General :: Users Logging In And Out

Oct 25, 2012

I am trying to implement a username and password system on my DB. What I have done so far is created a table with username, password, permission level and datestamp. So when the db is opened, the form pops up and someone has to sign in. When they hit the 'login' button, there is a field that will populate the time in which they signed in. This will also allow me to see who is logged in. When they are finished, they will end up on the login screen where there is a close button. When they hit the close button, the field with the datestamp will be cleared. This will allow me to know that the user is no longer on the db. Here comes the question, if a user just closes access without hitting my 'close' button, my datestamp field will not be cleared. I have tried using the "onclose" event, but of course i used 'me.datestamp = "" but the form is already closed, so it says 'can not change the value of this field.' How can i clear the value of the datestamp field for a specific user when a user closes the program the "improper" way.

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Logging Out Users To Database

Apr 3, 2006

Is there a way in Access to logout users from a database in order to make updates without having to setup a FE/BE situation? My company is using Novell Client SP1a. I have read some logs where you choose File --> Open (exclusive), but I do not have that option (using Access 2000). Any other thoughts?

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Logging Users Of A Database.

Feb 7, 2005

I have a database set up that utilizes the user level security offered by Access. So basically everyone logs into the database, entering their user name and password.

Is there a way that I can log the currentuser() to a table when they sign in? And is it possible to assign a time stamp as well?

Any help or direction is much appreciated.

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General :: Logging Activity Of Each Employee In Company Database

Dec 11, 2013

Just a question, I am developing a database for the company I work for and being new to Access, I have successfully made a login menu when the database starts up. The employee selects there name and begins data entry. Is there any way to log the activity of each employee, which records they inputted, date and time and so on?

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General :: Restricting User To View Specific Record After Logging Into Login Form

Mar 17, 2015

i am currently developing a database what i need to do is to restrict user to view selected record and change them. i have build a login form in which i have two areas as a user name in combobox and a password text box. i have another form in which i have a combo box named area what i need to do is to limit the area combo based on the selection of the user login form previously. for example if a user select LAS VEGAS in user combo and enters its password after clicking the button login the another form appears in which thier respective stores and sales are saved, their is a combo box named area in which i want to limit it by LAS VEGAS i mean it would only show LAS VEGAS in drop down based on the previous selection in login form.

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Name Logging

Feb 15, 2006


I have a command button which dials a phone number via the PC. When i cick this button the date and time are written to a table.

Private Sub Call_Me_Click()
Lsd.Value = Date
Ltc.Value = Time
Logged.Value = GetUserName
On Error GoTo Err_Call_Me_Click

Does anyone know how i can get the user name written to the table as well?

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Logging Changes Made In A Form

Jun 10, 2005

I was wondering if there is a simple way to check if any changes have been made to a record when the form is closed because I would like to create a log of records that were changed. I'm sure I could create some variables to store the fields when the form is opened then check if they're still the same when the form closes, but I figured there's probably already a built-in way of doing this (since the undo button must obviously use it)



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Logging Usage Of Records

Jun 21, 2005

I have a form from which people view records out of a db.
I would like to log the date/time and the key record they view into a table
The usage table has a date/time field & a string field for the viewed record.

I can run an append query to update the Usage table but can't figure out how to get the date/time into the table ?

Is it easier to write the whole lot out to a file ?

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Logging On Using Database Records

Jan 17, 2005


Does anyone know if it's possible to use the records stored in an Access 2002 database to log users into an page? I'm trying to code it in but im not sure how it could be done. Basically I think I need 2 text boxes on the ASP page where the user can enter their name and password. I then somehow need to retrieve the name and password from fields in the database (using i think) and compare them with those entered by the user. If they match then I want to load another page, and if not then I want to display a message saying login details are incorrect.

Any help on this subject would be much appreciated- the fields i have at the moment are called 'User' and 'Password' in a table called PERSON.

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Event Procedure For Logging

Jun 1, 2007

I am trying to output the following code to a log file. What I am trying to do is when a user opens the database and the switchboard opens up it logs the user to a log file. The code works fine when run from the modules section providing I leave the DoCmd.Output command out. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong here. This is my code.

Sub ShowUserRosterMultipleUsers()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i, j As Long

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

' The user roster is exposed as a provider-specific schema rowset
' in the Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider. You have to use a GUID to
' reference the schema, as provider-specific schemas are not
' listed in ADO's type library for schema rowsets

Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, _
, "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}")

'Output the list of all users in the current database.

Debug.Print rs.Fields(0).Name, "", rs.Fields(1).Name, _
"", rs.Fields(2).Name, rs.Fields(3).Name, "date & Time"

DoCmd.OutputTo ([rs.Fields(0).Name], [""], [rs.Fields(1).Name],[ _
""], [rs.Fields(2).Name], [rs.Fields(3).Name], ["date & Time"]), cn.OpenSchema, acFormatTXT, "c:databaselog.txt", True

While Not rs.EOF
Debug.Print rs.Fields(0), rs.Fields(1), rs.Fields(2), rs.Fields(3), Now; rs.MoveNext,

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General :: How To Set Authentications To Different Users

Jul 3, 2012

I am new to MS access. I need to know - how to set authentications to different users. i.e. i have made a switchboard containing login form, and other forms of the database. all i want is to restrict user from accessing my main tables of DB.

When someone wants to enter data, he/she can use switchboard but with the restrictions not to see anything else. only administrator or people with user ID and password can have access to entire DB.

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General :: Do Not Want Users To Log Into Database

Aug 4, 2013

The database: is for tracking computer issues (this part is complete), also I need to show the on call roster (mostly complete)... This will also have a time sheet that I need to be completed once a fortnight, however I would like it to auto populate the staff members logged information (I will get into that a little later).

Question 1: I do not want the users to log into the database, however I do want the database recognise who they are from their windows logon details.

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Forms :: Having Name Show On Form After Logging In

Feb 27, 2015

I am trying to add the name of the employee show up in on the opening form after logging into the database. I am able to get the user right (Admin only), but not the name. In the Default Value in Properties, I have it set to =CurrentUser() and I have the Employee field in the Control Source to record current user.

How can I make this so it indicate the user logged in?

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General :: Rolling Out A Database Across Several Users

Jun 14, 2013

I have developed a new database using Access 2003, which I need to roll out across various users. Some have XP, some Windows 7, and each of them has different size screens. I guess I will have to adjust the various forms to size to a particular users screen resolutions and sizes.

Is there any way of doing this within the database itself, or do I have have to adjust each form according to the local users PC specification?

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General :: Multiple Users With Only One Front End

Aug 12, 2013

Currently the system where I work is set up so that everyone has their own front end on the local network. I would like to change this because updating all of them takes a lot of time for me and skill level for users is too low for me to trust them with updating it on there own.

My question is this:

If I were to create a shortcut on everyone's desktop that linked to one front end would this be wise? I can't seem to get a straight answer from anywhere on the internet. I know most places say that it is better to have the actual front end on the staffs computer but that would make my job of keeping the database updated even worse because staff have multiple computers and this isn't my full time job.

If this is okay practice how many users would this be able to sustain? Currently we only have 6 users on the database with there own front end and it works great. I am planning on adding around 10 more users in the future but if needed they could have there own database as they are separate programs.

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General :: Viewing Users Of A Database

Jun 1, 2015

I used to have a handy tool called LDB Viewer or something like that with which I could see who is using my database. Now I've upgraded to MS 2010 is there a way to do the same?

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General :: Check Users References

Jun 26, 2014

i am having issues with certain users re references, I get weird errors when sending emails through Outlook, is there anyway running some code for me to check a users references?the below is what i have and everything works fine, so would like to check they have these

Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Access 14.0 Object Libary
OLE Automation
Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Libary
Microsoft Office 14.0 Access Database Engine Object
Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Libary
Mictosoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Libary
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Libery
Microsoft visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
Redemption Outlook and MAPI Com Libary
Windows Script Host Object Model

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General :: How Many Connected Users In Database

Dec 4, 2014

I made an access 2013 application. I want to sell licences per users. How can I know how many users are connected in the database ?

Is there an easy way to know that?

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General :: One Database - Two Users In Different Locations

Feb 3, 2015

I'm an absolute novice at Access. I have a very simple (yet sufficient) database that lists our company's projects, tasks associated with those projects and when to invoice.

Our company consists of myself and my business partner. We both work from our (separate) homes. Our project files are stored in the cloud. This works well. We have investigated a server in the past, but found it to be cost-prohibitive and unnecessary for our business.

Is there a way that my business partner can have the Access database running at the same time as me, and make additions/modifications? I don't know how this would work in terms of updating/saving.

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General :: Maximum Access Users

Dec 9, 2013

I know that Access probably permits around 20 or so users to simultaneously access the database before it start to become unfriendly. However, I have a database that would require 200 or so users grabbing around 1,000 rows of data via an Excel ADO connection to the backend tables.

So they would never need to physically go inside the Access database its self, but instead it would garb data by opening an ADO connection to the database > Grabbing the data > Closing the database connection.

Is this okay to do with around 200 users simultaneously querying the database tables via an Excel ADO connection?

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General :: Allow Users To Access A Database

Oct 27, 2012

I am about to allow users to access a database I redesigned for others to use.I am trying to save it as an ACCDE so they can't mess it up. The database is very very simple.6 tables each with only 4 fields or less... and none are related to one another

7 forms.
1 report.
0 queries... it's just a SKU generator.

When I attempt to save as ACCDE I get an error that reads."Microsoft Access was unable to create the .accde, .mde, or .ade file.This error is usually associated with compiling a large database into an MDE file.* Because of the method used to compile the database, a considerable number of TableID references are created for each table.* The Access database engine can only create a maximum of 2048 open TableIDs at one time.* Exporting a database as an MDE potentially can exceed this limit if the database has a large number of objects (table, macro, form, report, etc).

There is no accurate method to estimate the number of TableIDs the Access database engine uses during the process of compiling a database as an MDE.* However, each VBA module and each form uses one TableID, as a result, if the database has 500 forms, and each form's HasModule property is set to Yes, as many as 1,000 TableIDs are used."

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General :: Deploying A Database Without Users Seeing Back End

Jul 30, 2013

I have created an access 07 database and split it to a back-end and a front-end with linked tables.

I wish to deploy it an a network of 4 computers, 3 of which are running on XP. The back-end will be on a computer running on XP. Now, from the instructions I have come across online, the Back-end has to be located on a folder where all users have Red and Write rights!!! And I am thinking, if the users on this network can actually see the back-end since it is on a shared folder where they have all the rights, then does that not compromise the security?

Is there a way of linking to the back-end on a network WITHOUT the users being able to access the back-end?

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General :: Prevent Users From Modifying Database

Aug 6, 2013

Is there away in which I can protect an access 2007 database modification with a password.I'm doing this because I would like to prevent my client from modifying or having acces to the database's back end system (db), I would just like him to use forms and nothing else.

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General :: Can Users Without Access Installed Update

Nov 22, 2013

We have an access database stored in a shared location. One of the tables in the database is used to record transactions made in an excel spreadsheet-this is done programatically using VBA and SQL.

So here is my silly question; If users don't have access installed locally will the code be able to write to the shared access database?

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General :: Sample - Use Hidden Form To Log Users

Jul 16, 2012

I wanted to send a message to the person who created this sample database with a modification query but I don't have enough posts to do this, so my message would not send.

The below sample database called
Sample - Use Hidden Form to Log Users ,URL...

I would like to add to my database. Any way to modify the form/code so that I can log more than one form? I have 5 forms that I would like to log user in and out of but I dont know how to adapt this to do that?

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General :: Linked CSV Table For Multiple Users

Jul 6, 2015

I have an Access database which has a linked table to a CSV file.Only one user can use this part of the database that links to the CSV - for other users we get the error 3051 - opened exclusively by another user. How can the csv file be a linked table with multiple users ? The query itself is set to no locks.

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