General :: Summing Total Values By Each Change In Date

Apr 14, 2014

Running Access 2010. I have a large data set here is sample:

Type Capture Date Volume
1 1/5/2014 7
1 1/15/2014 5
1 1/8/2014 3
1 1/10/2014 4

Is there any way to sum the total values for each change in date while keeping chronological order? To get access to produce something like this:

Type Capture Date Volume
1 1/5/2014 7
1 1/8/2014 10
1 1/10/2014 14
1 1/15/2014 19

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Summing All Values From A Certain Date

Feb 10, 2012

I have three account types (Student, Departmental, and CC). On a fiscal month, each has a certain amount of counts per fee type. I want to find the total number of items among the three account types.

For example:
On July 2006,
The "Student Account" has 437 "Items Deposited"
The "Dept. Account" has 2,691 "Items Deposited"
The "CC Account" has 0 "Items Deposited"

I want to find the sum of these three (3128). I have 102 different months and 7 types of fees onto which I need to do this.

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General :: Summing Over A Date Range

Nov 15, 2012

I am trying to create an access database to allocate people to projects and show the total time spent on projects. As peoples time can be allocated to different projects I want to add up the proportions of their times per day and show the results in a graph.The data I am entering is the date they start working on a project (Start date), the date they stop (End date) and their time allocation (e.g. 50%). How can I use this data to sum for date ranges?

I have attached an example database showing the problem. In the report the graph shows the type of thing I want for the output, clearly showing the total time spent on a project is more than 100% on one day and less on another day. Do you know how I can do this?

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Help With Summing Columns For A Total Production.

Jan 5, 2008

New to MS-Access and I'm trying to help our HR with creating a production tracking table.

This is just a small simple table with all 12 months of the year and a total production column for summing up everything that has been produced for the year. But being "very" new to access I have zero clue on how to do this. I would appreciate any Access for this dummy help I can get . Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Summing Up In Continuous Form - Total Sell And Cost Value

Sep 8, 2014

I'm adding to a DB which has been working well for a while.

I have a continuous form which has a query behind it. The query takes two values: (For example)

[LineCost] and [LineQTY]

Inside the query, we use the expression TLC: [LineCost] * [LineQTY]

I need to sum this so a Sale with several lines gives me the total sell and cost value.

If you look at the sfrmEditQuote - you'll see the exact same method - working. sfrmEditSale is direct copy of this form, with some changes here and there. But can I get past the dreaded #error? Nope.

I've tried renaming the fields and text boxes, checking the query, but I keep getting #error on the sfrmEditSale form footer.

I have attached the DBs in old and new format.

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Reports :: Summing Information On A Report - Total Percentage Of Time?

Apr 19, 2013

I have a question about summing information on a report. I am developing a report to see have percentage of time Staff work within a certain area. On the data base the time percentages entered as ranges e.g. 75-100%, or 11-25%. We needed to figure out the total percentage of time so I created a report to add the total time. I used a text box which it titled FTE_Total if embedded iif functions to display the total time. Here is the function I used:


This worked perfectly however I cannot get the FTE_Total fields to sum. I tried the following function in the group footer: =Sum([FTE_Total]) but everytime I try to look at the report in report view I get a message asking for the FTE_Total Parameter.

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General :: Change Values In Combo Box

Aug 24, 2012

I have a form with a sub, and that sub has a sub. I'm on the first sub trying to change the rowsource of a combo box on the second sub, and none of the following want to work.


'Me!frmRentalsSubDetails.Form!cmbEquipmentID.RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
'Forms![frmrentalcontainer]![frmRentals].Form![frmRentalsSubDetails].Form![cmbEquipmentID].RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
'Me.frmRentalsSubDetails!Form.cmbEquipmentID.RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
Me![frmRentalsSubDetails].Form![cmbEquipmentID].RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"

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General :: Access Chart - Possible To Change Values On Axis Value

Feb 25, 2013

Access charts know if it's possible to change the value axis values.

I create a chart getting values from a query I run, it plots the values but auto selects the value range and the increment.

The values on the value axis are : 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1

Is there anyway I can get the values to increase by 0.1 rather than 0.25?

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General :: Date Picker - Deduct 1 From Total Number Of Item On Stock

Jul 30, 2012

I'm creating s simple database to track my printer toner supplies, what i want is that..every time I select a date (using date picker) it will automatically deduct 1 from the total number of toners on stock. Right now, i have to input 1 in a field and it will update the remaining toners.

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Summing Values By Considering The Yes/No Checkboxes.

Aug 28, 2006


i have created a table that would calculate the total payments that are being made by a certain contractor. I am assuming that the contractor pays the money in three installments.

In a table I have created three fields which are all checkboxes that would state whether a payment has been made or not, for example, checkbox1 would state whether the first payment has been made. And I also have three other fields that states the amount to be paid on each installment

Now, i want to calculate the total amount that have been payed. For example, lets say that the first installment has been made (i.e the checkbox is checked), then the first payment should be added. And if the second payment has been made it should be added as well, thus finally giving the total amount that has been made.

I know how the logic should look like, but i just don't know the syntax that i should use in the query.


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Summing Parameter Values!

Oct 11, 2004

BACKGROUND: I have a query, in which the user decides a customer name. According to the customer name a specific custom price is chosen for the customer from tblInputProductSpecs. Based on this I do the following calculation Total Price:[Price]*[Quantity], where the quantity is already known.

PROBLEM: Since the Total Price is total price for a specific product. I wanted to calculate the TOTAL of all the Total Price/Product. But finding it really hard to do this. I tried to do Total:SUM([Total Price]), but this doesn't work. I get an error. I even tried Total Price:SUM([Price]*[Quantity]), but this also doesn't work. Is there any possible way to find this TOTAL?

I would really appreciate your help with this frustrating problem.


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General :: Change Data From Specified Date

Jul 25, 2014

I have a database with two tables: taskTable and volumeTable. On the task table I have the list of task performed in my team and the time it takes to perform the task related to a category, and on the volume tasks I have the volumes of workload based on the category moth after month. Then I have a query that multiplies the time it takes to perform a task with the volume in the category and returns me results for each month.

Now, if a task changes on march and the time to perform it its reduced or increase I change it on the table, howerver, ALL results for all months. I would like to know if there is a way for the change to be applied from the month it is changed and not retroactively.

Example Task Table:
Task Time to Perform Task Category
Buy ticket 5 min Business Visitor
Create profile 10 min Business Visitor

Example Volumes Table:
Month Year Category Volume
March 2014 Business Visitor 39

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Summing Fields, Ignoring Certain Values

Jan 29, 2008

I have a number of fields that hold values (scores - either 0,1 or 2) that need to be summed but in some cases the value is 99 (which is recognised by our stats program as a N/A type of anwer- This occurs when a question is optional and the user hasnt answered it. I did not want to value to be null (since its not like the user didnt answer it because they missed out on it by accident but rather they could not) and it couldnt be 0 either since 0 actually means something different in the context of the questionnaire.Lets say I have Q1 which has a value of 0, Q2 has a value of 1, Q3 has a value of 99 and Q4 has a value of 2I want to get the total of Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 for a particular entry but if the value of any or all of the questions are 99 I want access to ignore it and just sum the rest of the values i.e. the sum should read 0+1+2+(99)=3 not 102I want to be able to include this sum function in the expression builder if possible since I am using it for a report. Can someone please help?

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Summing All Values In Textbox Which Has Expression

Mar 12, 2013

I have created a report and i am having trouble with the =Sum() function. I would like to sum all the values that are held in a text box which has the expression of '=[BookingSF_Qry subreport].[Report]![TotalSF]*[HowManyDays]'. No matter what i try i cant get a total value of all of these.

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General :: After Date Change TransactionID Regenerate From 1

Feb 8, 2014

I am working on a database,

structure of database tblaccounts: glcode,description.
tbltransaction: transaction ID, glcod, tranxtype, amount

Everything is going well, when i make a transc ,transcid genrated

i,e 1,2,3,to 47,48,49,50 and so on. In this case there are minimum 50 transaction on daily bases, it is difficult to remember the transaction id after two or three months. Here i have an idea that daily after 11.59pm ,i mean after changing date ,when i make a transction, transction id or sequence no start from 1, and my last day data will also remain safe . I am sure that i have to create another table for appending data to that table for reusing of transaction id from 1 but i am failed while making this.

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Summing Values On A Form, Then Further Entering In Table

Sep 1, 2005

Hey there, Im currently making a form so users can enter project information. For this particular project, the user must choose from a variety of options, and each option has a number value assigned to it for a rating. Now at the end of this form, I want a sum of the ratings, and then entered into the table. I am using a text box for the sum of ratings, and can get the sum of ratings to work on the form, but this data is entered as a 0 in the table. If anyone could help me find a way to put the actual sum in the table, that would be excellent.. thx a lot.

If it would be any help, here are the names of text boxes that I'm adding:

Health and Safety Rating, Maintenance Rating, Equipment Rating, School Size Rating, Student Enrollment Rating, SD Priority Rating, Project Requested Previously Rating

Those ratings must be added into "Total Rating"


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General :: Sum Values From Date Range From Specific Record

Mar 11, 2013

I'm working on a loan database for my personal use and obviously I'm new to access

See attachment ...

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General :: Update Query To Build Date Using Values From Another Field

Jan 2, 2014

What query would I use to build a date in m/d/yyyy format using month, day and year values from another field?

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Qry: Summing Numbers From A Date Range

Jan 22, 2008

I need some help please. I am working on a performance management database. In this database we keep track of daily overtime and how that overtime is broken down into sub categories. For example, my staff worked 14 hours of overtime yesterday. 8 went for weather related overtime and 6 went to cover vacations. I have a report that shows all of the supervisor's overtime in a continuous list of running totals. But it's getting to big. I am trying to create a query for each supervisor that pulls the daily totals for the previous week and gives me that total sum. So far, my individual supervisor queries look like this. DATE, SUPERVISOR, DAILY TOTAL. They click on the report button and then they just count 7 days worth of numbers.

How do I create this?

TOTAL FOR SUPERVISOR X FOR THE WEEK OF 00/00/00 through 00/00/00 that pulls the daily totals out of my "overtime table"? and gives me a weekly total?

Thank you

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Modules & VBA :: Summing Multiple Queries And Summing Time

Oct 4, 2013

I have a sales form. The sales form has many Call, Meetings and Emails linked to each sales record. I want to total all the number of calls, meeting and email records related to the sales record to give a total- Touches.I've created 3 queries;

1 - Counts Calls
2 - Counts Emails
3 - Counts Meetings

These all work fine however when I combine them to attempt to count the results it doesn't produce the correct results.I have a second query as well (no pun intended).

I am trying to sum together a column that has values in Time. The results displays as a decimal. How can I have the result display as a Time i.e. 1:20 (1 hour 20 minutes).

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General :: Geometric Mean - Summing Entire Field

Sep 1, 2013

Here is a link that explains a little bit about it: [URL] .....

However, I'm having a problem with summing an entire field. Access does not have a DProduct() function, so it makes the math of "taking the Nth root of a product of 'X' numbers" kind of impossible without writing a custom function.

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How To Change Negative Total To A Positive One In Report

May 30, 2013

I have a report which is counting and totalling numbers, but in the numbers show as negatives - I need them to show as positives.I managed to change the total in one counting field to positive but I've forgotten how - or where I put the code....

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Total Values For One Day Only

Apr 5, 2006

Hi. In my query I have a Name column, day column (With a drop down box for the 7 days) and 10 task columns showing hours worked on each task.

I need to try and find a way automatically calculate to show the total hours worked for each specific day for each person and show each total value on a report and in a form.

Any Ideas?????

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List Box Total Values

Oct 18, 2006

Anyone know how to get the total value from a field in a list box please?

I have text boxes on the main form above the list box & can't work out how to get the totals in the text boxes above like I've typed them in the sample above

Any ideas?


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Reports :: Grouping Total Values On Footer?

Nov 2, 2013

Placing the grouping total values on the bottom of the last page of this report, such as below?

Common . . . . . . 44.55%
Convertable Bond .14.55 %
Preferred . . . . . . .40.91%

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A Query That Returns Values That Total Less Than A Required Amount?

Dec 10, 2007


Can anyone suggest a method for doing what the title asks. I basically have a single table with several fields. One of the fields is the length of music tracks in seconds. What i want to do is to set criteria so that when a query is run the records to not add up to more than 900 seconds.
1stly) Is this "do-able" using queries or do i need to start implementing sql statements which i have limited experience of?
2ndly) Can anyone recommend a suitable method to do so provided it isn't very complex.

My knowledge of Access is Intermediate.

Kind regards

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