General :: Trying To Get Event To Update Subform / Query With Vba

Mar 28, 2014

I have a query in a subform on the main form. I have a search box that updates the subform/query as you type something (using the On Change event). You then click on the record you want which transfers the information to the appropriate text boxes (one of these txt boxes is the clientID I talk about below) located next to the search box.

I have a Contacts subform/query much like the serarch box I created and I am using a txt box (on the main frm) clientID (which I get from the above process) to filter the contacts.Now when I pass the ID to the txt box on the main form I am having trouble getting a event to trigger and update the subform/query correctly.

I am using VBA to create a simulated Click action which seems to work but is not updating the Contact subform/query, it is just resetting the subform/query. If I manually click on the txtbox with a ID in there all works wonderfully. I have attached the database. I made the clientID and btn next to it visible(this would not be visible normally).I just realised I left a button on the main form next to the clientID txt box just ignore that and click on a client then the clientID txt box to see how it updates the contacts subform..

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Forms :: Update / Requery Subform Through On Close Event Of Another Form

Aug 2, 2013

I am working with 2 forms and a subform.

frmTaskTracker -subfrmInbox (Datasheet View - based on a query)


subfrmInbox displays a summary of tasks on a task list. The user navigates to frmUpdateInboxItem from frmTaskTracker. After updating a record from frmUpdateInboxItem, it is possible that it the record in question will no longer meet the requirements to have it listed on subfrmInbox.

I have attempted to add code to the on close event of frmUpdateInboxItem to requery the sub form on frmTaskTracker but am not getting the syntax correct.

correct my code? Alternatively is there is a more correct way to do this, I'd be happy to learn it.

Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmUpdateInboxItem"
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Event To Update Automatically A Field In Form

Mar 18, 2015

I have a form and a subform

Which method should I use if I need to update automaticaly a field in form based on an event in subform ?

Just to be more clear, have a look in the below example.

In first print screen, student "Johnson Nick" has not completed all tests in TestA subform, the form field "DateCompleteA" is blanc.

Once a student completes all tests in Period A, I need the form field DateCompleteA to show the date that he completed the last one. (18/3/2015).

If student has not yet completed all tests in TestA subform the Form field DateCompleteA must be blanc.

Student has not completed "literature"yet, DateCompletA field is blanc

Student completed ALL his test, subform is updated, Form field DateCompletA is updated with the maximum date.

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General :: Populate Unbound Textbox With Combo Box After Update Event

Nov 13, 2012

I am populating a table using combo boxes in a continuous form. The box box alone works fine without any issue of repeated data. But as you know obviously the combo box only populates data in a single column of the table, in which case mine is the LASTNAME; so now I am attempting to populate a unbound textbox with the FIRSTNAME side-by-side with the combo box for the same record.

In the After Update event of the cboLASTNAME:

Me.txtFIRSTNAME = Me.cboLASTNAME.Column(3)

However, after updating the the combo the textbox data is repeated.

Is there a possible solution to this?

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General :: Trigger Event To Update All Records On Application Open

Jul 29, 2013

There are around 100 customers.And on application open, need to check if customer has paid invoice. If the customer has paid/not paid need to change the status accordingly. Form on open event changes status of only the first customer.Form on current changes status only if we move to the specific record. Is there an event to trigger to check the entire table records on application open?

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General :: Populate List Box With Event After Update In Combo Box - Run Time Error 13

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to populate a list box with an event after update in a combo box. I can get the formula to work using 2 criteria, the problem is i nee to add a third criteria. When I try to add it I get the run-time 13 error.

Here is the code I am trying to use:

Private Sub cboStatusRFQ_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboSupplier.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Contact] " & _
"FROM Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool " & _
"WHERE consolidated_master_req_pool.Complete = FALSE AND [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Supplier] = '" & Nz(cboStatusRFQ.Value) & "'" And "[cosolidated_master_req_pool.Status] = '" & "[SUPPLIER_RFQ FOLLOW-UP]" & "'" & _
"ORDER BY [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Contact];"
Me.cboSupplier = Null
End Sub

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General :: Outlook Event Based On Query Dates

Dec 2, 2014

I have a query that has some reminder dates. 10 days before an event and 5 days after. I was wondering if it would be feasible to create an outlook reminder based on the query and if so how would I go about it?

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Why Is Main Form Update Event Triggered When Subform Dirties Main Form?

Dec 1, 2005

I have a subform which makes a change to a field on the main form. When focus is returned to the main form, the BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events fire. Why? I thought from the form's perspective, the subform is just another control.

BTW, I get the same behavior if I modify the field from within the Exit event of the subform control.

In either case, the main form's Dirty event is NOT triggered.

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Query In Subform Wants To Update

Oct 26, 2006

After a scary recovery I have a new problem: Intially I changed the 'Data Entry' property on a subform, in a multi-tab form :eek: My tabs all dissappeared. (My Bad!:o )
Now that I have recovered I get a message when I close the form, asking do I want to save the changes to the design of the query.
This only seems to happen when I have read a second or third etc record that displays a different set of records in the subform.
This is a HR mdb with leave records in the subform.
Any help would be appreciated.
PS I thought I had posted this 2 hrs earlier, but can't seem to find it. Hoping this isn't a second posting ...:confused:

.... added an image of error

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How Do I Update A Subform Based On A Query ?

Sep 14, 2006

I would like the subform in the lower left corner to be blank when
I open the program. It is populated from my tblClients table.
How it works in general is you select "x" number of items from the
list box...hit the search button and the results go through a query
and then show up in the subform.
everything works ok but, like I stated I would like the subform to
be blank when the program is first started up.
It seems to be retaining information from the last start up in the
subform box.

Thanks for your's coming along great so far...
see attached doc...

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How Do I Update A Subform Fields From A Single Query?

Feb 20, 2005

I have a subform with two fields whose record source is a Query ("subquery")

Code in the query is as follows:

"SELECT Sum(capital) AS cq1
FROM capital_act WHERE (((capital_act.month)='jan' Or (capital_act.month)='feb' Or (capital_act.month)='mar') And ((capital_act.projectid)=forms!frmplan!projectid)) ;"

This query updates the field cq1 in my subform. I want to add 3 other fields for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters. For instance the second quarter field cq2 field would have the capital_act.month as 'apr' or 'may' or 'jun' and so on...

cq1 value gets updated fine. I dont know how to add the fields cq2, cq3, and cq4 on the same subform whose record source would be the same query ("subquery").

I added a second SQL statement in the same query ("subquery") for cq2 but access does not let me add it.

Can somone point me in the right direction please?


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Automatically Update Value In The Subform From Crossstab Query

Oct 10, 2006


I have a main form which has 2 subforms. The main form is the name of the Student. The first subform is the data entry form. It has 2 fields. One for the Trimester - a drop down which has "1, 2, 3" listed. And the second field is the benchmarks (again drop down). Now the second subform is a more elaborate way of viewing (only for viewing purposes) which standards have been chosen for which trimester. Now this form's control source is a Crossstab query, which updates the Trimester field for each of the benchmarks for the particular student.

Now my problem is I am trying to update this subform which is for viewing purposes only, automatically, so that the moment a benchmark is chosen on the other subform, the [trimester] field automatcially gets updated on this form. All the benchmarks are listed on this form (view form) and a field which is the trimester field. Data entry is not allowed in this form. So the information has to get updated automatically. It does when I close and open the form, but thats not how it should work.

I tried everything I thought possible (requery, refresh, a button to click) but couldn't get the form to update.

Please help! I would really appreciate if you could help me find a solution.

Thanks in advance


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Queries :: Unable To Update Subform After Re-query?

Jun 28, 2013

I have a form that displays an updatable subform. The main form has search fields and a search button that when clicked will reset the record source of the subform and then do a refresh. The problem is that after the search the subform stops becomes locked. Here is the code:-

Me!sbfDepartmentSub.Form.RecordSource = MySQL

I have tried Me.Requery also.

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General :: Update Main Form Field Value After Updating Field Value In SubForm?

Feb 12, 2015

I have a main form and a subform.

Both forms have the field called JobID in common.

Both forms have a field called JobStatus.

Any easiest solution so that After I Update the field called JobStatus in the subform, it changes the field called JobStatus in the main form to the value which was selected from the subform?.

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Before Update Event

Jan 17, 2006


In Form of the MS Access.

How can I make the form cannot close if the field is Null when I click the close button?

Field Name: Date, Id, Name

The 3 field names are required to input.

Before Update Event:
if (isnull(date)) then
end if
if (isnull(id)) then
end if
if (isnull(name)) then
end if

It works well when I go to next record (suppose I miss one field)
However, It doesn't work when I click the close button, the form is closed.
I want the form cannot close until fill out all fields. It cannot go to the missing fields.

I have a question, when I click close button, Must the form be closed even though I set up the field to be "setforce"?


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After Update Event

Nov 4, 2004

I have a Product(Table) and a Quotation(Table) linked with one to many Relation.A Query based on these Tables

and a Quotation(Form) which I use a ComboBox(ARTNO) which i have an event at AfterUpdate.The aim is to
every time I choose a Product from the ComboBox(ARTNO) automatically to display the Box(PRICE) of the Product.
Here is the AfterUptade Code:

Private Sub ARTNO_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_ARTNO_AfterUpdate
Dim strFilter As String

' Evaluate filter before it's passed to DLookup function.
strFilter = "ARTNO = " & Me!ARTNO

' Look up product's PRICE and assign it to PRICE control.
Me!PRICE = DLookup("PRICE", "PRODUCTS", strFilter)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_ARTNO_AfterUpdate
End Sub

The problem is that in the Box(PRICE) i have always the same price, in any product selection.
Does anybody knows why?Please help

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After Update Event

Jan 6, 2005

Hello All,
I have a question.
Can I have in Access 2000, in the After update event a code like this:
DoCmd.RunSQL ("Update Table1" & _

"SET [Table1].Field1 = (SELECT DISTINCT [Table2].[Field1] FROM [Table2] " & _

"WHERE [Table2].[Field22]= "& Me.textbox & " And (Left(Field1,5)= "00000" ")")

I have 2 tables. Based on what the user enter in "Textbox" I want to query Table 2 (with conditions) and to update Table 1 with the value I found in the Select statement. (Table 1.field1 = table 2.field1)

Thank you.

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Forms :: Update Query From Subform On Navigation Form

Jun 17, 2013

I have a navigation form, a navigation subform, and then a subform. When I click the save button on the navigation subform, i need the data entered in two fields on the subform to save in a table. the subform is based on a query. This is what I currently have on the the button's onClick event:

Update data_tbl
Set [data_tbl].[Approved] = [Forms]![Navigationfrm]![Navigation subform].Form![Entry_subfrm].[Form]![CboAppd]
[data_tbl].[Comments] = [Forms]![Navigationfrm]![Navigation subform].Form![Entry_subfrm].[Form]![txtComments]
WHERE [data_tbl].[ID] = [Forms]![Navigationfrm]![Navigation subform].Form![Entry_subfrm].[Form]![ID]

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Update Subform With Query Results In Main Form

Jul 17, 2012

I created a main form containing list boxes and a subform. What I want to do is to select items in the list boxes. Then, by clicking "Search" button, the data filtered by the selected items will be shown in the subform. But the subform cannot work and show the query results. I think I miss some VBA codes.


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After Update Event = No Updates

Mar 6, 2006

Hi there all i need to set a field on my form not to accept any updates to what ever was typed in the field before it was saved the first time kinda like After update event = no updates :confused:

Any idea on how this can be achived please.

Thanks so very much in advanced.


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Event For Update From Dlookup Or Vb

Feb 28, 2005

I need to trigger an event for when a text box is updated.

However, I cantuse on_update() because the text box is updated by dlookup (and on some of my other ones by vb code), and on_update() only works when the user physically enters a value.

Which event should I use. If there isnt one, is there a work around?

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Event For Text Box Update

Mar 9, 2005

I need an event for when a text box is updated. Not by the user typing into it, but when VB code or something like Dsum() changes its value automatically.

What event can I use? Does one exist for this?

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Message Box And After Update Event

Oct 26, 2004


I have form with a series of text boxes in which users can edit the data that is populated in them. For one of the text boxes I want to add an after update event, so that if the user changes the value in the text box, a message window appears telling them to click on the submit button at the bottom of the form.

Does anyone know the code that I should use to make this message appear when the value in the text box is changed?

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How To Trigger After Update Event

Nov 4, 2003

Thanks to S.baxter I have used some code to loop through a recordset and select each record in turn in a form that uses the recordset as the Rowsource of a combo box. However, there is an After_Update event attached to the combo box which is not being triggered.

MS Help says :- "If you move to another record or save the record, the form's BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events do occur." I have tried this but can't get it to work. Would it work if I could move the focus to another control on the form and if so how do I do that?


Mike Collard

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Checkbox After Update Event

May 24, 2007

I have a main form with 2 subforms. I have a checkbox on subform1 "frmExpediteS" that when checked i would like the Value in Feild "PO" of this subform to appear in "PO" in a second subform2 "frmExpediteDetails". I think I need an after Update event but not sure of the code to use.
Can someone please steer me in the right direction.


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Modules & VBA :: After Update Event

Jan 14, 2014

I have a DB with TblInspector and TblViolation Data. Here is what I am having trouble with. On my form I have a combo box named Inspector and a text box named ARNumber. What I would like to have happen is anytime that I select John Doe from combo box Inspector it pulls his ARNumber from TblInspector and saves his ARNumber in TblViolation Data.

I have fields Inspector and ARNumber in my TblViolation Data. I am pretty sure it is an After Update Event. I just don't know what code to put where. This is what I currently have on my combo box. It pulls the number and displays it in the text box on the form but does not save it to the table.

Private Sub Inspector_AfterUpdate()
Me.ARNumber = Me.Inspector.Column(1)
End Sub

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