General :: Show Count Of Text Boxes That Have Value Greater Than 0 At Footer Of Report

Oct 19, 2013

I have a report and at the footer i want to show how many of the txt boxes i have are >0

i tried


I know that this is quite simple but i just cant get it.

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Show Button In Form If Count Of Query Greater Than 0

Mar 5, 2013

I have a list of companies that need to return paperwork, we are then scanning that paperwork and placing in a directory and listing that it was received in a table in Access. I want the button to view this scanned in item if the qry for that paper work has arrived and the count is >0.

I run a command on a single form that if a qry is >0 it shows the button and I added that to the GotFocus event in the form.

Me.CheckSuitability.Visible = (DCount("[ID]", "qry_Suitability_Papers_Needed") > 0)

But this is a Continuous Form and I would like the buttton to show next to the company if the count is >0.

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Reports :: Show Report Footer On First Page Only?

May 7, 2015

Is there away to have the report footer only to display on the first page?

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General :: Checkboxes - Create Text Field On A Report That Show All Yes Answers

Apr 8, 2013

I have multiple fields in a table that are set up as Yes/No and display as checkboxes on a form. Now I need to create a text field on a report that showes all the Yes answers. The text field needs to figure out if it's a Yes answer, then display the field name, if there is more than one yes answer in the fields it is looking at, it should separate each with a "," . This is a large text field, that could show as many as 10 Yes answers.

What is the best way to go about doing this? I use Access 2010

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Reports :: Text Field Footer In Report

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form with attached subform from which I can choose which records to send to a report. All records in the base table have a comment text field for the user to enter additional data (comments). Typically, there are none, but when there is, if it is only a single record sent to the report, the comment is printed in the page footer. However, if there are multiple records being sent to the report and only one record has text in the comment field, unless it's the last record it the subform, it will not print in the report. There isn't enough room in the detail section to include the comment field (like I said, it's typically not used and when it is, they can be lengthy). Is there a way to get the comment field to print in the report page footer when it is not either the only record selected, or the last record?

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Entering Unbound Text Control In Report Footer

Jan 26, 2008

I have entered an unbound text control into my footer, and typed in some text, and now when I go to Preview my report it's asking for a Parameter Value? There is no parameter, as it's just a return address typed in there. That's crazy!!!

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General :: How To Add Header And Footer To Exported Text File

Apr 23, 2013

I need to create a text file that is exported from access to txt. I know how to do this; however, I need to have a header and footer setup in this file that dynamically changes with the day. How do I create these two required objects?

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General :: Refer Field In SubReport Which Is In Report Footer

Nov 21, 2013

I want to refer field "plyty_sa" which is in "RaportZleceniaRobocze" Report, in "RaportRobocze_Offset" SubReport. The problem is that, SubReport is in Report Footer. I tried many possibilities but I can't find solution.

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General :: Auto Populated Text Boxes To Display Rows From Combo Boxes

Jan 25, 2015

I have strange issue when creating auto populated text boxes which displays rows from combo boxes.

In one database auto populates works with simple text box Control Source edit "=[ComboName].[Column](NumberOfColumn)".

Somehow same method doesn't wotk in different database: here one time I have to insert VBA code at On change Event:

Me.TextBoxName = Me.ComboName.Column(NumberOfColumn)

And other time it wont work with On change but only with After Update Event (code is same).

Another thing this morning happens was that when I tried to add new record trough form where combo box and tex boxes are located, MS Office suddenly stopped working after selecting combo box selection (with message Microsoft Office has Stopped Working). It is 2013 version.

I got it work after deleting and re-inserting VBA code to autopopulate text box at After Update Event.

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Form Footer Like Report Footer

Aug 25, 2006

I have some reports which lay my data out perfectly.For example,Report headerPage headerDetailsPage footerReport footerNow, I'd like to have exactly the same layout on some forms but with various buttons, etc. for manipulating data.The only problem is that when I put something on the form footer, it appears at the bottom of the viewable screen area no matter whether the detail area should overrun or not ?Is this due to form size or something else?Ideally I'd like to have it appear right at the bottom of the form and allow the user to scroll down the form to see the footer.

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Calendar And Text Boxes To Show Info

Apr 20, 2005

Ok, nobody chew me out... I know there's over 500 posts regarding calendars on here because I've read just about every single one and haven't found any answers yet. All of the posts that vaguely resembled what I'm looking for had no replies.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

First I've got 4 tables, each has different data including a start date, start time, end date, end time and description. Each table pertains to a completely different subject. The tables are already populated (imported from excel).

I've got a form with a calendar control (Ms Cal 7) in it... and that's about has far as I have gotten.

I would like to be able to open the form and have the calendar show all events for the current date (i found how to make the calendar show the current date, it's just populating the text boxes that I'm having a problem with).

So, here's how I would like it to work...

When the form is opened, you can click on a specific date (or don't click anything and it shows the current date). Then the textboxes show the info for that date.


Calendar = 4/20/2005 (Calendar control here)

Textbox1 = select from table A where subject="codereds" and start date = calendar control date

Textbox2 = select from table B where subject ="codeblues" and start date = calendar control date

Textbox3 = select from table C where subject="codegreens" and start date = calendar control date

Ok, anybody got a clue on how I can do this because I've had no luck finding it anywhere.

Thanks ;)

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Forms :: Count Or Sum From Values In Multiple Text Boxes In Form

May 24, 2014

I am trying to improve a work process using an existing Access DB.We have a form with multiple texts boxes on it. I need to search through these boxes to determine the total number of occurrences of a specific value. This is not tied to a table.

The text boxes I'd be searching through all have related names: "Element0" to "Element40". And I'd most likely be looking for a "/" within the value in the boxes (value could be 12345/01, for example).Would then be using the result in VBA to apply some conditions, so I would prefer if I could do the count in VBA (the count/sum is the part that is hanging me up.)

I've found multiple ways to accomplish this from a table, but nothing for what I have to work with.I am unclear in my description of what I am trying to do, let me know and I will try to provide more information.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Show Query Result In Text Boxes

Jun 25, 2013

I have query that creates table with 2 records each with 2 columns (2x2) and they do not have indexed ID,and query is related to combo box in other form so results are not always same but it is always (2x2) and value types are always same,

So how to show those results in text box in form,lets say 4 text boxes ,every value in one text box, i assume that i need to use DLookup() but i was able only to show first record,did not know what criteria put to go to second record.

When i select that query and create report i get what i want but i cant copy those text boxes to form that i want.

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Reports :: Find And Replace Text Across Many Text Boxes In Report Design

Jan 30, 2015

Is it possible to use find and replace to modify text in report design - or else is there something else I can do to get the same effect? I have a really useful report and I want to modify it for use with a different dataset. To do that I will need to change the text in over 150 text boxes. I have seven different fields which each occur over 20 times in the control source formulas in the text boxes, because they are used in different ways in different calculations. If this was excel I could do a simple find and replace to change e.g. every reference to fieldname OLD to fieldname NEW, but I cannot see how to do that within access report so am haveing to click on each text box in turn, go to properties and edit the text box .

I am trying to switch to a more general naming system in the modified report so then I will be able to assign data with the required fieldnames for the report within a query. But the report I am starting with has field names based on years 2013, 2014, 2015 etc.I want a quick way to change each reference to those field names to my more generic new field names.

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Show Hours Greater 24

Dec 7, 2006

I'm a new italian member.

I have a problem:

How can I show hours, in a field, greater 24 h (p.e. 35:15) ?

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Forms :: Hide / Show Text Boxes Based On Search

Aug 2, 2014

I have a form (employee info) that requires the user to do a search to find the employee before then editing anything that needs to be edited.

I have a search box that will find the relevant record without any problem, however what I am looking to do is hide text boxes on the form and have them appear only once the search has found the matching record.

If no matching record is found, I would then like a message box that states 'No matching employee, would you like to add an employee' and when the user clicks OK, it then reveals the same hidden text boxes and sets focus to the first one of the bunch.

Now, I have used the 'me.textboxname.visible = True (or False) elsewhere, however, I am not sure how to trigger that after a search.

I assume I am looking at an If statement, but I am not sure how to construct it, hence turning to the experts.

Private Sub txtEmployeeSearch_AfterUpdate()
If txtEmployee = DLookup("EmployeeNumber", "tblEmployeeInfo") Then
Me.txtboxname.Visible = True
Me.txtboxname2.Visible = True
DoCmd.GoToControl "txtboxname"
MsgBox "Employee Not Found", vbYesNo
End If
End Sub

I know that there is a massive gap where I have put <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< - but I am stumped as to what to put in there?

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Forms :: Show In A List Box A Query Filtered By 2 Or More Text Boxes

Dec 15, 2014

I've created a form with two textboxes and a listbox. What I want to do is to show in the listbox the registers filtered by the 2 textboxes. But I would like that the listbox refreshes while typping in the textboxes.It was no problem to do filtering with only one textbox. The rowsource of the listbox is a query in which I set in the criteria Like [Forms]![Form1]![Textbox1].[Text] & "*"Then I write the code for the change event of the Textbox1:

Private Sub Textbox1_Change()
End Sub

With this I have no problem. The problem is when using the 2 textboxes. I write the same in the criteria, Like [Forms]![Form1]![Textbox2].[Text] & "*", on another field but it doesn't work. I also write the code for the second textbox:

Private Sub Textbox2_Change()
End Sub

The listbox doesn't filter with both textboxes. When you type in one of them, the listbox filters from it, but when you type in the other textbox, the listbox shows the whole table filtered with the characters of the second textbox.

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General :: How To Make Combo Boxes Only Show Selected Options

Jul 6, 2013

What I am trying to do is create a master table which references the every other table.But the primary key references another primary key.I can get the combo box to display all the options, buy shows options already selected for other other words...

I have 4 reference IDs from table A.
(ID1, ID2, ID3, ID4)

Master_Table has a combobox to select between the IDs.
if record 1 has ID_1
Record 2's combobox will show all 4 IDs
If I only have 1 ID that can be put into record 4, it's combobox still
displays all 4 IDs.

What I want is: If ID3 is selected for record 1, it wont be displayed in the comboboxes for the other records.

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Queries :: DISTINCT COUNT Of Name If Total Number Of Items Greater Than 0

Jan 29, 2014

I have 2 tables linked with a 1 to many relationship by NAME. Tables look like this....


Walmart 12 Nowhere
Target 14 Somewhere
Lowes 10 Anywhere
Sears 16 Nowhere


Walmart 4 1/4/14
Walmart 2 1/5/14
Target 0 1/5/14
Lowes 3 1/5/14
Sears 1 1/5/14
Sears -1 (returned to store) 1/6/14

I want a DISTINCT COUNT of [NAME] if Total[NUMBER OF ITEMS]>0, so the correct number will be 2 in the example.

This is one way I've tried to write the SQL, but I keep getting an error...


I also tried an Count(IiF( and can't get that to work either..

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Need Count In A Report With Text Instead Of 1's Or 2's

Mar 15, 2005

Hi! Don't know if you remember me, but I'm back again with a weird question.

A while ago, I built a database with a report in it that served as a schedule for my hospital. Names down the side, dates across the top, with counts in the data fields. Like if So and so works on 3/16/05, there would be a '1' in the field at the intersection of that date and her name. Now, because we have so many different shifts and the directors want everything in the grid fields, I'm trying to figure out a way to put in the actual shift symbol (7A, 7P, 12, D, E, N, etc.) in the grid for them so that if they have 7 nurses on the 7A shift and 3 paramedics on the 12 shift, and one unit secretary on the D shift, they will all show on the same schedule. Here's the data from the query I am using. It's a crosstab query and I'm not quite sure how to tweak it to get it right. Thanks for any help/advice you might be able to give me.

PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmDates]![Date] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Count([Staffing Query for Department].Title) AS CountOfTitle
SELECT [Staffing Query for Department].ERName, [Staffing Query for Department].Department, [Staffing Query for Department].Title, [Staffing Query for Department].Shift, Count([Staffing Query for Department].Department) AS [Total Of Department]
FROM [Staffing Query for Department]
GROUP BY [Staffing Query for Department].ERName, [Staffing Query for Department].Department, [Staffing Query for Department].Title, [Staffing Query for Department].Shift
PIVOT "d" & DateDiff("d",[Forms]![frmDates]!Date,[Date Scheduled]) In ("d0","d1","d2","d3","d4","d5","d6","d7","d8","d9","d10","d11","d12","d13","d14","d15","d16","d17","d18","d19","d20","d21","d22","d23","d24","d25","d26","d27");

I am going to try an Iif statement and see if it helps. Thank you!

Kelly Jo

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General :: Main Form With Two Lists Boxes - Show / Hide Datasheet Columns In A Subform

Aug 24, 2012

I've got a main form with two lists boxes. I want to show the visible columns in my subform (which is a datasheet) in one listbox and show the hidden columns in the other. Also I want to allow the user to hide / show columns using right or left arrow buttons between the list boxes. My subform is bound to a stored procedure using ADO.

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Reports :: Concatenating Sum And Count Functions In Footer

Mar 21, 2013

I have a report that I'm trying to concatenate some "sum" and "count" data into one line. This is what I have

Code : "There is currently" & " " & =Sum([pounds]) & " " & "Pounds in" & " " & =count([quant]) & " " & "Containers"

but it gives me a syntax error when going from Design view to Report View.

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How To Position Footer After All Detail Control Boxes

Aug 8, 2006

I have a standard form with Header, Detail, and Footer sections.
The detail section is populated by a mixture of queries and calculated control boxes.
When the detail section overruns its space, I get a vertical scroll bar to the right and then the footer is displayed. So, the footer always stays where it is and the scroll bar only moves the detail section.

Is it possible to get the scroll bar moving the whole lot so that the footer is not permanently viewable on the page and would appear after all the Detail boxes ?

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Forms :: Don't Show Subform Footer

Apr 15, 2015

I have two forms (attendance & member details). I put the attendance form in the member details form as a subform. My problem is that my attendance form has buttons in the footer that I want to keep (and need), but I don't want them showing up in the subform

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Reports :: Unbound Text Boxes In Report

Feb 5, 2015

I have 10 unbound textboxes with the Tag Name "LoopID" in my report. I have to display the "PatientNumbers" field from the table tblPatient in those text boxes. Below is my code.

When I run the report, I get the error message: Run-time error '2448.' You can't assign value to this object and the code "Ctl.Value = rst!LCANumber" is highlighted.

Private Sub Report_Current()
Dim strSql As String
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim x As Integer
Dim Ctl As Control
strSql = "Select PatientNumber from tblPatient"

[Code] ....

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Reports :: String Together Multiple YES / NO Text Boxes On Report

Sep 1, 2014

I have a Table of Special instructions. Each type of a Yes or No Text Box. There are 13 items in this table along with the ID key.

Each Field has a Special Description. I used the Y/N format for ease of use for user input to simply select the applicable options.

However, I need the text description to display on the printed report, which is not the problem.

So i created a separate text box for each item that simply says; If True, "Description", else blank. And named each one sp1...sp14.

So now, I want to take these text boxes with the proper descriptions and string them together.

My formula is: =Trim([sp1])&" "&([sp2]) etc.

This does produce the proper text results, however, and oddly enough, each item displays on its own line rather than in a string.

I get:

Instead of the desired result of SP1 SP2

This seems to simple, and probably has to do with the yes/no format. I've tried with and without (), and using + instead of &, and to troubleshoot, I eliminated the " ". No luck. Everything is coming back as a single column.

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