General :: Using Check Box To Grey Out Certain Text Fields

Oct 24, 2013

I am trying to use a check box to either grey out certain text field(s). For example If the box is checked true then certain fields would become available to input data. If the box is not checked it stays grayed out.

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Grey/disable Fields

Sep 16, 2005

quick question... i have a form with a "Save" button. i wanna disable/grey all the fields when user push the button, so they will not be able to make change... please help.

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General :: Missing Check Boxes In Multivalued Fields

Sep 3, 2012

I have created a multivalue field which allows me to select many names which form s a circulation list for a report. The multivalue drop down works ox in table view, however when I am in form view the dro down is missing the check boxes....

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General :: Concat Fields And Insert Text

Nov 6, 2014

In Excel I can do the following;

Field A Field B Result
Chips Fries Replacement of 'Chips' with 'Fries' on menu.
(null) Fries Addition of 'Fries' on menu.
Chips (null) Deletion of 'Chips' on menu.

Can I do this in Access using some form of append query?

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General :: Alignment Of Text In Form Fields?

Jun 24, 2013

I have a form with many fields on it. For some reason some of the text in the form fields don't line up vertically with other text even though I have aligned them to the grid and to each other. I have Access 2013.

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General :: Concatenate Two Text Fields Into A Memo Field In Query?

Sep 5, 2014

I'm trying to concatenate two text fields into a memo field using an expression in a select query. My problem is that the text fields together end up more than 255 characters, so I need the resulting field to be a memo instead. I can't change the underlying text fields to memo fields because this is a large database used by others who need those fields to be text.

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General :: Append Validation Rule Errors (Using Text Fields)

Jul 27, 2015

Many times I have appended tables. But now I am struggling even trying to append 4 fields defined as text.

View attached zip file.

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General :: Specific Text Display In Field Separated By Commas When Fields Checked

Aug 11, 2012

I have a few bit fields that, when checked, specific text need to be displayed in a field separated by commas.

Child 1 = checked
Child 2 = not checked
Child 3 = checked
Child 4 = not checked

Child 1, Child 3

I did find this sample expression that I am using in another area and it is working perfect and I understand it works based off of string length.

Mid(IIf(Len(Expr1), ", " & Expr1, "") & IIf(Len(Expr2), ", " & Expr2, "") & IIf(Len(Expr3), ", " & Expr3, ""),Len(", ") + 1)

What is the best way to accomplish this?

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Grey-out Txtbox

Mar 30, 2006

I have a form that has several fields that a user will enter data. When finished, the data is inserted into a table. Works great. What I want to do now is look at one of the fields entered and if it is equal to a certain value, I want to disable one of the other text boxes (fields) on the form AND pop a screen that will allow the user to enter a list of names that will update a different table.

So, if user inputs a directory name GENERIC, the txtScriptName box needs to be disabled/greyed-out and I need a form to pop so the user can put in a list of script names. If any other directory name is entered, the txtScriptName box needs to remain editable. (For directories equal to GENERIC, there will be multiple script names instead of just one)

I've been successful at getting the form to pop if GENERIC is entered but can't figure out how to grey-out the txtScriptName field. I tried using Me.txtScriptName Locked in the Before Update of the preceding field but it didn't work - could still update the txtScriptName field.

Any other sugestions?


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Grey Option Button

May 23, 2006


I have a group of option buttons. A user can select more than one. However, currently all of the option buttons have a grey spot in them except for the first one which is blank. I want all of the option buttons to be blank.

Any thoughts?


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Grey Box Inside The Checkbox

Oct 13, 2006

I have a checkbox that has a grayed out box inside of it. What causes this/ what is it? I looked up the record and there should be a checkmark in the box. In the table it is set to have one.

I know that if the prefeances of Enables is set to No then all of the check box and the text label box is all grayed out, But in my case it is only the inner part of the box…. (And it is a Checkbox…)

The box name is ABC1 and it just reads the record, that’s it... It is used for reports later down the road. So there is not any code set to this check box.

Anyone have any ideas?



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Cascading Combo Box - Grey Out If No Options

Aug 1, 2006

I have a form with two cascading combo boxes. The options available in the second box depend on what is selected from the first.

Some of the selections which can be made in the first box do not have any options to be selected in the second box and so it currently just pops down empty.

Is there a way that I can make the second box "greyed out" if there are no options for it?



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Forms :: Remove Grey Bar From SubForm

Nov 3, 2013

This seems like a really simple question but I have searched everywhere and can't find a solution.

I have a main form with a subform. The subform is in datasheet view.

How do I remove the grey bar from the left of the subform. I.e the row selectors where you click to highlight the entire row

I have attached an image in case

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Odd Query Problem Giving Me Grey Hairs.

Mar 10, 2008

I have a query that updates a field on a table with the value in another field. When I run the query from the Access control panel, the query does exactly what it should do, 100% perfect. When I call the query using DoCmd.OpenQuery in VBA in an OnClick function on a form, it does not work properly, only appending certain amounts of information, leaving some fields blank.Can anyone shed some light on this.the SQL for the query is:UPDATE tblHolding SET tblHolding.CostGRV = [tblHolding]![OrderCost]WHERE ((([tblHolding].[Item Code])=[tblHolding]![Item Code]));It populates another field in the same record in the same table as itself.tblHolding is populated by a Subform on the Form that has the button that calls this query when clicked.Hope I am making sense.

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Close Form Leaves Grey Space

Oct 23, 2005

Hopefully just a simple one??? I am using a popup form to input data into a display form which is on one page of a tabbed control. The display form updates through an afterupdate requery command. This all seems to work OK but when I enter the new record via the popup form then close it, it leaves a greyed out space and I lose input ability. I need to close down and when opened up all records are OK. If I drag the popup box on the screen it leaves a grey trail behind it. Any ideas on what could be the problem?


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Check Box And Text Box Help

Oct 11, 2004

I'm going to need a check box and text box. What it needs to do is if box is checked the text box becomes active and required but if not checked then the box doesn't need to be required? Any help would be appreciated.

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Check Box / Text Box Enable Help

Jul 21, 2006

I've got a text box that is disabled, and want it to become enabled when the user clicks the required check box.

I've got the following code, and can't see anything wrong with it, but for some reason it doesn't work. No error message appears, but the text box stays disabled regardless of whether I check the check box or not.

Private Sub Successful_Click()

If chkSuccessful = True Then
txtDateAppointed.Enabled = True
txtDateAppointed.Enabled = False

End If
End Sub

Anyone have any ideas?


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Check Box With Invisible Text Box?

Dec 4, 2012

I need code for a check box that has a (Product Impact) text box thats only visible when checked.

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Check Box And Text Box Link

May 10, 2014

is there a way that once a checkbox is ticked (returns TRUE) can it populate the time, date and current user at the same time. ive got separate fields for this, however, nothing i have tried actually returns any result!

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Check Fields In Subform

Feb 25, 2005

I'm new to this forum and already I've got a question.

I'm made a form and a subform. I placed a field called 'status' in the form and in the subform I placed a field called status_subform.

If I've changes all the status_subform into a certain value I would like the status in the form to be updated.
I tried a lot of things with recordsets. I can find the number of recordsets, but I can't scroll through the recordsets, can anybody help me?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Check Positioning Of Text

Nov 24, 2014

I am required to write a code to check the positioning of a text in a string.


"~[Admin]~xxxxxxxxx~ACK~" = Acknowledged
"~xxxxxxxxx~[Admin]~ACK~" = Not Acknowledged
"~xxxxxxxxx~ACK~[Admin]~" = Not Acknowledged

As you can see, as long as the string starts with "~[Admin]~", it is counted as acknowledged. If the "~[Admin]~" appears anywhere else except the start, it is counted as not acknowledged.

I know I'll have to use If-else statements and EOF to cycle through my entire column, but how do I check the positioning of "~[Admin]~"?

Are there wildcard statements that Access VBA can use similar to SQL's "*"?

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Check For Duplicate Record By 2 Fields

Mar 12, 2007

dear all

i managed to get checking for duplicate record by ONE field ie member_no

code :

If DCount("*", "runner", "member_no = " & Me.member_no) > 1 Then
MsgBox " This member is already exist!" & vbCrLf
End If

how i want to get checking duplicate record by TWO fields ie member_no and run_no ?

thanks in advance

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Loop Thru Fields And Then Spell Check?

Nov 4, 2005

I have 15 fields beginning with the word Comment. (i.e. comment, comment1, comment2 etc)

What Im trying to do is create a spellcheck command button that will only check these fields and only on the current record.

I've managed to find this piece of code to do the actual check:

.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(Me.FIELDNAME)
End With
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling

Question is, how do I get this piece of code to loop through any field beginning with the word 'comment' and check their spelling?!

Any help would be much appreciated

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Check Contents Of Subform Fields

Mar 24, 2006

I have a repair database which I'm working on. On the main WIP form there is a subform stating the faults which have been logged against that unit. The unit can be scrapped at any time by hitting the SCRAP button, but if the unit has had it's faults successfully repaired, then it can then be FINALISED which means it can be shipped to the customer.

I need to be able to check the records in the subform, to look for faults which have not been repaired. When they are repaired, the text "PASS" will be present in the TEST_RESULT field. I want to be able to check the TEST_RESULT field for each fault to ensure they are all a PASS before I allow the unit to be FINALISED. Any ideas how I can do this? Or am I taking the wrong approach?


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Forms :: Check If All Fields In New Row Are Filled In?

Jul 1, 2013

I have a form with datasheet view and I need to make user that user fills in all fields before he moves on to the next row. how to catch the moment of moving to another row?

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Modules & VBA :: If Check Box Yes Type Name Of Field In Another Text Box

Jun 9, 2014

i have multpile yes/no check box i want if i check on one the name of this check box is written on another one.
so i neeed a code for loop of check boxes and i need a code i.e loop all check boxes if any is true then put name field in {new field}

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