General :: String Manipulation On A Table - Text Is Gibberish In Group By Query

Jun 22, 2015

While processing string manipulation on a table (140K records, 200-250 MB) the file has corrupted, and I lost all vba Modules, but the data and other DB objects seemed to be in tact.

I now have a query with a text field, when I make a simple join SELECT, the text comes in fine (and, of course, seems fine when presented in table), but when Group by - I get Gibarish: "CARVEDILOL 6.25MG, TABLETS"

Is presented in Group by as: "ç …5"

I have recreated the file, importing queries, including this one, but then recreated it as a totally new query, but get that same results.

File Corruption? anything to do about it?

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String Manipulation: Cleaning Up Address Labels

Dec 28, 2007

PROBLEM: String Manipulation

"Cleaning up Mom's Christmas address labels"

I need guidance on the best string manipulation functions (Instr, Left, Right) to cleanup my mother's Christmas address list of 300+ names.

I have successfully imported the text file into Excel and exported to Access; fieldnames: FULLNAME, ADDRESS, CITYSTATEZIP

I have found instructions on how to breakout FULLNAME field into FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME.

But within the FULLNAME field are many combinations of titles (Mr., Mr. & Mrs., Dr., HON.) with inconsistent periods applied.

Which one of string manipulation functions:


would be best for extracting these various titles from this name field?

I understand the concepts behind the above functions, but not enough experience using them to understand the tedious syntax or which string manipulation function would be best for extracting the varying title entries to a separate created field called TITLES.

So far, I have deduced this will be a multi-step process. But asking for guidance:

1.) Which string function is best suited for this?
2.) Example of the function syntax for an update query?
2.) Suggested order to administer update queries?...

to extract misc titles from the FULLNAME field.

I am a novice-casual Access user.

Thanks, Greg

(If someone would copyright these steps into a book called "Cleaning Up Mom's Christmas Address List"... I am sure they could retire from sales on Amazon. :-)

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Queries :: Create Join Using LEFT String Manipulation

Apr 28, 2015

I think I know the answer but want to check. I've been asked to create a query, without querying a query first, but it's the only way I know.

I have two tables

Table1 will have data in a column that is 9 characters long

Table2 will have data in a column that is 6 characters long

Question: Can I create a Join from Table2 Field with the Left(Field,6) from Table1

I was thinking something like this. (but then I can't enter design mode)
Query1 - Test

FROM Table2 INNER JOIN Table1 ON Table2.ORDDETTYPE = Left(Table1.ORDERDET,6)

I presume the only way to do this is first query Table1 (and call Query2) and return the first 6 characters and the create another query (Query3 in this case) using Query2 field joined with Table2 field.


FROM Table1;



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Queries :: Alphanumeric String Manipulation - Move Data At The Left To Right

May 23, 2013

I have several thousands of lines of data which I wish to manipulate programmatically, if at all possible. I think that all of the possible permutations are summed-up by the following examples :

123 A text string
2-8 Another text string
A-C Another text string here
3-20 And some more text
3A-126B More text
Some text without any numbers or letters at the left

What I need to do is :

Move the alphanumeric data at the left to the right. So the data would end up looking like this :

A text string 123
Another text string 2-8
Another text string here A-C
And some more text 3-20
More text 3A-126B
Some text without any numbers or letters at the left

I suppose it hinges on identifying where the first space in from the left appears, cutting the string at that point, and

Is this possible, programmatically ?

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General :: Group By Query And Adding Checkbox Fields To Update A Table

Oct 24, 2014

I have a invoice system I have created in Access and it did used to work perfectly and then maybe an update Who knows stopped the system working.

I have an customer order screen that has customer details and then a subform within the same form this takes a total of items & costs for this order and then it entered it into the customers table from the order_Details table using me.Order_total = Order_Total.

I know this is bad design but I store it because once the order is places I need the total to be static because the invoice has been sent and so if someone changes the order then the total owed doesn't change.

I then have a reconcile form which is on a datasheet form straight from the tab;e so it is editable which has a checkbox that then once ticked copies the total from the Order_Total in the table to the reconciled field in the same table and then I use a report to show who owes me still.

So I have made a Select query from the Orders table & Order_Details table and used a Group by Order number (Which is the link between the 2 tables) this shows correctly but now not editable because of the rules So I am trying to add an editable checkbox on the same form.

I tried to use a dlookup makes all of the boxes either ticked or not. I've been looking at Recordsets but I'm unsure if this is what I need or not really

So really I just need to see if I should be putting the Total from the Subform into the mainform and then entering it into the table (Like previously) using a calculated unbound field and then using the Afterupdate event to insert the data into the table. but for some reason it just wont work.

I can get the OnClick to work but then as soon as i go to the next record for some reason it then resorts to 0.00 but then the table shows correctly which ever record the form is working on.

Or should I be using the new query based idea to create the reconcile form and if this is the best way I just don't now where to start on how to get a multiple table query that I can then add a reconciled checkbox which then copies the Order_Total from the table to the Paymet_Recieved field.

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General :: Extract Text And Numeric From A String

Feb 12, 2013

"Att Mr/Mrs Vezi Your DEFAULTED account has been handed over to XXX. Payment DUE IMMEDIATELY Ref 1315519509. Tel 0009377500"

I need to extract the word "Ref " plus the number that follows it from the above string. The problem is that the word "Ref " is not always in the same place and the number following it is not always the same length. (ie it could look like "Ref 123456 " or "Ref 1234567 ") The only commonality between the records is that the number will always follow the word "Ref ".

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General :: Populate A Text Box Based On String

Sep 12, 2014

I have a select query that holds anywhere between 1 to a couple hundred records, I need to take the Name field and populate a textbox which after verification I write to a text file that I later use in a powershell script. So far have tried using VBA to create a variable and populate the textbox based on the string but it only provides me the first item, I've tried dmax and this gives me a single result last Item, Dlookup only gives me the first item, changed it to a listbox which populates the box correctly but only writes the selected item in to my text file.

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General :: Convert Text String To Date Format

Apr 10, 2013

I am connecting acces to oracle servers via ODBC .

In the table there is a date time stamp - format data type text:


I would like to convert so that it is recognised as a date so I can calculate against e.g. Now() or another standard date format.

this is what I am currently using (which is OK) BUT I need to calculate against the time also.

Current Check Point Date: CDate(Mid([DZ_ZPKT_AK],7,2) & "/" & Mid([DZ_ZPKT_AK],5,2) & "/" & Mid([DZ_ZPKT_AK],1,4))

I spoke to an IT guy who works in TOAD program and he gave me this SQL:

select to_date(dz_zpkt_ak,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')from orders where ordnr='4411310';

this is the format I would like but cant make this work.

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Table Manipulation Problem

Aug 23, 2006

I currently have a table with contact data set out like so (first few columns shown only, but about 10 in total);

ID Establishment Surname FirstName etc1 etc2 etc3
1 ABC Frost Jim data. data. data.
2 ABC Jennings Paul data.. data.. data..
3 XYZ Smith Dave data.. data.. data..

You will see that the first two contacts are from the same establishment, but the third is not.

I would like the table to be formated so that I have a single row for an establishment, but multiple contacts in the same row, i.e. as below.

ID Establishment Surname FirstName etc1 etc2 etc3 Surname_02 FristName_02 etc1_02 etc..
1 ABC Frost Jim data. data. data. Jennings Paul data.. data.

There are 16,000 records which I need to manipulate (roughly 3 contacts per establishment), hence I wondered if there was a was to do this, or maybe export to excel first, then manipulate and then re-import into an Access table.

I am very new to access and any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Data Manipulation Query

Oct 29, 2007

Dear all

I wonder if anyone could advise?

I routinely have to manipulate antibiotic testing data as part of my job. The data takes the form...

OPIE idAntibiotic nameSusceptibility result description
ID1High level ampicillinSusceptible
ID1High level streptomycinSusceptible
ID1High level tetracyclineResistant
ID1Low level ciprofloxacinSusceptible
ID1Nalidixic acidSusceptible

...which I have to crosstabulate, reorder, recode and place in a new table.

Currently I use two queries in Access to do this, but it takes a long time as there are invariably a million or so records.

I've tried to use VBA to speed things up, but with limited success.

Firstly I tried to do a cross-tab and append for each unique identifier...

Code:Sub PopCrossReorderRecode1()Dim db As DatabaseDim rsAbres As RecordsetDim rsCrosstab As RecordsetSet db = CurrentDb()Set rsAbres = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT [OPIE id] FROM Abres GROUP BY [OPIE id]")For Each Value In rsAbresSet rsCrosstab = db.OpenRecordset("TRANSFORM Max(Abres.[Susceptibility result description]) AS [MaxOfSusceptibility result description] " & _ "SELECT Abres.[OPIE id], Max(Abres.[Susceptibility result description]) AS " & _ "[Total Of Susceptibility result description] " & _ "FROM Abres " & _ "PIVOT Abres.[Antibiotic name];") DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO CrossReorderRecode ( [OPIE id], Tested, Ak, pA, Ctx, Ctr, Cfx, Cx, Cfd, C, Cp, Co, Fu, G, A, S, T, K, CpL, Nx, Ne, Sp, pS, Su, gT, Tm )" & _ "SELECT rsCrossTab.[OPIE id], rsCrossTab.[Total Of Susceptibility result description], " & _ "rsCrossTab.AMIKACIN, rsCrossTab.AMPICILLIN, rsCrossTab.CEFOTAXIME, rsCrossTab.CEFTRIAXONE, " & _ "rsCrossTab.CEFUROXIME, rsCrossTab.CEPHALEXIN, rsCrossTab.CEPHRADINE, rsCrossTab.CHLORAMPHENICOL," & _ "rsCrossTab.CIPROFLOXACIN, rsCrossTab.COLISTIN, rsCrossTab.FURAZOLIDONE, rsCrossTab.GENTAMICIN, " & _ "rsCrossTab.[HIGH LEVEL AMPICILLIN], rsCrossTab.[HIGH LEVEL STREPTOMYCIN], " & _ "rsCrossTab.[HIGH LEVEL TETRACYCLINE], rsCrossTab.KANAMYCIN, rsCrossTab.[LOW LEVEL CIPROFLOXACIN], " & _ "rsCrossTab.[NALIDIXIC ACID], rsCrossTab.NEOMYCIN, rsCrossTab.SPECTINOMYCIN, rsCrossTab.STREPTOMYCIN, " & _ "rsCrossTab.SULPHONAMIDE, rsCrossTab.TETRACYCLINE, rsCrossTab.TRIMETHOPRIM " & _ "FROM rsCrossTab;"NextEnd Sub

...but just got a run-time error 3251 or an error with the transform statement.

Next I tried to address each antibiotic at time...

Code:Sub PopCrossReorderRecode2()DoCmd.SetWarnings off' Delete the current contents of CrossReorderRecodeDoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE CrossReorderRecode.* FROM CrossReorderRecode;"'Populate OPIE id in CrossReorderRecode from AbresDoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO CrossReorderRecode ( [OPIE id] ) SELECT Abres.[OPIE id] FROM Abres GROUP BY Abres.[OPIE id]", dbOpenTable' Run an update query for each antibiotic, putting the relevant code into the relevant field'AmpicillinDoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE CrossReorderRecode INNER JOIN Abres ON CrossReorderRecode.[OPIE id] = Abres.[OPIE id] " & _ "SET CrossReorderRecode.pA = IIf([Abres].[Susceptibility result description]=""RESISTANT"",""A"", " & _ "IIf([Abres].[Susceptibility result description]=""INTERMEDIATE"",""pA"", " & _ "(IIf([Abres].[Susceptibility result description]=""SUSCEPTIBLE"","""",""."")))) " & _ "WHERE (((Abres.[Antibiotic name])=""AMPICILLIN"")); "'High level Ampicillin'etc etc

...and whilst this worked it took twice as long as the original query, which I imagine is do to its repetitive nature.

If anyone is able to point me in the right direction I'd be grateful. I'm relatively new to VBA and finding it useful and frustrating in equal measures!



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Group By And String

Feb 25, 2008

Perhaps this is not the right description but I needed a tittle.

I have a query that consists out of multiple table.

The query contains 3 fields:
1. Course_ID
2. Part_ID
3. Page

I grouped the first 2 but here is the thing:
I want the contents of the page field to be displayed next to each other like this.

Query without grouping:

Course_ID Part_ID Page
1 | 2 | A
1 | 2 | B
1 | 2 | C
2 | 4 | S
2 | 2 | V

And it should be this:
Course_ID Part_ID Page
1 | 2 | A, B, C
2 | 4 | S
2 | 2 | V

How can I achieve this?

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Help Passing A Text Box String To A Saved Query

Sep 21, 2005

I have a multi-select list box that runs a "For intCounter" and builds a sting into a text box. That works fine the text box will populate as designed <"Closed" OR "On-Going">.

(I know that I should be dynamically creating the query in the first place ... normally I would ... but this is a quick fix that I want to get it into an existing application, while the redesign requirements are being written.)

Now I want to pass that string to a pre-existing query, but I'm not sure what to write in the criteria section.

I've tried...
Like "*" & [Forms]![ViewReports]![TextPickList] & "*"

and just plain old ...

but my query is coming up blank. What do I need to write into the criteria section of this saved query?

thanks in advance!

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Cannot Get Columns To Add Up - Query Display It As Text String

Apr 28, 2014

For whatever reason when I try to add up two columns in a query instead of adding up the two numbers it displays it as a text string. So if one column has a 5 and the other is a 2 I am looking for the calculated column to reflect 7, currently it is showing 5,2.

I have added up items in the past so I am unsure what the problem is

should be [rev bid amount 1]+[rev bid amount 2].

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Modules & VBA :: Conditionally Increment Text String Query

Sep 27, 2013

I have a simple select query , and I want to add a field that will take the value from another field and increment it based on a condtion.

i know i need a case statement but not sure how to go about this ..
column 4 is my desired result

i want to increment the text string from column 3 based on column 3 and restart the increment based on column 1

values of A would increment in the following manner 01,11,21,31,41 etc
values of O would increment 02,12,22,32,42,52,62

i'd also like the option that if a new value were introduced to increment it

values of x would increment 80,81,82,83,84

Example data .. apples and oranges ..

column1 column2(name) column3(type) column4
mary braeburn A 01A
mary blood O 02A
tom cortland A 01A
tom fuji A 11A
tom navel O 02O
tom mcintosh A 21A


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Text String From Form Query - Multiple Choices

Aug 12, 2012

Been a while since I put hands on access. Working with a very simple database.

Working with 1 table, 1 form, 1 query.

Query has several fields. Field of interest contains names of counties.

In query design view I can type, "CountyA" Or "CountyB" or "CountyC" in the criteria and the desired results are returned.

On form I've created a text box and an open report button. The report I'm trying to open uses the query as the data source. I reference the text box on the form as the criteria for the query as follows:


If I enter the the name of a single county into the form it executes perfectly. If I try to enter multiple counties it fails. This is true whether I just enter the county names or replicate the exact criteria string I use in the source query. For example

CountyA works and returns desired values for County A
CountyA Or CountyB or CountyC fails. The report opens but no records are returned
"CountyA" Or "CountyB" or "CountyC" = exactly how it is entered in the query if I'm not using the form opens report but no records are returned

How can I pass multiple values from a single text box to the query.

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General :: How To Get Last Character Of The String In Query

Nov 5, 2012

How to get the last character of the string in query?

I have a table name PlateNo and I want to get the last character for registration purposes.

Ex. ZMD-123 - I want to get the number three(3) and if its possible every time the user types the last digit in criteria it will show all plate number ending in the entered number.

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General :: String Fields - Add Next Condition To Query

Mar 17, 2015

I have a query which working fine:

strSQL = "Select [nazwa], [id_wycena_pre], [Format_(X)], [Format_(Y)], [kolory p], [kolory t], [nazwa_id], [iloscstron], [numerarkusza], [naklad_pracy], [Kolory P], [Kolory T] from tblGoraZleceniaNowaWyceny where [id_wycena_pre]=" & Forms!frmWycenyObszarRoboczy!ID_wycena_pre & " and [nazwa]='" & "środek" & "' or [nazwa]='" & "okładka" & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)...

But now I would like to add next condition to this query

where [kolory p] is not null or [kolory t] is not null

- these fields are string

I don't know how to write this condition and add to my exiting strSQL string

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Query – Group By 2 Like Fields In A Table

Jun 6, 2006

My table looks like this:
Sales(a)||Date(a)||Sales(b)||Date(b)||Sales(c)||Da te(c)
1) 50 05/06 75 06/15 100 08/15
So I want to show all sales with the criteria - Date >05/01 <07/01.
The final query totals will be
50 05/06
So the issue is that there are 38 rows with similar data in each column
I have the table in this format because I also have a form that feeds off this table and it needs to be in this format-but I would also like to run a query/report from this table that summaries sales. I also know that since there is more than 1 date value in the row, this is going to make the query difficult to run (each date is linked to a certain sales total).
I guess what I want to do is transfer the horizontal data to vertical data (with certain criteria)
Please help!!!

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Show Text Box In A Form Based On Character Within A String In Another Text Box

Dec 21, 2012

I have a form where I want a textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] to be visible only if another text box on the same form [PaNumber] contains the letter D in the string. This is the code I have on the forms On Current property but I'm missing something because textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] doesn't show on the form at all.

If Me.PaNumber = "*D" Then
Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = True
Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = False
End If

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Storing A Calculation As A String In A Table And Executing It In A Query.

Jun 11, 2007

N.B. This is not your usual 'Bad practice to Store calculated values in a table' post

I have a table of items.
Each item has a different formula attached which I need to store as a literal value in the table and execute it as a normal expression in a query or vb.


Columns:Item, QTY, Hrs, mins, ItemFormula
Data: Car, 2, 7, 3, [QTY]+ [Hrs]/[mins]

So ' [QTY]+ [Hrs]/[mins]' would literally be stored for that rercod and is how it would be displayed in a table, form, report etc as it is important for the user to see how the calculation is performed as well as seeing the end result which will be calculated as normal in vb or a query.
The formula will vary from record to record.

How do I go about this?


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Queries :: Convert String Back To Hyperlink In Access Query From SQL Table?

Nov 10, 2014

I am in the process of building a new database in SQL to replace my MS Access database. However, I will continue to use the Access forms, queries, and reports. The new tables will house much of the same data. In multiple tables I have hyperlinks that were created and added in the original Access tables. To import these hyperlinks into the new SQL tables I have converted them to 'Long Text' before exporting, thus changing them into strings.

For example:

Hyperlink - Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) has been changed to:

Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010)#ServernameServerfolderDocumentationRea dy to GoOutlook TemplatesEmail - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010).oft#

The obvious issue that I am running into is that after the SQL database table has been linked to the Access database it still displays the entire string when I open the table. The form has a textbox and search button that is used as a search function. This runs a query that returns all "search results" for the desired information. Is there a way that the query can convert the string back into a hyperlink so that the query displays just Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) as a hyperlink and not the entire string?

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Data Manipulation

Oct 22, 2007

Is there anyway to strip all characters except numeric out of a value? For example: 999/777-5555. I want to strip the / and the hyphen. The characters can vary so is there anyway to recognize just numeric?

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Tick Box Manipulation

Mar 17, 2008

This is probably very simple but still beyond me.

I have a table that stores text in a number of different languages. Each entry has a unique ID number. Each language version of the same text shares the ID number.
I have a column of tick boxes that show where this text is used.
1.0 English_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=n tickcol3=y
1.0 French_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=n tickcol3=y
1.0 Spanish_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=n tickcol3=y
2.0 English_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=y tickcol3=y
2.0 French_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=y tickcol3=y
2.0 Spanish_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=y tickcol3=y

I am trying to set the tick boxes so that, if I tick one in an ID range, all the rest tick on as well. ie if I tick record 1.0 English tick_col_2, then the French and spanish will be ticked as well.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


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Data Manipulation

Dec 28, 2004

How can two cells be used to calculate any data within a row or column?
For ex. to calculate balance in a database?

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General :: Exporting Table From Access As Text File?

May 1, 2015

When exporting a table from Access as a text file, it keeps adding .00 to the end of the number format records that I am tying to export.

Why it is doing that and what I need to do to prevent that from happening?

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General :: Create A Table With Single Text Field

Jul 8, 2014

Encountered this bug in Access 2010:

1) Create a table with a single text field
2) Enter some text values, including one which begins either "aa", "AA" or "Aa" (but not "aA"!)
3) Sort the field, and note where it puts the string(s) created in (2)

For me, they appear at the wrong end of the sorted list! I have tested this in Access 2007 and 2010 and it only happens in 2010. I'm using 32 bit Access on 64 bit Win 7 Pro.

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