General :: Trim Function - Can't Find Project Or Library
Dec 3, 2012
I am using VBA for MS Access 2003. I left this project since 4 years and I know back to it as mass needs forced me to use it again.
I use trim function. it raises the compile error: can't find project or library. I know that the solution is by adding the library in the References item from the Tools menu. Thus What are the minimum libraries that I should add so that these basic problems solved. By the way: I already added the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3.
The Str() function is a basic, how can this function be missing? I had a problem not so long ago with not being able to change background colors via VBA 'cause, I'm almost certain, the same error message.
Somehow my Access installation is broken, or my HD is dying? Haven't noticed any other errors with my system though.
Okay, I have been away from in-depth access for several months and now I am transfering my project to a new computer with Office 2000 and latest patches installed.
When I try to run a screen, I get the error "Compile Error. Can't find project or library."
I check the references against the old computer and they are all the same.
The silly thing is that it is built-in functions like "trim" causing the error.
I know this is very basic but I forget what causes it.
Working on an Access 97 database that I have inherited, on win 2000. The database is converted into an .mde file for the users.
I need to convert my new version to an .mde file, it does convert, but then when trying to open it afterwards gives the error below. Believe it's connected with the startup form frmsplashscreen which has 'on current', 'on open' and 'on timer' events
The expression On Open you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Cant find project or library.
I have gone back to the .mdb it was converted from and compared the startup form to that of a previous version. All the code is the same. I have also tried commenting out the on open event, which then changes the error to
The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Cant find project or library.
I don't understand why it does not work, this same form opens fine when it's an .mdb file.
This is the first time I have worked with .mde files...I've looked on the internet, can't locate the exact error but similar ones point to problems with files on my ws (references etc). Previous versions of this database as .mde files work fine though? Just say if you want the code from the startup form.
i have the following code and i have the below error:
can't find the project or library in red part
Code: Option Compare Database Option Explicit Function DatumUmwandeln(Datumstring As Variant) As String Dim Monat, Tag, Jahr As String If Datumstring <> "" Then Tag = Format$(Datumstring, "dd")
I saw my question in an online tutorial once but can't find it.
I have about a thousand records and I'm just concerned about one field. I have to strip away part of the text.
Heres an example:
AFG-006/2/E AFG-006/E AFG-008/1 AFG-008/1/E
I have to strip away all of the left part from the ascii character (/)
so all the records would look like this:
AFG-006 AFG-006 AFG-008 AFG-008
I'm sure there's a way to do this with Trim, maybe Ltrim but I'm not sure how this would be done. Does anyone have any ideas. I have over 1000 records which means it wouldn't be practicle to do it manually.
I'm relavtively new to databases but after a steep learning curve (being left with many databases created by my old manager with no instructions on use) I'm getting there.What I am trying to do is pull out the date from records in a field called "Model_ID". The Model_ID field contains this kind of information:
Endscopy20120726JSmith GISurgery20120521JDoe
I want to bring back "20120726" or "20120521". In excel I can do this with the mid and find functions but find doesn't work in access. I've tried combining the mid function with instr function but it comes back as too complex!
I have used the Trim function in a query and am getting an error. At first I was concatanating several fields but have cut it back to the most basic form but still receive the error. The error says that the trim expression failed. Here is the code I used:
Hi all, I have a local table that has data imported from a spreadsheet and we have discovered that one of the fields brings in trailing spaces. Since the Access DB has some querys to manaipulate the data I thought I would just create a qry that would trim the value of that field but I am getting error messages when I try to run the query. Basically it is a update query with the field value written as:-
Code: Trim([Code])
I am leaving the update field in the qry blank and it complains about it not having a destination field which is understandable so how do I go about trimming the value of a field in a query. Is it even possible ?
Hello, need help with the Trim() function. In a query I am using this SQL:
SELECT TRIM(tblAllMembers.First_Name), tblAllMembers.Middle_Name, TRIM(tblAllMembers.Last_Name), tblAllMembers.Address1, tblAllMembers.Address2, tblAllMembers.City, tblAllMembers.StateOrProvince, Trim(tblAllMembers.Postal_Code) FROM tblAllMembers WHERE (((tblAllMembers.City) Is Not Null) AND ((tblAllMembers.StateOrProvince) Is Not Null) AND ((tblAllMembers.Country)="USA"));
However when I run the query, the First_Name, Last_Name and Postal_Code doesn't trim leading and following blank spaces.
I have a report that contains several numeric fields for Blood tests. I am currently using the "TRIM" function to great success in the following format
Where intHb is a Number, field Size: Double, Format: General numberSimilarly I have one or two fields which have + - characters in their name e.g. intCa2+ (Calcium) which seem to throw a type error (inconsistently).how I can achieve "skip this field if no value in the table - but display with Indicator (e.g. Hb for Haemoglobin) if value present".
I have a program running with VBA coding, whereby the user enter a password which then sets the field attributes to enable the user to change them.
This is working on my laptop, on the client's LAN, it also worked through REMOTE DESKTOP, but the Head Office installed new PCs and now the REMOTE DESKTOP cause a problem.
Does anyone know of a way that I can get rid of characters off a product code so all I am left with is just the characters greater than zero?
AA0000000652618... I only want to be left with 652618.
Would it be best to use a left trim or to use a right trim function? Unfortunately there is no standard for the product numbers... meaning that some numbers are 15 characters in length (as is above) but others maybe shorter or longer...
Also where I would add in the Right or Left Trim piece of code? Regards,
Is there a function similar to the find function in excel which will return the starting postion of a charcter in a string and allow you to set the position for seaching IE I want to know at what postion the second ":" starts at in the following string
I am trying to add a find button to the form. But I keep getting an error saying "Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost" I have a feeling it has something to do with the Event Procedure. Any thoughts?
I have a query regarding signing my database. I have purchased a code signing certificate from Comodo. I have signed the VBA project and then set users security to 'Only enabled macros which are digitally signed' but when the database is opened it still gives the prompt 'Some active content has been disabled' and the user has to click 'Enable Content'.
Why does Access decide it should still disable the content when it is signed?
How do I print the complete code of a project? If I select all the code with CTRL+A in the code window does it print all the objects of the project I'm in or I have to select each object from the drop down list at the top of the code window?
I have designed a data entry form in MS Access 2003. One function I find frustrating is when I want to find a particular record while using this entry form. If I use the Edit>Find facility, for instance, looking for someone with the last name "Jones", eg, I must page through all the Joneses in the database by using either the "Next" button or by pressing the "Enter" key. This works but if I pass by the Jones I am looking for, I have to go all the way back to the first record and then slowly repeat the above process to find the Jones record I was looking for in the first place. I am wondering if there is some VBA code somewhere that would pop up a table, for example, of all the Jones records in my database. Then I could simply click on the Jones' record of interest in this pop up table and go directly to this record in my data entry form.
I have a database functioning pretty well. All I did was move the files from one computer to another via USB stick and now I get this alarm when I try to run this particular macro.
It is a macro to set a value to specific field. The Macro uses a condition [Forms]![tblCustomerCall]![Alarm Number]="000". If the condition is met then it is supposed to set a value to a field in the same form. [Forms]![tblCustomerCall]![Alarm Descrption] is the item to set. Left("TV Parity Alarm",50) is the expression. So if 000 is entered in then the text TV Parity Alarm is filled into the Alarm description field.
It was working perfect until I moved the files to another computer. I have Office SP2 installed and have updated office with everything available.
I have a field (SNumber) which is a text field and contains records that have a number which sometimes also have 2 letters on the right. ( examples: 1, 2, 3CD, 5, 6 HD). I am using the Right function in a code I am writing.
If Right (SNumber, 2) = "CD" then of code here
I would like instead of stating actual letters to code "any 2 digits". Can this be done and what is the correct code for any digits in this instance?