General :: Using Checkboxes To Open Certain Forms?

Sep 17, 2014

I have 6 different check boxes that I want to attached to one button. If a check box is marked I want a specific form that is related to that checkbox to open when clicking the OnClick button.


[x] FormA
[ ] FormB
[x] FormC

Action: Click 'OnClick'

--> (now forms 1 and 3 should open)

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Create Checkboxes During Form Open Based On Query

Feb 20, 2005

I am working on a database that tracks products. The products are divided into groups (Bath Salt, Stick Incense, Candle, etc.) and these are store in a table. The products themselves are stored in another table.

When a new scent is created, it can belong to multiple groups ... for instance, Strwberry Vanilla could be a perfume, a bath salt, a candle, stick incense.

When the form is opened, I want to read the contents of the groups table and create a check box for each entry.

I do not really want to use a list/combo box for this task ... would prefer to be able to check in a list of boxes to specify what groups to create entries for when a new product is entered.


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General :: Checkboxes Not Saving To Table

Oct 20, 2013

I am writing a program in Access 2010. My check boxes are not saving to the table. I have stepped through the code with no errors and it only saves the last check box to the table. Here is my code:

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdSave_Click_Error

Dim rs As Object
Dim db As Object

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblUserPermissions")

[Code] .....

I attached the full code.

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General :: Saving Multiple Checkboxes To Table

Oct 16, 2013

I created a Microsoft Access database and access to the system must be controlled by User Access Level Control. The level of the user determines whether the user can add, edit, delete or view a certain form.

I created three tables which are linked via foreign keys: tblUsers, tblUserRoles and tblPermissions. (See the Tables attachment)

I designed the Permissions form to be user friendly by adding checkboxes on the form so that the Administrator can select whether a new user has Add, Edit, Delete or View rights. (See the User Level attachment)

To test my code I added a user as an Administrator. The problem is that when I select the Add, Edit, Delete and View checkboxes, it only saves the last checkbox to the Permissions table. The Administrator must have Add, Edit, Delete or View privileges on the Employees form, but now he only has View privileges. My code does not generate an error. (See the Incorrect attachment)

The Permissions table is suppose to save four entries(See the Correct attachment)

Here is my code.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim rstPermissions As Object
Dim dbFSManagement As Object
Set dbFSManagement = CurrentDb
Set rstPermissions = New ADODB.recordSet

[Code] .....

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General :: Cannot Open Dynamic Forms

Nov 5, 2013

I have created MS Access forms that are dynamic using VBA. As a part of the VBA I open a from in design mode assign values to form controls, save the form and then open the form in normal mode.this works great as an mdb. However when I created an MDE in 2010 I can not open my dynamic forms. I assume because the VBA wants to first open the form in design mode, assign values and the open in normal mode.My goal is to create a version of my access database that will not allow users to view my code.

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General :: Forms Don't Open To Specific Records

Sep 9, 2013

I have a table in my database whose forms are refusing to open to specific records. They only open to a blank record--either by using other forms to open to specific records or simply by opening the form straight from sidebar. Even the Navigation bar doesn't allow me to move from one record to another; it only shows "1 of 1".

The "initial" form, which creates new records in the table, works perfectly--in creating a new record. I can create a new record, use the Navigation bar to move to a new record, create it, and move back to the first. But then when I close and re-open the form the above issue once again comes up.All my other tables--and the forms that are associated with them--work perfectly and I can open them to specific records without a hitch.

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General :: Checkboxes - Create Text Field On A Report That Show All Yes Answers

Apr 8, 2013

I have multiple fields in a table that are set up as Yes/No and display as checkboxes on a form. Now I need to create a text field on a report that showes all the Yes answers. The text field needs to figure out if it's a Yes answer, then display the field name, if there is more than one yes answer in the fields it is looking at, it should separate each with a "," . This is a large text field, that could show as many as 10 Yes answers.

What is the best way to go about doing this? I use Access 2010

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Checkboxes On Forms

Sep 2, 2006

I am very new to Access, so bear with me please.

How do you create a form that will query a list from a table, and then separate each invidivual entry from the query into its own checkbox?


*run query or something similar, and 3 items are brought up*

Tracking Form 00001:

Item1 [x]
Item2 [x]
Item3 [x]

Each individual item in the query might change, so I want to keep it flexible. Once all of the checkbox options are organized and put onto that section of the form, I want to append all of the values that were checked off into a field on another table. So for example let's say the person inputting the form checked off item1 and item3, the field on the table linked to it would now have field1="item1, item3".

Is there a way to do this without a lot of coding, possibly just using the menu-driven interfaces and maybe a coded query? I am not that familiar with Access so any help is appreciated.

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Forms :: Multiselect Using Checkboxes

Nov 8, 2013

I have a single-user application about to become multi-user.

There is a table, displayed in a form as datasheet, where we do lots of things with the selected items.

MyID MyItem IsSelected ....
1______ItemA__ Yes
2______ItemB__ Yes
3______ItemC__ No

The user checks the IsSelected (bound to a checkbox) for the items required for further processing, does the processing and starts over. The function of the column IsSelected is to hold the boolean signifying whether or not to process the record, and to bind to the checkbox in the form.

How to retain the user interface (i.,e. selecting using one or more checkboxes) if the database is to be used by more than one user?

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Forms :: Clearing Multiple Checkboxes?

Dec 12, 2013

I have a form register with student names and three columns with checkboxes showing whether they were present, absent or late. The form runs an append query that records the data into a historical table, however on submission the checkboxes remain ticked. way to clear the checkboxes once the data has been submitted?

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Forms :: Automatically Clear Checkboxes Next Day?

Apr 6, 2015

I already have a form where I can enter data.

In that form I would like to have different check-boxes (three of them), representing actions done that day.

Let's say each form represents a contact, and I need check-boxes for:

- Called
- E-mailed
- Visited

This is something I am now able to do. But.... I would like these check-boxes to be cleared automatically the next day.

So when the database is opened the next day, these check-boxes start unchecked.

And I would also like that as soon I check a check-box on a certain day, there is an entry for that action and date is being entered in the record of that contact, so I am able to check later on what day, what action was performed.

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Forms :: Filter Listbox By Checkboxes

Jul 26, 2013

I wish to filter the records in a listbox by using checkboxes.

The listbox (list1) and the checkboxes are in the same form (form1)

The listbox displays the records from a query (query1) related to a single table (table1).

Each record (assuming a list of videos) has a field called "Typology". The "video typologies" are: Movie, Documentary, Animation. So the table1 has a column called "Typology" which displays one of the three typology in simple text.

When entering a new record (in a specific form) user can choose the typology selecting an option in a combobox. The combobox is a "value list" one and I wrote the typologies in the "row origin" line:

So we have a single column in simple text for all the typologies, but limited choiches.

So far everything is working well.

Now I wish to filter the records in the listbox by typology. Each typology should be related to a checkbox, so when I check a checkbox then the listbox returns only the records form a specific typology. Also, I wish to check more then one checkbox in order to display records from multiple typologies rather than one.

I've already made a button which resets the form, displaying once again all the records and eventually unchecking all the checkboxes.

About option buttons: I've managed filtering the listbox results using option buttons in a frame (option group?) and it works fine, but in this way I can choose only one typology at a time (and the typology field in the tabel1 of course is not simple text, but numeric: 1=Movie, 2=Documentary etc).

I thought this could be solved using the click event on each checkbox:

-If the checkbox "Movie" is checked then the listbox shows only the records which have the text "Movie" in the Typology field. Else, show all the records.
-If the checkbox "Documentary" is checked then the listbox shows only the records which have the text "Documentary" in the Typology field.

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Forms :: Multiple Checkboxes To Filter Report

May 7, 2015

I have a form where you can select four different options: Health, Dental, Vision, and COBRA, with a button to run a census. Right now, the button runs a DoCMD.OpenReport to open a report named "Census" where there are four text boxes, "Health Coverage Type" "Dental Coverage Type" "Vision Coverage Type" and "COBRA Coverage Type". I want the user to be able to select a checkbox, then filter the report to only enable the text boxes of the corresponding names.

So if someone selects Health & Dental, I want the report to run with the "Health Coverage Type" and "Dental Coverage Type" textboxes enabled/visible, but the other two to be blank.

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Forms :: Using Checkboxes To Choose Data From A Table?

May 5, 2015

I have a table tblMessages, with a yes/no column called Available I have a form with three checkboxes chk1, chk2, and chk3 the when i click chk1 the other two check should be checked which this code seems to do but what it is not doing is going to the table and selecting the data where the ID is 2. what am i missing here?

Private Sub chk1_Click()
Dim strSQL As String 'Holds the SQL statement for this command only.
If chk1 = True Then
chk2 = True
chk3 = True
strSQL = "UPDATE'[Available]' FROM 'tblMessages' WHERE '[ID]'= 2"
chk2 = False
chk3 = False
strSQL = "UPDATE '[Available]' FROM 'tblMessages' WHERE '[ID]'=2"
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: ListBox With CheckBoxes Shows A New Record Checkbox?

Dec 16, 2013

I have a listbox with checkbox's based on a table.

The listbox reflects everything great, except it shows an extra checkbox at the end of the list that does nothing.

I think this is the "next record" from the table, but I don't want this to show. How do I hide or get ride of this extra checkbox?

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Forms :: How To Convert Multiple Drop Down List To Checkboxes

Jun 30, 2014

I've got a field in a table that is a multiple drop-down list. In the form, I don't want it to be a drop down list, but I want the options in the drop down list to be checkboxes instead (not within a drop down).

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Forms :: Multiple Checkboxes In A Form To Build A String?

Mar 18, 2015

From a dropdown field in the form it's currently possible to choose a geographical region for which to generate a report. The data populating this dropdown is pulled in from a Value List as follows:

" ";"*";1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;EU;WD

I now need the ability to choose various different regions simultaneously which is not possible with the current method. I've looked into a nested continuous form and a multi-select combo box or list box, but none of these are as user friendly as my preferred method.

What I would like is 15 checkboxes plus a 16th to select/unselect all. When any of these checkboxes is checked, I need to create something like a dynamic value string or temporary table to hold the list of chosen regions until the generate button is clicked at which point the data is used to generate the report and cleared. I also need a piece of code to check/uncheck all the boxes.

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Forms :: Automatically Insert Data To Another Table By Completing Checkboxes

Jun 1, 2015

I'm on my way on creating a simple Database for a company. This database contains several tables, one of the tables will record information about the training that had been completed by each employee. There are about ten sections of training that should be completed.

For instance, I have two tables called 'Development' and 'CSA_Lisence'. 'Development' is the table that record the information about training which containing ten checkboxes (which represent ten sections of training) and CSA_Lisence will be automatically requeried when all of the checkboxes on Development are fully checked.

Here's the step I've been worked on :

First, I made a function called 'CheckCompletion' to ensure whether all the checkboxes are checked :

Public Function CheckCompletion() As Boolean
Dim blnComplete As Boolean
Dim strCompletionSummary As String
strCompletionSummary = Basic_Inspection & Certifying_Staff & Safety_Management_System & Regulation_Part_145 & Part_M & EWIS & Fuel_Tank_Safety_Level_2 & Dangerous_Goods & Human_Factor & Basic_Supervisory_Training

[Code] ....

Second, I made a function called 'UpdateEmployee' to handles if all boxes are checked :

Public Function UpdateEmployee()
Dim emp_numb As Long
Dim emp_name As Long
Dim strsql As String
emp_numb = [Forms]![development].[employee_number].Value

[Code] ....

Then, I put this code on every checkbox's after update event (example only) :

Private Sub Basic_Inspection_AfterUpdate()
Call UpdateEmployee
End Sub

The problem is, nothing happened with the tables. However, when I managed to remove the 'If checkCompletion' condition, it worked and the 'CSA_Lisence' is requeried, but I will have ten multiple records with same contents (I just need one record per employee). I guess there's something wrong or missed in my code. Or i need to remove something?

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Forms :: Counting Multiple Checkboxes And Calculate Total Of Whole Group Of Users

Aug 27, 2014

Access 2003. Job booking data base with up to group of 10 different users. At the end of the month, I need to count the total amount each user has checked a particular check box and then automatically calculate the total of the whole group.I have only a basic working knowledge of Access 2003....

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Forms :: Change ComboBox Drop Down Menu From Displaying Checkboxes For Multiple Values

Oct 14, 2013

I have an issue with a couple of my combo boxes. When in form mode the drop down menu displays a list of options (taken from my source table), this is fine, but the problem is that it allows the user to select more than one of the options in the form of checkboxes. This is not what I intended.

I've attached to pictures to demonstrate the problem. The first is ComboBoxQuery (the one with the problem) and the second is ComboBoxQueryWorkign (the one without a problem).

I'm not sure why this is happening and I've tried comparing all the properties of both these combo boxes and changing some of them to see if I can eliminate the problem without any joy.

I use a very standard SELECT statement to pull the data for the combo box:

SELECT CountryID, CountryName FROM tblCountryInfo ORDER By CountryName

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Forms :: When Open A Form / Want To Open Another From At Same

Jan 14, 2015

when i open a form i want to open another frm at the same time. i have a main form with some buttons in it. when i click on a button and a form opens then i am not able to click on a button to open other forms from the main form.

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Forms :: Click Button To Open Dropdown To Open Record The Filters By Dropdown

Jul 28, 2014

I currently have a button that opens a report. the report pulls from a query that has parameters set to "fromdate" and "todate". instead of using dates and parameters that pop up as blank text boxes, I would like to click the button, have a form pop up with a combo box to select all of the options available (currently 23 options) and then click a button to make a report that only displays the record (1-23) selected. I do not need any time constraints because as the databases get updated with more records, there would be more than 23 options to choose from.

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General :: Cannot Open Database

Jun 28, 2012

I've been working on a database for the past month and all of a sudden I'm getting an error "the microsoft jet database engine could not find the object 'database'" and when I click ok nothing is showing (i.e. no project window or anything). I normally do backups on something this large but for some reason I didn't on this one. The size of the file is still large but doesn't look like anything is in it.I've tried opening a new one and link and import everything but I get the same error.

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General :: Open Accdb Without MS Access?

Aug 14, 2012

I have MS Access on my PC however wish to move the accdb file to a network location to allow other network users to have access to it.

Unfortunately a few of the other users do not have MS Access. Is it possible for them to still open the database without any admin or background - I would like them to be able to use the forms and 'front end'.

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General :: Tab Key Stop And Not To Open New Record

Apr 11, 2013

The charity that I work at has many volunteers.

When they enter data they use the tab key for movement to each field.

Can I have the Tab Key STOP on the current record and not proceed to a new record?

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General :: How To Open Another Form Keep Recordset

Jun 30, 2014

I have three tables see below


so I have frm called frmplant which holds the plantgroupname I.E plant type (airblow,leads) then I have subform call plantitemtblsubform which holds the plant item serial number, value ,service date which works great now my problem I have command buttom on subformplantitemsubform then opens form call frmpopupPlantService this opens to show plantitem service history but when I add a record then save close then click the same plant item to open form frmpopupPlantService show no service history even when I just entered ...

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