General :: Sum IIF With Multiple Condition?

Jun 4, 2014

How will I make a IIF formula with sum if 3 conditions are are true. I am trying to make a query which sum the Lbs Produce if date, Product Id and location met.

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Multiple Condition IIF

Nov 13, 2007

I can't get this expression in Query to work! Any suggestions?

Account Type: IIf([parent account name] like “*hosp*”,"Hosp",IIf([parent account name] like "*vet*”,"Vet",IIf([parent account name] like “*dds*”,"DENT”,IIf([parent account name] like "*dmd*”,"Dentist”,IIf([parent account name] like "*pharm*”,"Pharm”,0)))))

as you can see I am doing search and identify for a new field.

I get an error message "the expression you entered contains invalid syntax"

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Multiple Condition Query

Feb 4, 2008

Im trying to build a query that checks four fields for blanks. If I try to run the query with the criteria Is Null for all four fields, I only get 27 records. However, if I run the query with the condition only on one field I get the right number of records around 1000. I have been having to run four independant queries and then merge them in Excel. What am I doing wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: Dlookup With Multiple Condition

Apr 8, 2015

I Have one main form in access 2003 i want to use Dlookup function to 1 text box with 2 criteria is it possible?

My Formula:

Text67. Value = DLookup("Balance", "dbo_WbookEdit", "[Lotno] = '" & Forms![Edit]![LotNo] & "'" And " & [Description] = '" & Forms![Edit]![Description] & "'")

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Adding Multiple Searches In Where Condition

Oct 16, 2013

I currently have this for my where condition, and searches the form based on the clientID selected in the combo box.

The catch now is i have to add another search.

="[ClientID] =" & [TempVars]![ActiveControlValue]

now i have to also search [ProductID]

The combo Box is set up like this:

ClientID....ContactName....ProductName....ProductI D
Hidden.....Visible..............Visible........... ..Hidden

How can i add [ProductID] into the existing where condition to add an additional parameter?

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General :: Where Condition Date

Jul 24, 2013

I'm working on a bound form and I'm trying to set the where condition of a DSum to Month(ReviewDate) = Month(me.txtReviewDate), but having trouble. I have tried several different ways. I am trying to sum all of the records from the recordset where the month is the same. So if I am on a July record, for example, I want to see a sum of all July records only, no other months. When I navigate to an August record, then the DSum should provide the sum of only August records, and so forth.

Me.txtRecordsforCurrentIndividualforCurrentMonth = DSum("NumberofPresentations", "tblCCMECPresentation", "ReviewDate = #8/1/2013#")

But as soon as I try to replace the actual number (#8/1/2013#) with a variable, I run into trouble.

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Duplicate Table Records Multiple Times According To Condition

Apr 4, 2012

I have one table like:

ID Type No
1 FL 2
2 DL 3

I need the following table to be created using first table , each record should be duplicated according to value in No field:

ID Type No
1 FL 2
1 FL 2
2 DL 3
2 DL 3
2 DL 3

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General :: DCount Under Condition With Two Criteria

Jun 26, 2015

I have a field named Poisition_Id and a yes/no field with the name Hired, what i want is dcount under condition initially with Position_ID to Position_ID then to see the field of hired if "yes"


=dcount "a" see in tbl_open with criteria position_id = position_id with criteria hired=yes

I am unable to write this formula..

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Queries :: Multiple Query Criteria IIF Statement - True Condition

Feb 24, 2015

I'm trying to have a single or multiple query criteria based on what the user checks on a form.

I can't get the True condition to work at all, I get no records. Here is what I'm using

IIf([Forms]![FrmAttendanceLogsRpt]![BlkFilter]=-1,[TempVars]![EID] Or 86,[TempVars]![EID])

If I just put
[TempVars]![EID] Or 86
in the Criteria it works just fine.

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General :: String Fields - Add Next Condition To Query

Mar 17, 2015

I have a query which working fine:

strSQL = "Select [nazwa], [id_wycena_pre], [Format_(X)], [Format_(Y)], [kolory p], [kolory t], [nazwa_id], [iloscstron], [numerarkusza], [naklad_pracy], [Kolory P], [Kolory T] from tblGoraZleceniaNowaWyceny where [id_wycena_pre]=" & Forms!frmWycenyObszarRoboczy!ID_wycena_pre & " and [nazwa]='" & "środek" & "' or [nazwa]='" & "okładka" & "'"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)...

But now I would like to add next condition to this query

where [kolory p] is not null or [kolory t] is not null

- these fields are string

I don't know how to write this condition and add to my exiting strSQL string

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General :: Macro To Email A Form Once Condition Met - Open Outlook From Access

Apr 10, 2013

I have a macro set to email a form to a person once a condition is met. This works fine but I've discovered that Outlook (2010) has to be open BEFORE this macro is invoked.

I wanted to add a step to the macro before the one that makes it email that basically says to open Outlook.

I have tried the RunApplication macro, but I apparently am not getting the path right. I don't understand what the problem is.

I accidentally dragged Outlook to my desktop and therefore created a shortcut from my Start Menu, but now when I go to Microsoft Office in my Start Menu, Microsoft Outlook isn't one of the options. I can't find the path to where it may reside now.

I am using the path to the shortcut on my desktop.

C:UsersJust MeDesktopMicrosoft Outlook 2010

What else am I supposed to do?

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General :: Export Access Table To Multiple Excel Workbooks With Multiple Tabs

Dec 13, 2012

I am using Access 2010 and Excel 2010. I need to have VB script to export the access table 502 records by 38 fields into Multiple Excel workbooks each having multiple tabs. In the Access table each record has two fields: Div and Tab that will be used to name each workbook and each tab (sheet). There are 6 unique "Div"'s to name the 6 workbooks and there are several "Tab" names for each Div (workbook).

Note: These 6 workbooks with multiple tabs were originally imported into Access from one common folder on my desktop by this routine:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean, blnEXCEL As Boolean, blnReadOnly As Boolean
Dim lngCount As Long

[Code] .....

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An SQL Str Using IF Condition

Sep 19, 2005

Good morning

I am hoping some one can help me out with an SQL string I am having problems during to get working.

This is my code

Private Sub SearchRoleSeeking()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFilterSQL As String
Dim txtBoxValue As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qrySearch")

lstSearchResults = txtSearch1

If Me.txtSearch1.Value = "Temp" Then
txtBoxValue = 1
End If
If Me.txtSearch1.Value = "Perm" Then
txtBoxValue = 2
End If
If Me.txtSearch1.Value = "Temp or Perm" Then
txtBoxValue = 3
End If
strSQL = "SELECT tblPersonalInformation.[PersonalID],tblPersonalInformation.[Surname],tblPersonalInformation.[Forename],tblPersonalInformation.[DOB],tblPersonalInformation.[WantedRate],tblPersonalInformation.[WantedSalary],tblPersonalInformation.[Status],tblPersonalInformation.[RoleSeeking]" & _
"FROM tblPersonalInformation " & _
"WHERE tblPersonalInformation.RoleSeeking = ('txtboxvalue')"

qdf.SQL = strSQL
Me.lstSearchResults.RowSource = "qrysearch"

Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Sub

let me try explain what I am trying to do.
I have a form where personal information is entered into. It has an option group that allows 3 choices.
I have made a form that I will use to search (the above code is from that.) What I am trying to do is if a person enters "Temp" into txtSearch1 then for the SQL statement to search "tblPersonalInformation.[RoleSeeking]" for the value 1.
If a person enters "PERM then for the statement to use 2 as the value for txtSearch1 and so on.

Can anyone help out with my task at hand.

Thanks everyone for your help.

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Where Condition Help

Apr 6, 2007

Please don't criticize the naming, I've renamed to make the logic simpler to understand.

I am trying to run a query based on the value of a textbox. Right now if the text box is empty it shows all the records. This is what works:
WHERE B.Weight Like
IIf([forms]![Form]![txtBox] & ""="","*",[forms]![Form]![txtBox])

The problem is when tbl B is blank (and only when its blank), I also want to see all records where weight is null.

Some examples of what I've tried (I have tried variations of):
B.Weight Like IIf([forms]![Form]![txtBox] & ""="","* Or Is Null",[forms]![Form]![txtBox])
B.Weight IIf([forms]![Form]![txtBox] & ""="","Is Null or Like *",[forms]![Form]![txtBox])

I am not worried about the False condition, the problem is that Null is not being returned from inside an IIF().
When I set the WHERE statement to: WHERE B.Weight Is Null, it works. But if I try IIf([forms]![Form]![txtBox] & ""="",Is Null,[forms]![Form]![txtBox]). It doesnt work (Whether I put it in quotes or not).

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Sql Command Or Condition

Jun 11, 2006

hi i was wondering if anyone can tell me a condition or a command in which a user will be able to enter only 6 digit number. like 123456. if he tries to enter 234 the database should not accept. is this possible also? any help would be great.

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Evaluate A Condition

May 11, 2007

Please have a look at the following code (I am not good at VBA or SQL).

Me.[txtBox] = DLookup(“[SNum]”, “[Table1]”, “[RecID])
If Me.txtBox =>2 Then
Condition if true
Condition if false
End If

I type a value in my [txtBox], a number. I want to evaluate if the typed value meets the condition or not. [SNum] is serially numbered and [RecID] is autonumber Primary Key. The above code is not working. How do I achieve this? Please help.

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IIF Condition With 3 Options

Sep 23, 2005

:o Please help... I am trying to get the following results. If the Qty is less than 99 bag 10 per, if the qty is between 100 and 999 bag 100 per and if the qty is greater than 999 bag 200 per.

Pkg Qty: IIf([QTY]<=99,"10 PER",(IIf([QTY]>99,"100 PER",IIf([QTY]>999,"200 PER"))))

I am only getting the results of "10 PER" AND "100 PER". How do I get the results I want?

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Yes/no Condition For Query

Mar 1, 2006

i have a Yes/No checkbox to indicate whether a job has been done.. if it is done then i want it removed from the list.. so i think my query sql needs to be something like..

note..the bold bit is the bit i am questioning.

WHERE (((Booking_Main.Job_Date) Between Date() And 1+Date())) AND Booking_Confirm.Job_Done ="No"

or something like this??

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Yes/no Condition Not Working

Mar 2, 2006

i have created a search form. any word the user types it searches certain details in my enquiries.
in my form i have a list box that displays the enquiries sent by my query.

i have placed a Job_Booked (Yes/No field) checkbox in my enquiry table. this is because if the job is booked then i no longer want the record to appear in the enquiry list im sending to the form. ive tried this code, but even when i tick the job booked button, the enquiry is being displayed.. why is this

SELECT zEnquiries.Enquiry_Date, zEnquiries.Job_Date, zEnquiries.Job_Day, zEnquiries.Job_Time, zEnquiries.Enq_Forname, zEnquiries.Enq_Surname, zEnquiries.Pickup_Add, zEnquiries.Pickup_Post, zEnquiries.Dest_Add, zEnquiries.Dest_Post, zEnquiries.Quote, zEnquiries.Car, zEnquiries.Passengers, zEnquiries.Luggage, zEnquiries.Notes, zEnquiries.Job_Booked, *
FROM zEnquiries
WHERE (((zEnquiries.Enq_Forname) Like '*' & Forms!Enquiry_Search!Search2 & '*')) Or (((zEnquiries.Enq_Surname) Like '*' & Forms!Enquiry_Search!Search2 & '*')) Or (((zEnquiries.Job_Date) Like '*' & Forms!Enquiry_Search!Search2 & '*')) Or (((zEnquiries.Enq_Phone) Like '*' & Forms!Enquiry_Search!Search2 & '*')) Or (((zEnquiries.Dest_Add) Like '*' & Forms!Enquiry_Search!Search2 & '*')) Or (((zEnquiries.Dest_Post) Like '*' & Forms!Enquiry_Search!Search2 & '*')) Or (((zEnquiries.Pickup_Add) Like '*' & Forms!Enquiry_Search!Search2 & '*')) Or (((zEnquiries.Pickup_Post) Like '*' & Forms!Enquiry_Search!Search2 & '*')) And zEnquiries.Job_Booked=False
ORDER BY zEnquiries.Enquiry_Date DESC;

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Where Condition In Report

Mar 13, 2005

i have a form of Employee Info, where with navigation button i move to the next employee.
i have put a Command button to Preview Report on Single Employee Info that i am reading currently.
So i want to Filter the Report with Single Employee Name and records
so im coding on click even of the command button (see below) and its giving me null report.

im using where condition to filter the report and assign to it a variable employee name from the form. Reminding that source codes of both Form and Report is the same

X = Form_frm_MainCurrent.EmployeeName.Value

stDocName = "rpt_All"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , "EmployeeName = X"

anyone got any clue to help me out?

Thanks for your time

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Checkbox As A Condition

Mar 8, 2006

i'm making form from query. but all i need to do is calculate days worked (TimeService) either worker still working or resigned.

i want to know is it possible to make it condition like it to query? if not can u tell me the other way?

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IF Condition On A Form

May 9, 2006

Hi everyone, i have a form for bookings. People book by entering (among other stuff), the date and the booking slot.

Basically, what i need to do is have it so that only certain booking slots can be chosen on differnt days... for example, the booking slot of "Eve Extension" can only be used when the date refers to a Friday or Saturday, any other days it would not be allowed.

Is there any fool proof way of doing this, keeping in mind i dont exactly know VBA at all....

cheers, dragon

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Condition For New Record

Sep 9, 2006

What method(s) are available to detect when a user is at a new record? I really just want to change the .text property of a combo box when the user is creating a new record. If this sounds stupid, I can explain the specifics.

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Modules & VBA :: AND In Where Condition

May 21, 2014

I got this code to run correctly, which pulls records where they are not junk(can be seen at end of where condition), the only issue is that the "AND" does not turn blue. Is this a problem?

If Not IsNull(Me.txt_last_rec_id) Then
'DoCmd.SetWarnings = False
SQLText = "INSERT INTO tbl_batt_id " & _
"(record_num, bat_id, manufacture, date_code, barcode, status) " & _
"SELECT " & Me.record_num & ", bat_id , manufacture, Date_Code, barcode, Status " & _
"FROM tbl_batt_id " & _
"WHERE record_num = " & Me.txt_last_rec_id & " And [Status] <> 'Junk'"


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Where Condition Larger Than 255

Feb 24, 2015

I'm trying to put in a Where Condition for an ApplyFilter action, but it only allows up to 255 characters, I need more. I have very little experience using code!I want this to be the Where Condition:

[Program Name] Like "*" & [Forms]![Program List]![Text34] & "*" Or [Organization] Like "*" & [Forms]![Program List]![Text34] & "*" Or [Program Type] Like "*" & [Forms]![Program List]![Text34] & "*" Or [Main Office City] Like "*" & [Forms]![Program List]![Text34] & "*" Or [Main Office Province] Like "*" & [Forms]![Program List]![Text34] & "*"

How do I make this into the Where Condition? An full example would be nice.

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General :: Multiple Image Display

Aug 25, 2014

I want to make a form or report that acts similar to a "bookshelf" view showing around 4 or so images in each row. When an image is clicked on it takes you to that record. I know a report can be used to make rows but how do I get the images to display? They are stored in a folder and not actually embedded into the database. I have a VB code that displays the image on my forms but this doesn't work when it's a continuous form or report. It shows the same image until I click on that record then the image changes.

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