General :: Subtotal On Subform Saving To Table

Jul 17, 2013

find the attached MS access DB for INVOICE printing . I am facing two issues there .

1. {form INVOICE } sub-total must be Calculated from line total on {INVOICE DATA Subform} , I know this can be accomplished by adding a new field at sub-form and calling that value to main form's sub-total field .

2. And the real issue is i want to save this value from subtotal on form INVOICE to table field name subtotal .

3.I wish to make a reporting format for each INVOICE NUMBER , whenever report is being generated , the report shows more than 1 invoice details .

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Forms :: Calculate Subtotal On Subform And Display On Upper Subform

Jun 20, 2013

im having problems getting a subform to calculate another subform's total and display it as it keeps coming up with the #NAME?.Basically my database is like this

- tblOrders
- tblItems

and this is displayed on a form. so you can flick through clients, then flick through the orders and its broken down into the items inside each order.i have seen many answers that are only about calculating something on a subform and displaying on a form but this does not work when displaying on a 'parent' subform. the form structure looks like this

- sFrmCustomerItems
- sFrmCustomerOrders

i have a calculated control textbox in the footer of sFrmCustomerOrders with sums up all the prices using =sum([Price])and in my sFrmCustomerItems, i have a field called Amount (the total amount of all the items) and the Control Source formula i was using was =[Forms]![sFrmCustomerOrders]![sFrmCustomerItems]![txtTotalPrice] but i get a #NAME? error.

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General :: Split Form And Subform Columns Not Saving

Oct 25, 2013

For some reason when I change the order around of the columns in a split form or subform 90% of the time it wont save (right click save, file save, etc..) and have to constantly redo it until it finally works. Am I missing something obvious as to why this is happening?

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Forms :: Subform Not Saving Data Into Table

Nov 5, 2014

I have a subform which is for payment, it has a calculated field which is called TotalPayment, with expression:


in the control source. When a value is displayed in this field an ID number should be assigned to the PaymentID field, but this does not happen, the field remains null.

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Forms :: Continuous Subform - Validate Data Before Saving To Table

May 18, 2013

I have a continuous subform that displays lots of questions. This specific form has 10 questions on it. Each question has one answer and the users are required to select one answer for each question. I am trying to do some data validation before the data gets saved to my table to ensure that users have answered all the questions. I found some very useful code online and tweaked it to suit my needs. The validation works perfectly on subforms with only one question, as I have some other tabs that use it.

On the specific form that has the issue, the validation works as expected when no question has been answered, but when a user answers only one question and leaves the remaining nine questions blank, the validation does not work. I guess it is as a result of the continuous form repeating the different questions and ms access thinking that the data entered for one question alone is complete when it actually isn't.

Private Sub Ctl4_frm_Staff_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim ctrl As Control, EmptyStr$
For Each ctrl In Form_subFrm_staffQuestion.Controls
If InStr(1, ctrl.Tag, "Required") > 0 Then
If IsNull(ctrl.Value) Or ctrl.Value = vbNullString Or Len(ctrl.Value) = 0 Then

[Code] ......

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General :: Checkboxes Not Saving To Table

Oct 20, 2013

I am writing a program in Access 2010. My check boxes are not saving to the table. I have stepped through the code with no errors and it only saves the last check box to the table. Here is my code:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdSave_Click_Error

Dim rs As Object
Dim db As Object

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblUserPermissions")

[Code] .....

I attached the full code.

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Forms :: Values Populated From A Subform To A Main Form Not Saving To Table?

Feb 4, 2015

I am having a problem with calculated fields that are populated on the main form from the subform not saving to the table the main form is linked to.

I created a Purchase Order table that has information on what emplyee created the record, reason for order, customer information if its ordered for a customer, creation date, eta date and notes while the Purchase Order details table is for information on the supplier, product item number, product name, quantity and cost. they are linked by the Purchase Order number which is the primary key in the Purchase order table. it all looked good so i made the form with the Purchase Order Detail as the subform, i got the form all working great and how i wanted it but then i decided i wanted the supplier name and the subtotal of the cost in the main form populated or calculated by the values in the subform.

I copied the fields i wanted populated in the main form to the subform footer and added the calculation for the subtotal then added the formula to the source code on those fields in the main form so the values would populate. it all worked great on the form and the values populated as they were supposed to so i saved the record and went to look at the tables and i found that while the values in the calculated fields that I populated from the subform showed up in the form they didnt save to the table while the non calculated fields saved fine. i did some experimenting and found that if i delete the code and put the data source back to the table in the form and just type something in the text box it would save to the table but not if i had the code in and let it populate.

an example of one of the codes i used to populate the data in the main form is:

=[frmNewPurchaseOrderDetails subform2].[Form]![txtsubfrmSupplierID]

did i mess up in the code or did i do something to the relationship between the form and the table?

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General :: Saving Information From Form To A Different Table?

Nov 26, 2012

I have created a form and a subform within it, I have managed to populate all the dropdown boxes from the tables I need. but I need to save all the information in putted to a table called bookingstbl and I do not know where to begin?

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General :: Saving Multiple Checkboxes To Table

Oct 16, 2013

I created a Microsoft Access database and access to the system must be controlled by User Access Level Control. The level of the user determines whether the user can add, edit, delete or view a certain form.

I created three tables which are linked via foreign keys: tblUsers, tblUserRoles and tblPermissions. (See the Tables attachment)

I designed the Permissions form to be user friendly by adding checkboxes on the form so that the Administrator can select whether a new user has Add, Edit, Delete or View rights. (See the User Level attachment)

To test my code I added a user as an Administrator. The problem is that when I select the Add, Edit, Delete and View checkboxes, it only saves the last checkbox to the Permissions table. The Administrator must have Add, Edit, Delete or View privileges on the Employees form, but now he only has View privileges. My code does not generate an error. (See the Incorrect attachment)

The Permissions table is suppose to save four entries(See the Correct attachment)

Here is my code.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim rstPermissions As Object
Dim dbFSManagement As Object
Set dbFSManagement = CurrentDb
Set rstPermissions = New ADODB.recordSet

[Code] .....

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Saving Subform Records

Sep 14, 2005

I have a subform within a form and the subform has the child records for the main form. When I move from the main form to the subform by tabbing the records in the main form are saved. However, in the subform after it is completed if a certain field in a groupbox is chosed another form opens up which contains records in the many side of the relationship with the first subform. The problem is that the first subforms records aren't saved because the originall form isn't closed and I don't want it closed...How would I save those subform records when the new form opens up?


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Saving Form Data Before Going To Subform

Jun 29, 2006

And another question...

In my database I have a button on a form which leads to a subform popping up. On the subform popping up, I display data from the first form. However, unless I first save the original form and then go to the subform, the data isn't passed on. How can I make the button both open up the subform and save the form so that the data is passed on?

Again, any help is much appreciated.

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Forms :: Subform Not Saving Automatically

Dec 23, 2013

I have one problem with subforms. I have one bound main form and two bound subforms: one subform is used to display existing records in datasheet view while another is used to enter new records in form view, but this latter subform for new records will not save automatically, nor will it save by using the me.refresh or me.dirty=true in the unload event of the subform control. The parent child relationship is intact. I can even see the primary key of the new row in the subform but it does not appear in the table that the subform is based on. This primary key adds by one automatically.

I have struggled and finally made work a combo box in the main form that finds existing records but also is able to add new records when the value entered is not on the list. Below is the code I used. I am not sure if this code is overriding Access's save ability of the subform?

Private Sub Combo316_AfterUpdate()
Dim n As String
gblvariable = cbobox

n = DLookup("ID", "[Customers Extended]", "[Customer Name] = '" & Me!Combo316 & "'")

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Saving Information In Subform?

Dec 3, 2013

I have a subform and I want to save the username to the bound table in this subform.

I've tried creating a textbox (CompBy) and then setting the default value to = Environ("UserName") but this doesn't work.

I've tried placing the following in the afterupdate event of the subform:
Me.CompBy = Environ("username")
But this doesn't work either.

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Modules & VBA :: Navigation Control Subform Saving

Jul 18, 2013

Access 2010. one of the forms i load into a navigation form is in datasheet view and some vba re-sizes all the columns as it loads in.

However, this then means that when i try to navigate away to another form i always get prompted whether to save the form or not.

because the form is in a navigation subform i can't use:

DoCmd.Save acForm, Form_NavigationForm.NavigationSubform.Form.Name
' or this...
DoCmd.Save acForm, "my_form"

in both cases i get an error : the object my_form isn't open

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General :: Permissions Not Saving

Jul 10, 2014

I have created 10 User Group Accounts, and have set Permissions for the first 7 successfully. However, no Permission settings are being saved for any subsequent Groups. (Access 2010 managing a 2003 mdb file, Front and Back client)

After having experimented a little, I found that while Access allows you to create a Group name with 20 characters, any Group with 20 characters in the name does not save Permissions.19 Characters seems to be the maximum characters a Group can actually be named with.

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General :: Use Fields In Query Based Subform To Populate A Table

May 29, 2015

I have a main screen that has a tabbed form in it. Each of those tabs has a sub-form in it that displays information and allows some information to be updated.

In one tab I have a query based sub-form that returns information related to the project. This information cannot be manipulated or changed as it comes out of a company managed database. I would like the analysts to be able to add more granular information to a new table by inputting information in a dropdown field for one of the new table fields, but utilizing two of the existing sub-forms fields as identifiers in the new table.

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General :: Sum On Subform Datasheet - Enter Result To Table Record

Aug 20, 2012

I already make textbox name: TbBanyak on subform footer with control source =sum([Jumlah])

I success display it on mainform with texbox control source =[Jualsubform].[Form]![TbBanyak]

how to enter/record the result to table record??

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General :: Saving Records In Alternative DB?

Jul 6, 2012

I have a stock db with records that go back to 2006. I want to clear some of the old records but save them incase required. I still need to leave from 2010 until present on the db. I have a front and back end on the db.

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General :: Modifying Record And Saving In New Location?

Dec 4, 2013

I'm working on a database that will be used by two different groups. Group A provides a list of items to be investigated by Group B.

I'm wondering if it is possible to:

i) have Group A create an excel file of items to be investigated (let's call the file tblNEW)

ii) open a record in the file through a form (let's call the form frmINPUT) to allow Group B to input investigation findings

iii) save the modified record into a separate table of all the work that has been done (let's call this table tblWORK)

iv) delete the investigated record in tblNEW once it gets saved into tblWORK

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General :: Saving Records And Empty Comboboxes

Sep 16, 2014

I have a database that I've created for a number of clerks under me to use to track their daily tasks.

When clerks are entering their tasks, they do so through a number of combo boxes on a form (Assigned by:, Division of Law:, Subcategory:, Casename etc). When all of the combo boxes have been filled, the employee can click a button in order to save the record to the back end of the database and open a new blank record.

Currently, if an employee tries to enter the wrong data in a combo box and save the record, they will be prompted to enter data and not allowed to save the record; the problem is that if they leave all fields blank they can still save the record - thus creating useless data for reporting purposes. For example, an employee could enter their name and the date of record but leave every other combo box blank and still save the record. I want to lock the form such that they cannot save the record unless all of the combo boxes on the form are populated to reduce user error.

How can I do this simply?

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General :: Saving User Defined Variables

Sep 16, 2012

I have a database that creates many forms based on queries which are based on user-defined variables. These are permanent variables added directly in the query, such as "if an employee is late 4 times in a month, we yell at them." I would like to be able to change this to "5 times in a month" if the users want to.

Rather than waiting for that to happen and having to change all my queries, i want to set up a form for them to access and edit the variable, save it, and then my queries to reference that variable.

My question is what is the best way to store and reference them? I could create a table, but i am not too sure how easy it would be to make my queries work with that.

I could also add them onto my main form which is always open, but I'm not sure how to make them save when access is closed. (a quick trial from my variable form won't let me update either a text box or label value on the main form).

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General :: Saving PDF - Testing To See If Directory Exists

May 31, 2013

I'm starting to automatically save PDF copies of certain reports in predetermined locations. I need to copy a file to a particular directory (based upon various criteria), but if the directory does not exist, I want to create the directory on the fly first. Otherwise I will just proceed with the copy.

I'm sure there is a DOS command to do this, but I can't find it.

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General :: How To Disable Textbox After Saving Data

May 6, 2014

I have some field in my details section,It works like a grid view,if I search data by query then It shows all of the related data from database,then I edit or save data one by one,but the problem is I want to disable text box after edit/save data.But if I write code like--

If Me.Text103 > "" Then
Me.Text103.Enabled= False
Me.Text103.Enabled= True
End If

It disable the all of the rows,but I want to disable only the specific field where I enter the data.

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General :: Lock Individual Records After Saving

May 4, 2014

I have 4 users all with the same rights. What I want to do is lock each individual record created by each user from the other 3 users after they have been saved ( I am not referring to record locking/table locking while updating/creating ). i.e., They can all read each others created records BUT only update/modify their own created records. They all have individual passwords to log in.

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General :: Saving Database As Backup With Different Date

Nov 7, 2012

I'd like to have a button on my dashboard that gives the user the ability to back up the database and save it with a different date. For example, existing database called "Fishing.accdb" and I'd like to have code behind a button that allows the database to be saved as "Fishing0711.accdb"

I'm trying to avoid the user having to go into the File Save as menu system....I've tried the docmd.copyObject method but can't get it to work

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General :: Lock Down Application By Saving As ACCDE File

Sep 29, 2012

Trying to lock down an application by saving as ACCDE file. Saves OK but when you load application none of the controls work. I.e. button clicks do not launch "Open Form" or " Print Report" commands.But in ACCDB format application works flawlessly.

When I tried on a different machine I get an error message that says too many Table IDs. Odd since I only have 3 forms, 3 tables and 3 reports. Lots of DoCmd's and switching between the 3 forms but not sure why this would create "too many Table IDs"?

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