General :: View Saved Import?

May 21, 2013

Is there any way to view a Saved Import to see what it is doing?

I just inherited a database from someone that has several saved imports. I need to be able to see where the data is coming from and where it is going to so that I can recreate it using VBA.

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Tables :: Set Up A Saved Import

Feb 11, 2014

I'm trying to set up a saved import, but keep getting the following error message: "You cannot record your changes because a value entered violates the settings defined for this table or list (for example, a value is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum). Correct the error and try again"

There are a couple hundred fields, and they are all set to text. Is there a way to figure out where the problem is occurring without going through all fields?

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Queries :: Multivalue Field - Values Revert To Primary Key In Datasheet View When Saved

Dec 23, 2013

A have a query that selects a multivalue field. The query forms the record source for a subform. The text values in the multivalue field are displayed in the query, but when I save this and view the data in the subform datasheet view the values revert to the primary key values. They are 1,2,3,4 instead of the text values

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General :: Record Is Saved Without Navigating

Sep 19, 2013

When using Access 2007, I have a new record button, but that record is only written to the db once you navigate away from it. How do I write immediately to the DB, so that record is saved without navigating away from it. I believe I can use ADO or DAO but I'm having difficulties.

Private Sub Command71_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
MaxValue = DMax("[Record Num]", "Joblog")
Text64.Value = MaxValue + 1

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General :: Large Table Import / Way To Import Tables To Access

Sep 17, 2013

I want to make a database of diseases (need to learn them for school and would like a serchable database on my smart phone for future reference).
Unfortunately spent a lot of time making hundreds of pages of word tables before i realized a database would be better. See attached image or pdf. Is there a way to import the tables to Access?

I need to preserve the hierarchic info in the nested bullet point lists. E.g. under treatment i might have a point called Acute treatment, with sub-levels, Step 1, Step 2, etc. with their own sub-levels. I need to maintain this relational hierarchic info.

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General :: State Of A Record Where Changes Made But Not Saved

Dec 8, 2012

i want to have a button where the operator can cancel when on a current record. i want an if. if form has changes made but not saved then undo else close.

is the record state 'dirty'?

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General :: Copy Saved Imports From One Database To Another

Apr 2, 2013

I pasted the tables, modules, macros, etc. from one database to another and the only thing left is the Saved Import. How can I get that into another database? It is quite a large import, otherwise i would just recreate it.

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General :: Viewing Data In Report Before Saved To Table?

Sep 20, 2012

need information in form to write to report before accepted and saved to separate table, so operators can read it. background:manifest information entered into form in receiving office, analysis ran in lab and then entered into form. When analysis is approved, Operators unload material then truck checks out in receiving office. Need to see analysis before it is written from load_temp table to Load table.

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General :: Access 2003 Saved As 2000 Format On Windows 7

Aug 22, 2013

I have written a database in Access 2003, saved as an Access 2000 format. This runs fine on Windows XP workstations. When I install the same system on a Windows 7 system, my login screen launches, the user is able to enter in their name and password. Then nothing happens. What is supposed to happen is a form opens up after the password is entered that applies security written in code based on the user.

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General :: Merging Databases - Importing Saved Imports And Exports

Aug 22, 2013

I'm merging a few databases together. They're fairly simple on their own but I'd like them as one big database. I read that I should import each access database into a new, blank one.

It all works fine, but none of the saved imports and exports come with them. Unfortunately, these imports and exports are relied upon quite heavily.

Is there a way to bring saved imports over from other databases, or will I have to rebuild each one?

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General :: Get Latest Record Added Of Item - Check Period Between Now And Date Saved

Sep 28, 2014

In my Access app I need to get the latest record added of an item from a MS Sql table and check the period between now and the date saved in the record.

So my guess is:
Select TOP 1 * from tbl_StockItems
Where StockId = Loc_StockId

I then need to check the days between tbl_StockItems.LastStockDate and Today.

How would I write an Access VBA query to give me the amount of days and put that number into a variable.

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General :: Import To One To Many Database

Mar 13, 2014

I want my access database to store information about "tests" and "products" that are in each "test". So "tests" is the "one" and "products" is the "many" (each test has many products).My client needs to routinely send me lists of tests and the products that are in each test. I then need to put this information in to my database

I don't want to type out the information they send me, instead I want to devise a simple form for them to complete and email to me (perhaps in excel) that they populate, and I then import/paste in to my database.How should the excel form be structured so that it is both easy for my client to populate and easy for me to import/paste in to my database. e.g. importing lots of test and product information, rather than type it in. Bearing in mind the 1:M structure.

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General :: XSL Transform Only Allows Access To Import Last XML Value

Dec 10, 2012

I'm trying to import an XML file into my access database using an XSL Transform (I only need certain bits of data), however when I import the tables and field names come through fine now but the only values that come through are the last values listed in the XML file... for instance when i import high there would be 10 high values but only the last one comes through.I would obviously like the "Day" field to be a date/time field in access, and the high and low to be a number field in access... but this is back-burner to solving the real issue listed up top.This is my XSL file:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="Transform Link (I don't have 10 posts yet and can't post links)">
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="response/forecast/simpleforecast/forecastdays/forecastday">


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General :: Import Selected Data From CSV

Feb 6, 2013

I am trying to import my data from a csv file, but I don't need all the data and the format of the csv is not very straightforward.

For some background information, the csv file contains bucket weights from a mining loader which are recorded with the corresponding timestamp, which is in a binary format. The file also contains a marker to tell me which loading unit it came from as the name of the file is the same regardless of which machine it comes from. The format of the file is out of my control. The file is a standard weekly download and I would expect to see the same type of file from at least another 5 machines.

If you look at the attached example csv in Excel, I need to pull out the information in columns B and C but only from row 29 down. The rest of the information above this is machine information only. What I also need to do is associate these records so I know that they came from the unit number which is shown in cell B5.

Also, how can I then convert the binary time to standard date/time format? This is the formula I use through Excel to convert it "= ((LEFT (D29, 10)/86400) +25569+8/24)"

My end result is to be able to run a report which shows the bucket weights for a particular unit in a user selectable time frame.

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General :: How To Import PST Outlook File

Jan 22, 2013

Is there a way to import a PST outlook file into Access 2010 or 2013. Or is there a Plug-in needed that can do it.

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General :: AcimportDelim Import A CSV File

Jul 28, 2014

I am trying to load a csv file by coding, which is DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "", "tblTempPayments", newFilename, False. One field which I have declared as Text, some rows for the fields are numeric, some rows are text, and some are alphanumeric.of the fields being declared as Text, it is throwing an error by creating an additional table naming temp_importerrors, and having 3 fields for Error, Field and Row, so in my view it is taking the majority of the rows, thinking a data type on the majority of the data type, and others being error out.The only work around that was successful for me, is placing that relevant values wit double quotes.

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General :: Import All Tables Into New Database

Oct 4, 2012

I had created a database a number of months back and received.After getting halfway through and seeing some requests come through from management on what they want to see or improvements, it looks as though there will have to be some retooling done to the database like moving some fields to different tables as there is duplicate entry fields.Would you import all the tables into a new database and then append the data to where it needs to go or keep working within the one I have?

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General :: Automate Import From Another Database

Nov 1, 2012

I have a database for when our people are out in the field. The people will fill out large questionnaires that I want to import into our main database. How can I automate this?

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General :: Possible To Lock View Design

Jan 16, 2015

is it possible to lock the " view design" the user at present could run a query and the view the design and change it.

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General :: How To View System Tables

Jan 31, 2013

Access 2010 Where exactly do I find Import Specifications that I have created? How do you View System tables?

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General :: Customize Front End View

Dec 30, 2012

I just split my DB into a front end and a back end. I only want the users to have access to 2 forms in the DB because the form already has buttons that link to all other forms and reports needed. How do I customize the front end view so that they only see these 2 forms?

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General :: How To Change Properties In SQL View

Jun 23, 2015

In this query I have setup I need to get my Dates field into short date format and another field needs to be with 0 decimal points. I take it there is code I have to enter but I cannot find it anywhere.

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General :: Disable Import Of Access ACCDB?

Jul 4, 2013

I have a .accdb with security where ihave hidden navigation pane and toolbars...

Now left with one more thing, is it possible to disable anyone trying to import stuff from my database?

Maybe some code or is there a setting somewhere in current db?

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General :: Organizing Import Data For Display?

Jul 7, 2014

I am receiving this file from a supplier to import as a table. The issue is I cant figure out a good way to display the info for each invoice because there are multiple rows corresponding to each invoice number. I wanted to build some type of form where I could search an invoice number and it would pull up the standard invoice format to print such as inv.#, mailing address, linedesc amount and costs of shipping each item. I cant figure out how to get the invoices that have multiple line items to display in a nice format though.,,

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General :: Import Images From DBase DBT File

Jul 27, 2013

I've been asked by a friend to extract approx 50 images that are stored in a dBase 5 'DBT' file.

I know Access can import dBase 'DBF' files, but is there a way that I can use Access to import the data in the 'DBT' files and convert to jpg format?

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General :: Making Use Of Import Error Tables

Mar 27, 2013

I am attempting to set up a saved import procedure in an Access database that will be run programmatically using docmd.RunSavedImportExport. The source document is an Excel file.My goal is to trap any import errors caused by inconsistencies in the source data. I'd also like to provide the user with some small amount of feedback on what is causing these errors.

My initial thought was to make use of the "File_ImportErrors" table that is generated following an unsuccessful import. *Not once* has this import procedure consistently generated an error table - sometimes the table is created, sometimes it isn't.

I have tried changing the file format of the import file to comma- and tab-delimited files, respectively. Both of these formats do consistently generate an error table, however none of the error values in the table are accurate - it reports a slew of type conversion errors for fields that are completely consistent and unproblematic, whilst completely overlooking conspicuous errors from text strings in date fields.

I have tried the same import, both procedurally and manually, using all available Excel and text-delimited formats, with the same respective results.I notice that nearly every thread on AWF pertaining to error tables discusses how to delete them, rather than make effective use of them. I suspect this is perhaps why?

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