General :: Tab Control Auto Opens When Hovering?

Apr 1, 2014

So I ave a tab Control with 5 tabs. When I hover or move across each tab name it auto opens that page, so I don't have to click to open. How do I get the VBA for this?

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Auto Insert Value To Field When Form Opens

Sep 28, 2006

how can i insert 'thisvalue' into 'thisfield' as soon as the form is opened??

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General :: Form Always Opens On A New Record

Nov 14, 2013

I have a form that I built with the intention of creating new records. I want to convert it to use with existing records too. I can't seem to get it to look at anything but new records. I imagine it is a property setting and something very minor to a seasoned Access programmer.

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General :: Combobox Opens A Different Form

Aug 26, 2013

I have a form with a combobox. From this combobox I would like to trigger the opened of a different form with the name and surname of the patients selected into the combobox.

I used this vba code

Private Sub Find_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "ID Patient"
stLinkCriteria = "[PTS]=" & Me.Identification

[Code] ....

The problem is that when the form Id patient is already opened every thing works fine but when the Id patient form is not opened it looks like if the combobox was not able to trigger the form with the name and surname of the patients!

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Text Hovering Over Textbox

May 25, 2006


does anybody know how to get text to show over a textbox. until the user doesn't enter the text box it will show instructions or a label perhaps. i have seen it on some samples and now i can't seem to locate it. i think this is an easy one. i need to save space on a continues form. i would like to get rid of the lables.



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General :: Accdb Opens As A Copy Every Time

Jul 28, 2013

I have Win7 Pro 64 bit and Office 2010 32 bit on my desktop machine. I have a laptop with Office 2007 and Win 7 Home Premium, 32 bit. I do NOT have Office 2010 SP1 because I heard there was some conflict between 2010 SP1 and Office 2007. I switch frequently between both (one on the desktop and one on the laptop).

I do not have this issue on the laptop ... they are both Win 7 64 bit, but the laptop has Home Premium and Office 2007 and the desktop has Office 2010 32 bit.

I converted some of my Access databases to the newer accdb from mdb format. The databases work fine on both computers. BUT, if I double click on the file or a shortcut to the file on the Win 7 Pro/2010 machine, a COPY of the file is opened and named "Filename1". If I double click again on the file or a shortcut to the file, then a different copy is opened and named "Filename2" (and this is a copy of the original "Filename", NOT the first copy "Filename1".) Of course, any changes I make to the file are saved in the new file name.

AND, if I double click on a copy, Then a NEW copy is made ..."Filename1" is copied to "Filename11"...The only way to open the original of the file is to select it and choose "open with ..." and Access.This does not happen with mdb files, or any other files that I can find. It also doesn't happen on the Win 7/2007 machine. It happens on every accdb file on the desktop machine, whether its a converted file (from mdb) or a brand new accdb file.I was ticked at my daughter for constantly creating "new" database files called Database, Database1, Database2, etc.! And she was frustrated because her changes were "never" saved ... they were, but not in the file she was clicking on.

Older daughter has a laptop with the same operating system (Win7 Pro, 64 bit) and the same version of Access 2010, 32 bit (installed from the same disk).I copied my file over to her computer and opened from Access, by double clicking in Explorer and by double clicking a short cut and it never duplicated the file. I did a repair of Microsoft Office on my desktop computer, using the install disk and that did not fix the problem. If I go to the Explorer right click on the file and choose "Open With" then, when the file opens, it is NOT duplicated. Or, if I open Access first and then open the file, it is not duplicated. So, maybe a file association problem? I changed the association to Excel.

I've been using this computer and Office 2010 since last July (2012).I discovered this problem in May and did some file checking and found copies of files created in February and forward ...

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General :: Creating PDF From Report Opens Adobe Reader

Mar 18, 2015

Since converting to Access 2010, when I use the "PDF or XPS" button to create a PDF from a report, after the save dialog it opens the PDF in Adobe reader, and then after I close it there is another dialog with the option to save the export steps. Is there any way to just be able to save the PDF and go back to where I was without having to do the extra clicks to get back?

Back in Access 2000 I had created a custom button on a toolbar that would automatically make a PDF from the open report, but that didn't transfer over when I converted the database to 2010.

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General :: Database Opens As Read Only When Opened From Shared Location

Jul 15, 2012

We have a database on a PC located on our network. The database is located in this computer's shared folder. Another database grabs data from this database occasionally. We're running into a problem where we cannot open the DB located in the shared folder (permissions granted) without it being a read only instance even with no users accessing the DB.

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General :: All Objects Toolbar Opens When Hit Print Button On Form

Jan 30, 2013

Using Access 2010.I purposely disabled the Access Objects when opening my database for added security. This works.

The problem I'm having is when I use the print button (access macro) on one of my forms, as soon as i click the button, the "all access objects" window opens on the left side navigation. This window shows all of my tables, forms, queires..etc.Is there a setting that will permanately stop this from opening?

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Form Opens When Database Opens

Aug 16, 2007

How can I get a form to open when the database opens?

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Forms :: Show Picture When Hovering Over Product Name In Order Form

Mar 11, 2014

I'm creating a database for a flower shop for training purpose. I have a main form with a sub form that has the orders in it. when placing a new order for a client and selecting the product from the combo box, it would be great if the product could show up to the right in the form.

I have no clue if this is possible and how to get it working. I have included the database as an attachment, which way to follow. I remember that I could do this on a web page, but a web page is not the same as a database.

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Problem With Auto Update Control

Jan 15, 2006

I am new in using Access, so forgive me if the solution for my problem is easy.

I wrote for customers a little program, which receives data via RS-232 serial port and then place readed data into MS Access database. After i put the data into field in table (database, table and field are set in my program), there is some kind of script that continue the process of data manipulation.

The problem is, that customers want to activate that script automatically, when i place data in the field. So, i made a form, which contains bound control to this field. Every 2 seconds i am refreshing this form, so when i change the data in the table field, i can see the change in the form control. Now, how can i make the OnChange event to work, when the data changes? I tried to do it, but nothing happens, except if i am writing from the keyboard something directly in the form.

Can this be done and if, how must i do it, so when a new data arrives to run automatically the client script?

Thank you in advance

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Auto Report Radio Control Button

Sep 24, 2005

How to create a Radio Control Button that selects the records with the artists and names of artists for cd's and print a report based on those autoreport records?

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Forms :: Using Format Control In Auto Number

Mar 24, 2014

I need the auto number to be in specified format as ASI-23-0001. So I added the format "ASI-23-"0000 in the formats and I got it succesfully.The fueld name is "Part Number"

I have added the Part Number field to a form as combo and I was able to list the values in the drop down combo.

I wanted to use Dlookup command in the program to auto fill the next field in the form say "Description".

I am using the following code
Me.Text30 = DLookup("[Description]", "item_master", "[Part Number] = Form![Combo36]")

But now the data in the combo is treated as text because of the prefix "ASI-23" and I get data type mismatch error.

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Populate Hyperlink Control?

Nov 14, 2014

I have a form titled 'New/Edit/Search Contractor Employee" that provides controls to fields within a table titled "Contractors". In this table, I have a Hyperlink field that will store the location of the files related to individual employees. On this form, I have a Control that (at the moment) the user can copy a Hyperlink and enter into this, to populate the field. This will then allow the user to click on this Hyperlink to open up the individual folder location to drag and drop whatever files they want associated to this individual record.

I have created a Command Button to automatically create a unique folder for this record, VBA below:

Private Sub Command168_Click()
strPath = "V:IntProdTrans&OpsTERMINALSDriver and Contractor Database 2014ContIndPW" & "" & txtCompanyID
If Len(Dir(strPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir strPath
End If
strPath = "V:IntProdTrans&OpsTERMINALSDriver and Contractor Database 2014ContIndPW" & "" & txtCompanyID & "" & txtFirstName & " " & txtLastName
If Len(Dir(strPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir strPath
End If
End Sub

What I'm trying to work out now is how to automatically enter this new folder location into the Control, which is then viewable and can be clicked on. I managed to do this (can't for the life of me remember how) but it entered the location as text and I wasn't able to click.

The Hyperlink control is titled 'Induction Paperwork' relates to a Hyperlink field.

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Tables :: Format Control On Auto Numbers

Jul 4, 2014

I would like to expand on this questions. I would like to generate a number based on a reference I use, a format like "14/000" where I use "14" with the last 2 digits of the year. However i want the auto number to generate the the last 2 digit automatically when the year changes i.e. when 2015 comes the field generates "15/000" without any prompt from the user.

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Opening A Report Instead Opens A Form (which Opens A Report)?

Jun 15, 2005


I've been given an existing database to modify, and I'm struggling somewhat to see how the author has implemented certain functions.

On a main menu form (autoexecs on starting the database), there are various "Search By" option buttons to generate a report, ordered in various ways. The "On Click" field for each of them refers to a macro, called Buttons, and a line in that macro dependant on the type of search (e.g. OnClick = Buttons.byPerson).

The Buttons macro runs an OpenReport command, the report corresponding to the search type (e.g. Buttons.byPerson has an OpenReport command for the "Report by Person" report).

However, when I click the search buttons (or indeed run the corresponding reports) I instead get another form which allows the search criteria to be specified - this then generates the report (I would assume based on the relevant query - e.g. Person Query), but I cannot understand how this works.

Google searches have not helped much as I can't seem to find an adequate search phrase to use, and I've been staring at the thing for some hours now. Any help getting me off in the right direction would be much appreciated!

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Forms :: Unbound Control In Data Input Form - Auto Fill Leading Zeros

Apr 12, 2015

I have an unbound control in data input form requiring to input a 6-digit number. I have put a validation rule restricting more than 6 digits. Most users prefer to enter, say 123 and the system can enter the 3 leading zero for them.

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General :: Auto Number Other Than Just 1

Mar 14, 2013

I am creating a file and I am not stuck on the last part. I have to keep track of which numbers of a particular item is sold due to serial number tracking. Items are bundled in sets of 50 so I need to form to auto populate the next set of numbers (by 50) when I create a new line.

I found how to change my start number to 1751 but I can not find how to have a Begining number of 1751 Ending number 1800 and have the next line auto populate begin $ 1801 end # 1850. I have a feeling it will not be the Auto Number option and I am sure there is another way but I just can't find it.

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General :: Auto-populate With Check Box

Nov 20, 2013

I have limited Access experience, but have designed a database that we use here at work. In one of the forms for this database, there is a field where a distribution statement can be added manually, if the statement is received from a customer. However, we would like to add a "check-box" to the form, where is it is checked, the distribution statement automatically populates with a previously used generic distribution statement.

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General :: Change Auto Number

Jan 27, 2015

before ACCESS Excel was used to create orders etc,we are up to order number 16223 now I have access and the auto number will start at can I get the auto number to start at 16223.

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General :: Field Auto Add Numbers To Value

Jul 11, 2012

I have a field for SSN. If the SSN has a 0 or 00 as the first numbers it auto deletes those numbers. Is there a way in access that when the record is visible the 0's are relpaced so that the SSN will read the 9 digit. Also i have another fiels EIN with 7 digits an i need for there to be 2 9's in the beginning. I was goingto use vba but when i go to yp it i only get .value <


Value is tho only option to get. IDK y it does this or how to get it to shop if there is a ay.

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General :: How To Create Auto-population

Aug 23, 2012

I have a table where names are associated with information. However, we are now not allowed to have any identifying information with the information, so I need to move the names to another table with some kind of indentifier to associate which patient goes with which information. I was thinking about having the auto assigned ID numbers act as the ID numbers for each set of information.

So I need find a way that when someone enters information in the main table, they then enter the name into the "ID table" with the same autoassigned number. The problem now is there is already information in the table, and since data has been deleted, the ID autoassign field has gaps. I also don't know if I can set up an autopopulate field. How to make this easier or how to create the auto-population.

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General :: Stop Tab Control With VBA

Jan 17, 2014

I'm trying to stop a couple fields from being able to tab to based on other field value in a form. I have the following code but this didnt work.

Private Sub Step42_GotFocus()
If Me.Step42.Locked = True Then
End If
End Sub

I then tried this. but it still allowed the tab stops. How can I stop it?

Me.Step42.Locked = True
Me.dat18.Locked = True
Me.dat19.Locked = True
Me.dat20.Locked = True
Me.Step42.TabStop = False
Me.dat18.TabStop = False
Me.dat19.TabStop = False
Me.dat20.TabStop = False

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General :: Using MS Access To Control SAP?

Mar 6, 2014

I am trying to write a code that will run through one of my tables and copy a value from that table and then open SAP and run a search of the value, then save an excel copy of the results of the search, and repeat for each value in the table.

I am not asking for the code for the entire thing, just the code to access SAP similar to the way you open up other applications like internet explorer.

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General :: Auto Generate NO And Reset It Everyday

Jan 17, 2014

I Want to automatic Generate the Numbers (Me.RID) when everytime loading the form.

EXAMPLE "14011701", "14011702", "14011703", "14011704"....

140117 mean "yymmdd" and the last 2 digit mean autorun Number.

But in the next day 140118 I want the last 2 digit auto Reset and start form 01 example "14011801", "14011802", "14011803", "14011804"....

Same also for day 140119, "14011901", "14011902", "14011903", "14011804"....

Below is my incomplete VB code, i dont know how to reset the last 2 digit every day.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim RNos As String
RNo = DLookup("[RNos]", "Temp_Table")
Me.RID = Format(Date, "yymmdd") & Format(Val(Right$(RNo, 2) + 1), "00")
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "update Temp set Temp_Table.RNos = '" & Me.RID & "'"
End Sub

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