

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General :: Setting Focus On Forms

Jun 26, 2015

I am having trouble setting the focus on my forms... I have a parent form with two labels that are coded like this.

Private Sub Advisory Messages_Click()
Me![ Advisory Messages].Visible = _
Not Me![Advisory Messages].Visible
End Sub


I have the visible property set to no on the subform allowing the user to toggle the visibility when the label is clicked. The problem though is when I click inside the subform to use the scroll bar to view records, it transfers the focus to the subform making it almost impossible to close by clicking the label again because the label is on the parent form. I found the "me.parent.setfocus" command and a few other set focus commands but I don't know what I should be applying the command to in order to make it work.

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Extracting A Portion Of Data

Oct 3, 2006

I probably have an easy question for one of you out there, but I just cannot get it myself.

I need to extract the data between two characters in a string.

The data will be similar to this:

T4454: Text Text-Text: $296.07: Text Text

I need to get the dollar amount between the dollar sign and the colon on the right of it.

So far, I have this for my query:

Amount1: Mid$([subject],InStr([subject],"$"))

Which gets the amount to the left side, but also has the $ in it.

In the example above, I would like to just end up with 296.07 as the result from the query. I should also add that the dollar amount may vary from 1.00 to #,###.00

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide

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Select Portion Of A Record

Jan 12, 2008

I posted this in the table section however it is better suited here I think.

I have a field in a table that I imported in. This field has the first/last/ and Middle initial all in one. So name=Frank H. Urtz.

So I want to set my criteria to say something like give me everything up to the first " " as expr1. Give me everything from first " " to second " " as expr2. Give me everything thing from second " " to the end as expr3.

What is the the statement I want for this?


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General :: Setting Monthly Reminder Using Outlook

Jun 22, 2015

I'm working on an access database and I need to connect that database to the reminder function of Outlook.

At first, I set the reminder precisely six months before the due date, everything was okay and the reminder worked. But after some revision required by my supervisor, I need to set the reminder based on month (not exactly on the due date), so the tasks which have due dates in the same month will be wrapped into a single reminder. The reminder also should be appear in every two weeks. Here's the code I've been worked on :

Private Sub Expired_AfterUpdate()
Dim outLookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim outLookTask As Outlook.TaskItem
Set outLookApp = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set outLookTask = outLookApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem)


I put this code on the AfterUpdate event in the column containing the due date. How should I rearrange the code so it would be able for the reminder to appear based on the month? (just consider that the reminder will be active six months before due date).

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General :: Setting Open New Window Value To True

Jan 16, 2013

I was reading how to make a a button open a webpage. I found out how to and what to type in the Visual Basics. It worked but like another user said, when ever he clicks the button, the window opens for the website but the window is not maximized. He said "I set the open new window value to True".

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Quering On A Portion Of Data In A Field

Jan 29, 2007

Hi All:

I have no idea how to start this task.

Table 1:
Students that are registered this semester. The unique Identifier = full 9
digits of SS#'s

Table 2:
Students and regular people current working for the college. Unique identifer
= only the last 4 digits of their SS#'s

I need to know what registerd students or regular people are currently
working in the college.
In other words, compare table 1 and table 2. The problem is I do not have a
common unique identifier in both tables.

Additional Info:
Each table also has:
* Last_Name
* First_Name

I was thinking many do a DUAL comparison...Let's say compare the last four
digits numbers and the last and first name from table 2 vs the last four
digits and the last and first name from table 1.

Can this be done?

Thank you very much in advance for any ideas.


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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Portion Of String Into Variable

Jun 19, 2015

How to I get a portion of a string into a variable?

I want to capture the table name of a recordsource.

The problem is sometimes the recordsource is "Select * from mytable where ID = 6" or "Select * from mytable" or "mytable"

I want to put "mytable" in a variable for later use.

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General :: Setting Default Value For New Entries As Previous Entry

Jan 17, 2013

Is there a method of setting the default value for new entries to the same value as the previous entry?

For example, I have a quality control information table that stores QC data for different lot numbers. It is annoying to enter in the lot number and product code field over and over again if there are dozens of records per lot number. Is there a way for Access to easily display the previous entry as the default value?

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General :: How To Use Access 2010 Setting Compact On Close

Apr 17, 2013

How would I use the Access 2010 setting, 'Compact on close'?We have a back end on a server and many users with front ends on their computers. So would I set 'Compact on close' on the back end? And then it would compact when the last user logged out?

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General :: Copy Of Backup File (Automatic Setting)

Aug 27, 2012


I have a database that is updated every weekday, every hour. I make a copy of it end of the day so i do not lose that data so far. I wish there was was a way to make a backup copy, say end (once sometime) of the day, automatically.

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Prompt To Search On A Portion Of Database Record

Feb 5, 2007

I am trying to create a Form in which a user is prompted for a road name and that a listing of all values having that road name are displayed. My problem is that Road Name in the database is a combination of the road name and road suffix such as Evergreen Street. I want the operatior to be able to enter just the road name, Evergreen, and get a listing of all Evergreen addresses; Evergreen St., Evergreen Rd., Evergreen Ln., etc. How do I create the prompt so that it ignores the road suffix and searches just on the name?
I should add that I know how to use brackets in a form prompting the user to input a parameter. In a query I can use "*" to find all those records having a portion of the desired data. For example in my query I can use "Evergreen*"
to find all records where the fisrt portion of the data record is Evergreen.
How can I apply the "*" to a user entry prompt.

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Forms :: Use Only Year Portion Of Date For Unique ID?

Apr 2, 2014

trying to get something working on a form. When creating a new client, due to privacy, we have to create a Unique ID for each one. The ID consists of their initials, the year, a serial number and the location. I have it mostly working except for the year. Let me show you what I have and the results, then what I would like the results to be.

In the control Source of the text box is:

=Left([FName],1) & "" & Left([LName],1) & "-" & [Forms]![frm_20_Enter_New_Client_Info_01]![NICN_Date] & "-" & [Forms]![frm_20_Enter_New_Client_Info_01]![NICN_Serial] & "-" & [Forms]![frm_20_Enter_New_Client_Info_01]![Combo1]

Form Input:

FName = John
LName = Smith
Date = 2014 (Using Date format and 'YYYY') and default Now()
Combo1 = NW

Results: JS-4/2/2014 9:32:51-18-NW

Desired Results: JS-2014-18-NW

So everything is working but I'm getting the entire and I just want the year.

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Bold Portion Of Text In Memo Field

May 1, 2012

I'd like to set the value of a memo field on a form so that part of it is in bold. For instance, I want to say:

[memo_control] = "This is not bold" & "this is bold" & "this is not bold"

How do I do that in VBA?

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General :: Disable SharePoint Access Setting Option For Certain User

Oct 3, 2014

I just published an access database to sharepoint. However, after I set some user as contributor, those users can see structure of my database, and export tables to excel directly. Is there anyway that we can remove the access to "Setting"?

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General :: Setting Limit For User To View Specific Data

Aug 6, 2012

I am trying to limit what a user can see when accessing a database in access. I am only testing with this in access before taking it to SQL server. I have 3 databases and I combined the data into one set of tables and now what i am trying to do is a certain user can only view data from a particular database.

I have a table with the users id and password, as well as an ID number from each database that I am trying to tie to the users.

for example one user can view and add/edit data in databases 1 and 3 but not 2. while there might be a user that can view and add/edit on 1 and 2 but not 3.

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General :: Setting Printer Paper Size To User Defined

Feb 18, 2014

I want to set my paper size to user defined, but it not working,

Set Application.Printer = Application.Printers("P1121E")
Application.Printer.PaperSize = acPRPSUser
Application.Printer.ItemSizeHeight = 9.35 Application.Printer.ItemSizeWidth = 26.9

Showing "Run time error "2595"

"Cannot set this property when defaultsize property is set to true"

I try add "Application.Printer.Defaultsize = true or false" also not working

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Reports :: Portion Of Data Is Missing In Print Preview

Mar 3, 2014

When data is input to my form and when i click on preview report, the preview report displays all results (my report source is from my query). However when I click on print preview a portion of data is missing. Basically is the check boxes I have in the report. They all are grayed out. These check boxes are unbounded and not related to the query. Basically I have an event procedure created upon clicking print preview as follows:

Private Sub PreviewMRO_Click()
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptMRODataEntry", acViewReport
If MROReason = "Repair" Then

[Code] ....

The selections are all drop down boxes in the form and upon selection it will populate the text boxes in my report. It seems to work perfectly upon clicking the preview report button but when I click on print preview the check boxes are grayed out.

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Modules & VBA :: Updating Or Adding Records To Form - Find MAX Of Number Portion

Jun 28, 2013

I want whenever I'm updating or adding records to my form, the ID automatically take the value of the previous ID and increment it by 1.

The field type is text (mixed with number) - PM0000000.

I've done some research, what I understand is that I need to:

-do a lookup and
-find the MAX of the number portion.

Name of form - Payment
Name of table - Payment
Name of field - payment_id

I tried these, but to no avail...

Private Sub payment_id_Click()
payment_id = DLookup(("[payment_id]", "Payment", "[payment_id]=Forms![Payment]![payment_id]-1")payment_id + 1)
End Sub

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Change Time Portion Of Datetime Field In Update Query?

Sep 12, 2013

I have some incorrect time entries in a column that I need to fix with an update query.

So, 04/11/2013 08:00:00 needs to be changed to 04/11/2013 09:00:00

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Splitting Access Database - Upload Back End Portion To SharePoint Site

May 12, 2015

I am attempting to split my Access Database and will upload the back-end portion to a SharePoint site. No matter what I do, I continue to get a "Not a valid file name" error.

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General :: Forms And Queries In One ACCDB File - Path Setting To Linked Table File

Oct 5, 2014

I've got the forms and queries in one .accdb file and my tables in a separate .accdb file. The forms file links to the tables in the tables file. The tables file resides in a folder called simply enough C:acc_tables and thats where i browsed to (obviously) when i set up the linkage.

One of the users does not wish (for whatever goddamn reason) to create a C:acc_tables file to stick the tables file in , and wants the tables file in some other folder.. Unfortunately this user does not have the skills to delete the existing links and re-link to the tables file after putting it in the folder he wants.

Where in the file that holds the forms and and queries do i find the path setting to the tables linked file? Can it be changed without deleting links and then re-linking?

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