General :: Uploading From Excel - Error In XLS File In Row 0

Feb 3, 2014

I have an access database that has been written by someone else (I am a novice when comes to access!) and to which I have been asked to regularly upload data from excel.

There is a Macro written to load data from spreadsheets, and generally this works without problems. However there are a few spreadsheets which come up that result in a message box saying "Error in [name of spreadsheet] xls file in row 0" - I have checked for errors and null values in the spreadsheet but have seen this before as it generally tells me the error is in row 245 for example, but have never seen this error in row 0 before!

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Uploading PDf File

Jan 23, 2008

Hi there,

My user want to upload the PDF files to the access database using the access forms. First of all is it possible? If yes then how can i do this?

Thanks alot

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Error Importing Excel File

Jul 6, 2005

So I have had Access for all of one day now. I am trying to import an excel file into access as a table. I successfully imported the first file but the second file gives me an error that says "An error occurred trying to import file ____. The file was not imported." What are the possible reasons this error has occurred? Both excel files I am importing are in the same format, so I am confused as to why one worked but the other did not. Thanks for any help.

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General :: Uploading Pictures To Access?

Mar 22, 2013

I am currently working on a project for work on re-creating our database for our daily audits. We enter daily information on a form which feeds to the table and in return we run the queries to get the percentages and all that good information. I was asked to be able to load a picture of to a particular record. Can I do that from the form and that link to the table and to the queries that run?

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Error When Pasting Excel File In MS Access 2010?

Sep 1, 2015

When I am working in the tutorial which is shown in the below link:


when I copy from Clarksville.xlsx the employees names and try to paste into a new Access database*. It says:

Text is Too Long to be Edited

I am unsure what to do next to deal with this error. The internet says to increase the size of the cell where the text is being pasted. I am not sure how to do that.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Exported Data To Excel / File Error

May 28, 2014

I've vba in Report onformat the vba code does some data copying to External Excel file (premade by vba).Now on first run, i got success.But on opening the excel file, it showed blank space + Error"File already opened"

No White Spreadsheet is shown with data to see into file, i created new excel file in windows, and inserted the vba created/exported file as an Obj.Now Obj is showing correct and full data with spreadsheet as normal view.

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General :: How To Split A Database For Uploading To Sharepoint Site

Dec 14, 2012

Is there a tutorial on how to split a database so that it can be uploaded to a sharepoint site and one part of it allows updates and the other part only viewing?

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General :: Exporting Excel File From Query

Dec 17, 2013

Am trying to export an excel (97-03) file from a query I have. Some of the columns have exported as number values (as its linked via unique id's). I want it to export certain columns as the text columns. I have tried the lookup route but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

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General :: Export Table To Excel File

Dec 6, 2012

I have a table of trainees. One of the fields of that table is 'authorized trainer' (YES/NO) tick box. What this allows me to do is query the trainees table based on who is an authorized trainer, and who is not. I have a table of called training, that records information about training a trainee has completed. One of the fields of this table is a lookup that looks up all the trainees from the trainee table who are authorized trainers, so that I can also record who conducts each trainees training.

As you can see from the table the listbox field for trainer shows both the last, and first name of the trainer.I now need to export the table to an excel file, but when I do, only the second name of the trainer is exported. Is there a way to export both the first and last name?

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General :: Exporting A Single Record To PDF And Excel File

Feb 27, 2013

I am trying to Export a single record from my customer table and using below codes -

Private Sub lblPDF_Click()
Dim myPath As String
Dim stDocName As String
Dim theFileName As String
stDocName = "rptCustomerMaster" (is my Report File name)
>>>DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , "CustId = " & Nz(Me.CustID, 0)
myPath = "C:..."
theFileName = "CustID " & CustID & ".pdf"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, stDocName, acFormatPDF, theFileName, True
End Sub

Having errors on the highlighted code, how to resolve it, or is there any support available to export record into PDF file?

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General :: Obtaining Creation Date Of Excel File

Apr 10, 2014

I want to use the create date of a file which is stored as a linked table in my Access 2010 database. I have attempted this by creating a query (qrysysObjects) using the MsysObjects and that gives me the filename of the linked tables, well almost - a few are csv files and this does not have the file name in the database field text, but I have found it in the foreignname field except it is name#csv rather than name.csv so I can't simply concatenate this in a query.

I know there is a function called FileDateTime which you can use in vba or a query but can you use a variable with this rather than the actual path name? I tried this in the query qrySysObjects but it said unknown function.

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General :: Import Excel File Every Week Into Access

Jul 25, 2012

I need to import an excel file every week into Access. The file is always saved in the same folder called "Current" however the file name changes week to week because of a date and time stamp.

For example this week the file is named:

Weekly_Internet_Order_Matchup_Converted_Channel_Su mmary_20120721_080603
next week it will be
Weekly_Internet_Order_Matchup_Converted_Channel_Su mmary_20120728_074452

Is there a way for me to import the file by ignoring everything after the "y"?

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General :: Access Form - Allow User To Browse For Excel File

Jul 18, 2012

What I would like to do is create a form that lets the user browse for an excel file, then will click an "import" button which then imports all the fields in excel into a table.

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General :: Import Or Link Excel File On Access Database

Sep 17, 2013

I'd like to import an excel file but the data begin from cell "A10", above there is a "privacy text".Is it possibile import or link the excel data in an access table directly from the cell A10?

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General :: Data Altered In Transaction From Access To Excel CSV File

Nov 7, 2013

In Access column name is STKITEMNBR and data type is TEXT. 4/5 of data are numeric and 1/5 are alfa-numeric. One of data was 15E10 in Access, but was altered to 1.50E+11 when exporting out to Excel csv file. Because it was Stock Item Number it needed to stay the same as 15E10 in csv file.

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General :: Export Excel From Access - Save Field Name As File Name

Aug 30, 2012

I am the new for the vb little bit know the access, while exporting excel from access query, i require save field name as file name.

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General :: Importing Excel File With VBA Without Headers And Skipping First 3 Rows

Aug 5, 2015

Basically I want to import an excel file that doesn't have any column headings and the data starts on row 4. I already have a table with all of the column headings set in Access.

My research led me to create an import specification and then edit that in the 'mSysIMEXSpecs' Table to Start on Row 4 and then use that spec in VBA to transfer the file to my table. That all seems good, but it seems like an Import Spec only gets saved to the 'mSysIMEXSpecs' Table if you are importing a text file. Nothing gets saved there for Excel.

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General :: Cannot Publish Excel Pivot Chart - Run Time Error

Oct 11, 2013

I am trying to publish an Excel Pivot Chart, but keep getting Run Time Error 1004 - Application-defined or object-defined error...

I have tried the code 2 ways:

Sub PublishChart() Worksheets("Historical_Pivot").Activate
With ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects.Add(xlSourceChart, _
Path & "" & "AWA" & "_" & "JAMALCO" & "_" & "Chart" & ".htm", _
"Historical_Pivot", "JAMALCO", xlHtmlStatic, "ABC REQ BACKLOG_2013", "")
.Publish (True)
.AutoRepublish = False
End With
End Sub

Sub PublishChart()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbookSet ws = wb.Sheets("Historical_Pivot")
With wb.PublishObjects.Add(xlSourceChart, Path & "" & "AWA" & "_" & "JAMALCO" & "_" & "Chart" & ".htm", ws _
, "", xlHtmlStatic, "", "")
.Publish (True)
End With
End Sub

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General :: Error Message If Current Date Of A File Is Not Correct

Feb 14, 2014

I have a vba code export a error message if the current date of a file is not correct.. I have tested the code it worked to send a error message to a error.txt file but he it doesn't look to the modified date

So instead of:

file1.txt (13-02-14)
Send error message ("file not updated") to: Error.txt

no action requeried

This code does the following :

file1.txt (Modified date: 13-02-14)
Send error message ("file not updated") to: Error.txt

file2.txt (Modified date: 14-02-14)
Send error message ("file not updated") to: Error.txt

Sub CheckD()
Dim FSO As Object: Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objFile As Object: Set objFile = FSO.GetFile("C:Users
If objFile.DateLastModified <> Date - 1 Then

[Code] .....

So also if it is the current date he send the error message to the error.txt file, it could be possible that i did something wrong.

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General :: Run Time Error 3011 When Exporting Access Report To Excel

Dec 18, 2012

I using excel 2010 and access 2010. I have VBA script runtime error 3011 when running script. It has problem finding access report. First I was passing in as variable with the name. Then I used a script to pull in the report name from access and it is still failing with same error.

Code is shown below.

Private Sub Command29_Click()
Dim reportname As String
Dim theFilePath As String, FilePath As String, tempStr As String
' reportname = Me.My_DBTableName

[Code] ....

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General :: Date Import From Excel To Access - Type Mismatch Error

Sep 17, 2014

So I have a macro in excel which imports data from the excel sheet to a table in access db. Now the excel file has 4 columns which have dates.

- I imported the excel file from access via access so that I can get the heading of the table and the table is created. Then I deleted all the data in the table.
- When the table was imported 2 of the date columns got set as Short/text data type. Dont know why.
- Now, if I leave the data type as it is in Access table, my macro button in EXCEL works fine and imports the data to Access. If I change the data type, in access design, of the two data columns to date type, I get the type mismatch error when I run the import macro button in EXCEL.

I am going nuts over this error. I even created a blank table in access and defined data types to all columns which would be imported from excel. but still excel macro button shows the same error.

I checked the format of all the four date columns is date.

I did a lot of hit and try and could it be the case that if access table fields are defined properly, but any of the data columns cells in excel sheet is null/empty, it will show the type mismatch error.

ALTERNATIVELY, is it possible and is there a way, that once the data is imported to access, I can convert the value in the column from short text to date type.

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Push Data From Current Record In Form Into A New Excel File, Using Excel Template

Sep 10, 2007

I searched the archive and didn't find quite what I was looking for, so..

I have an Excel 2003 spreadsheet work-in-progress being used as a template (developed by others) to prepare project cost estimates in a complex regulatory environment. We are 'modelling on the fly' for a number of projects until we are comfortable with the estimate model, after which time I intend to incorporate our 'stable' estimate methodology into Access. Meanwhile, I am 'stuck' with the Excel spreadsheet.

I have a project tracking database (Access 2003), and I want to be able to track my estimates. I do NOT want to embed my spreadsheets into the db, just a filelink. There can be more than 1 estimate per project.

Ideally, the user should be able to define a project in the Access db (or select one already defined) and click a 'make estimate' button, which would generate a new Excel file in a predefined directory (based on the present version of the .xlt file), give it an appropriate filename (based on the Access ProjectID and estimate sequence number for that project if there were others already), open up that workbook in Excel, and then autopopulate some cells based on information showing on the original form in Access!

A separate button for 'Open existing estimate' will eventually be required, but I think I could do that if I can get someone to walk me through the steps required above.

I am somewhat familiar with vba in Access, but am an absolute rookie when it comes to excel.

Edit: I left out that I would also add an appropriate record to a table like tblEstimate which would contain the link(s) to the estimate(s). This table will obviously contain a FK to tblProject

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Linked Excel File - Excel Date Field Translated To Text?

Mar 23, 2006

I have an excel file linked to a table in Access. Several fields are date data types in excel but are showing up as text fields in Access.

My real goal is to do a comparison between two tables, but only if the date of the one piece of data is newer than the other. I had planned on comparing the two date fields but even though I have formatted the date fields in my excel file to be "Date", when I look at the design view of my table it is showing up as "Text" and therefore I am unable to do this comparison.

I'm not sure if it's just something that I'm missing but maybe someone else knows an easy fix to this. I know this is probably a simple question, but I did search the forum and didn't find a thread that specifically dealt with this issue.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Text File To MS Excel Multiple File Import Application

Jul 20, 2006


I would like to automate something presently done on a one-by-one basis. Here: a number of text files(containing data) are to be exported into an MS Excel file, with each text file to occupy a different worksheet. Presently, the idea is to use the Data/import external data/import data feature of MS Excel for importing the text files one-by-one into newly created worksheets(within the same workbook).

I would appreciate some advice on how to go about creating a useful MS Access application to achieve the above. I have checked the available Macros in MS Access, but I could not find one to suit my purpose. can anyone pls assist, on how I can get started?


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Modules & VBA :: Determine Excel File Type Without Opening The File?

Aug 14, 2015

Question: Is it possible, using VBA, to determine the actual Excel file type without opening the file?

I receive data files from other departments. Seems like every time someone changes their download structure, I end up with file types that do not match the download extension (example: xlm file with a xls extension). The files can't even be opened because of this. I think I can fix it if I could figure out how to determine what the file type really is.

I'm using Office 2010.

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General :: Mail Merge Word File (using Data From Access File)

Mar 11, 2014

I often create contract using mail merge. I have an access file that I want to use as data source for word file. But it does not automatically.

Please download the attached file !

If there are 1 customer and 1 property, I do not need to do anything. Conversely, if there are many customers and many properties, I take time to manipulate.

Firstly, I open the word file. I have to copy and paste paragraphs that I want. Highlight of the original paragraphs is blue.

Secondly, I click 'Insert Word Field' -> select 'Next Record'.

In short, I wish to use VBA in access file to automatically perform the steps that I have outlined.

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