General :: Use Different Field In Calculation Than Shown In Combo Box

Jan 3, 2013

I have a form which calculates many fields in the form. However, the issue that I have is how to use a different field in the query than the field that is shown in the drop down combo box in the calculation of an expression.

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Forms :: Limit Of Records That Can Be Shown Via A Combo Box?

Oct 29, 2013

In the form frmOrders of my database i have a combobox where i can choose a ClientID and the dropdown list shows me all the clients in upgoing order with their related orders in descent order.But the drop down list doesn't show all available clients. The two hundred heighest clientnumbers aren shown. However if i type one of these clientnumbers in the textbox of the combobox, the client is found.If i go to the property sheet of the combobox and activate the query that serves as the recordsource of the combobox, all clients are shown!!!I control of the records of these clients in the table Orders, doesn't show any difference with all the other records.What can be the reason for these behaviour. Is it a question of a limit of records that can be shown via a combo box?

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Field In Pivot Table Field List Not Shown

Oct 27, 2006


I am using Access 2002 SP1 and have created a pivot table based on a query which works fine. However if I change the structure of the underlying query by adding another field, the field is not availabe in the Field List in the pivot table. I have used the refresh option but I understand it only applies to the data.

Any ideas?

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Queries :: Records With Blank Field Not Shown

Aug 28, 2013

I have a query by form that has the criteria Like [Forms]![FormName]![ControlName] & "*" for each field. However the problem is that if one of the records have at least one blank field then the whole record wont show up in the query results. For example if there is a record with Fullname, and Age filled in but Address isn't filled in then if search Adam into the query by form the record wont show up because the address line is blank.

To make records that have a blank field show I know I could use Like Forms![FormName]![ControlName] & "*" Or Forms![FormName]![ControlName] Is Null but when I have used it, it has corrupted the query because I think if you use If Is Null many times in one query it becomes too complex for it to process.

Also, The other method is to use Nz in an expression but I cant do that because I want the query results to show up in a form where you can edit the records and the error message Field is based on an expression and can not be edited comes up if you try to edit the records. Anything else I could put into the criteria to show records that may have a blank field?

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General :: Populating Combo Box With Delimited Field?

Aug 21, 2012

So I'm working on an Access 2007 application for my company's suppliers list, but I am restricted to using a single Excel worksheet for the back-end. One of the fields, called [Files], is a list of files in .pdf format related to a supplier. The number of files can be 0, 1 or many. I currently have this field set up so that each file is separated by a semi-colon. A sample first record in [Files] is:

K:Users est user2008-12-24-ASTM D5857-08.pdf;
K:Users est user2012-03-12APCPP25-Black.pdf;
K:Users est userDIN_16901.pdf

The front-end contains a multi-item form. I'm trying to add a ComboBox (cboFiles) for each record, which is populated by the value in [Files]. Then, selecting an item in the ComboBox should automatically open that file.

I've tried a few approaches so far for populating the ComboBox:
Setting [Files] as the Control Source results in a single item appearing as
"K:Users est user2008-12-24-ASTM D5857-08.pdf;K:Users est user2012-03-12APCPP25-Black.pdf;K:Users est userDIN_16901.pdf"

I also tried setting the ComboBox Record Source Type to Value List and created a hidden TextBox (txtFiles) with the Control Source set as [Files]. Then I used VBA in Form_Load to equate the ComboBox Row Source to the TextBox. The code is simply:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.cboFiles.RowSource = Me.txtFiles
End Sub

While this does create a ComboBox with the correct items for the first record, it also populates the ComboBox for all the other records with the same thing, ie. every ComboBox has the items:
- K:Users est user2008-12-24-ASTM D5857-08.pdf
- K:Users est user2012-03-12APCPP25-Black.pdf
- K:Users est userDIN_16901.pdf

I'm thinking maybe this approach could work with some modification in the code or approach. Unfortunately, I'm not too clear on why the code goes through all the Me.cboFiles.RowSource, but only once on Me.txtFiles or how to get it to check the txtFile for each row. Otherwise, I will need to figure out some other way to fill in the ComboBoxes.

Edit: Actually, I've noticed something peculiar. Each time I select an item from a ComboBox, the other ComboBoxes for the other records also change to the same item. I think this has to do with cboFiles being unbound. Changing it to bound doesn't seem to be quite right though as it just gives the same default values as txtFiles while the items are still just copied from the first cboFiles. Also, I can't actually select any of the items when it's bound. I imagine it might have to do with the read-only attributes of a linked Excel File.

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General :: Default Value Of Text Field With Selection Of Combo Box

Sep 9, 2014

In the database attached I have a form called from Candidates.In this form is a combo box where a user can select what company the candidate belongs too.

However some candidates are Private Individuals (do not belong to a company).Therefore, I want the Position field to be set to 'n/a" by default if 'Private Individual' is selected.

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General :: Control Source - Set Value Of A Combo Box To Time Field

Oct 10, 2012

i have a list box with 6 columns. in column 6 there is a time field. on selecting this list box i want to set the value of a combo box to the time field.

so in the control source i put


This has no effect. I am not sure if i have done this correctly. but the combo box has manual values in it. the reason i want to have values in it is so if the treatment is 45 minutes at default. But i want to change it to 30 minutes just for a single occasion then i thought that this would be the way to do it.

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General :: Populate Report Field Based On Combo Box

Sep 6, 2014

On paper I have designed a faculty contact database and have now come to the point where I am designing the form. In the contact information table are Cell, Home, Office fields as well as Personal, Work, Alternate email fields which will contain the corresponding information. On the form after the information is entered the person needs to select an option from each of four combo boxes to indicate which is the preferred number, number for student, preferred email and email for students. The question is how to populate the text fields in a report based on the selection of the combo boxes with the information stored in the corresponding field (cell, home, office phone numbers and personal, work and alternate email). I am assuming it is done in the query but I don't know how or can it be done in vba?

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Calculation Within Query Using Combo

Mar 28, 2008

hi, i have a query which retrieves data on products.

my problem is how to display a specific total i need.

there are three fields;

the item price and labour columns are in currency format, but the discount column allows the user to select a discount between 0 and 50%.

now in a form, when i want to calculate the total price to be paid i have a simple code like this:
[itemtotal] = ([itemprice]+[itemlabour])/[itemdiscount].column(1)
the idea being, when a discount is selected, there is a hidden column in the combo which contains a specific number to divide the total of [itemprice]+[itemlabour], thus giving a total.

now i tried to use this code within a query, but it doesnt work.

any ideas?

jared james

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General :: Multivalued Combo Box Test If Field Is Checked / Selected

Feb 2, 2015

MS ACCESS 2010,i need to create macro, on insert. which will send mail if is selscted specificed value in combo multivalued list.but, i cant access to that field to test it.

i have tried:

([USERS].[TYPE].[Value])1 = "admin"
([USERS].[TYPE].[Value])1 = 1
[USERS].[TYPE].Value(1) = "admin"
[USERS].[TYPE].Column(1) = 1
[USERS].[TYPE].[admin]= true
-i have tried bound Column = 0, 1....
- tried with selected atribute..

and many variations on that theme, but i cant get to that value to test it?

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General :: Access 2010 - Can Field (Color) On A Form Be Set To Combo Box

May 1, 2013

Is it possible to have a field (Color) on a form be set to a combo box. A drop-down box appears with Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Other. When other is selected a dialog box prompt appears asking the user to enter the color. The response is then what appears in the Color field.

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General :: Auto Populate A Table Field From Combo Selection

Jan 17, 2013

I have a Table (tblFPAData) that is being populated with entries from a form I created. There are several fields but if I can get an answer for one relationship then I can repeat it for the others.

In tblFPAData there are the fields MaterialNo and Description.

I am creating another table called tblSchedule and using a form to enter the information. I need the user to select the MaterialNo from a combo (cmbMaterialNo) and the then table auto populates the Description from tblFPAData.

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General :: How To Add Combo Box Field To Data Sheet View In Form

Dec 29, 2014

I created a new field as a text box, converted it to Combo box, then the Values are pulled from a query and all that works fine.

I have a form that opens and displays these Fields in a Data Sheet view and the new Combo box doesn't drop down and is flagged as a text box in the property bar but no way to change it??

I need the drop down like the other Category field I have, that works but this one doesn't.

See screen shot.

You can see in the Category field, there is a Drop down, but in Category II there is not, even though this is a drop down field. - BUT in this data sheet view it doesn't show it as a drop down.

[URL] ......

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Forms :: Form Combo Box Calculation

May 30, 2013

I have a combo box on a form that is liked to a table (current). That table has a list of available items and a count at the end of it. For example, apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, 4. Is it possible to have the combo box on the form subtract 1 from the count when an item is selected from the list? So when apple is selected the count of 4 is changed to 3.

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Calculation Of Field Based On A Field In Access 2000

Nov 8, 2004

KTYPE=text; EXPIRATION_DATE=date/time; OVERAGE=date/time

im doing a report based on a query (which has a few fields, including KTYPE, EXPIRATION_DATE, OVERAGE). im trying to determine the OVERAGE based on the following conditions:

here are the conditions:

if KTYPE="PO", then OVERAGE:=(EXPIRATION_DATE + 6 months)
ie.. KTYPE=PO, OVERAGE:=(01/04/2004 + 6 months) = 07/04/2004

if KTYPE="IAA", then OVERAGE:=(EXPIRATION_DATE + 20 months)

if KTYPE="FA", then OVERAGE:=(EXPIRATION_DATE + 12 months)

and so on and so forth.

I'm very new to Access. What formulas do I use and do I put the formula in the query or the report.

Please help. thanks in advance

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General :: Automated Top 10 Customers Calculation?

Mar 7, 2014

I am in the process of putting together a database for use in a hotel to log details of customers, enquiries, and sales.

I have one table for storing customer contact details in ("Customers"), another table for storing enquiry details in ("Enquiries") and a third table for storing sales data in ("Sales").

Each record in Sales is linked to a customer from the Customer table, so with a simple query you can see what any given customer has spent their money on.

My boss would like to have a list of who her "top 10" customers are, over a given period, so she can work out who spends the most. I was wondering if there is a simple way to do this?

The only way to do this that I can think of is to run a query for every customer (to isolate their sales data), use the total function to add their sales together, note down the total, and input into excel (to work out the ranking). However, seeing as we have been collecting data for around a month now and have around 400 customers in the database this would clearly take a very long time. Is it possible to automate this process?

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General :: Automatic Calculation Of Date Differences

Sep 13, 2012

The project I'm working on is an action list with the following tables;

itemnumber - autonumber PK
originator - text
dateentered - date/time
actiondescription - text
assignedto - text
targetdate - date/time
forecastdate - date/time
actual date - date/time
remarks - text
due - text (not sure if this will be correct)

Basically, when a new task is entered, all info will be manually filled in except last 3 fields. targetdate needs to be locked after entry, and forecastdate initially set to targetdate.

"due" should show how many days between dateentered and forecast date, and preferably update everytime the DB is opened. IF the current date is beyond the forecast date, "due" should read "OVERDUE".

Changing forecastdate would obviously reset the "due" field to show how many days left to complete. If a date is entered into actualdate, then "due" should show COMPLETE.

Reports will be generated based on what is coming due, what is over due, and not show what is already complete.

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General :: Date Calculation (Multiple Rows)

May 20, 2013

I manage the production schedule of over 150 reports. Some of which are due daily, weekly, bi-weekly & monthly. (some reports have multiple due dates for the current month.) I have the production schedule in a table with multiple DueDate columns: DueDate1, DueDate2, DueDate3, etc. Some reports are due every business day of the week. I need to:

1.) Display the due dates (without having to enter them manually) so I can perform calculations, conditional formatting, etc.

2.) Should I display a column for each due date (31 columns accross for those that are due daily?) or show a duplicate row for that report for each day the report is due?

Row1: Sales_Report, 5/20/13, Completed
Row2: Sales_Report, 5/28/13, Pending
Row3: Sales _Report, 5/31/13, Pending
Row4: Operations_Report, 5/2/13, Pending

3) is there a formula that can be written to autopopulate the duedate fields for every instance and every month? (Sales_Report due every Mon, Wed, Fri (5/13/13, 5/15/13, 5/17)

I am currently putting these dates in manually every month and it would be a pain to continue that given our reporting production schedule will only increase.

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General :: Pause And Resume Time Calculation

Sep 17, 2013

I am working on a database where i need to perform the below activities,


I wanted to calculate the actual time from start to finish excluding the pause time.

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General :: Calculation Hours For Schedule Table

May 23, 2013

I wana ask about calculation hours for schedule table. lets say how to calculate based on what i select from my schedule table for :

no class: how many hrs

lesson i got class: how many hours.. for example: 1+0.5= 1.5 hrs

total of hours: which is based on "no class" + " lesson i got class" for example: 1+1+0.5= 2.5 hrs

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General :: Calculation Of 2 Amount If Some Of The Fields Null

Oct 16, 2012

Calculation : In the event the null, is will become 0.

OT Qty: Nz([Qty(Overtime)-Nz([Qty(Work Hour)])

Is work to calculated the OT amount. How to set the value become zero in the event the the Qty(Overtime) was null.

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General :: Text Box Calculation - Main Form And Subform

Oct 23, 2012

is it possible to calculate a values in a subform and main form. i thought it would be as simple as form to form but it doesnt seem to work.

ive tried this.


it just comes up with #NAME?

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General :: Rate Calculation Over Period Of Time - MDB Format

Jan 29, 2014

Calculating the rates over a period of time. I think the attachment will give you a clear picture of what I am looking for.

To get the cost for a particular period I want the rates to be updated as per the given period. How I could get the calculation in the mdb format...

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General :: Calculation On Form - Force 1 Decimal Place At All Times

May 7, 2014

I'm using a calculation on my form that subtracts one number from another and stores the difference between the two in a 3rd field. This works correctly but I want the difference to show 1 decimal place at all times.

So for instance if subtract 35.1 from 35.2 I get a difference of "0.1".

But if I subtract 35.0 from 36.0 I get a difference of "1".

The first case is fine but I need the difference to be "1.0" in the second case.

I've set the number of decimal places in the table from auto to 1 and changed the format on the form to a standard number with 1 decimal place. Neither of these show a difference of 1 as "1.0"

How to force 1 decimal place at all times?

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Getting Field Name Via A Calculation

Nov 21, 2005


I have a cross tab query that has field names 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 representing months and a relevance date field with a date.

I have a form and from that form i need to get the value of the last three months from a relevance date field.

I.e relevance may be 01/10/2005 so i would need 3 labels, (labels are already made, but there source needs to be) 10, 9, 8. But the next row may have a relevance date of 01/08/2005 in which case it would be 8,7,6.

Any ideas on how i can do this.

Thanks Adam

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General :: Meter Reading Table - Calculation Based On Previous Record

Aug 2, 2013

I have a table full of meter readings. I want to have a field called consumption which looks at the reading just entered for that month and then subtracts the previous months reading for that meter which leaves the consumption.

Can I get a formula that can work this out automatically?

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