General :: Use Database To Print Selected Labels

May 8, 2013

I am using access 2010 and have made a simple database for the company I work for. This consists of the a table of the raw data and a form to make the data printable.

I have been asked by our admin person if I can make it possible to be able to print labels from it. I know it is possible via the wizard but very limited.

What we really need is to be able to select the people from the table that we want labels for.

I have added a true/false check box to the table called 'label?'

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How Do I Print Selected Mailing Labels?

Dec 17, 2004

Access 97.

Not sure if this is the right area to post this question in, but here goes....

I want to print mailing labels but I only want to print selected names from my database, not every name in the database.

How do I do this?

Make it simple, please.


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Develop GUI To Print Labels

Feb 22, 2013

I have to develop a software that allows users to print data from a GUI. The GUI is a form containing several fields: the user can choose only the fileds he wants to print (I thought to a checkbox to choose the needed fields)

For each field the user can specify: font, x,y coordinate to locate it into the label to be printed

The user can decide also the format (height,width dimensions) of the label

I imagine that the great difficulties is to find the function to create the string to sent to the printer....

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Tables :: Print Labels Macro - VBA

Jan 28, 2014

I have an Access database that includes a customer listing. My client would like me to include a button on a form that prints off all of their customers' names and addresses onto mailing labels. I know how to do it manually by clicking on the Customers table, clicking Labels under the Create ribbon, selecting the fields, selecting the label manufacturer, size, etc. etc., but the customer would prefer to have just one single button.

I've looked everywhere for VBA code to put into a macro that does this. Unfortunately, unlike Excel, Access doesn't have a "Record Macro" option so I can attach it to the button.

Table: Customers
Fields: FirstName LastName Address City State Zip (There are other fields, but they are not relevant to printing address labels)

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How To Print Custom-sized Labels

Mar 1, 2013

I need to print a contiguous subset of records from a table, not the whole table. I'm using a standard Avery #5349 label page, but need to print them in a vertical orientation (2 1/3" wide x 3 3/8" high; 4 across w/2 down), so I have to create a custom landscape label to print on regular 8 1/2" x 11" paper, but defined as landscape 11" x 8.5". When I do Print Preview, and orient the printer to Landscape, the Print Preview still shows Portrait, so I'm losing labels off the right side of the screen.

I know I can export the table to an Excel spreadsheet (to be used by Word's label print functions); the custom label page definition there is correct, and the labels print correctly. But I'm trying to simplify the whole operation by printing the labels from Access.

1. When designing the Access custom label definition, the Edit Label page graphic doesn't reorient and redimension the labels' layout as I enter each label dimension (as it does in Word), so I'm not sure which dimensions are correct (I've tried both ways). When I go for the Print Preview (and specify that the printer is to honor Landscape mode), I'm told that the dimensions won't fit on the page .. and I've seen the messages that say to ignore this if printing multiple labels .. "it'll probably print OK." Do I just (in my mind) rotate the graphic 90 and enter the measurements as I do in Word?

2. I haven't gotten to this point in Access yet: can I format each field differently (font, size) in the 1st label, then replicate that label's design across all (as in Word), then fill with data from the table?

3. I'm a DB lightweight .. how to select a range of records from a table to print to the labels? I don't want to print the whole thing.

4. Similar to #3: if I decide to export a table to a spreadsheet for input to Word, how to export just a range of records? I've been exporting the whole table, then editing the spreadsheet to delete the unwanted records, before inputting it as the Recipient List to Word's label print functions.

I'm trying to develop the necessary techniques at home on my Windows 7, Office 2010 platform. When I get it all figured out, I'll try to implement it on the target platform: my church's XP Office 2007 environment.

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Print Mailing Labels For Several (but Not All) Clients - Newbie

Jul 4, 2006

Hi all,I've been struggling with this for a few hours... I sure hope that the solution to my problem is complicated so I don't feel really dumb!I'm trying to design a database to eliminate the HOURS that my mom spends trying to format mailing labels in Word. She deals with about 50 clients at a time, and sometimes needs to print labels for just a selection of them, but not all. I'd like to design a form where she can select (using an option button or similar) the clients for whom she wants to print a label, and print them all at the same time (rather than printing one at a time, which I can handle on my own). Creating mailing labels will be the only function of the db so the info stored in it will be relatively simple.I have the Northwinds db installed, and I've found the sample Macro controlling the Where condition for the labels report. I understand how to make it work for a single selection from a combo box (ie: only print labels for customers from a specific country)I have my report set up so it shows a label for each client, pulling data directly from the main table. No troubles with formatting. **knocks on wood**My problems:1. I searched this site and found a link to the MS KB file that outlines how to print multiples of one label or skip used labels before starting to print (Q95806 - "How to Skip Used Mailing Labels and Print Duplicates"). I'd like to use this, but can't make it work.2. I can't figure out how to "link" the option button to the client name as it's listed in the form, and then tell the report to only print labels for the selected clients.I have very little coding experience but I can make some simple code work and am OK at customizing pre-written code to my own needs if it's well commented, so VB isn't entirely out as an option.I have a possible solution in mind that involves creating a query that makes a new table with only the selected clients, which is then used to make the labels report. I think I could make that work if I could just figure out how to select the clients in the first place.I apologize in advance if this has been taken care of elsewhere. I tried to find it, but had trouble coming up with the right search string!Thanks in advance,~ Mel ~p.s. I'm using Access 2000.

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Reports :: Setting Margins To Print Labels

Jul 11, 2015

I am having a problem setting the margins to print labels in access. I go to page setup and change the margin size click ok and nothing happens to the label and when I go back to page setup the margins have returned to their original values. I have already selected the label printer and labels that im using.So im baffled as to why it wont accept margin values that don't cause the label to be printed over 3 labels.

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Print Labels From Access 2007 Using Button

Apr 18, 2014

I have a form where I'd like to create a button to print labels from a labeling program called Label Matrix. I already have the label set up in Label Matrix to draw info from the Access table, and I know how to create a button. I can't figure out how I would make the button print the label.

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Reports :: Print Labels In Subreport While Printing Invoices

Jul 22, 2014

I am printing invoices and need to print the label in a subreport at the end of each customer only once. This is what I want it to look like:

2014 payments applied to cap: GA $8,078.00
NC $1463.00
SC $155.00


2014 payments applied to cap: GA $8078.00
2014 payments applied to cap: NC $1463.00
2014 payments applied to cap: SC $155.00

I use ACCESS, but I do not know SQL. .

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Queries :: Print Shipping Labels - Hide Query Results

Jul 5, 2015

I have a button on a form which is used to print shipping labels. This button runs a Query and then a report using the code below.

Private Sub SaveBtn_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET DateBookedOut = '" & Me!DateTxt & "' WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET BookedOut = True WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "PrintLabelQuery"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Labels", acViewPreview
DoCmd.PrintOut , , , , 1
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

But I need both the query results and the report to not be seen. All I want to happen when clicking the button is that a label is printed.

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Reports :: Text Within Report Labels Different Size In Preview / Print?

Jan 12, 2015

I have always noticed that when creating a report, when you make a paragraph using a label, the alignment and size of the text/paragraph is always different when you preview the report than when you design it.

This makes alignment of paragraphs tricky, especially when you are trying to insert a bold faced word into the middle of a block of text by using a separate label.

I am using Access 2000

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General :: Access 2010 - Database Not Responding When Fields Selected

Jan 8, 2015

For some reason our database keeps "not responding" ...

The application stops responding when:A field is selected that has a input mask

A combo box is highlighted (forcing the drop-down menu to open)

Certain buttons are pressed (in fact all but two trigger not responding, why the two buttons are immune)

if I put a break point on a section of code that runs when I press a button (any button, it doesnt matter) and I then press the button which takes me to VBA, to the break point. Then I press F5 to continue to run the code until the function ends (essentially doing nothing, just running the code to the soonest break point I can in the function and then running the rest of the code as normal...) it all works fine again!!!!

I fixed the issue by creating the function:

Sub aiuewjgaop()
End Sub

saved the database, deleted the function and then saved the database again.

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General :: Display Selected Form Using Drop Down On Opening Database

Jun 23, 2015

I have created a Db in MS Access 2010 and under Options > Current Database I have done the following:

- Used drop down to select a form I want to display on opening
- Unchecked display navigation pane
- Unchecked allow full menus

This works how I want it to, perfectly. I then send it to a client who also has MS Access 2010 and when they open the file the form I have told it to open doesn't open, the navigation bar is displayed (with the form I want to open highlighted) and the full menus show but are locked.

What's going on? Is it some security setting the client has that isn't letting the opening procedure execute properly?

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General :: Cannot Open Database Error When Make Table Option Selected

Sep 28, 2012

I linked table rawdata from a database called competitor from a ODBC Database. I run a query with to make a table with a criteria where it retrieves roughly 10 columns with 719,000 rows. And it gives me this error.

(Cannot open database". It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.

I asked the creator of the database and they said the database grows automatically and it was created with the same Access version as i am using to run the query.

Also when I do a RUN without creating a table and just selecting and displaying the data it does not give me any issues.

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Don't Print Selected Records

Jul 23, 2007


I have recently learned the use of 'ysnprint' (I am a novice), but wondered if there was an a way of selecting individual adresses in my db to exclude from the full address label printing.

Thanks for any help


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Print Records Selected In REPORT

Jun 2, 2005

I need print records selected in a REPORT, of continuos forms. this is example

please help me!!! :confused: :confused:

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Queries :: Command To Print Selected Query

Jul 11, 2014

I am trying to print selected query how can I do that what is the command for that ...

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Reports :: Getting Report To Print Only Selected Record Instead Of All

Aug 10, 2015

I am trying to get a report to print out one one record that I want.. I want it to be able to be sorted by date and the user just picks a date and one record is printed out on page. Right now every record that is stored is being printed on a different page and over time that is going to be a lot of paper... I want to be able to pick which record I want printed...

The Form is called "Bread Mold"
The report is called "Bread Mold Report"
The table is called "Bread Mold"
What it is sorted by is called "Swab Date"

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Modules & VBA :: Determine Which Printer Was Selected From The Print Dialog

Feb 10, 2015

This for an app being used in Access 2003. I'm trying to (sort of) automate naming a PDF report. After the user selects a printer from the print dialog, if the printer name is like "*PDF*" then I want to put the PDF file name in the clipboard so it can be quickly pasted in the file name of the PDF printer's save dialog.

Something like this:

Dim strSelectedPrinter as string
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt1", acViewPreview
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint


but that returns the name of the default printer, not the selected printer.

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Reports :: Print Selected Record From Subform In Switchboard

Apr 1, 2015

Now the fundamental point of my Database is to take bookings, calculate the costs and print out the bills.

It all works jim dandy...BUT I havent done it in a elegant way.

So I just want to streamline the database and make it more user friendly so my Dad could also use it.

I have a Switchboard with Buttons which functions as Navigation and below that I have a subform which is based on query from my Bookings table to show my current, future bookings etc.

I want to be able to click on a record in the subform and press a button to open the report in print preview mode without having to input the booking nr.

Funnily enough I have actually found an example database which has this function but its more complex (it does it in 2 stages, so the user can still input more data in the report if required) rather than going directly to the print preview. I looked through the settings but its difficult when you dont really know what to look out for.

I have tried 2 things so far:

-Creating a macro with the OpenReport command but when I ran the macro it still wanted the Booking Nr manually inputted.
- I tried a VBA code but that gave me errors and I wasnt able to debug it.

I read some things regarding the "Link Child/Master Field" but I dont know if I even need that...I *think* that is more for pulling info from the Master form to show the related data in the subform.

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Change Colour Of ALL Labels In Database

Feb 6, 2006


I have a problem where the user has certain contraints in colour.

I am trying to change all the colours of labels in the database to purple.

Is there any way to declare it once in the database and all label statements will pick up the new colour. Saves me going through every form. Also there are other users who want to use the database with black.


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General :: Building Address Block For Labels

Dec 4, 2012

My database contains business names and addresses in separate fields (name, address, city, zip code, state, country)

Now I have to build the address block for labels.

If there were just US addresses it would be easy but a business can be located in any country with the problem being
that countries require the block to be build in a specific way (order of city, state, zip code).

In some cases a particular section has to be upper case as well.

Of course I can build it manually in a memo field but the with chance of something easily going wrong I like to automate it.

It does mean the same info will be stored twice which is basically a no no.

I'm thinking of making a separate table with records for all possible layouts and use those as a source for a memo field in the business table. However I can't oversee if that would work alright or not.

Or should there be a way to generate the blocks on the fly?

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General :: Query To Build Labels For Nametags

Jan 14, 2013

Currently, I use ACCESS to track reservations for various types of events. When I want to make nametags, I download the "attendee" query that I've already set up to EXCEL and then merge into a WORD document. Is there a way to set up in ACCESS so the labels can be printed straight from the database? I've tried, but I can't get the labels to space out properly (EX: 2 across and 6 down) even though I put the correct label # in there.

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Reports :: Print Or Preview Reports Based On Selected Value In List Or Combobox

Jul 11, 2013

I am still trying to get a hang of development in access 2010.

I would like to design a form with a listbox or a combobox which holds all 8 of my reports (a table has all the reports), with a Print and a Preview view buttons. In addition, the user must be able to select if they want to view the report by month, quarter and the year in question.

How do i have a specific report print or previewed based on the value selected in the listbox or combobox and the date criteria.

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Insert Into Mdb From Selected Data From SQL Database

Sep 14, 2004

My application extracts data from a SQL server according to some filters and put it in a local database (MS Access), I actually do it in two steps, data extraction and loop tru the data sending it to MS Access with insert values instruction, is there a better way to do it (the routine is too slow for large databases, the string convertion make it slow I beliebe)?, I was thinking on something like "Select into", but I am not copying a database and I need to add 2 more columns to the database (add fields that you have at the moment to make the select but aren't on the database and were needed to make the selection).


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General :: Import Selected Data From CSV

Feb 6, 2013

I am trying to import my data from a csv file, but I don't need all the data and the format of the csv is not very straightforward.

For some background information, the csv file contains bucket weights from a mining loader which are recorded with the corresponding timestamp, which is in a binary format. The file also contains a marker to tell me which loading unit it came from as the name of the file is the same regardless of which machine it comes from. The format of the file is out of my control. The file is a standard weekly download and I would expect to see the same type of file from at least another 5 machines.

If you look at the attached example csv in Excel, I need to pull out the information in columns B and C but only from row 29 down. The rest of the information above this is machine information only. What I also need to do is associate these records so I know that they came from the unit number which is shown in cell B5.

Also, how can I then convert the binary time to standard date/time format? This is the formula I use through Excel to convert it "= ((LEFT (D29, 10)/86400) +25569+8/24)"

My end result is to be able to run a report which shows the bucket weights for a particular unit in a user selectable time frame.

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