General :: Upload Selected Data To Access From Excel

Sep 9, 2014

I am working on a project where I need to upload selected data from multiple sheets of an excel file. Here is an example of what I want.

1. I want to create a table in Access with around 10 columns
2. Column 1 should be populated with the date field found in A2 cell of sheet 1 of the excel file
3. Column 2-5 should be populated with the columns B2-E200 in sheet 2 of the excel file.
4. Columns 6-7 would be populated based on values from columns 1-2 of the table. Basically Column 6 should be Column 1 date plus 60 days.
5. Column 8-10 would be user generated after the excel is imported and the user should have the ability to attach around 5 files to each row.

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General :: Upload Data From Excel Via A Button Into Access DB

Sep 11, 2014

I have a excel file and want a button in the sheet which would transfer a certain range of data in a defined excel sheet to an existing access db table. How to do about doing that.

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Upload Data From Excel To Access

May 9, 2006

Hi all,

I have an access mdb file and just added a new field to one of the tables.

I also have several spreadsheets with bits of information that I would like to use to update the newly created field for each record.

Not sure what is the best way to approach this. Can I use a query that will look into the spreadsheet and copy the specified cell to the newly created field using an if statement? or

Do I need to get all data into a table and upload as a new table in Access then use query to update the records?

Please keep in mind that I do not wish to append new records, I need to update existing ones.

The above represents my thoughts on how to approach this task, I would appreciate any help.

I must also state that I am totally new to access and would appreciate as much detail as is possible in the response(s).


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Data Upload From Excel To Access

Feb 4, 2013

I have uploaded data from excel to acces and found some data issues in columns in Acess tables.It has '?' mark in some data in the filed.This is mainly becuuse some excel cells got carriage return in the cell. Can I fix this issue strightway in access column without update excel to remove space and carriage returns in there and then upload again.

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Custom Upload Data To Access From Excel

Sep 9, 2014

I am working on a project where I need to upload selected data from multiple sheets of an excel file. Here is an example of what I want.

1. I want to create a table in Access with around 10 columns
2. Column 1 should be populated with the date field found in A2 cell of sheet 1 of the excel file
3. Column 2-5 should be populated with the columns B2-E200 in sheet 2 of the excel file.
4. Columns 6-7 would be populated based on values from columns 1-2 of the table. Basically Column 6 should be Column 1 date plus 60 days.
5. Column 8-10 would be user generated after the excel is imported and the user should have the ability to attach around 5 files to each row.

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Upload Excel Data To Single Column In Access

Jul 22, 2015

I cannot seem to find a way to upload several rows of data to one column in Access!I have about 9 columns already in the table which have 900 rows each. These include names, numbers, address etc.I was asked to add a column on next to the 9 columns with corresponding User ID such as 0093457FX (Which I really do not want to add manually).Every time I try to upload an excel file the data either goes below the current data from the 9 columns on the new column and does not match the current data set, or it does not show up at all.

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Excel To Access Upload

Dec 29, 2005

Hi All,

I have an existing database in access now I need to add records (10000 rows) in this table from excel. When I try to do an import from Excel to Access it gives me an error.
Please Help!!

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General :: Access Data Export Into Excel As Data Linked To Excel

Oct 21, 2012

how i can export the data from Access to excel using Access VBA for the specified sheet using data linkage with access database. Like we used to do it manually in excel as external data from access.Like we have some codes for linking excel file to database mentioned below;

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acLink, , "region", "F:DB PracticeBook1.xlsx", False, "region"

Can we have something like this to link database table in excel file automatically.So that the excel size won't be that big and also it saves processing time.

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Upload CSV Data To Access

Dec 29, 2004

I have converted 6 Excel spreadsheets to one CSV text document distinguished by their sheetnames. Where I am stuck is trying to import that CSV file into 6 separate tables in my Access database. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this using VBA. I am still a newbie at this, so any help would be appreciated.

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How To Upload Data From Ms-Exell Ms-Access Table Automatically?

Oct 27, 2006

I am Oracle Guy & new to Ms-Access. I want to load the data from Ms-Exell into Table in Ms-Access automatically through Procedure / Macros. How to do this process?. Help me, if anyone knows.


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General :: Export Data From Access To Excel?

May 5, 2013

i have access 2013 and when i try to export data to excel with "Analyze data in excel" when the file is open i excel i get this error message file error: some data may have been lost". (and a whole row has not been export)

i tried to fix this file with excel open and repair option and i click on "extract data" but then i got this message;
Excel attempted to recover your formulas and values, but some data may have been lost or corrupted.
Excel found errors that may cause some recovered data to be put in the wrong cells.

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General :: Transform Excel Data To Access

Oct 24, 2012

1. how to transform excel data to access

2. how to create run time application : i tried it to make accde but no luck T_T "

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General :: Moving Data From Excel To Access

Sep 13, 2012

How can I import data from excel to access, i have a huge file more then 5000 entries in there....

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General :: Exporting Access Data Into Existing Excel Doc

Dec 17, 2013

I have made a access database which captures new booking information and i then want to export this to a pre-existing excel doc which has formulas in which will work out how long it took my team to process it.

So my question really is to see if it possible to just keep adding data to an excel doc that i have created?

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General :: Import Data To Excel From Access Without Retaining Link

May 11, 2015

Is there a way to import data to Excel from Access without retaining the link ?

I have a table and two queries (from that table) that I wish to export to a specific (Templated) Excel file.

I want to send the data to the Excel file then be able to subsequently copy and paste and email the file without any data connections etc.

Alternatively : to export from Access to the templated excel file.

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General :: Data Altered In Transaction From Access To Excel CSV File

Nov 7, 2013

In Access column name is STKITEMNBR and data type is TEXT. 4/5 of data are numeric and 1/5 are alfa-numeric. One of data was 15E10 in Access, but was altered to 1.50E+11 when exporting out to Excel csv file. Because it was Stock Item Number it needed to stay the same as 15E10 in csv file.

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General :: Importing Excel Data To Listbox In Access VBA Code

Aug 9, 2013

Need importing just 1 column from excel file into vba !

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General :: Excel Numeric Data To Be Imported As Text In MS Access

Aug 1, 2015

Attached in the ZIPPED file is an Excel spreadsheet.

Columns A is all numeric, and needs to be represented in access as a text field.
Column B is a mixed format of dates entered and in some instances only plain numeric. I need to import this column as is into a text field in access.

I tried importing the excel sheet, but the data gets changed.I tried to linked the Excel sheet but it also had an influence on the data.In both cases the influence of change is NOT throughout. Hence my need to get this spreadsheet into access as is.

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Export Filter Data In Selected Fields To Excel

May 20, 2005

First off I apoligise if this is a clear answer. I have looked on the internet for the last two days and can't seem to find this anywhere, either that or I am just entereing the search parameters in wrong :confused:

I have filtered selection in a form which I want to export to excel.

Simple enough ;) : Created a macro with the export to command. This dus everything I want to do.

Well not quite. :rolleyes:

How do I select the fields I want to export.Something like Select Id, name, adres from query soandso

Hopefully there is a simple solution to this. If there any existing posts. Could you post the link for me.

Thank your for your time,
Kind regards,

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General :: Downloading Excel Data From Site And Connect It To Access - Time Format Changed

Dec 18, 2013

I 'm downloading the excel data from the site and connecting it to access.

In excel the particular column (Time Taken) is in the format of "00:12:26".

After connecting it to access and appending it to the table, the format changed to "12:12:26", the first two digits changed to "12" and the remaining are as it is how it looks like in the excel. I need to change it to format what it looks like in the excel.

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General :: Import Selected Data From CSV

Feb 6, 2013

I am trying to import my data from a csv file, but I don't need all the data and the format of the csv is not very straightforward.

For some background information, the csv file contains bucket weights from a mining loader which are recorded with the corresponding timestamp, which is in a binary format. The file also contains a marker to tell me which loading unit it came from as the name of the file is the same regardless of which machine it comes from. The format of the file is out of my control. The file is a standard weekly download and I would expect to see the same type of file from at least another 5 machines.

If you look at the attached example csv in Excel, I need to pull out the information in columns B and C but only from row 29 down. The rest of the information above this is machine information only. What I also need to do is associate these records so I know that they came from the unit number which is shown in cell B5.

Also, how can I then convert the binary time to standard date/time format? This is the formula I use through Excel to convert it "= ((LEFT (D29, 10)/86400) +25569+8/24)"

My end result is to be able to run a report which shows the bucket weights for a particular unit in a user selectable time frame.

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General :: When Transfer Data From Table In Excel To Table In Access / It Loses Format

Jan 29, 2015

When I try to transfer (ctrl c + v) data from a table in Excel to a table in Access it loses format.

Exemple: $ 1.000,00 (Excel) become 1000 (Access).

I need to keep the format to make sure that the code works properly.

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General :: How To Split Database And Upload To Server

Dec 11, 2012

I am new in database design . I did a database by access 2010 which contain form and tables and i want to split it to backend and frontend and then make then in website

I need step in detalis to do that

How to split

How to put the backend on my site

How to make frontend in site

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General :: Input Data Into Website Based On Selected Record

May 19, 2014

Is it possible, to input information from my continuous form into a web control form. at my job we a required to tract our jobs by equipmentid and job control number(jcn). When a job is done we have to upload the id and jcn into a website to tell it is cleared. I am looking for a way for that info to automatically be filled in when i load the website based on the job i have selected in my form?

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General :: Access Form - Scroll Box Does Not Bring The Selected Value Up

Sep 18, 2013

I have added a scroll list to my access form and although I can see the item I need to pick in the drop down list when I manually start typing it, the scroll box doesn't bring the value up and states that the value I have selected is not in the list (when it clearly is !!)

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General :: Access 2010 - Database Not Responding When Fields Selected

Jan 8, 2015

For some reason our database keeps "not responding" ...

The application stops responding when:A field is selected that has a input mask

A combo box is highlighted (forcing the drop-down menu to open)

Certain buttons are pressed (in fact all but two trigger not responding, why the two buttons are immune)

if I put a break point on a section of code that runs when I press a button (any button, it doesnt matter) and I then press the button which takes me to VBA, to the break point. Then I press F5 to continue to run the code until the function ends (essentially doing nothing, just running the code to the soonest break point I can in the function and then running the rest of the code as normal...) it all works fine again!!!!

I fixed the issue by creating the function:

Sub aiuewjgaop()
End Sub

saved the database, deleted the function and then saved the database again.

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