General :: Subtract ListBox Items In Field Of A Table?
Sep 26, 2014
I have a form with a textbox, listbox and a button.
my textbox is based on one of my tables, and when I enter a value (which is saved in my table) in my textbox and press enter, certain values in my table goes to my listbox, and my listbox will just additem whenever I do same thing in my textbox all overagain.
how can I subtract listbox.column(1) items in my table field "Item_Quantity" where my Listbox.column(0) is equal to my table field "Item_Description".
My Listbox column count property = 4
Row source type = value list
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Aug 19, 2013
I have a listbox control on my form which works in conjunction with my search field on the first form. I can add new items with FRM_ItemsAdd. I can delete records by pressing the delete button.
However now I want the ability to Edit items in the list. How can I tell access I want to edit a record?
Attached is my access db.
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Jan 10, 2006
I have a combo box that inserts data into an unbound list box and table. This works great but I am having trouble with the deletion part. I want to be able to dbl click on the item in the item list and delete it from both the list box and table. Currently, my code is deleting ALL items, not just the one item I want to get rid of. Any ideas would be most appreciated :)
This is what I have for the deletion code:
Private Sub List92_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
sql2 = "delete from PROFILE_Industry where "
sql2 = sql2 & "profile_id = " & Me!Profile_ID
sql2 = sql2 & " And Industry_focus = '" & Me!List92.Value & "';"
DoCmd.RunSQL (sql2)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
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Jul 21, 2014
I'm creating a Form called Pharmacy where I can select a [Diagnosis] from a combo box in the form. This combo box source references a table called tblDiagnosis where each Diagnosis also has a multi-valued field called [Indications].
The Pharmacy form also has a multi-select listbox with all possible Indications. I would like to write a VBA code such that when a Diagnosis is selected, the Indications for that Diagnosis are automatically selected/highlighted in the listbox on the form as well.
As such, by selecting a Diagnosis, all the indications attached to that Diagnosis will automatically be selected; however, if additional indications are needed, they can still be selected afterward.
I know that there is a function Me!Listbox.Selected(i) = True, where i is the row of the entry in the listbox. However, the i in the listbox does not correspond to the ID of the Indication. I think that if there is a way to select listbox items by name, that would be much more efficient.
The reason I have a listbox, is because this listbox of Indications then references another table called tblDrugs where all drugs that are approved for the selected indications selected are filtered and displayed.
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May 15, 2015
I have a 'tblStock' with fields 'ProductID', 'InitialStock', 'Buy', 'Sell' and 'UpdatedStock'. I also have a form 'StockUpdate' add values and also add new records to 'tblStock' .
If I have value [100] for IntialStock quantity, Buy [0] and sell [10], UpdatedStock will be [90] (that's done and fine!).
The problem is, I would like to make the UpdatedStock value [90] to be the NEW InitialStock, so that any BUY or SELL will keep updating the UpdatedStock and making it the NEW InitialStock for the next transactions and so on....
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Mar 7, 2013
I'm trying to create a right-click event on a listbox that will copy selected listbox item(s) to a temp table. So far, I've got this code to acknowledge the right click:
Private Sub List0_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,
Y As Single)
If Button = acRightButton Then
MsgBox "You pressed the right button."
End If
End Sub
Problem is the selected item on the list box doesn't move until after the mouse down event so whatever code I would run would involve the wrong record(s).
I'm using Access 2000 and 2003. How to get the the correct record selected on mouse down, or point me to a working example of right-click functionality on a listbox.
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Jul 16, 2006
Hello everybody,
Hopefully somebody can help me on this one. I searched the whole internet and access forums, but I didn't find the exact solution for my problem.
I've got a table with students, a table attendance, where I now only save the students who are absent, but I would like to save also the students who are PRESENT (at the same time).
I've got a combobox where I filter the Class, which then updates a listbox with the students from that class. What I do now is select the students from the listbox and then press a save button and it saves the records to the table absence with STATUS: ABSENT.
I would like to save the NON selected students also in that table, but with PRESENT in the column STATUS.
I thought of making another listbox next to it, where after selecting the absent students, they wil apear and disappear in the PRESENT table so I can store all the information.
But the only problem is that I can find this solution when the listbox is populated by a list of values instead by a table or query. And the other solution is to store the temporary data into 2 different tables, but that's not working for me because it's a multi user database and everything will be messed up.
Hope that someone can help me, I will be very happy.
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Jun 30, 2014
I'm creating a database for my job. I have 4 tables with information. When I need to deliver some items i must know which items to take, They are in those 4 tables.
I want to make it that i can click a menu on my switchboard that i see a report with all the information with a clickbox behind it. If i select this box and click a button generate it creates a report with all the items i've selected with the select box.
So in short:
1.) How do I create a table with all the items from the other tables that are automatic updated when insert a items in one of those 4 tables.
2.) How do I create a report where i can select some items that are generating a report with the selected items.
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Jul 30, 2015
I have two tables to track our engineer visits, one tracks the visit as a whole and the other tracks the individual instruments the engineer worked on during that visit. This way I can track visits to customer sites separately to the visits made to an individual instrument.
Right now, I create a visit and then add Visit Lines (containing the details of the instrument visited). These instruments, or 'Visit Lines', are being displayed in the Visits Table via a related items box. Visit lines are associated with Instruments in the Instrument Table via a serial number lookup. All this works great...
However, I want to display both the serial number and the instrument description in the related items control in the Visits Table. Since the Visit Lines table only has the instrument ID lookup and not the instrument description I can't display it in the control.
I need to either:
a) Create an instrument description in the Visit Lines table as a lookup and have this automatically pull in the description based on the serial number the user selects.... which I can't figure out how to do - it's just an autocomplete.
b) Create an instrument description in Visit Lines and have a macro grab the corresponding description from the Instruments table based on the serial number input - but just for this record...
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Dec 14, 2012
I have a table of items for our companies quotes. When we go to print out our quotes to send to the customers, the salespeople would like most of the items to be grouped under certain "headers" for the systems they are part of.
Autopilot System
Part #1 Qty 2
Part #2 Qty 1
PA/GA System
Part #4 Qty 4
Part #5 Qty 1
My 'Items' table currently has these fields:
System_ID (FK for 'Systems' table)
'Systems' table has these:
I have a query using a RIGHT JOIN and a GROUP BY to tie everything together, I'm just not certain how to go about displaying the information the way I did above.
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Jun 26, 2013
I have two options on the main switchboard page and when I click on the second option it goes to a secondary page that gives me 3 options with the third option being to return to the main screen. When I select that option it does go back to the main screen but then on the main screen it shows the return to main screen option as well and when I select it.... it says " There was an error reading the switchboard items table." But I want the main screen to only show the original two options only.
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Jul 31, 2013
I just want to know how to manage items in set and individual item. Suppose my product list are
individual items = A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K
and 5 pc set = A,B,C,D,F
and 3 pc set = G,H,K
How should I design the table. Previously I designed the table for individual items and whenever orders for set is placed user had to enter individual items with quantity.
E.g. order is for 5 pc set = 3000
Now I need to just say 5 pc set and it should be automatically populated. And also if order have combination of individual and set items.
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Dec 28, 2014
How could I create a single table (matrix) type input view to allocate bank transactions to categories, noting one transaction can be allocated multiple categories with an associated percentage? What approach should I use in Access to get this? So say I have the following tables:
* Transactions
* Business Category
* Transaction-Business-Allocation (which includes)
- Transaction ID
- Business Category ID
- Percent Allocation
But in terms of the means of reviewing bank account items and allocating I really want a view like this (see attached image)The specific business category could be either selected specifically, or all included.
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Sep 21, 2005
How to code a "Select all" button to a multi select listbox named lbSeleccionePuerto
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Oct 11, 2006
Does anyone know if its possible to select all items (that is turn all items black) in a listbox? thanks
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Dec 7, 2007
I have a list box bound to a table. 3 columns (ID, item, open). only item is visible. The box contains forms or reports that will open on double click. The column open contains the name of the form or report to open
Some forms and reports are a work in progress, hence, they are still listed in the list box but the open value is blank and of course won't run.
I'd like to change the colour of the list list box items that won't run.
I'm thinking maybe some kind of If.. isnull type statement...
any ideas are appreciated.
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Oct 6, 2006
As my title states, that is my problem! I'm building search criteria from a form and have multiple list boxes... I want to be able to determine whether or not a list box has items selected or not. I have tried as many things as i knew how to with no luck...
Also, i searched the forum but could not find what i was looking for -_-
Thanks for any and all aide!
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Sep 9, 2014
I have two listbox (SearchResults5 has two columns) and list_asset_add (one column) both have Extended multi-selection active. I have this code that automatically moves the items between the two listbox (it runs after pushing a button):
Sub CopiTo_Click()
Dim Msg As String
Dim i As Variant
If SearchResults5.ListIndex = -1 Then
Msg = "Nothing"
[Code] ....
This works quite well if I manually select the items that I want to move. Most of the times SearchResults5 has lots of elements so I have decided to create a "Select All" button to speed up the process, here the code:
Private Sub Command271_Click()
Dim n As Integer
With Me.SearchResults5
For n = 0 To .ListCount - 1
.Selected(n) = True
Next n
End With
End Sub
When I use the "Select All" button and I try to move the items between the two listbox, the function does NOT work.
BUT if I manually select one or more items in the first listbox, then I clear the selection and finally I use the subroutine to move the items between the two listbox, then the it works well again. How to make it work properly.
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Sep 25, 2013
i want to display a single field values in list box with query as row source.the query will produce variable number of records or rows. sometime 1, sometimes 3 or 6 my thought is to distribute these records/row into list box column. for example:
if query = 1 then listbox column = 1
if query = 6 then listbox column = 3 (two rows per column).
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Oct 24, 2005
Hi all, greate site and i have been able to solve most problems by using the search box although this problem is doing my head in...!!
I have a db that records project numbers and their details. I am using a listbox to allow a user to multiselect Project Involvements Tasks(ie Documentation, Build etc) against a project number.
I am able to read the selections into a separtate table with two columns which is structured as:
ProjectNo - InvolvementType
123 - Testing
123 - Build
123 - Documentation
456 - Build
789 - Testing
789 - Documentation
as you can see I dont have a problem getting the Itemsselected into a table... the problem that i am having is getting them out again when the record is displayed - ie marking them as itemsselected.
I believe that the event would be onCurrent which would loop through this table pick up the project number and recorded invovements and mark them as selected in the listbox. if there is no invovement then the listbox would show no selections.
I am using this code to read the selections in
'Records project involvements against project
Public Function AddInvolvements(ctlRef As ListBox) As String
On Error GoTo Err_AddInvolvements_Click
Dim i As Variant
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strDelete As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set qd = dbs.QueryDefs!qInvolvement
Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset
'Delete records where project number exists against an invovelment incase of involvement changes
strDelete = "Delete Project_Involvement.ProjectNo " & _
"FROM Project_Involvement " & _
"WHERE (((Project_Involvement.ProjectNo)=[Forms]![Add_Project_Details]![ProjectNo]));"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strDelete
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
For Each i In ctlRef.ItemsSelected
rs!InvolvementType = ctlRef.ItemData(i)
rs!ProjectNo = Me.ProjectNo.Value
Next i
Set rs = Nothing
Set qd = Nothing
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 3022 'ignore duplicate keys
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddInvolvements_Click
End Select
End Function
Any help would be much appreciated - also thanks to Pat Hartman for his excellent examples esp
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Aug 6, 2013
I'm trying to setup a listbox so that multiple items may be selected and removed at once. The Listbox Multi Select property is currently set to "Extended" and I have the following code on the onclick event of a command button:
Private Sub Command12_Click()
Dim i As Integer
For i = List10.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
I have tested selecting 4 or so records on the list box and then pushing the remove button but it seems that the only record that is removed is the selected record that is furthest down on the listbox. The other selected records become unselected and must be reselected in order to continue removing records.
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Jan 9, 2014
In my form I have the listFunctions list box set to Multi Select "Extended" in the following code contains a line to execute a query based on the selected items in a listbox. but for some reason instead of only changing the selected items it is changing all items in the listbox. I stepped through the code and it is looping the correct number of times based on the amount selected but is still changing all.
eg.if I select 3 items from the list, it loops through the execute 3 times.but the total 6 items will change.
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
Dim varItm As Variant
Dim sSQL As String
Dim ssSQL As String
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Jul 13, 2013
I have a form with a listbox in which users should be able to move the items up and down. The listbox has 4 columns and multiple selection is enabled.
For a NON multiselect box I have it working, and also for a multiple selection box but in that case it works only for one row at a time.
For a NON multiselect listbox:
Dim i As Integer
Dim t1 As String, t2 As String, t3 As String, t4 As String
i = selectie.ListIndex
t1 = Nz(selectie.Column(0, i))
t2 = Nz(selectie.Column(1, i))
[Code] ....
You can select an item and then press "Down" as many times as you want to put the items as "down" in the list as you want it to be.
Multiselect listbox
This code also works for a multipleselection listbox when one item is selected, however, after you press "down" the item is still selected (highlighted) as the code reselects is (last line) BUT the value of selectie.listindex apparently is set to "-1".
Pressing "Down" again generates an error (i = -1). I can evade the error by adding "if selectie.listindex <=0 then exit sub", but that doens't fix the problem that the only way I can manage to reset the listindex to the new "position" of the item is to click on it again and THEN press "Down".
To fix this and be able to press "down" multiple times listindex should be set to the new value.
Adding a "me.selectie.listindex = i -1" doens't work (error), it seems like this value is readonly.
I can't find a way to "simulate" a mousepressed selection and really set the listindex.
The other problem is of course that this code doens't support moving multiple items at once: listindex points to the last selected item, but only one.
So, I tried another piece of code to move multiple items, not using listindex (since that resets to -1), but I run into another problem
Private Sub cmdDown_Click()
Dim var As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim t1 As String, t2 As String, t3 As String, t4 As String
n = Me.selectie.ItemsSelected.Count
[Code] ....
The problem with this is: I can select multiple items and press "Down", but the problem now is that the selection is lost as soon as the code removes the first item, and the 2nd loop skips the if selected(i) = true (nothing is selected anymore).
The me.selectie.selected(i+1) = true doens't work since that would only reselect the first item after moving it.
The code "forgets" which items were selected and moves only one item...So I guess I need to put the indexnumbers in memory while moving the items.
I have been searching a lot, but can only find VB-solutions. In VB it's a lot simpeler using f.e. the .list property of a listbox, which is not available in MSAccess
The solution I'm thinking about is:
- set an array with the numbers of selected items
- put indexnumbers of the selected items in the array (f.e. 3 and 4)
- move items based on the indexnumers in the array
- when moving an item update the indexnumber in the array (3>4, 4>5)
- after moving all items reset the selection based on the array
It occurred to me then if I'm going to use an array anyway, I might as well load all items in an array, do the "resorting" and the reload the items in the list from the array. Might be more straightforward?
Btw...It seems VB has a simple solution to moving items: listbox.list(i) = listbox.list(i+1) or something like that moves an item. Even Excel seems to have this property but not MS Access!
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Dec 9, 2013
Given a subform that lists items:
Given a table that contains a coverage field
customer coverage
smith a, b, d, g
How would I create a relationship between a subform and a coverage field such that when i multi select items in the subform, it will show what items are selected in the coverage field as in the example.
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Nov 17, 2014
I have a combox with the following query in its RowSource: SELECT [Error Codes].[ID], [Error Codes].[ErrorCode], [Error Codes].[Active] FROM [Error Codes] ORDER BY [Error Codes].[ErrorCode];
I now need to change the query's Rowsource via code and so far I have figured out that this works:
Code : Forms![frmAcceptReturn].Form.cmbErrorCodes.RowSource = "Select ID, ErrorCode FROM [Error Codes Missing]"
However, the table "Error Codes Missing" also has a field called "Active" which I need to take into account; If the error code is not active then it should not show up in the combobox.
I know how to do that in the original RowSource, but how do I do it with code?
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Jul 24, 2013
How do I remove multiple selected items from listbox.
Noticed it is a table/query listbox, not value list.
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