General :: Simple Store Keeping Inventory Database

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to create a simple store keeping In and Out inventory database using Access, I thought I had made it but looks like I am missing something here.

The store works on SRV (Store Receiving Voucher) and SIV (Store Issue Voucher). Products will be added based on SRV and will be issued out based on SIV. So far I have created the tables as you can see in the figure. One thing I am not understanding is where to keep the record of the Current Quantity of each product, lets say an Item has been added or issue out, it should be added or deducted accordingly from that specific products overall quantity. Right now I have a sample field within products table as you can see with the name QtyOnHand but that doesn't seem to be logical.

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General :: Database To Inventory PDF Files?

Jul 19, 2013

Create a database to inventory pdf files (and content ) .

I work for a building department and we are working on scanning old building permits from the 40's and 50's

Also i would like to inventory blueprints .

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General :: Changing Stock Levels For Inventory Database?

Feb 7, 2015

Im building an inventory database for my company and have the tables, relationships, forms and query's built but im struggling to figure out a way to make all the quantities move around when I have a purchase order or sales order that either adds to removes from inventory.

My database is fairly simple as all I need to do is track what is coming and going and what is the current levels of inventory. I have for instance a product table that has all the information on what products I have and what their part numbers, item number (primary key), description and so forth, separate customer tables and supplier tables, as well as an inventory table setup similar to the northwinds database. I used queries to combine my purchase order and purchase order detail tables and to combine the sales order and sales order detail tables to make sales orders and purchase orders through their respected forms and all is good in that sense but it doesn't move the inventory numbers just lists what is in each purchase Order/Sales order.

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General :: Inventory FIFO Database - How To Make Transaction

Apr 17, 2013

I want to make inventory fifo(first in first out) db. Example:

1- beginning balance : 800 unit @ 6$ per unit
4- received 200 unit @ 7$ per unit
10- received 200 unit @ 8$ per unit
11- issued 800 unit
12- received 400 unit @ 8$ per unit
20- issued 500 unit
25- returned 100 unit to storeroom to be recorded as latest issued prices
28- received 600 unit @ 9$ per unit

The report must be like pic attached

I dont know how to make transaction to do this....

My database in attachment

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Help Please On Table Design For Simple Inventory DB

Feb 12, 2007

Hi, I was asked to help create a very simple Access DB for a small restaurant to help them keep track of inventory.

The only things that the owner wants to keep track of are:
1.Item Catalog
2.Date and Quantity of Item IN or OUT
3.Current # of Items

My problem here is that there are 5 Item categories, each with a relatively lost list of Items under each one.
2.Ice Cream
3.Kitchen Supplies

Will it be advisable for me to create an Item Catalog TABLE for each of the category instead of piling all the Items into just one Item Catalog TABLE?

The Designs I’m currently considering are:


TABLE SET 1 : Catalog of Items
Fields (ID, Name)
•TABLE Drinks
•TABLE Ice Cream
•TABLE Kitchen Supplies
•TABLE Grocery
TABLE SET 2 : Movement IN/OUT of Items
Fields (Movement ID, Name, Date, IN-Amount, OUT-Amount)
•TABLE Drinks
•TABLE Ice Cream
•TABLE Kitchen Supplies
•TABLE Grocery

TABLE 1: Catalog of Items
Fields (ID, Category, Name)

TABLE 2: Movement IN/OUT of Items
Fields (Movement ID, Name, Category, Date, IN-Amount, OUT-Amount)

I’m really more inclined to choice A because I just re-learned Access last month and will be creating my first serious database just now. I don’t want to choose a more complex table structure (choice B) that might cause problems with the DB later (as it will really be used to keep track of real-life inventory and might screw up their operations if it goes haywire). Is Design A viable? Or flawed?

Another question I have is with the structure of the Movement – IN/OUT table. Is this workable? My thought is just to let the user enter something like:

Drink [date] [IN] [OUT]
Coke [date] [2] [0]
Coke [date] [0] [1]

In the database, then compute current Quantity of the Item using a query (Sum[IN] – Sum[OUT]) . Will this work? I’m a bit apprehensive with this because I’m thinking I should have another TABLE that will store the actual inventory Quantity instead of the Quantity just being computed through query. But doing another TABLE for Quantity does complicate stuff a lot since it will have to determine which Quantity value gets added to or subtracted from based on many criteria. Will it be OK just to use the query to compute Quantity left?

Thank you so much for any help on this!

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Simple Inventory Update From Form

Nov 28, 2006

Hello. I'm trying to design a simple database for a bicycle recycling charity. I hit a brick wall when realising that I had never before attempted to update a record. :eek: Until now I've just used Access to add new members to a bus user's organisation.

If the shop takes delivery of 20 tyres, I need to add 20 to the current stock.

Is it possible to achieve a simple Form that adds to or subtracts a quantity from current stock, or do I have to learn some access programming?

I've looked through some textbooks and can't find a simple update solution.

Thanks for any suggestions. :o

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Simple Inventory Of Ind. Parts But Selling Kits -- Please Help!

Nov 3, 2004

I'm not sure what the best way to set this up is, and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

I have a long list of different parts that I have acquired and taken inventory of. I am selling kits that contain different amounts of certain parts. For example, Kit 1 contains 2 of part A, 3 of part B, and 14 or part L. I will only be selling complete kits and not the individual parts.

Here's what I'm thinking. I need a table for the individual parts that lists the quantities of each. A table for the kits and a subtable for the kits that lists the quantities of each part. A transaction table.

Then I just need a form that has a combo box with the kits listed, date of transaction and quantity shipped, and a button that runs a query to subtract from the quantities of the individual parts based on the kits table and subtable.

Can someone please help? I'd really appreciate any tips.



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General :: Create A Simple Database?

Aug 27, 2014

I want to create a simple database so that I can enter childrens names and then add dates to these that they will be attending our Breakfast Club. Out of this I want to be able to create a daily register of children.

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General :: Create Simple Audit Trail In Database

Sep 2, 2013

I am trying to create a simple audit trail (which I got directions online) in my Database (and have posted a copy here) but am getting an error on the second form (and this will be a subform eventually) -The Audit Trail instructions say to put four fields in my table which feeds the form - CreateBy=Text, CreateDate=Date/Time and default to =now(), ModBy=text, and ModDate=Date/Time.

Then to add code to the Current and BeforeUpdate events on the form as you will see in my forms attached. I created a test database with very little data (called AuditTrackingTest2DBLp-attached). I created the first table (tblCustomers) and then created the form (FormCustomerInput) and then I added code to this form on the Current and BeforeUpdate as I was instructed in my notes and it recorded my changes perfectly in the tblCustomers.

I then created a new table called tblCustomerOrders and then a form (FormCustomerSubOrders) based on this table and added the same code to this form and it is giving me an error message in the code Compile Error: Variable not defined.

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Split Database - Keeping Front End Private

Dec 29, 2011

I want to create a split-database. I want the entries made on the front-end to update into a combined table in the back-end.

Back-end: One table with everyones entry

Front-end: Multiple forms that feed into the back-end.

When person A accesses his front-end form, he can only see his entries.

When person B accesses his front-end form, he can only see his entries.

When manager A wants to look at the back-end, he can see everyones entry in one table.

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General :: Keeping Record Of Voucher Code

Jan 3, 2013

I am currently in the middle of creating a database as a means of keeping records of vouchers codes. When someone uses a voucher, I will then be able to input the name of the customer with the voucher code in the form.

This is meant to do two processes:

1. Keep a record of who has used a voucher
2. Check and validate the voucher code (the codes are kept in a table).

Now, I have created 90% of the db to input the customers details etc BUT...I am struggling for the validation part. Ideally, the db would also remove the said voucher code from the table so the same voucher code can not be used more then once.

I was going to "pre-install" the voucher codes in the db and then print off the vouchers for distribution. But I am basically tying to make the system so that it cannot be abused (for obvious reasons)...

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General :: Keeping History Of Notes / Comments

Mar 26, 2014

How to extract the comment system from the Contacts Web Database template found in Access 2010? I can upload it if you like.

I would like to use it in a standard desktop database to track notes and comments in my records.

I am able to convert it from web to standard, but it still appears to use data macros or something, and my knowledge on macros is limited.

I just want to keep a history of my notes for each record, with the most recent always listed, and the comment system in the Contacts Web Database template seems perfect for that. I just don't know how to implement it into my desktop database.

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Keeping Background Notes Inside The Database Wrapper

Mar 21, 2006

Is there are facility which enables me to keep something like a Notepad text file safely inside the mdb wrapper.

I want to keep notes on what is going on in the database, state of development, reasons why certain decisions have been made, purpose of certain columns (but not as restricted as can be done in Table Design View), instructions for users or developers, or myself, etc, INSIDE THE mdb wrapper.

If I keep these notes in a separate notepad file, it will not go automatically with the mdb file when it is moved, or renamed; or it is not clear where it belongs in case there are different versions, etc.

Is there some provision for this in Access?



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General :: Breaking Up Table In ER Keeping Relation Of FK And PK Intact

Nov 30, 2013

I have a situation where i need to import a table in Access which is in Excel, After importing i need to know how can i break it up differently keeping relation of FK and PK intact: E.g.

Excel Sheet:

Name Biz ID Biz Name Address1 Address 2 Address 3 OrderNo Order Date

Person Record
ID(PK) Name Biz ID Biz Name Address 1 ....

Order Record
OrdIDPK ID FK OrderNo Order Date

How can i distribute it?

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Inventory Database Help

Apr 5, 2007

I have some basic knowledge of Access and how it works but when it comes to the SQL formulas and some database structures I have not had enough experience. If someone could please guide me in the right direction with this I would appreciate it.

I have need to setup a database of all equipment in a small room so that I can keep inventory on it. Right now I have a database with three tables in it. An Items table that relates barcodes of an item to the actual item name. A Tech table that contains all the techs that would take from or replace something in the inventory of this room. And a Transactions table where it holds what item, who, and if it was taken or stocked.

What I need the most help with setting up right now is how do I use the transactions table to total up all uses and stocks of each unique item so that I can get an idea of what is actually supposed to be in the room at the moment.

Thanks in advance.

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General :: Exporting Data From A Table Keeping Current Design

Sep 16, 2013

I want to export details from a table in access to a word document or any other document that will keep the current design and let me make changes afterwards.

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Music Inventory Database

Aug 4, 2005

hello, i am looking for a music inventory database, anybody any idea where i might get one

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Manufacturing Inventory Database

Sep 28, 2006

I need to create a small inventory database tracking product in stock and "x" amount of raw material to create it.

Is there a way, using MS Access that I can track inventory of the product as well as update how much material was used to create the product?

I am new to access but I know how to create a database and enter the fields I want, eg: product id, model number, product color, in stock, re order, lead time.

My problem is associating another table to deduct/or add the amount of material based on totals.

In a nutshell, I want to track product inventory as well as track raw material in stock to create more.

Thank you for any help!

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PC Inventory And Allocation Database

Jun 27, 2005

Im creating a db to keep records of computers that have been assigned to persons in their various departments and also unassigned computers and spare parts.


For the machine specifications table should i put in the following fields as columns

Hard Drive 1
Hard Drive 2
Hard Drive 3
Optical Drive 1
Drive 2
Drive 3

or should i just create a field called Component and another field called type/size e.g. component would be hard drive or opticqal drive and Type/Size would be 60GB or DVD+RW

or should i just create individual tables to store the Hard drive info separate from the optical disk and separate from the memory.

The database is going to get really big which is why i wana structure it properly you r help would be really appreciated.

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Inventory Control Database Help

Nov 1, 2005


I am trying to develop an inventory control database and would really appreciate some advice on the way I propose to develop the application

Inventory Control Database.

Outline for inventory control database.

The database will have the following tables:

Supply Table

Person Table

Supplied Table

On hand table

Orders Table

The Supply Table - will store the names of the stock items available

The persons table - will basically hold information on the person receiving the product/supplies

The Supplied Table - will hold information on who is being supplied, what is being supplied, who is the supplier, how much is supplied and when.

The On Hand table - will initially store the opening stock for all the stock items available. When an individual is given some of that stock, the amount of stock given will be subtracted from the on hand total, for that particular stock item.

The Orders Table – Will be the place where we will record all orders received. Once an order is received, this figure will be added to the On Hand Total for that particular item. So ultimately the on hand table should reflect initially the opening stock figure, then the opening stock figure plus any amounts ordered. I anticipate that after the initial opening stock figure is entered onto the system, the on hand table will be automatically populated by the orders table, and the site user will only need to manually update the On hand table in case of emergency, for example if a mistake is made on the order table.

I would really appreciate some help with the table design logic here. This is the first time that I have developed a stock ordering system, and would appreciate any advice on the over all design.

Initially, I want to build this as an access application then convert it to a web application ASP/SQL Server



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Table Organization For Inventory Database

Sep 1, 2005

I'm wrestling with a problem with a hardware and software database, on the software side. I'm trying to figure out where to store the license and media cost for a piece of software. Right now I have the following tables:

1. Software name (MS Word, Office, for example)
2. Software version, which also stores whether a license is required
3. Software license, which includes the license code and whether that license expires
4. Software inventory table, which stores the # of licenses we have available for installation. The purchase order (PO) # and date are currently here.
5. Software PO generating table. This is used when we need to reorder more licenses, or a new piece of software.

I need to figure out where to store the cost of the software, the cost of the license, how many people are covered by the license. I've been trying to decide which of the last three tables should store this information.

There are two issues: we need to keep a history of how much older versions of the software and its licenses cost, as well as be able to enter information to order new versions of the software and/or licenses.

Any input would be appreciated!

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Tables :: Setting Up Inventory Database

Feb 8, 2015

I need to create an inventory database that will track customer owned inventory as it is received stored serviced and sent back to my customer. I am in the oil and gas industry and store large amounts of customer owned pipe. many joints will have the same part number but each joint is one of a kind in that it has a joint,heat, lot, and batch number. here is an example,

Job Name: Shell ex
Part Number: 129001
Quantity: 1000

Here is an example of joint info I need to record

Joint Number:193
Heat Number: f21283
Lot: 202
Reference: byy2112

Each one of the thousand joints will have a combination of this information making it one of a kind.

My system needs to allow my users to receive jobs, record where we store the pipe in a rack location, pull the specific joints out of inventory as the customer calls for them. We will receive 1000 at a time but the customer calls for portions of that job over long periods of time..

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General :: Integrating Scanner Into Inventory DB?

Aug 7, 2015

I have scanner (Unitech MS335-1G) and my end goal is to scan a product number bar code on a box into a field on a form. Then from what is scanned into the box run a query on another table that has all the info on the product. Then populate other fields on the form.

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Newbie Needs Help With Tracking Inventory In Orders Database

Oct 24, 2004

I am developing a database for a friend and have all the relationships,
tables, forms, queries and reports working well. I used the orders template to
build this and just made a few changes. I have an orders form with an orders details
subform that works beautifully. There is also customers table, employee table,
products and inventory table. The inventory table has product ID, units in stock and reorder level
as the only fields. I need an easy way to have the orders detail form decrease inventory as
items are ordered and also some sort of way to enter restock. Can anyone offer advice that a
beginner can understand in regard to this?

I wrote an update query that he can run that will subtract the qty ordered from the units on stock
for orders with order date >= whatever date he enters, but if he enters a date he's previously updated it will update those records again. I think this is not a good way to go but the only way I could accomplish. I have him using the same order entry form with customer name Restock to add items to inventory by putting an if then else statement in the before mentioned update query. This just adds to inventory if customer name="Restock" else the qty ordered is inventory units in stock -qty ordered.

I'm sure someone can suggest a better way. A friend mentioned dsum function but can't explain how to apply it in this instance. Thanks so much!!!!

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Importing Daily Excel Spreadsheets Into Item Inventory Access Database

Feb 1, 2005


I am not sure how complicated of a job this is, but we want to be able to import our daily recievals of inventory into our existing inventory database instead of entering it by hand. I try using the wizard, however when I get to "finish" it says there was an error and it was not imported.

I don't know much about access but I was hoping one of you could point me in the right direction.

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Reports :: Inventory Database - Printing A Report That Matches Real Layout

Jul 20, 2015

I want to track inventory. All our items are tubes that are stored in boxes in a 10x10 grid. So I have a single access table with columns for tube ID, box ID, and position in the box (numbered 1-100). That works fine in terms of 'where can I find tube x'. However it's also useful to be able to look at the physical box & check that there are tubes where should be tubes, and empty spaces where there should be empty spaces. So for each box in the database, I want to print out a 10x10 grid, with the appropriate tube ID's in the appropriate place. Then I can easily check the layout in the database against the layout in the actual box.

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